Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2293 Burning to death is a luxury

Chapter 2293 Burning to death is a luxury

Masaharu Honma is not stupid, the Allied forces have strong sea and air superiority, so Masaharu Honma can only abandon the coastline and retreat to the inland area to fight the Allied forces.

Doing so can not only effectively reduce the aid the Allied forces receive from the sea, but also the deep and complex terrain of Luzon Island will limit the Allied tank forces to the greatest extent. Masaharu Honma does not think that the Japanese army is inferior to the Allied forces in terms of techniques and tactics. How much, the key is that the disadvantages of weapons and equipment cannot be made up.

During the Battle of the Philippines, the Japanese army was still able to mobilize armored forces to participate in the battle. At that time, the equipment levels of the Japanese army and the British and American troops were almost on the same level.

This also gave the Japanese an illusion, probably thinking that the equipment level of the southern African army is similar to that of the British army and the US army.

Now Masaharu Honma finally understands what is meant by weapon generation difference. No matter how tenacious the Japanese soldiers' combat will is, they cannot fight against the armored forces in southern Africa. They don't even talk about "Tiger" and "Leopard". The "Clouded Leopard" tank is very important to the Japanese There is already no solution. In terms of light weapons, there is also a huge gap between the Japanese army and the Allied forces.

The individual weapons of Japanese soldiers are rifles and bayonets, and the supply of grenades is limited, so they cannot be used openly.

Allied forces are now generally equipped with semi-automatic rifles. As long as they can hold grenades, they can take as many as they want. Many soldiers are also equipped with self-defense pistols. use.

Relatively speaking, the battle of the 6th Division was quite satisfactory, it didn't take advantage of anything but it didn't suffer.

The most dangerous situation was the Villamatza Infantry Regiment under the 44th Division in Southern Africa. This regiment was surrounded by the Japanese army in Calamba, about [-] kilometers away from Manila, and was facing crazy Japanese attacks one after another.

"We have just repelled an attack by the Japanese army. The first battalion and the third battalion have successfully merged and are establishing an arc defensive position. The second battalion is being besieged by the Japanese army. Our shells are about to run out, and the bullets have also begun to be used sparingly. Please hurry up Airdrop aid to us, otherwise we will face even greater difficulties after nightfall.” Eric, the commander of the Villamatza Infantry Regiment, kept asking for help. His troops crashed into the encirclement of the Japanese army because they were chasing the Japanese army. Now very dangerous.

Troops equipped with too many automatic and semi-automatic weapons are also not good, the bullets are consumed too quickly, and the dependence on logistics is high.

The Nyasaran rifle in southern Africa has a magazine capacity of ten rounds, and soldiers can empty it within two seconds.

This is why the southern African army needs to equip more vehicles. Soldiers carry a base of 200 rounds of rifle ammunition at most when fighting, and a sergeant major equipped with an assault rifle can carry 300 rounds. However, the ammunition of the assault rifle consumes faster. After one battle, all the bullets of a base number will be used up.

The southern African military direction advocates problems that can be solved with weapons and equipment, and never uses crowd tactics. The officers encountered stubborn resistance from the enemy during combat and were used to calling for artillery support, so the shells were consumed very quickly. The firing speed of the mortar depends on the tacit cooperation of the gun crew. After two hours of fighting, the shells carried can also consume seven to eighty-eight. When the bullets and shells are exhausted, even advanced weapons will become Fire stick.

"Understood, the transport plane has already taken off and will arrive in about 15 minutes." The forward base located in the Lubang Islands is responsible for providing logistical support to the frontline troops. It took only three days for the engineers to build a field airport where the transport plane could take off.

Today's aircraft do not have high requirements for airports. Lightweight fighter jets can take off on any grassland.

Large transport aircraft and bombers have relatively high requirements for the airport, and the airport in Saipan has been built for more than a year.

The transport aircraft in the Lubang Islands are small transport aircraft, and the requirements for the runway are also not high.

The engineers in southern Africa use large machinery, and the efficiency is still very high.

The situation of the Villamatza infantry regiment was indeed very difficult. When Eric asked for help, the second battalion surrounded by the Japanese army was in a hard fight.

The southern African battalion-level unit has a total of 812 people. Because the battle broke out suddenly, the Villamatza infantry regiment was divided and surrounded. The surrounded second battalion only had one and a half infantry companies, and the weapons company under the battalion headquarters. The total strength About 500 people or so.

The Japanese army besieging the second battalion had at least one wing.

In the previous battles, the Second Battalion had repelled many Japanese attacks in a row, and the ammunition was about to run out, so the situation was very critical.

"The situation of Company C is not good. There is less than one platoon of soldiers who can continue to fight. I will lead the battalion company to the top, and I will leave this place to you." Battalion Deputy Warren continued to communicate with regimental headquarters.

The Second Battalion was surrounded by the Japanese in a ravine. The Japanese occupied the commanding heights on the west side of the valley and attacked the Second Battalion condescendingly. At the same time, the Japanese 92 infantry guns were still firing shells to cause damage. The 80mm mortars equipped by the Second Battalion The guns and 60mm mortar shells have all been exhausted, and the gunners have taken up their rifles and gone to the front.

"Tell the brothers to hold on for a while, our reinforcements will be here soon." Warren was wounded in the previous battle. A Japanese sniper hit Warren in the shoulder. Warren's shoulder blade was shattered and he has lost combat capability.

The battalion headquarters company is not a combat company. It is essentially a security force for the battalion headquarters. In fact, there is only one platoon with less than 40 people.

These 40 people are well-equipped. They are equipped with assault rifles, and everyone is equipped with pistols for self-defense. Fred did not forget to remind the soldiers to adjust their assault rifles to a single-shot state. Now is not the time for luxury. Save bullets.

Company C's position is located next to the small river on the west side of the valley. The terrain is not bad. The east side of the valley is a cliff. The Japanese can only use one side of the high ground to attack the second battalion. Otherwise, the second battalion would not be able to persist until now. The army was wiped out.

Up to now, no battalion-level troops in southern Africa have been wiped out by the Japanese army.

This temptation is very great for the Japanese. Southern Africa has wiped out several divisions of the Japanese army. The Japanese have been very aggrieved since the Malay Peninsula campaign, and they have no demeanor of the first army in Asia.

The Japanese are quite sensible and dare not call out the number one in the world.

It was the Germans who once again chanted the slogan "No. [-] in the world" after defeating France.

Then the Germans lost troops on the Russian battlefield.

The situation of Company C was really bad, and there were not enough manpower to transfer the wounded.

The Japanese army launched attacks non-stop. The officers and soldiers of C Company had to deal with the frontal Japanese attack, and also had to guard against the Japanese army's key sniper attack on one side of the mountain ridge.

There were more Japanese soldiers lying on the other side of the river. Looking at the corpses of at least four to five hundred Japanese soldiers, the shoal on the other side of the river was densely covered with a layer. The river was stained red with blood. Stacked in the distance, even blocking the flow of the river.

"Good job Cheng, when we return to southern Africa, I'll help you apply for a Medal of Honor." Fred came to Cheng Yutang, the deputy commander of Company C. The company commander was seriously injured in the previous battle and was receiving treatment at the battalion headquarters.

The medical strength of the southern African army is still good. For some simple minor operations, the battalion doctors can directly perform them. If the situation is too serious, it still needs to be transferred to the rear for more complete treatment.

The commander of Company C was seriously injured. The battalion doctors could only deal with it briefly, and were unable to perform surgery.

"Good intentions, you'd better think of a way first, how to make us survive." Cheng Yutang's head and arms were wrapped with bandages, and it must have been injured in many places.

"Persist for a while, at most 10 minutes, and we will have reinforcements." Fred pushed the helmet, but before he put his hand down, a bullet flew past his ear and hit the stone next to him.

"I'll wipe—where's your precision shooter?" Fred was taken aback. A veteran of the Japanese army, his shooting skills are still very good.

Cheng Yutang didn't speak, and Fred asked nonsense.

Since the precision shooter didn't fight back, he was either dead or lying in the tent of the battalion headquarters.

There are many precision shooters in southern Africa, and almost every class will be equipped with a precision shooter.

No matter how good the precision shooter is, it can't hold up too many Japanese soldiers. The Japanese obviously don't count casualties, and they want to completely eat up the second battalion.

At this time, a shell exploded not far from Fred and Cheng Yutang, and both of them lay tightly on the ground with their helmets covered, and the pebbles from the explosion jingled on the helmets.

Fred's right thumb was hit by a pebble, and his nails were directly smashed off, bloody and bloody.

"Congratulations, you got a military medal." Cheng Yutang was still in the mood to joke with Fred that as long as a soldier in southern Africa is injured, he can get a military medal, even if he is injured by a stone.

"My kind of injury, the doctor will not think that I am self-harming." Fred put his thumb in his mouth to stop the bleeding, and took out a bandage to bandage himself. An injury of this level does not need to trouble the doctor. Fred himself All southern African officers and soldiers have received training in emergency treatment of wounds.

"It's anyone's guess—" Cheng Yutang did not help, and was injured by a stone in the era of hot weapons, which seemed a little unreasonable.

Before Fred's wound was bandaged, the Japanese army launched an attack.

Now the Japanese have also learned to be smart, and no longer use pigs to attack, but to spread the front line as much as possible, relying on the cover of terrain and features, and gradually approach the C company's position.

The Japanese 92 infantry guns are still firing, and the grenades are also added. Compared with the 92 infantry guns, the grenades pose a greater threat to the officers and soldiers of Company C. Some Japanese veterans can use the grenades to shoot the rocket launchers. Effect.

Fortunately, the grenade fired by the grenade is not very powerful. Just now, a forbearing precision shooter from C Company started to show its power. A heavy machine gunner covering the Japanese attack was hit by the precision shooter. The deputy shooter immediately stepped up. Half of the springboard is taken care of by the precision shooter.

Fred also picked up his Nyasaran semi-automatic rifle, aimed at a Japanese sergeant and pulled the trigger. A snowflake bloomed on the Japanese sergeant's chest. Glancing in Fred's direction, he fell into the fast-flowing creek.

At this time, the clear sound of Nyasaran rifles was everywhere in the valley. The bullets of the machine guns had been exhausted, and there were not many grenades left.

From the sparse firepower, the Japanese soldiers judged that Company C's ammunition had been exhausted, and their morale soared for a while. More Japanese troops appeared on the other side of the river, and nearly a thousand people participated in the attack.

Even with the addition of the battalion and headquarters company, there are no more than a hundred officers and soldiers defending on the river side.

A soldier of Company C fired continuously at the Japanese army, his body was exposed outside the bunker, and was shot by a Japanese sniper.

The comrades next to him rushed over to check his injuries. The soldier was unlucky, he was killed by a Japanese soldier, and he was already dying in just a few seconds.

The comrades-in-arms had no time to mourn, and took the bullets from the dead soldiers to continue fighting.

At the narrowest part of the creek, the width is only more than two meters, and Japanese soldiers in good physical condition can jump directly with a run-up.

The pistol can play a greater role at this distance, and there is no need to worry about shooting accuracy if it is only a few meters away. If you can’t hit it at this distance, you deserve to be stabbed to death by the Japanese.

The frequency of pistols in combat is not high. Southern African officers and soldiers carry at most two magazines, and the bullets are quickly emptied.

The brutal hand-to-hand combat finally broke out.

The length of the Nyasaran rifle is only about one meter, and the length of the bayonet is only about 1.3 meters. There is a huge gap with the 1.66-meter [-]-meter cover of the Japanese soldiers.

Southern African soldiers had better weapons, and in hand-to-hand combat, the bayonet was actually not as powerful as the sapper's shovel.

The Japanese were outnumbered though, and as more and more Japanese soldiers rushed across the creek, more and more southern African soldiers were overwhelmed by the swarming Japanese soldiers.

Bah, bah, bah—— bah——

The bullets in Fred's magazine quickly emptied, and it was too late to reload. Fred took out his pistol and knocked down a Japanese soldier. Looking at more Japanese soldiers swarming in, his eyes were full of despair .

How many rounds can a pistol have.

At this time, the sound of propellers suddenly came from above the valley.


The reinforcements have finally arrived!

This is a helicopter from southern Africa. There is no need to doubt it. It is the only one in the world. Even the British and American troops are not equipped with helicopters.

Before he could finish his thoughts, a helicopter gunship suddenly appeared from the top of the cliff, and the rocket shot out from the rocket launcher with a long smoke. The speed sluggishness visible to the naked eye disappeared.


A ground attack plane flew over the valley, and the napalm bomb was still accurately on the other side of the river, cutting off the attacking Japanese army from the middle.

More than a dozen Japanese soldiers covered in flames screamed and rushed out of the flames and jumped into the river, trying to extinguish the flames with river water.

Even if it is extinguished, it is useless. They have extensive burns all over their bodies, and they will die of pain if they are not burned to death.

It will be a luxury for Nima to be burned to death.

(End of this chapter)

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