Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2281 Choose a way to die

Chapter 2281 Choose a way to die

Military medals can only be obtained in battles with soldiers, and it is useless to kill many civilians, even armed civilians.

The battle ended quickly, and some marines did not forget to clean up the battlefield after the gunfire stopped.

The Japanese are damned, but the long knife is not guilty, and it is still a good collectible. This is one of the few expectations that southern African soldiers have for Japan.

Just like in the last world war, every southern African soldier wanted to collect a German Luger pistol, Philip also wanted to collect a Japanese saber, preferably one that could tell a story.

At this time, there are many long knives on the ground, but most of them are of little value. As I have said many times before, Japan has gained a lot from foreign wars for more than half a century, and it has enriched the ruling class in Japan. The standard of living of the civilian class in Japan is not as good as that of the civilian class in the countries of the Southern African Union.

This is really not black Japan.

In countries of the Southern African Union such as the Kingdom of Congo, even if civilian families have nothing, at least they can live comfortably in the rich Congo River Basin. Survival is not a problem, and they don’t have much material requirements, and they can even live comfortably.

Japan’s domestic resources are scarce. If the common people do not work, they can’t even support their families. On the second day of the Tokyo bombing, Tokyo workers had to go to work at the risk of being burned to death. It’s not how much they love their work, but their families There is no overnight food, and if you don't work for a day, you will have nothing to eat.

The Japanese in Kuching who have emigrated overseas have a better standard of living than the ordinary class in Japan.

After all, the real low-level people have no chance to emigrate overseas. The Japanese government still wants to keep them as social animals in Japan. People have emigrated overseas, so who will work?

Be very careful when cleaning the battlefield. Some injured Japanese will not die for a while, and some even lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, looking for opportunities to attack the marines, so when cleaning the battlefield, follow the procedure to replenish the gun.

That's a bit of a luxury.

When the Japanese clean up the battlefield, they make up the knife, because the bullets for the Japanese soldiers are not unlimited, and if they can be saved, they must be saved.

Southern Africa is truly unlimited, and you can have as much as you want, so you don't feel distressed when using it.

Philip is carrying a Milner military pistol, which is a self-defense pistol produced in Milner City, Rhodesia. It uses double-row feeding, has a capacity of 12 rounds, and has an effective range of 50 meters.

Milner's crisp gunshots echoed on the beach, Philip did not let go of any doubts, even if there were obvious wounds on the corpse on the ground, Philip would shoot first before talking.

Be careful to make the Wannian ship.

There are indeed Japanese lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

They never expected that the southern Africans would clean up the battlefield in this way.

A Japanese lying on the ground pretending to be dead suddenly jumped up from the ground, raised his long knife and rushed towards Philip screaming.

Several marines around raised their guns at the same time.

The unlucky guy was shot down.

What's even more unfortunate is that with so many guns, none of them hit a vital position.

Philip walked up to the struggling Japanese and picked up the knife from the ground with a satisfied expression on his face. He held the knife beautifully in the air, not forgetting to imitate the Japanese soldiers who were always beheading to test whether the knife was sharp.

The surrounding Marines were unstoppable.

In the years since the war broke out, Japanese soldiers did not know how many civilians or prisoners were executed in this way.

Not to mention, in the Malay campaign and the Philippine campaign, many Allied officers and soldiers were tortured and killed by Japanese soldiers in various ways.

This debt is remembered by southern Africans, especially those southern Africans with complicated backgrounds like Philip.

The moment Philip raised the long knife, William, a military reporter from the "New York Times", captured this scene, and quickly raised the camera as a conditioned reflex.

"What are you doing?" Liu Yang, a photojournalist from The Times, snapped William's camera down.

"Record, this is our job." William plausibly said that he didn't realize that there was anything wrong with this action.

The media industry in southern Africa is so developed, and there are a large number of journalists accompanying the army. Nyasaland TV Station even sent several photography teams to interview with the army in major war zones. Strong evidence of responsibility.

In the entire Pacific theater, there are about 350 military reporters, most of whom are sent by major media in southern Africa.

Of course there are in the United States.

Now Americans are also gradually realizing the role of public opinion propaganda, and they have increased their emphasis on field interviews. In plain English, they are crossing the river by touching southern Africa.

This space-time public opinion and propaganda position belongs to southern Africa. In this field, the major media in southern Africa compete with each other frequently, and the media in European and American countries are all younger brothers.

The New York Times is also not weak, with a high circulation in the United States.

Now that southern Africa has dispatched war reporters on a large scale, the New York Times will follow suit.

Not only the media, but also the US government and many commercial enterprises in the United States are learning from the Southern African federal government and various operations of Southern African commercial institutions.

"Brother, I can assure you that if you take this photo, you will definitely not be able to pass the review of the press officer, and if it is serious, you will even be disqualified from field interviews." Liu Yang took out a bag of emperors and handed one to William.

Emperor is a cigarette produced by a South African company. Its name comes from the emperor flower that is common in southern Africa. Because of the use of filters, it has become a high-end cigarette that is widely loved by the Allied forces.

Stoudemire had a lot of meaning when he named this cigarette. On the butt of each cigarette, there is a circular pattern similar to a crown. Stoudemire hopes that smokers can enjoy the same enjoyment as an emperor when they smoke an emperor. .

This is obviously nonsense, smoking is only bad for your health, and so are filters.

However, for many smokers, cigarettes with filter tips will at least feel healthier psychologically.

"I just want to truly record this war, and have no other meaning." William sat down with a sigh, took off his helmet and hugged it in his arms, with a depressed expression on his face.

The photos taken by Japanese military reporters were seized by the southern African army and became evidence of the Japanese massacre and atrocities. This kind of oolong must not happen in the southern African army.

Journalists are very noble in various propaganda calibers in southern Africa, especially the "Times", which has always been known for its faithful record without taking a position. The slogan of "The Times" is objectivity and neutrality.

In fact, this is a stand-alone design. You can shout any slogan. When it comes to work, the reporters are very clear about their position.

Newspapers may not have a position, but journalists must have a position.

Therefore, every battlefield in the Pacific theater has a position of press officer, who not only checks the reports sent back to China by reporters, but also checks various film and television materials shot by photographers.

"We can only shoot after they clean up the battlefield. It's for our own good. You just saw that some Japanese are pretending to be dead. They don't care if we are reporters or not." Liu Yang took a deep breath, and then slowly spat it out. But the lungs.

This method of smoking is a waste. Liu Yang regards cigarettes as a way of socializing. Anyway, the military distributes them every day, one pack per person per day.

"Despicable Japanese, everyone deserves to die!" William shuddered when he thought of the scene just now.

Playing dead is actually very normal. In order to win the battlefield, you will do everything you can.

Some Japanese will voluntarily surrender on the battlefield. Once the Allied officers and soldiers relax their vigilance, they will be suddenly attacked by the surrendering Japanese army.

This method quickly lost its effect, and the Allied forces were not stupid, and quickly lost trust in the Japanese army. Even the Japanese army that really surrendered would be directly shot to death by the Allied forces.

On the battlefield full of bullets and fire, no one was in the mood to distinguish whether the Japanese who surrendered were false surrenders, and the Japanese had not signed the "Persons of War Convention".

The marines cleaned the battlefield very fast, and soon the gunfire stopped completely.

The Japanese were indeed insane. More than 400 Japanese were killed, all of whom were armed civilians, including women and underage children.

Both William and Liu Yang were not surprised.

What's wrong with underage, the Japanese are willing to let underage children go to the battlefield, once they pick up a knife, they are the enemy.

Since the Japanese are willing to let underage children die.

Then I'm willing to bury it here.

When William went to take pictures, Liu Yang seized the opportunity to interview Philip.

"The Japanese are indeed uncivilized savages. They have studied civilized society for nearly a hundred years, but they have not become more civilized. We in southern Africa have always fought to let women and children go away, but the Japanese drove their women and children to the battlefield. I'm sure those women and children didn't take the initiative to pick up the knife, they were forced to—" Philip was satisfied, and he seized a beautiful knife with a gold thread wrapped around the handle, made of shark skin scabbard.

Liu Yang felt that the gold wire on the handle of the knife was mostly copper, but he didn't remind Philip.

How can there be so much gold and precious stones, and there are not many nobles in Japan.

What's more, this is still a battlefield.

"So the officials of the Japanese government, as well as the officers and soldiers of the Japanese army, all committed crimes against humanity." Liu Yang was recording quickly while interviewing.

"It can be considered that, according to the information we have received, the Japanese army has plundered all of Kuching, and all valuable things have been sent to the Japanese mainland, and even the wood has to be sent back to the Japanese mainland to make gun handles. This country is simply human. Parasites, they never produce anything, and the way to accumulate wealth is mainly by robbing." Philip scolded a large number of countries.

It's not that the Japanese don't produce them either. Both "Yamato" and "Musashi" are produced by the Japanese themselves.

Of course, Liu Yang will definitely not argue with Philip on this issue at this time. Don’t forget that Kuching is still a British colony. Referring to the way the colony was handled after the end of the last World War, Kuching will eventually be returned to the British.

So even if the British ended up with a worthless Kuching, it was the Japanese who made it.

This is not bad. In the propaganda of the Japanese government, the southern Africans are cannibals. The natives who originally lived in southern Africa were eaten up by the southern Africans. Otherwise, where did the millions of Africans in the Boer era go? up?

"So we have to give the Japanese a punishment that will make them remember deeply." Liu Yang is of Chinese descent and hates the Japanese so much.

"Of course, that's why we came here." Philip's expression was firm, and he hated the Japanese no less than Liu Yang.

More troops landed a little later, with an East Indian force leading the way to Kuching.

Surrounded by mountains and complex terrain, Kuching was soon attacked by the Japanese army.

This time it was the real Japanese army. They built the bunker on the hillside, laid minefields on the road leading to the bunker, and dug anti-tank trenches.

This level of defense is child's play for the Allied forces.

The anti-tank trenches were quickly flattened by explosives. There were mine-sweeping vehicles to deal with the mines. The "Clouded Leopard" tank was parked next to the anti-tank trenches, and they called the bunkers built by the Japanese army one by one. There were also many accurate shooters in the East Indian Army. The Japanese army operated machine guns The machine gunners suffered heavy losses.

"Eagle, Eagle, call Eagle, I am Clouded Leopard, and now I need your 203mm main gun—" Luo Guoxing, the brigade commander of the 17th Marine Corps, immediately called the "Coconut City".

The "Coconut City" is a heavy cruiser on the sea not far away. It belongs to the Changi Squadron and is responsible for providing firepower assistance to the attacking forces.

Heavy artillery is the biggest shortcoming of the Marine Corps. The artillery of the amphibious tank is only 75mm, which does not have much effect on the solid fortifications. The 203mm main gun of the "Coconut City" finally got a chance to fire.

Of course, Luo Guoxing can also call for air support. The Air Force's dive bombers are on standby at the field airport. Their 1000 kg bombs are more effective against the Japanese fortifications, but it will take time for the dive bombers to reach the battlefield.

The "Coconut City", which received the request for assistance, opened fire quickly.

The Japanese positions were quickly flooded with flames and gunpowder.

Under the cover of "Clouded Leopard" tanks, the East India troops attacked the Japanese positions.

The Japanese must have dug underground passages under the bunker, and after the bunker was destroyed, they still had counterattack forces.

However, the Japanese lacked effective weapons to deal with the "Clouded Leopard" tank, and soon the "Clouded Leopard" tank rushed to the Japanese position.

Japanese resistance quickly collapsed as more and more East Indian soldiers rushed into the Japanese positions.

The attack method of the East Indian army is exactly the same as that of the southern African army, and it does not entangle with the Japanese at all.

Digging a tunnel, right?
The East Indian soldiers did not enter the tunnel at all. When they found the entrance of the tunnel, they threw a pack of explosives into it, or called a bulldozer to fill the hole directly.

The Japanese didn't want to be smothered to death, so they rushed out of the tunnel to fight to the death.

The East Indian officers and soldiers waiting around the entrance of the cave were extremely happy. Grenades flew over like raindrops, or they were fire dragons made by flamethrowers.

Bombed, burned, or run over by tanks—

Choose whatever you like.

(End of this chapter)

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