Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2238 The Darkest Hour

Chapter 2238 The Darkest Hour
The trip to Russia was fruitful, and the most important thing was to strengthen the confidence of the Allied forces in Russia. Now Roque has enough reasons to believe that Russia can win the final victory.

Russia's strength is still very strong, especially its industrial strength, and its performance is surprising.

After the outbreak of the Russo-German War, Russia has been seeking more external support. Rock thought that Russia was really as weak as Britain and France advertised.

Only after I went to Russia did I realize that this is not the case at all.

Take the most basic individual weapon as an example.

Russia is not without good weapons. The ppsh41 submachine gun that Russia has just installed in its troops this year, also known as the Bobosha, has better overall performance than the Nyasaland semi-automatic rifles installed by the southern African army.

There is also the T34 that began to be installed in the army last year. In the first half of this year alone, Russia produced 3700 vehicles.

After the outbreak of the Russo-German War, Russia rapidly increased the production of T34. According to the current speed, the production of T34 may exceed 13000 next year, which is faster than the production of tanks in southern Africa.

"So we can't give Russia too much assistance. This country is a bit scary. The potential of heavy industry production capacity is almost the same as ours. Give Russia enough time. I believe that Russia is more likely to sweep Europe than the Germans." Rock in Red Square While watching the military parade, Yang Smozi was not idle.

Thinking about it now, the reason why the Russian army behaved so miserably during the military parade was mostly pretending to win more free aid.

But Roque had to be fooled. After all, the Allied forces now need Russia to hold back the Germans. It is best to consume Germany alive, and then Southern Africa can get a big deal.

"The trade list Russia gave us is mainly special metals and natural rubber, as well as various light industrial products. Germany's offensive will still have an impact on Russia's industry." Henry is not worried, no matter how strong Russia is, it is impossible Hit the Mediterranean.

"At least until the end of the Moscow campaign, we must continue to maintain the current level of assistance." Roque will not take risks. No matter how potential the Russians have, they have to resist this wave of German attacks.

All eyes are turned north, and Moscow is now attracting the attention of the world.

So far, the war has been extremely unfavorable to Russia.

As early as July, not long after the outbreak of the Russo-German War, the Russian government began to build fortifications in the west of Moscow. At this time, most of the men had been conscripted into the army, and three-quarters of the people who built the fortifications were women.

The amount of work is extremely large, and the first line of defense is called the Vyazma line of defense.Its northernmost point is about [-] miles east of Ostashkov, not far from Valdai Mountain, passing through the area west of Vyazma in the middle, and its southernmost point is south of Kirov. mile.

The first line of defense is called the Mozhiysk line, about 160 miles west of Moscow, from Volokolamsk to Tikhvin, about [-] miles long.

In addition, there were four arcs of defense west of Moscow.

Before the Battle of Kiev was over, Russia deployed troops from Central Asia and the Far East to defend Moscow. At this time, Russia had definite information proving that Japan was about to go south, so Zhukov made the correct judgment.

In order to capture Moscow, Germany formulated the "Typhoon" plan. The main offensive force was the Central Army Group, which captured 50 Russian troops in Minsk. The Southern Army Group joined after the Battle of Kiev. Ningrad, so only armored units and motorized units that are not suitable for street fighting participated in the attack.

At the end of September, the German army officially began to implement the "Typhoon" plan.

Despite the tenacious resistance of the Russian army, the German army successfully broke through the first line of defense, and about 58 Russian soldiers were captured.

On October 10, the Russian army was reorganized. The Western Front and the Reserve Front were combined into a new Western Front, with General Zhukov as the commander; at the same time, the 17nd, 22th, 29th, and 30st right-wing troops of the Western Front were covering Moscow in the northwest direction. The army group was formed as the Kalinin Front Army, with General Konev as the commander.

While the army was being reorganized, the citizens of Moscow were also mobilized. Within 3 days, 25 worker battalions, 12 militia divisions, and 169 street fighting teams were mobilized, and 60 people were mobilized to build three fortifications around Moscow. .

At this time, with the arrival of more aid and the recovery of the wartime economy, weapons and equipment are no longer a problem, but food is increasingly in short supply.

Thanks to the efforts of more than 9 workers, barricades and anti-tank trenches were everywhere in just one week. From mid-September to early October, the anti-tank trenches around Moscow have reached 700 kilometers.

A building next to the intersection, guarded by the squad led by Ivanov.

Ivanov is a veteran who left the army ten years ago and re-enlisted after the outbreak of the war. All his men are recruits. The youngest Sergey is 16 years old.

Fortunately, Russians are generally precocious. 16-year-old Sergey has begun to grow a beard, and he looks similar to a person in his 30s or [-]s.

It was past lunch time, Ivanov was hungry, and the food delivery person hadn't come yet, Sergey was wrapped in a sheepskin coat and curled up in a corner, trying to reduce the heat dissipation as much as possible, and his body was shaking constantly.

Ivanov was worried that Sergei would be sick. What was lacking more than food was medicine. Russia did not lack heavy industry, but what it really lacked was light industrial products.

"Boy, how do you feel?" Ivanov kicked Sergey to make room for himself.

In addition to shaking, the poor people's way of keeping out the cold is also useful.

"I'm fine, I'm fine—" Sergey's voice was trembling.

Ivanov shook his head, took out a flat wine jug from his arms and handed it to Sergey. The CCCP stamp on the jug was eye-catching.

The jug contained vodka, potato vodka from southern Africa.

Sergey opened the bottle cap and took a sip, his eyes lit up immediately.

Resisting the urge to take another sip, Sergei returned the jug to Ivanov, not forgetting to thank him.

"When the last world war broke out, I was only 16 years old like you. I was also in the army at that time, but I didn't take the initiative to join the army. I joined the army instead of the landlord's son. My father and three older brothers were there Sacrifice in the war—" Ivanov's expression was calm, and more than 20 years have passed, and time will dilute everything.

"Did we win?" Sergey was concerned about the outcome of the war.

"No, we didn't win, but we didn't lose either. We withdrew from the war. Although it was not done in a decent way, we built the great country we are now. From this point of view, we are the winners." Ivanov Smile, compared with the era of imperial Russia, at least the current Russian civilians are really turning their heads.

"We will definitely defeat the Germans and win this war." Sergey held Lee Enfield in his arms tightly with confidence.

The Lee Enfield used by Sergey was aided by Southern Africa.

This is not a new gun, there are marks of knives and shrapnel on the wooden stock, but fortunately the barrel is new, probably refurbished second-hand.

This is already very good. Even if Russia has strong heavy industry capabilities, it will not be able to produce enough weapons for millions of troops in a short period of time.

What's more, Russia's factories near the border have been occupied by the German army, and industrial production has been greatly affected. It will take time to reorganize production, and machinery and equipment are needed. This cannot be solved in a day or two.

"If you want to kill the Germans, you have to be stronger than the Germans. The most important thing is to survive. Only by living can you wait for the day of victory." Ivanov seized every opportunity to guide Sergey. The time is too short, and many people have never received military training before enlisting, and they are still far away from becoming qualified soldiers.

It's a pity that there is not enough time to wait for these recruits to grow, so they can only accumulate experience in the flames of war.

"I'll make the Germans pay with their blood!" Sergey is a small man with great ambition, and his hatred for the Germans is palpable.

At this time, there was a sudden noise downstairs, and the food delivery person finally came.

What made Ivanov sad was that today's food was the same as yesterday, only black bread.

And it's black bread mixed with sawdust.

After losing the Battle of Odessa, Russia lost Ukraine, a well-known European granary, and even the army's rations began to have problems.

This winter is really tough.

"Sorry, we only have this now—" Dania, who delivered the meal, looked apologetic.

"It's okay, you can eat it after soaking it in water. You can't be too picky now." Ivanov is not angry, he knows how difficult it is in Russia now.

"But I got some of this—" Dania took out a bottle of medical disinfectant alcohol from her pocket.

Ivanov suddenly smiled.

It doesn't matter if there is no bacon sausage, or no goulash, for Russians, as long as there is alcohol.

Not to mention medical disinfectant alcohol, even industrial alcohol can be drunk with some water.

A dozen people scattered all over the floor gathered around, each of them could only have a small sip of a drink, and the bread was not in unlimited supply, there were only three in the basket, and it took a lot of effort to break them apart.

How to say black bread, it can be used as a weapon in a critical moment.

When I was struggling to eat bread, a plane flew over the building, flying in the direction of the sound of rumbling guns in the distance. Since September, the Russian Air Force has begun to compete with the Germans for air supremacy, and the battle is unprecedentedly tragic.

After a simple dinner, Ivanov and his comrades were resting, waiting for the upcoming battle.

I don't know how long he slept, but Ivanov was awakened by the sound of gunshots getting closer.

The sun hadn't risen yet, and it was so dark that it was impossible to see anything clearly outside the window. Dania hurried over with a basket, which was full.

This time there is not only black bread, but also long-lost sausage and bacon.

Ivanov's comrades were very happy, this is a long-lost meal.

Ivanov felt an ominous atmosphere.

"The Germans have broken through the second line of defense, and you may be attacked by the Germans this afternoon." Dania's face was pale, and she didn't know how much the losses of the Russian army had increased this time.

Although the Russian government has been blocking the news, you don't need to read the battle report. You only need to look at the strength of the Russian government's conscription and the fact that the battle site is getting closer to Moscow to know that the situation on the front line is not good.

Today's food is really rich, not only local Russian delicacies, but also tin cans and paper bag chocolates from southern Africa.

These chocolates are so precious that Ivanov and his comrades are only given a small piece each.

Sergey took a sip, packed up the rest, and said he was going to take it home for his sister after the war was over.

"Boy, you should eat it yourself, I don't know how long the war will last—"

"You can live until the end of the war first—"

Not everyone is as kind as Ivanov.

Or under the shadow of death, everyone is not in the mood to consider the mood of others.

"Don't worry, when the war is over, each of us will have endless chocolate." Ivanov gave half of his chocolate to Sergey.

Sergey didn't accept it, everyone had only one piece, not much.

As described in the oil painting, this is probably the last supper.

The Germans came earlier than expected. Just after noon, the roar of tank engines could be heard in the distance.

"Get ready, let the damn German get a taste of the cocktail—" Ivanov reminded loudly that his subordinates were all recruits, and many of them wouldn't even know what to do if they didn't remind them.

The speed at which the Germans were advancing was difficult.

The entire Workers Avenue is full of barricades, and every house on the side of the road is full of Russians who are not afraid of sacrifice, anti-tank trenches, anti-tank grenades, anti-tank mines, anti-tank guns, even if there are no weapons above, there are still Simple materials can be used to make Molotov cocktails. Even a sturdy tank can't take advantage of it in street battles.

In Ivanov's view, a Russian soldier, wrapped in grenades, jumped from the air directly onto the German tank.

After a loud bang, the German tank was blown up, and the brave Russian soldiers disappeared completely.

In a barricade on the side of the road, a DSHK machine gun is shooting at a No. 500 tank. This machine gun was just equipped with the army two years ago to replace the bulky Maxim. It can penetrate 15 mm thick steel plates within [-] meters.

The armor of the Panzer IV was as thick as 30 mm, which the DSHK could not penetrate.

Against the crazy shooting of DSHK, the Panzer IV aimed at the barricade.

The soldiers in the barricade immediately retreated quickly with their machine guns in hand. Compared with Maxim, DSHK was indeed easier to transfer.

No. [-], who had wiped out the barricade, looked for the next target. He didn't take the risk of rushing in. He stayed outside the safe area, and after destroying all the targets in the shooting range, he proceeded cautiously.

However, the tanker on the [-]th did not notice the wounded soldier in a ruin.

Just as No. [-] passed by the wounded soldier, the wounded soldier blew the explosive pack hidden under his body.

On October 10th, the German army broke into Moscow, and the whole city fell into brutal street fighting. Soldiers on both sides tried their best to kill the enemy, and the Russo-German war entered its darkest moment.

(End of this chapter)

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