Chapter 2263

When the British Empire was in full swing, commercial problems were all solved in commercial ways.

What if it cannot be resolved in a commercial way?
Then resort to force, with the bible in one hand and a sword in the other.

The British Empire also wants to do this now, but it is already unable to do what it wants. If it is India, the British Empire can be tougher. Facing southern Africa, Parcival can only take care of the overall situation.

Regardless of the overall situation, London does not want to affect the relationship between the United Kingdom and southern Africa because of a small Johor.

However, this situation in Johor must not spread. It will cause Britain to lose the entire Malay Peninsula and further shake the already precarious colonial empire.

Therefore, the London War Department sent a stern telegram to Parcival, asking Parcival to take the initiative to play a greater role in the war against Japan, and to safeguard the interests of the British Empire as much as possible.

This order made Parcival very uncomfortable.

In the previous phase of operations, the British and Indian troops had proved to be an embarrassing task.

However, local orders had to be implemented. The Indian Sixth Division was ordered to go out and left Lion City on the same day as the Southern African 31st Division.

The 31st Division of Southern Africa arrived in the Far East in February. After a month of repairs, the 2st Division of Southern Africa was ordered to join the encirclement and suppression of the Japanese Guards Division and the remnants of the 31th Division.

Just three days ago, after five days of fierce fighting, Lieutenant General Nishimura Takumo, the head of the Guards Division, was breached in the mountains near Bakou. Nishimura committed suicide by cutting himself open before the headquarters was breached. His adjutant assisted cut off his head.

This battle was carried out jointly by the 19th and 8th Divisions of the East India. The 6th Division of Southern Africa, the [-]th Division of Australia, and the [-]th Division of the East India, which had shown great prowess in the previous stage of the battle, had withdrawn to the rear to rest.

Nishimura thought that although Nishimura committed suicide, the remnants of the Guards Division were still stubbornly resisting. They actually wanted to surrender, but the southern Africans did not accept it. An Qi ordered before leaving the Changi Naval Base: All Japanese who participated in the war against China People can be executed without trial. .

When this order was executed, it became that all Japanese soldiers who set foot on the land in the Far East were judged guilty.

Then it developed that all Japanese soldiers were guilty.

It is impossible to distinguish carefully. The 18th Division of the Japanese Army in the encirclement and the [-]th Division that has been completely wiped out have participated in the Nanjing Massacre. Each of them is guilty and does not need a trial.

On another space-time network, someone asked why the Germans could be forgiven, but the Japanese could not.

Someone answered very well, because the Germans did not directly hurt the Chinese, so the Germans can forgive them.

But if you go to Russia or Poland to ask this question, then they will naturally forgive the Japanese, and they will never forgive the Germans.

The two troops went out of the city at the same time, and the contrast was sharp.

The 31st Division of Southern Africa is a force formed mainly by Cape people. This force received complete training in Cape Town for up to six months before coming to the Far East.

Like other infantry divisions in southern Africa, the 31st Division is an infantry division in name, but is actually equipped with an armored regiment, with a total of about 1500 tanks, armored vehicles and other vehicles.

This configuration is normal. The southern African army is equipped with too many automatic weapons. It is unrealistic to rely on manpower for logistics transportation. Even mules and horses cannot keep up, so the proportion of cars is very high.

Since cars are used to transport ammunition, cars must be used for infantry transfers. Otherwise, the speed of the transport battalion is faster than that of the main combat troops, and it will be a big joke.

It's okay at Changi Naval Base, the road is flat and wide, suitable for cars.

Compared with the Changi Naval Base, the road traffic conditions in the Lion City are much worse. The roads are relatively narrow, and some road sections are in disrepair for a long time. This is the fault of the Straits Settlements.

At least there are still roads in the Lion City. There are no decent roads to leave the Lion City. The narrow roads are occupied by the tanks and cars of the 31st Division, and the Indian Sixth Division can only give way.

Compared with the southern African army, the Indian infantry division is a pure infantry division. The vehicles aided by southern Africa are only eligible for use by officers and artillery, and the infantry marches on two legs.

Scott from Southampton was very depressed looking at the various vehicles that could not be seen at a glance. They were also Allied forces, and the gap in equipment was too great.

Time came to 1942, and the vehicles of the southern African army were further specialized. Half-ton pickups or two-ton trucks were used to transport infantry, one-ton trailers were used to transport supplies, and heavier four-ton trucks were used to tow heavy artillery. , The reconnaissance unit is also equipped with armored vehicles with certain defensive capabilities, and small, flexible and easy-to-use three-wheeled motorcycles.

The 31st Division has a full staff of 18000 people, and 1500 vehicles can be loaded at one time, so none of the southern African soldiers are on foot.

The road after leaving the Lion City has not been hardened. When the car was speeding on the road, a lot of dust was raised. Scott wanted to swear, but was stuffed with dirt, and immediately jumped into the next field to stay away from the road.

Scott, who is British, can rant about the immorality of the Southern African Autotroopers.

The Indian soldiers who were surrounded by dust but did not dare to leave the road did not dare to scold. They looked at the southern African soldiers sitting in the car with envious eyes, and they were different from each other.

"Don't you want to say something?" Scott looked very depressed. Compared with southern Africa, the British and Indian troops are simply beggars.

When did the mighty British Empire degenerate to what it is today?
"I don't want to say it, I want to scold someone, but I don't know who to scold." William from London is even more depressed. He has a good relationship with Scott, and both of them graduated from the Royal Sandhurst Military Academy.

William was right. The fall of the British Empire is the responsibility of all British people, including William and Scott.

Britain spends tens of millions of pounds a year on its military, most of which is spent on the navy, while the air force spends all its money, and there is very little left in the army.

Even within the British army, the Indian army is a third-line army. The best equipped is the British homeland army, and the second-line troops such as Australia and Canada are almost the same. The Indian army has the largest number of people, but the worst equipment. It is not bad to give one person a gun. up.

"I have a hunch that when the war is over, we will lose the Far East." Scott now misses the Victorian British Empire very much.

"We don't need to wait for the end of the war. We lost the Far East after the end of the last world war." William dared to face the reality. The contrast between the two armies was too stark, so he didn't need to put gold on his face.

"Well, this is the loss of the British Empire and has nothing to do with us." Scott wants to retire now, and he doesn't need the Malays to drive him away. After the war, Scott will definitely leave the Malay Peninsula.

It is not necessary to return to the UK. Australia is still a Commonwealth country, and it is not bad to go to southern Africa. Compared with the current British Empire, southern Africa has a better future.

Too many vehicles is not good. A half-ton pickup suddenly broke down and the vehicle behind it was too fast to avoid a collision. A soldier on a half-ton pickup suffered a head injury.

The entire convoy stopped immediately. The experienced sergeant major on the pickup truck opened the medical kit he carried with him, stopped the bleeding first and then bandaged it.

The equipment of soldiers in southern Africa is indeed very enviable. There are painkillers in the sergeant major's medical bag. This thing is very expensive, but the sergeant major does not feel distressed when using it.

William and Scott's expressions were numb. The painkillers used by the British army were also produced in southern Africa, but the quantity was not large. Only officers in the British and Indian troops were qualified to use them.

And it has to be in the case of a serious injury, and the minor injury can be tolerated.

As for the Indian soldiers—

Not to mention, because the way is not humane.

The wounded soldier’s injuries looked horrific, but they were actually not that serious. When the sergeant major bandaged the wound, he was still in the mood to joke with the sergeant major, asking him if this was considered an injury and whether he was eligible for a medal.

Southern African servicemen are eligible for the medal as long as they are wounded in combat, whether in combat or not.

"Yes, of course, congratulations, you have qualified to go to the hospital to rest, there are hot young girls there, but you have to be careful not to tease those Chinese girls, otherwise they will be very unprofessional when they inject you , even the head nurse.” The sergeant major is indeed experienced.

"I have already said that I have a girlfriend and we will get married after the war is over." The wounded soldier blushed.

"Come on, Joe, I don't care about you at all, will you ask my dear to agree to—"

"It will definitely be in the dream, go back to sleep, there is everything in the dream-"

"Brother, I will introduce my sister to you later, she is a good girl who is one in a hundred."

The other southern African soldiers ridiculed one after another, and the one who was willing to help introduce his sister was the driver of the car behind, with a guilty expression on his face.

But looking at his exuberant body hair and bear-like figure, this gene does not meet the aesthetics of most southern Africans.

"Brother, you earned it. I know Alexander's younger sister. She weighed more than 12 catties when she was [-] years old."

Some familiar soldiers immediately laughed.

"Shut up Sergey, the girls chasing my sister can line up for a kilometer." Alexander was furious. Every brother would not allow others to slander his sister.

Even if what Sergey said is true.

The sergeant major quickly bandaged the wound and washed the blood on his face with water. Alexander's eyes lit up immediately, and he was more satisfied with the brother-in-law who had already made an appointment.

Girls always want to get married. Instead of marrying a stranger who pops out of nowhere, it's better to pick someone who is pleasing to the eye.

But Alexander didn't have a chance to continue introducing his sister. An ambulance, Ula-Ula, with a red cross painted on its body and a horn hanging on the roof, drove over. Two strong nurses jumped out of the car and carried the wounded soldier to the car.

Seeing that the nurse has a figure similar to that of Alexander, this hot figure is completely out of tune.

The ambulance is also converted from a half-ton pickup truck. This kind of pickup truck has a wide range of functions. There are seats in the compartment, which can transport soldiers and load supplies. Many southern African military officers also like to use pickup trucks as their work during combat. car.

The ambulance made a difficult U-turn on the road and headed towards Ula Ula, Changi Naval Base.

The convoy on the road started to move again, and the small episode did not affect the mood of the soldiers, and no one regarded it as a sign of a bad start. The southern African soldiers would vent their anger on the Japanese.

At the same time that the 31st Division was on the battlefield, officers and soldiers of the 200th East India Division in Gambier, 7 kilometers away, were fighting with the remnants of the 18th Division.

The Guards Division and the 18th Division did not stay in place and wait to die after being surrounded, but tried to escape the encirclement in various ways.

This is not easy. The traffic conditions in the Malay Peninsula are very bad, especially in the inland areas. If you want to jump out of the encirclement, you have to fight a bloody road in the jungle. This is more difficult than the death march of the US-Philippines in Bataan.

There are no roads in the jungle, but when there are more people walking, there are roads.

This is a road paved with corpses of Japanese soldiers. Every step they take, the Japanese army has to pay a heavy price.


In the jungle, the sound of gunfire does not travel too far, and the sound is not loud. If you shoot dozens of steps away, you can't even see people.

Hand grenades are severely restricted in this environment. If thrown out, they may bounce back when they hit a tree branch. The Japanese army would install booby traps when retreating, and they would step on them if they were not careful. The 7th Division also fought very hard.

"Bazooka, bring the bazooka over here—" Second Lieutenant Li Jiaxin from Borneo was very angry. In order to conquer a Japanese machine gun position, Li Jiaxin's men had already killed three people.

In order to cover the retreat of the main force, the 18th Division of the Japanese Army cut off its tail to survive. The Japanese soldiers who stayed behind to snipe were determined to die and had a tenacious will to resist.

The equipment of the 7th Division of the East India was first-class. Tanks and armored vehicles were severely restricted in the jungle and could not exert their full combat effectiveness. On the contrary, rocket launchers and super revolvers were the best to deal with the Japanese army.

Soldiers with rocket launchers fired under the cover of general-purpose machine guns.

The rocket flew towards the target with a dazzling tail flame. After the violent explosion, the East Indian soldiers rushed up before the smoke cleared. Shotguns and pistols were the best to use at this time. Was shot dead.

What made Li Jiaxin angry was that a rocket with a price of up to 50 rand only killed four Japanese soldiers, which made Li Jiaxin feel a blood loss.

But Li Jiaxin is not distressed.

In the afternoon, the company led by Li Jiaxin passed through a village that had been completely burned down by the Japanese army, and all the food was looted.

When East Indian soldiers made a thorough search of the village, they found about a hundred dead bodies in a clearing behind the village.

The corpses were stacked on top of each other regardless of gender, age or age. The height of the pile on the ground was more than one meter. All the women were naked. They were obviously violated before they died.

Li Jiaxin did not order the body to be buried, this has to be dealt with after the photographers record it.

Didn't the Japanese government criticize the cruel treatment of prisoners of war in southern Africa all day long, so let the whole world see what the Japanese army did in the occupied areas.

(End of this chapter)

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