Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2295 Veterans Gradually Wither 0

Chapter 2295 Veterans Gradually Wither
When Southern Africa did not have self-government, Roque began to pay attention to public opinion propaganda, and now it is finally time to blossom and bear fruit.

It is too important for a country to master the propaganda position. The United States and southern Africa are both rising stars. Commodities have had a huge and subversive impact on established European companies.

But in the eyes of many Europeans, the goods produced in the United States represent cheap and ugly, and the goods produced in southern Africa are [-]% European.

That's what propaganda does.

We must look for the relationship between southern African commodities and Europe, so we have to say that the industrial system in southern Africa is based on the support of European countries, at least at the beginning.

Without the machines of the Royal Small Arms Factory, there would be no such powerful military industry in southern Africa.

Without the contributions of the Germans to the auto industry, there would be no Southern African car companies catching up.

Without the continuous blood transfusion of the British Empire for many years, southern Africa would not be able to lay an industrial foundation in just over ten years.

The biggest commonality between southern Africa and the United States is that the two countries are actually countries of immigrants, and the key point is that the aborigines in these two countries have basically disappeared now.

The difference is that the United States completed its occupation of the land by slaughtering Indians in such a brutal way.

Southern Africa uses methods such as immigration replacement to move the aborigines out of southern Africa.

The result is the same, but the process is completely different.

Another time Americans control the propaganda tools and no one in the world discusses Indians.

The atrocities committed by Americans in this time and space are well known to all, and the "Times" will pick out Americans for moral criticism every now and then.

Even the real reason why the United States participated in the last world war was clearly analyzed by the European media.

Old Europeans are very talented in mocking Americans. Some restaurants in Paris still do not serve Americans and refuse Americans to enter the restaurant for consumption. People, it will affect the health of other guests.

Yes, Europeans have not forgotten the "American flu", especially the Spaniards.

After the fall of Franco, a southern African army was stationed in Spain and did not withdraw.

Interestingly, the Spaniards do not seem to be opposed to the stationing of troops in southern Africa. In some places, the Spaniards get along well with the officers and soldiers of Southern Africa. This is not only because of the strict discipline of the officers and soldiers in Southern Africa, but also the rectification of the name of Spain in Southern Africa. .

During the last world war, if it wasn't for southern Africa's insistence on investigations, the Americans would almost have been fooled by it. In that case, Spain would have to bear the blame for the "big flu" for the Americans.

Therefore, instead of being grateful for the United States' participation in the war, Europeans gradually became more disgusted with the United States because of various in-depth media reports.

Sure enough, they are disgusting Americans. They used trade to make profits before joining the war, and when they could not make money, they directly joined the war, trying to seek a greater distribution of benefits after the war. When they found that this could not be realized, the Americans actually withdrew The League of Nations proposed by itself—

This is so shameless, in line with the European perception of the Hebrews, many people now increasingly believe that the United States is a country controlled by the Hebrews, think about the reputation of the Hebrews in Europe, you know Europe Why do people hate America so much.

Southern Africans also hate the United States, but they have to cooperate with the United States. While the Allied forces landed in the Philippines, the situation on the Russian battlefield continued to deteriorate.

After the Battle of Moscow, people once believed that Russia would launch a counterattack to completely defeat the German army and win the war.

At that time, even the editor of "The Times" was making suggestions for Russia, hoping that the Russian army could push the invaders out of Russia's land in one go.

Russians probably think so too.

With the support of Southern Africa and the United States, the two most powerful countries in the world, and their own almost endless human resources, the bearded man was full of confidence after the Battle of Moscow. Before he could wait for the spring to bloom, he ordered the Russian army to The Germans launched a full-scale counterattack.

Beard made the same mistake as Mustache on this issue, overestimating the strength of the Russian army and underestimating the strength of the German army.

Everyone knows what happened afterwards. Russia's counterattack not only failed to achieve its goal, but once again exposed Russia's weaknesses.

The biggest weakness of the Russian army is still its lack of experience, at least at this stage it is still unable to confront the German army.

In addition to the weather bonus, Germany's own serious lack of preparation is also an important reason for winning the Battle of Moscow.

In the Battle of Moscow, the Russian army lost 100 million people, and the German army lost only 50. After the war, Mustache recruited servants to join the war on a large scale, and the losses were quickly made up for. At the same time, the Germans shifted their main attack direction from Moscow to Volgograd. This time the Axis powers invested 200 million people, which was larger than the Battle of Moscow.

The Russian side participated in the war with about 300 million troops. Although the number was more than that of the German army, they were severely inexperienced, and most of them were recruits who had not joined the army for a long time.

The strength of the German army has also declined compared with the Battle of Moscow. After the Battle of Moscow, Mustache recruited 52 servant divisions, and this time sent 43 to participate in the battle.

In addition to 43 servant divisions, Mustache also mobilized 60 German divisions, including 6 armored divisions, 1200 motorized divisions, a total of 17000 tanks and assault artillery, 1640 cannons and mortars on the Axis side guns, and [-] combat aircraft.

In the first stage of the campaign, the German army won the Crimea, 25 Russians were captured, 1249 tanks and 2026 artillery pieces were lost, and Russia’s hard-earned strategic reserves were exhausted.

In June, the German army launched a full-scale offensive. The left wing of the Bock B Army Group, the Hort 4th Armored Army, and the Weicks 2nd Army launched an offensive from the northeast of Kursk to the east, aiming at Voronezh on the upper reaches of the Don River.

At the same time, the 6th Army led by Paulus on the right also launched an attack from the northeast of Kharkov, and the two armies attacked Volgograd in a pincer attack.

The German offensive was fierce, and the Russian army's defense lines were breached in many places, and the entire front was in danger of collapsing.

The Russians in desperation once again burst out with huge energy. The soldiers who had just enlisted in the army were sent to the battlefield before they had time to receive training. New troops arrived every day. The Russians almost mobilized all their reserves to stabilize the situation. The danger of the river breaking through the Russian defenses was not lifted.

On June 6, the forward of the 5th Armored Army led by Holt had pushed into Voronezh, but Mustache suddenly changed his plan and ordered Holt to quickly turn south and advance towards Volgograd along the Don River after being replaced by the 4nd Army .

Bock wanted to occupy Voronezh in order to completely annihilate the main force of the Subryansk Front in the area.

This made Mustache very angry, and he immediately revoked Field Marshal Bock's position as commander of the B Army Group, and was replaced by General Weicks, commander of the 2nd Army.

The adjustment of the mustache is timely. The Don River Plain is not Moscow. The Russian army is on the endless grassland and cannot stop the German attack at all.

In order to preserve the vitality, Beard ordered the troops to move to Volgograd, preparing to use the terrain of Volgograd to offset the seemingly unshakable armor advantage of the Germans and replicate the victory in the Battle of Moscow.

As a result, the Russian army retreated 100 to 300 kilometers. When the news came out, the little confidence that the allied countries had just accumulated in Russia was shaken again.

"The U.S. government is discussing whether to reduce aid to Russia. Russia seems to be losing. They are unable to hold Volgograd." Henry is not optimistic about Russia. In his opinion, Russia is about to end.

Since the war, Russia has lost nearly 900 million people.

These 900 million are soldiers, and civilian losses are not included.

Since the German army occupied all rich areas with a developed economy and dense population, more than half of the forces that Russia could mobilize have been lost. Even if the bearded man is more confident, how many 900 million can Russia recruit?
"The Russians started to fight back a few months ago, why did they fight like this now?" Stoudemire was very disappointed, the Russians were too disappointing, and the good situation was ruined in just a few months.

"Americans are ignorant by nature. It's normal for them to worry that the Russians won't be able to withstand it—" Rock still has confidence in the Russians. Is victory or defeat a common thing in military affairs? From last year's crushing defeat to the current one , The progress of the Russians is obvious to all.

As long as the Germans can't beat the Russians to death with one stick, the Russians may turn defeat into victory.

Mustache doesn't have many chips in his hands. In order to make up for the loss this year, Mustache enlisted large-scale servants to join the war. It's good to win the war. If Russia can't be completely defeated, then what can we do next year.

If you continue to recruit servants, you will be opposed by the allied countries, and you may push the allies to the allies.

People in Germany who are suitable for joining the army are already in the army. If they continue to recruit people who can only go to school to join the army, it will definitely arouse strong opposition in Germany.

So if the war cannot be ended within this year, then Germany is doomed, and even God's manifestations will not be able to save the Germans.

"No matter how badly the Russians are beaten, this country can stand up again. Don't underestimate the Russians." Rock will not reduce aid to Russia, but will increase aid to Russia. The Russians are the real help.

Of course, Roque should not expect to get the gratitude of the Russians because of this. The bearded man now sends a telegram every day, in addition to asking for material assistance, he is urging the Allied forces to land on the Mediterranean coast or land in Germany as soon as possible to open up a second battlefield.

Rock and Winston are also in contact every day. On the phone, Rock and Winston also talked about the second battlefield.

Winston's attitude is still very firm. If the blood of the Russians is not shed, Winston will definitely not agree to open up a second battlefield.

In order to achieve this goal, Britain's assistance to Russia is actually much greater than that of southern Africa and the United States.

It would be too expensive to find one. All kinds of materials in southern Africa and the United States are produced by themselves, while the United Kingdom buys real money from southern Africa and the United States, and then sends them to Russia. After the war, the United Kingdom has issued treasury bonds three times. Every time it gets bigger and bigger.

Before the outbreak of the Great Britain Air War, the United Kingdom issued [-] million pounds of national debt.

After the Great Britain Air War ended, the British government issued another 10 billion.

Just after New Year's Day this year, the UK issued its third national debt, this time with a scale of 25 billion pounds.

There is no doubt that Britain's losses in this war will be much higher than those in the previous war.

"I would like to believe your judgment, but Russia—" Stoudemire looked at the numbers on the battle report and his scalp tingled. During the Second Boer War, the British mobilized more than 40 people and directly drained the treasury. The British government almost went bankrupt. .

Stoudemire has never seen such a tragic war, and he has never heard of it. Millions of people died in a single battle. This is not a war, but a catastrophe.

Think about when southern Africa first became self-governing, the total population of southern Africa was just over 100 million.

This figure does not include the huge invisible population.

"Worried about Cecil, Locke's judgment has never been missed. Even if we lose Europe, we can also gain East Asia, and America—" Henry is 100% convinced by Rock, which is accumulated over decades of experience. Those who dared to question Roque were all dead, not killed, but boiled to death by Roque.

tie bang bang——

There was a knock on the door, and Lynch, Rock's 11th secretary, came in with a serious expression.

"Lord, Bigwig Hospital is calling—" Before Lynch finished speaking, Rock's heart sank.

Since last winter, Ade's physical condition has been deteriorating continuously. After he was admitted to the Bigwei Hospital in October, the hospital has issued six critical illness notices.

Southern Africa has the most advanced medical technology in the world. Rock has equipped Ade, Kitchener, and Philip with the best medical teams, but it is still difficult to prevent the bodies of the three old people from gradually aging.

Adelaide's condition is the most serious. His body was seriously overdrawn in the past few years, and he has never been healthy. In recent years, Adelaide's condition has become more and more serious. He spent most of the last three years in the hospital.

Kitchener's situation is slightly better. He still lives in the former Governor's Mansion opposite the Palace of Justice. He fishes and teases cats every day. His temper is still so violent and his health is not good.

Relatively speaking, Philip, who lived in the manor after retirement, is in the best condition. He is now in his 80s and has no physical problems, even better than when he was young. He takes a walk for more than two hours every morning.

Rock was depressed, but he had to face it. Adele was also a teacher and friend to Rock. Without Ade, there would be no southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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