Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2261 No matter how advanced the equipment is, it is useless

Chapter 2261 No matter how advanced the equipment is, it is useless

Sneaking into the dock through the sewer, the combat team successfully obtained the propeller hidden under the water surface, which is another product of the Nikolai Research Institute.

Unlike the Italians' man-operated torpedoes, the combat team uses better-performing underwater propellers, which are much smaller than the Italians' man-operated torpedoes, but have more advanced performance.

The Italian man-operated torpedo is called "Pigpi". When approaching the target, the diving driver controls the separation of the explosive part and the torpedo, places the explosive part on the target, and then drives the torpedo to evacuate. .

The underwater propeller in southern Africa is called "seal", and the name is much better than the Italian "pig".

The essence of the "pig" is a miniature submarine.

Compared with the "pig", the "seal" cancels the cockpit and uses handles that can be grasped by personnel. After installing the underwater propulsion motor specially developed by the Nikola Institute, it can travel 11 kilometers at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour , At the same time, the "seal" is smaller than the "pig", which reduces the probability of being discovered and makes it easier for operators to evacuate after completing their tasks.

Just after the Italian Navy used the "Pig" to severely damage the Mediterranean Fleet, all countries began research on man-operated torpedoes.

After the "Elizabeth" and "Warrior" were sunk, the British captured three "pigs" used by frogmen of the Italian navy, and then developed the British "chariot" torpedo based on the "pigs" and put it into actual combat.

However, the British were out of luck. In another time and space, the "chariots" had been dispatched many times with little record, and the Italians failed to reproduce the glory of the attack on Alexandria.

Since the effect of man-operated torpedoes is so good, the Japanese soon joined the research team.

Unlike the European man-operated torpedoes, the man-operated torpedoes developed by Japan have Japanese characteristics. There is no return device on the torpedo for the evacuation of personnel. It is a standard suicide torpedo.

Japanese suicide torpedoes fared worse than British tanks.

British "chariots" were occasionally captured, and Japanese suicide torpedoes did not pose a threat to the US military with strong anti-submarine capabilities. They did not sink any Allied ships until the end of the war.

This is the first time a Southern African "seal" has performed a mission.

The heavy rain still had an impact on the Japanese army. The defense in the port was very lax, and there were no patrol boats. There were Japanese soldiers guarding the pier. At this time, it was very windy and windy, and they did not notice the invasion of the "seals" at all.

For the combat ships of the United Fleet, the operators are already familiar with it. Yang Hanlin manipulated the No. [-] boat to the side of the "Akagi" that was parked at the berth. This is the largest aircraft carrier in the Japanese army.

The "Akagi" was refitted with the battleship of the same name. In 38, the Japanese Navy remodeled the "Akagi", canceling the two 2mm twin-mounted artillery on the middle deck, adding more anti-aircraft weapons, and canceling the middle and lower decks. The upper deck was converted into a full-pass type, and the modified "Akagi" increased the aircraft carrying capacity from the previous 200 to 60 aircraft.

The hull of the "Akagi" is a battleship standard, and the thickness of the underwater armor belt is much thicker than that of an aircraft carrier. If explosives are placed in the thickest armor below the waterline, it is estimated that the armor belt cannot be penetrated. After all, the "seal" carries explosives, much less than a real torpedo.

Yang Hanlin is very familiar with the structure of "Chicheng", and knows that the weak point of "Chicheng" is at the center keel at the bottom.

After installing the explosives on the "Akagi", Yang Hanlin did not forget to turn on the timer to set the time. At this time, Thomas had already installed another bomb on the "Canglong", and the mission went so smoothly that it is unbelievable.

Half an hour after the "seals" evacuated, the bombs installed on "Akagi" and "Cangryu" detonated smoothly, and the two powerful aircraft carriers all sank.

The Japanese have to thank that the port of Manila is not too deep. The two aircraft carriers have not completely sunk. They should still be usable after repairs. fighting power.

The loss of "Akagi" and "Canglong" is a huge blow to the United Fleet.

The United Fleet carried a total of four aircraft carriers this time, and now the decisive battle has not yet begun, and half of the four aircraft carriers have been lost. The plan formulated by Yamamoto 56 before the war completely failed.

In Yamamoto 56's plan, the main forces of the United Fleet will come out to find the main force of the Indian Ocean Fleet for a decisive battle. If they cannot find it, the United Fleet will attack Changi Naval Base.

Yamamoto 56 is very clear that southern Africa has a strong aviation force, even if the combined fleet goes all out, it may not be able to gain battlefield air supremacy.

Now this hope has been completely dashed. The already relatively weak aviation force has lost half of it before the war. The combined fleet now only has 160 aircraft to dispatch, and Southern Africa has more than 800 aircraft deployed at the Changi Naval Base. In addition to naval aviation, there are army aviation units.

This battle seems to be impossible to fight. If there is no air power protection, the fleet will rashly enter the combat range of the southern African aviation force, and it will be attacked by torpedo planes and bombers in southern Africa. Don't forget that there are elusive submarines under the water. The Japanese army has not yet figured out how the southern Africans sank the "Akagi" and "Canglong".

When the Italians sneaked into Alexandria, they did not install the bomb on the hull of the British battleship at all, but threw the bomb under the British battleship, and then all the Italian Navy operators were captured, and the three "pigs" were all captured. Captured by the British.

The attack on Manila in southern Africa was a great success, and the operatives evacuated smoothly after planting the bombs, without giving the Japanese any chance.

Because the operatives sneaked into the port from the direction of downtown Manila, the Japanese have not found any traces of sneaking up to now.

Yamamoto 56 is now in a dilemma.

It is not wise to continue to advance to the Changi Naval Base. The southern Africans are waiting for work. The Changi Naval Base is protected by countless islands. The combined fleet insists on going south, and the end may be the same as the British Z Fleet.

The Z Fleet was wiped out because of the loss of air protection.

Returning to the Japanese mainland is not enough, let alone the Japanese army that is still fighting on the Malay Peninsula in desperate need of assistance. If the United Fleet retreats like this, it will not be able to explain to the Japanese government and the opposition. Japan is looking forward to the United Fleet from top to bottom. What about the glorious victory of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

This is wishful thinking at all. Sneak attacks are a must. The pigs of the Italian Navy successfully attacked Alexandria, but they have experienced many failures before that. The two Italian ships carrying "pigs" were discovered by the Royal Navy. was sunk directly.

For a fleet of the size of the United Fleet, the attack on Pearl Harbor itself is already a miracle. If the attack on the Changi Naval Base is successful, then all the generals in the Indian Ocean theater, including An Qi, can retire. This kind of mistake is unforgivable .

Going forward, the victory is slim, and there is a high probability that they will not win. It is okay to lose both sides. If there is a heavy loss, it will be the end for the United Fleet and the Japanese government.

If you don’t fight, you can’t do it. Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese government and the Japanese people have cut down on food and clothing to have the current combined fleet. The performance of the combined fleet has brought countless pride and pride to the Japanese, and it has also greatly contributed to Japan. People's ambitions have convinced Japan from top to bottom that Japan will not fail.

This sounds a bit blind, but it's normal.

Since the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, Japan has never failed. This is a miracle for Japan. After all, even the United States suffered an unprecedented defeat in Brazil, but the Japanese army was invincible. This is the courage of Japan to dare to fight against the United States.

Yamamoto 56 knows his own family affairs. Japan has been smooth sailing for decades, but there is a huge danger hidden under the surface.

For countries like the United States and southern Africa, one or two failures will not hurt the bones. The combined fleet attacked Pearl Harbor and sank and damaged 12 American battleships. The United States can make up for it all within a year and replace it with Japan. Woolen cloth?

Needless to say all, Japan originally planned to build four "Yamato" class battleships, but only two were built with all the efforts of the country. Now, for the United Fleet, the loss of any warship cannot make up for it.

Southern Africa is scarier than America.

After the outbreak of World War II, southern Africa has become the logistics base of the Allied Forces.

Compared with the United Fleet, the air power of the Changi Naval Base has an absolute advantage, but for the southern African military, the importance of the Changi Naval Base is not even comparable to that of Cyprus. No matter how well the British fight in North Africa How miserable, southern Africa can transport more tanks and planes to North Africa in a very short period of time.

So Rommel was not wronged. What he faced was an undead monster. He could be resurrected with full blood every time, and he would be stronger than before. After countless failures, the British Eighth Army had already accumulated rich With more experience, new recruits have become veterans, and officers are becoming more and more familiar with the command of armored forces. The North African campaign is not far from the end.

With such a big gap, many Japanese still firmly believe that the Japanese army is invincible, even if they single out the whole world, they can win the final victory.

Yamamoto 56 dare not think so. He is now worrying about how to make up for the impact of the absence of "Akagi" and "Cangryu". Until this problem is resolved, Yamamoto 56 will not take another step south.

Even if the base camp exerts pressure, Yamamoto 56 will not give in, at worst, resign, whoever wants to take over this mess.

While the combined fleet stopped in Manila, the battle in the Malay Peninsula was still going on.

After being surrounded, the Guards Division and the 18th Division broke out astonishing combat effectiveness in a desperate situation. The advance of the Allied forces was very difficult, and every step required a huge price.

The Japanese's counterattack was crazy. When the weapons and equipment were far from being able to compete with the Allied forces, they made full use of the complex terrain of the Malay Peninsula and the Allied forces.

The weakness of the "Leopard" tank has finally emerged. The weight of more than 40 tons is not suitable for fighting in the tropical rainforest of the Malay Peninsula. On the contrary, the lighter "Clouded Leopard" tank performed better. A battle on March 3 In the middle, the 1st Battalion of the 19nd Regiment of the 2th Division was surrounded by the Guards Division. The reinforcements of the 19th Division equipped with "Leopard" tanks moved slowly. Fortunately, the reinforcements of the [-]th East India Division arrived in time to repel the Japanese siege .

The high-level commanders of the Japanese army often made strategic mistakes, but the quality of the grassroots commanders was very high.

When fighting, the Japanese army often used small-scale troops to infiltrate and intersperse, take advantage of the cover of night to attack the joint of the Allied forces, and divide and encircle the Allied forces to fight tenaciously.

This method works very well when facing armies with similar equipment levels.

It didn't work out well for the Southern African armies, which were heavily armed with automatic weapons and had strong air support.

The battle on March 3 is the best proof. At that time, the Japanese army surrounded the first battalion with more than 1 people, and the first battalion had less than 2000 people.

After being surrounded, the commander of the first battalion was not in a hurry, ordered the troops to hold on to the spot, and quickly called for air support.

The Southern African Air Force is very powerful. While attacking the Japanese army, it also dropped supplies to the surrounded battalion. The first battalion caused huge damage to the attacking Japanese army with its dense automatic weapons. The battle lasted for two days and one night. The Japanese army lost more than 1300 People, but failed to break through the defense line of the first battalion.

After the arrival of the East Indian troops who came to support them, the Japanese retreated, with less than [-] casualties in the first battalion.

At this time, the "Leopard" tanks equipped by the 19th Division were still trying to cross the river 50 kilometers away from the first battalion.

The river is not wide, and the current is not too fast, but the river is deep and a pontoon bridge must be built.

Building a pontoon bridge requires professional pontoon troops, which are only available at Changi Naval Base. When the pontoon troops received the order, the Japanese attack had already been repelled.

Even if the "Leopard" arrives in time, it cannot be careless in the face of the Japanese army.

The Japanese army was unable to fight against the "Leopard" type using conventional methods, and the extreme and narrow-mindedness in their bones quickly emerged.

What if the grenade can't open the "Leopard" armor?
Then use explosives, human explosives. For the Japanese army, it is very cost-effective for a soldier to add an explosives to replace a "Leopard" tank.

The Southern African "Leopard" type is accompanied by infantry when it is dispatched. This is a lesson learned in blood. During the last world war, if the armored troops were dispatched without infantry, most of them would suffer heavy losses.

Southern Africa is too experienced in the use of armored forces to make common sense mistakes.

The generals of the East India and the United Kingdom have to learn, especially the British. In a battle on March 3, a tank company of the British and Indian troops fought without infantry. As a result, all 3 tanks were destroyed by the Japanese army. The human bomb exploded.

Angie was very angry. All the tanks of the British and Indian troops were aided by southern Africa, but they were not trusted. The British and Indian troops were equipped with more advanced weapons, but their performance on the battlefield was still unbearable. This is not a matter of whether the equipment is advanced The problem is that it is useless if people are not equipped with advanced equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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