Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2256 Mushroom Cloud

Chapter 2256 Mushroom Cloud

After learning that the forward troops of the Guards Division had suffered heavy losses, Nishimura was shocked and angry. He didn't know how to deal with the southern African army.

Unlike all the previous opponents of the Japanese army, the equipment of the southern African army is advanced and luxurious, which is daunting. Ordinary Japanese soldiers were brainwashed by the Japanese government, clamoring to fight to Pretoria in one breath after the war, and kill the southern Africans. They were all wiped out, but the senior Japanese military officers were very sober and had a clear understanding of the power gap between Japan and southern Africa.

The so-called hitting Pretoria was just wishful thinking. Without the cooperation of the combined fleet, the Japanese army would not even be able to break through the Strait of Malacca.

Now Nishimura thinks that the only thing he can rely on is the fighting will of the Japanese soldiers.

The gap in equipment cannot be made up at all. Even if the Japanese army is given enough tanks and armored vehicles, the Japanese army still lacks enough fuel. Originally, the Japanese army wanted to take Borneo as quickly as possible, so that the Japanese army could get the oil fields in Borneo.

Now it is getting farther and farther away from this goal, the Japanese army in the Philippines is progressing smoothly, and the Japanese army on the Malay Peninsula has suffered an unprecedented defeat.

In just two days, the forward troops of the Guards Division launched three attacks on the position of the 19th Division.

The position of the 19th Division, which possesses many automatic weapons, is impregnable. All three Japanese attacks failed, and the troops suffered heavy losses. However, none of the soldiers could break out of the valley. The river beside the mountain road was almost filled with corpses, and the river could not flow through . . .

The Japanese army tried to climb over the mountain ridges to find other roads, but failed in the end. The position chosen by the 19th Division was very ingenious, and there was no way to go around it. There was only one road in front.

Nishimura thought there was nothing he could do, so he went to Renya Mutaguchi in person, hoping that the 18th Division would be the main attacker.

It is useless for anyone to be the main attacker. The roads in the valley are narrow, and the troops cannot be deployed at all. At most, one squadron can be deployed at a time. This is no different from the 19th Division's position with tanks to assist in the defense.

"The fifth division has been wiped out, and our mission has disappeared. Now our mission has become to defend on the spot, and stop thinking about attacking forward." Ren Mutaguchi also looked haggard, and the 18th division could not Breakthrough the 19th Division position.

Unlike the Fifth Division, the Guards Division and the No.18 Division are ordinary troops and are not equipped with armored units.

The fifth division with tanks is still not an opponent of the southern African army, and the guard division and No.18 division have nothing to do.

"Our mission is to penetrate the Strait of Malacca. If we cannot capture the oil fields in Borneo, then we will suffer an irreversible failure." Nishimura Takuma was full of fear. These senior generals will all face a brutal post-war liquidation.

Southern Africans are different from Americans. If the post-war liquidation is dominated by the Americans, then everything can still be negotiated. In business, there are losses and profits.

The Chinese in southern Africa have a blood feud with Japan. If the southern Africans lead the post-war liquidation, it will be the end of the day for the Japanese military.

Mutaguchi Ren also twitched the corner of his mouth and did not speak.

Nishimura thought it was true, everyone understood the truth, but the problem was that it couldn't be done at all.

Regardless of the smooth sailing of the Japanese army now, they are actually facing great dangers. Let alone penetrate Malacca, it is hard to say whether they can even complete the campaign goals set before the Malay Campaign.

"Now we can only pray that the combined fleet can completely annihilate the Changi Squadron, then we still have a chance." Nishimura Takuma pinned all his hopes on the navy.

There are actually problems with this. There is not only one fleet in southern Africa, which eliminated the Changi Squadron, but also the Indian Ocean Fleet.

The Indian Ocean Fleet, the Atlantic Fleet, and countless local shipyards were wiped out.

This is completely different from what the Japanese military estimated before the war.

The Japanese military has a misunderstanding about industrial production. Yamamoto 56 probably believes that in countries with abundant resources such as southern Africa and the United States, it is as difficult to build warships as Japan. It takes several years to build a battleship, and it has to be a national effort.

After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States finally mobilized and launched a huge shipbuilding plan, which could build a combined fleet within a year.

Southern Africa is even more terrifying. It has now become the world's factory and the rear production base of the Allied Forces. While building millions of tons of civilian ships every year, it is also capable of building more tonnage warships. The Indian Ocean Fleet currently has six aircraft carriers in service. , next year is estimated to increase to more than ten ships.

Relatively speaking, Japan's efforts to build "Yamato" and "Mutsu" have been overwhelming, and even the follow-up shipbuilding plan cannot be implemented. The combined fleet is now stretched and the situation is getting more and more serious.

Japan originally planned to build four Yamato-class battleships, but after building two, the Japanese army found that they had reached a dead end. Battleships were no longer the key force that determined the direction of naval warfare, and aircraft carriers were the future.

For a long time, Japan has not paid much attention to aircraft carriers, and has allocated almost all resources to battleships. This is actually the helpless behavior of the Japanese navy. The development of aircraft carriers must at least have suitable carrier-based aircraft, but the best carrier-based aircraft in the world They are all in southern Africa. Even if Japan tries its best to develop aircraft carriers, it will not be able to reach the height of southern Africa.

What if there is a gap?
If it is a southern African, it must be desperately developing and catching up to completely close the gap.

The Japanese are not like this. They choose to ignore the gap and stubbornly build battleships to maintain their so-called maritime superiority. Now they are finally hard to return.

"Before the navy defeats the southern Africans, we have to do our best to prevent the southern Africans from advancing north." Ren Mutaguchi was also very helpless, feeling that there was an unfathomable abyss ahead, and the Japanese were lining up to go down Jumping, Ren Mutaguchi also wanted to stop but couldn't.

It will take time for the United Fleet to reach the battlefield. The Guards Division and the No.18 Division gave up their offense and defended on the spot, and no battle broke out for three consecutive days.

On February 2, after another month of fighting, the last remnant of the Fifth Division was annihilated, and the fighting south of Jinma ended.

The Australian Eighth Division successfully completed its mission and avenged the annihilation of the Z Fleet. Henry Kelsen received a Victoria Cross. This was the most glorious victory Britain has won since the outbreak of the war.

Henry Kelsen was not satisfied, and immediately led his troops to rendezvous with the 19th Division after annihilating the Fifth Division, hoping to achieve more results.

"Don't you need to rest?" Ford was a little worried about the state of Henry Kelsen. His eyes were bloodshot, his beard had not been shaved for several days, and his hair was not in the mood to take care of it. He changed from a glamorous gentleman to a Rough old soldier.

The current Japanese army is still very effective. The process of the Eighth Division clearing out the remnants of the Fifth Division was not smooth. Many Japanese soldiers who were desperate to fight to the end still caused some casualties to the Eighth Division.

"No, the Japanese are beasts, and we have to be extra careful." Henry Kelsen looked forward to another annihilation battle, and it was best to wipe out the 25th Army.

"Don't worry, no ferocious beast can escape the guns of a good hunter." Ford was confident, and An Qi was preparing to land in Kuala Lumpur, completely cutting off the retreat of the Guards Division and the 18th Division.

Angie was not idle during this time.

Kuala Lumpur is located in the middle of the Malay Peninsula, on the brink of the Strait of Malacca, across the strait is the East Indian island of Sumatra.

As the center of British rule in Malaya, Kuala Lumpur has a unique geographical location and rapid economic development. The city's size and status are second only to the Lion City in the Malay Peninsula.

After the Japanese army occupied Kuala Lumpur, they levied violent taxes on the local residents. They not only massacred thousands of Chinese, but also forcibly conscripted Indians to Burma to build the railway. It was easier for the Japanese army to provide air cover for the Japanese army through the Kuala Lumpur airport. Preparations began for the attack on Kuala Lumpur.

After regaining Kuala Lumpur, the retreat of the Guards Division and the 18th Division will be cut off. Nishimura Takuma and Kishou Mutaguchi can only jump into the sea and swim back if they want to escape.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Angie ordered the [-]nd and [-]th Brigade of the Marine Corps to land on the beach as the first attack force. The Changi Squadron provided logistical support and sea assistance for the landing force, and the air cover was in charge of the Army Aviation.

Kuala Lumpur is 330 kilometers away from Changi Naval Base and only 120 kilometers away from Sumatra Island on the other side of the strait. The Southern African Army Air Force has a field airport in Sumatra Island. The Air Force's "Cheetah" fighter jets take off from Sumatra Island and it only takes 15 minutes to reach Kuala Lumpur.

The Japanese army tried their best to get the oil in Southeast Asia. All the fighters participating in the attack on the Malay Peninsula were "Zero" fighters. The fuselage structure can provide better protection for the pilot, stronger survivability, and stronger firepower.

In order to improve performance, the "Zero Type" has been reduced to the extreme. Once it is hit by a "Cheetah", it will probably explode directly.

In the battle with the British and Americans, the "Zero" still has a certain advantage.

When fighting against the Southern African Air Force, the advantages of the "Zero" are not outstanding, and the disadvantages are infinitely magnified. As long as the pilots of the "Cheetah" design suitable tactics for the performance defects of the "Zero", as long as the "Zero" dares to take off , basically there is no return.

What's more, "Cheetah" also has a numerical advantage.

On February 2, 18 "Sky Fortresses" took off from the field airport in Sumatra, and flew to Kuala Lumpur under the escort of the same number of "Cheetahs", attacking Kuala Lumpur Airport.

The Japanese army did not have radar and could only rely on visual observation.

On this day, the clouds were so dense that both the "Cheetah" and the "Sky Fortress" flew at altitudes exceeding [-] meters, and ground observers could not see them at all. When the "Sky Fortress" flew over Kuala Lumpur, the Japanese were unprepared.

The bombers on the "Sky Fortress" dropped all kinds of aerial bombs almost without interference. On some aerial bombs, there were "blessings" written by the ground crew. The content cannot be written here. will become a star.

At a distance of more than 100 kilometers, the "air fortress" can carry more than ten tons of ammunition. One "air fortress" is enough to destroy the Kuala Lumpur airport, let alone 24.

The Japanese army on the ground was actually prepared. The airport defense force was even equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns. These anti-aircraft weapons were seized by the Japanese army from the British army, and most of them were produced in southern Africa. They were easily given to the Japanese by the British and Indian troops. Now It was used by the Japanese to deal with the Southern African Air Force. The Japanese should really thank the British.

The problem is that anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns do not have enough range to pose a threat to the "sky fortress".

The pilots of the "Sky Fortress" were very happy. They dropped bombs outside the range of the anti-aircraft weapons. The mission was easier than the training. The airport was soon shrouded in flames and smoke. Curry's "Zero" was not spared either. Southern Africa had already obtained the floor plan of Kuala Lumpur Airport. It had conducted many drills before the attack and was very familiar with Kuala Lumpur Airport.

Due to production constraints, the number of "Zero" is not many, and the pilots must be the elite of the elite.

There is still a Type Zero that can forcefully take off in an overwhelming attack.

These "Zeros" that took off sporadically are simply unexpected surprises for the idle "Cheetah".

Dealing with the "Zero" is actually very simple. The mobility of the "Zero" is similar to that of the "Cheetah", and the ability to dive is far worse.

The "Cheetah" pilots took advantage of this to launch an attack on the "Zero", using a high-speed dive and hit-and-run method to avoid entanglement with the "Zero" at low altitudes, and the effect was very good.

This is not the first battle between the "Cheetah" and the "Zero". After the start of the Malay campaign, the "Cheetah" and the "Zero" have encountered each other many times, and each time ended in a fiasco for the "Zero".

With the fruitful results, there are already 3 more ace pilots in the Indian Ocean theater.

After this battle, the fourth one appeared. Nicholas, the captain of the 156th Aviation Brigade, shot down two "Zeros" in this battle and was officially promoted to an ace pilot.

When the "Cheetah" was besieging the "Zero", the "Sky Fortress" was clearing the combat targets one by one according to the predetermined attack plan.

In addition to attacking runways and hangars, the most important target of the "Sky Fortress" is the oil depot.

For Japan, oil is the most important.

The UK has no shortage of fuel from southern Africa, and there is about 10 tons of high-quality aviation fuel stored at Kuala Lumpur Airport.

If the Japanese army did not massacre the Chinese after occupying Kuala Lumpur, then An Qi would have restrained herself when formulating the battle plan.

There is no need to worry about this problem now. In less than a month, all the Chinese in Kuala Lumpur have been killed, and An Qi has no psychological obstacles in making a plan.

Once [-] tons of aviation fuel is detonated, less than half of Kuala Lumpur will be directly destroyed.

A dive bomber that arrived at the airport later dropped a 500kg aerial bomb precisely on the oil depot. After an earth-shattering explosion, a terrifying crater appeared on the ground, and a mushroom cloud rose faintly in the sky. Ten kilometers away can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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