Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2265 Unlucky Battle of 96 Ships

Chapter 2265 Unlucky Battle of 96 Ships
The advantage of the "Super Sky Fortress" is not only the flying height, but also the speed compared with the Zero Type. The fastest speed exceeds 533 kilometers, and the Type Zero pilot can't catch up even if he vomits blood.

Just as the Air Force was preparing to send bombers to attack Tokyo, the Southern African Air Force was frequently fighting Japanese Zero fighters off the coast of the Philippines.

The United Fleet is stationed in Manila, only 1000 kilometers away from the northernmost field airport on Kalimantan Island. This is already within the combat radius of the Southern African Air Force. Can pose a threat to Manila's combined fleet.

Compared with the "Cheetah", the "Zero" has a range of only 2200 kilometers. If the auxiliary fuel tank is installed, the range will exceed 3000 kilometers. It can fly directly from Manila to the Changi Naval Base, and it can also pose a threat to the Changi Naval Base.

The battle was very fierce, Japan's "Zero" limited production capacity was not large, and the Southern African Air Force was well prepared, and there were a large number of pilots who had experienced the British air battle, including more than 40 ace pilots.

During the seven-month Battle of Britain, the Germans lost 1977 fighters and the Allies lost 1744 fighters.

Frequent air battles have produced many ace pilots, and there are nearly a hundred of them in the Southern African Air Force.

More over there in Germany.

According to data released by Germany, a total of 140 ace pilots emerged during the British air battle. The most ace pilots shot down 52 Allied fighters, and each ace pilot shot down 15 Allied fighters on average.

This data is a bit ridiculous. The Allied forces lost a total of 1744 aircraft during the British air battle. The German ace pilots alone shot down 2100 aircraft. Where did the extra 300 aircraft come from?

The Japanese Air Force had not been truly tested since the outbreak of the war.

Pearl Harbor took advantage of the shameless sneak attack that the Americans were not prepared for. It was not a test at all, and no matter how brilliant the record was, it was useless.

Now the real test is coming. Since February, the Southern African Air Force and the Japanese Air Force have begun air battles in Manila and the Philippines. From the sporadic battles at the beginning, to the frequent confrontations after the joint fleet entered Manila. .

On February 2, after the Japanese army occupied Manila, six Japanese Type 17 carrier-based fighter jets flew to Palawan Island, Philippines for reconnaissance, and encountered four Southern African Air Force "Cheetahs" patrolling, and the air battle broke out immediately.

The Type 96 carrier-based fighter flew for the first time in 1935 and participated in the invasion of China. At that time, it had almost no opponents.

Compared with the "Cheetah" in southern Africa, the performance of the 96 ship battle is seriously behind. The range of this aircraft is only 1200 kilometers. The armament system is two 7.7 mm aviation machine guns. The empty weight of the whole aircraft is only 1216 kg. The strength is also insufficient, and the legs are still short, so he can only bully weaker opponents in the East Asian battlefield.

The armament system of the "Cheetah" is two 20mm machine guns and four 12.7mm machine guns, and its firepower is more than one level higher than that of the 96 warships.

The four "Cheetah" pilots have all experienced the test of the Great Britain Air Battle, and there is also an ace pilot. Although there are more 96 ship battles, the battle is over soon. All 6 96 ship battles were shot down, "Cheetah "No damage.

Southern Africa could sit back and watch the Japanese occupy Manila, but not Palawan.

Once the Japanese army occupies Palawan Island and builds a field airport on Palawan Island, Japanese bombers take off from Palawan Island and can directly threaten the Changi Naval Base.

It doesn't matter that the Type Zero can fly to Changi Naval Base, but if you add auxiliary fuel tanks, you can't carry bombs, and even if you fly to Changi Naval Base, you don't have ground attack capability.

Japan's bomber technology is also not good. It performed well in the East Asian battlefield because its opponents were weaker. There were not many light bombers and medium bombers, and there were no heavy bombers at all. Flying to Changi Naval Base without fighter protection is equivalent to giving Southern African pilots give away heads.

During the US rule period, Palawan Island frequently rebelled. Until the outbreak of World War II, the United States did not completely conquer Palawan Island, and there were still rebels on the island.

After the outbreak of World War II, the strength of the rebel forces on Palawan Island increased again. After the Japanese army captured Manila, they tried to attack Palawan Island, but ended in disastrous failure.

The Japanese don't even think about who supports the rebels on Palawan Island. Even the Americans have suffered in Palawan Island. The Japanese have no ability to land on Palawan Island. The Japanese army is in the Malay Peninsula. The landing experience accumulated with the Philippines is not good for facing the rebels on Palawan Island.

Oh, now the Palawan Island Rebel Army has been renamed the Palawan Autonomous Army and does not accept the rule of the US-Philippine government.

On February 2, 25 36 warships flew to Palawan Island again.

The Southern African Air Force sent 32 "Cheetahs" to fight. This time, the number of 96 ships is still dominant, but the result of the battle has not changed, and the "Cheetahs" still ended in a complete victory.

All 36 96 warships dispatched by the Japanese army were shot down. There was only one "Cheetah" in southern Africa because the fuel tank was punctured and fuel leaked, resulting in insufficient fuel and had to make an emergency landing at sea when returning to the base. rescued.

The result is amazing.

If it is a "Cheetah", then after hitting the enemy's fuel tank, it will definitely detonate the fuel in the opponent's fuel tank, just wait and watch the fireworks.

The 96mm aviation machine gun used in the 7.7 warship battle was seriously insufficient in attack power, and even the cockpit of the "Cheetah" pilot could not penetrate.

The 20mm cannon won’t work either. Compared with the 20mm cannon installed on the “Cheetah”, the performance of the 20mm cannon produced by the Japanese is very different. , falling before hitting the target.

What should I do if the performance is not good?
If it is an engineer from southern Africa, he must find a way to improve until the performance surpasses that of his opponent.

The Japanese engineers were not like this. They falsified the data so that the performance of the Japanese 20mm cannon looked similar to that of the southern African 20mm cannon. The remaining problems were left to the Japanese pilots to solve.

The key point is that the Japanese fighter planes did not carry much ammunition because of weight loss. Often, the Japanese pilots were not familiar with the performance of the 20mm cannon, and the ammunition they carried had already been exhausted.

So don't blame the habitual simplicity of Japanese man-made cars. The same is true for Japanese aircraft during the war. These are all traditional skills.

In the many air battles that broke out in February, Japan did not take any advantage. As long as the 2 ship battle was dispatched, there would be no return. In March, Yamamoto 96 finally couldn't bear it and took the initiative to send "Zero" to participate in the battle.

Compared with the 96 ship battle, the "Zero" is still relatively advanced, at least it can pose a threat to the "Cheetah". In an air battle on March 3, a Southern African "Cheetah" was shot down. Finally achieved a "zero" breakthrough in the battle.

The "Zero" that shot down the "Cheetah" also tried to attack the "Cheetah" pilot who parachuted, but he was quickly shot down by the swarming "Cheetah".

"Cheetah" was shot down, the pilot was at least able to parachute.

The pilot of the "Type Zero" didn't even have the chance to parachute, and the plane was blown up in the air.

For the Japanese army, shooting down the "Cheetah" was a zero breakthrough.

Not so for the Southern African Air Force.

As early as a month ago, a "Cheetah" made an emergency landing at sea due to a malfunction during the transition. Although the pilot was rescued, the plane sank to the bottom of the sea.

This is not the first time. When the "Cheetah" was deployed to the Far East last year, a transport ship carrying the "Cheetah" sank in a storm, and 40 "Cheetahs" were lost at one time.

So far, the number of fighters lost by the Southern African Air Force due to various non-combat reasons far exceeds the losses in combat, with a ratio of about 60.00%.

On March 3, "Cheetah" flew to Manila for the first time.

The "Zero" and 96 warships of the Japanese army were dispatched in full force. More than 300 planes fought fiercely over Manila. The Japanese army lost 65 fighter planes, and 14 planes were lost on the southern African side, more than half of which were fired by the Japanese ground anti-aircraft artillery shoot down.

This time it was not just the "cheetahs" that were dispatched, but also torpedo bombers.

The torpedo bombers in southern Africa did not attack the Japanese battleships, but focused their attacks on the "Akagi" and "Canglong" that had not been scooped up.

The two aircraft carriers were completely tragic. The decks of the two aircraft carriers were completely destroyed, and the "Akagi" caught fire, and the deck superstructure was almost flattened.

The "Cangryu" was not much better. The fire spread to the hangar inside the belly of the aircraft, and all 16 "Zeros" that had not had time to transfer were all burned. Yamamoto 56 decided to give up salvaging the "Akagi" and "Cangryu" that night. , the fleet withdrew overnight.

What if they don’t withdraw, stay in Manila and get beaten?

There were not many fighters carried by the United Fleet going south. The Japanese army suffered heavy losses in the air battle on the 7th, and it would be too late if they didn't leave.

This decision is correct.

On the 8th, 160 "Cheetahs" flew to Manila again, and this time they also cooperated with the "Sky Fortress".

Manila is only 1000 kilometers away from the airport on Kalimantan Island. The "Sky Fortress" can be fully loaded with ten tons of bombs, and the incendiary bombs carried by one "Sky Fortress" can destroy all buildings within about [-] square meters.

In order to ensure the bombing effect, the "Sky Fortress" drops bombs at an altitude of about 3000 meters, and it does not fly in formation. Only one "Sky Fortress" drops bombs at a time, which absolutely guarantees the attack effect.

The United Fleet can run away when the situation is not good, but the Japanese army has no way to escape.

After the Battle of the Philippines, the Japanese army transferred part of the troops that attacked the Philippines to the Malay Peninsula to participate in the war. The Japanese army currently deployed in Manila is the 56th Division of the Japanese Army from Kurume.

In the Japanese army, the code name of the 56th Division is Dragon, so the 56th Division is also known as the "Dragon Division". During the Battle of the Philippines, the 56th Division performed well and was hailed by the Japanese as the "King of Jungle Warfare". .

The 56th Division was composed of reserve members of the 12th Division of the Japanese Army. The source of troops came from the miners in the Kurume area.

Different from other main divisions of the Japanese army, the total strength of the 56th Division is about [-]. After the Battle of the Philippines, this unit received a lot of equipment from the US-Philippines Allied Forces, and its equipment level has been improved.

Facing the southern African army on land, the 56th Division is not without the power to fight.

But in the face of bombing from the air, the 56th Division lacked the means to deal with it, and suffered heavy losses in the bombing on the 8th.

At this time, An Qi was not in a hurry to send troops to attack the Philippines, but used more troops to encircle and wipe out the Guards Division and the 18th Division.

The Japanese army in desperation did not collapse. Many Japanese troops fled to the central mountainous area of ​​the Malay Peninsula after running out of ammunition and food, which brought great difficulties to the suppression work.

The opinion given by Parcival is to trap the Japanese army in the mountains, and it will not take long for the Japanese army to surrender.

This can only be fantasy, the Japanese now know very well that even if they surrender, as long as they fall into the hands of the southern Africans, they will be executed.

Surrendering to the British army is useless. A few days ago, a Japanese army had nowhere to go and surrendered to the British and Indian troops. The commander of the British and Indian troops was ecstatic. Collective surrender, so the commander of the British and Indian troops immediately decided to send the prisoners to the Lion City by boat to show their military exploits.

A miraculous accident happened again. The transport ship transporting the captives hit a rock and sank before reaching the Lion City. More than [-] captives were all killed, and none survived.

Miraculously, more than 100 soldiers and crew members in charge of escorting all escaped without any casualties.

This time it was really a shipwreck, the data is real, and there are photos to prove it.

This made Parcival very angry. He was very happy when he learned that the Japanese army had surrendered to the British army. He also prepared a surrender ceremony for these captives. At that time, officials from the Straits Settlements and generals from southern Africa will be invited to participate. .

Parcival wanted southern African generals to demonstrate that Anglo-Indian troops could make a big difference in combat, too.

Southern Africa has fought against Japan so far, and there is not a single prisoner.

The British and Indian troops captured more than 500 people as soon as they took action, which is indeed extraordinary.

Now that the grand surrender ceremony has failed, and the shipping company has to pay for the shipwreck, An Qi gave Percival a surprise and decided to hand over the task of clearing the Guards Division and the 18th Division to the British army led by Percival Responsible, the Southern African Army has more important tasks.

After the capital Kuala Lumpur, Saigon is next.

Although Vichy France claimed to remain neutral, it had actually intervened in the war after opening French Indochina to Japan.

There are Japanese troops in French Indochina, and the southern African army can completely invade French Indochina in the name of clearing up the remnants of Japanese troops.

If only the French accepted it in a low-key way.

If the French dared to object, then the southern Africans would beat the poor French colonial servants together with the Japanese army.

The previous bombing of Saigon's airfield in Southern Africa was strongly opposed by Vichy France.

Roque didn't talk nonsense with the French, and instructed the Executive Yuan of the League of Nations to directly expel Vichy France from the League of Nations.

France is not protecting the Japanese, but is worried that southern Africa will launch an air strike on Paris just like the air attack on Saigon.

After all, there are German troops stationed in France.

(End of this chapter)

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