Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2298 No matter how nicely you say it, it can't change the fact that you hug your thighs

Chapter 2298 No matter how nicely you say it, it can't change the fact that you hug your thighs

Rock respected Ade's last wish and did not hold a grand funeral for Ade.

There must be some procedures. Adler's body was sent to the Victoria Cathedral in the center of Pretoria, where it will be parked for seven days before being sent to the National Cemetery for burial.

Rock presented the first bouquet of flowers to Ade's body, and soon Ade's body was surrounded by flowers.

Adelaide is still very prestigious in southern Africa. There is an endless stream of people who come to mourn Adelaide. There is a long queue in the church square. Everyone can only stay in the cathedral for about 1 minute. There are mountains of flowers around the church. The flowers in Tolia City were sold out by people, and many people were still rushing here.

On the night of Adelaide's death, the British government and the British royal family sent messages of condolence to Roque respectively. Winston took a direct flight to Pretoria that night. He wanted to take this opportunity to discuss some issues with Roque face to face.

Rock didn't want to talk about anything.

No one can replace Adelaide's position in Rock's heart. For Rocke, Adelaide is not only Bole, but also the most intimate friend and respectable elder.

After knowing the news of Ade's death, Rock gave himself a day off, locked himself in the room, and didn't even care about the ongoing war.

The guards surrounded the Palace of Justice, and no one was allowed to disturb Roque. The children had gone to school, and only Roque and Phyllis were left in the huge palace.

There is also a dog, it is no longer known how many generations of the big man it is.

"A monument should be built to Alfred, and Alfred's residence should be converted into a museum. Why can't cities and streets be named after Alfred, which is the best way for people to remember him. The federal government should Choose a date as Adelaide's anniversary, why not set the date on the day Adelaide came to southern Africa." Phyllis disagreed with the low-key handling of Adelaide's funeral, only Rock and Fei remained in the Palace of Justice There are two people in Lisi, and Phyllis can only do the cleaning work in person.

Phyllis obviously took the initiative to find something to do. It doesn't matter if Rock's study is not cleaned for a day. The air quality in Pretoria is very good. Even if it is not cleaned for a week, there will not be too much dust on the ground.

"Raise your feet—" Phyllis looked at the motionless Roque, her eyes full of worry.

Rock is also in his 60s, and it is not a good thing to have too much mood swings. For the first time in the morning, Rock didn't even jog around Swan Lake, and he didn't eat breakfast.

"Old woman, let's say a few words less, we have to respect Ade's last wish." Rock insisted that not everyone becomes an old child like Kitchina.

Kitchener is completely different from Adelaide. What I like most is to attend various ceremonies named after him. There are many landmark buildings in Pretoria, or the names of streets are related to Kitchener. There are as many as six streets in "Kitchenner".

With so many streets, the names are easily confused.

The people are still wise. There is only one street called "Kitchina Street", and the rest of the names are related to Kitchener: Marshal Avenue, Earl Street, and the roads around Governor's Square are all named after Kitchener's surname.

Kitchener's name was also fully utilized, Horatio, Herbert, and even nicknames were used.

A street near Pretoria Airport was named "Lion King Street".

In addition to the streets, Kitchener's personal fame has also been fully utilized. Both Pretoria and Los Angeles have museums and theaters named after Kitchener's surname. Chinner went there once and changed the name to Kitchener's.

This behavior of the restaurant owner angered Kitchener, because the food in this restaurant was not good, and Kitchener did not get the desired experience in the restaurant, so the name of the restaurant was ordered to be changed back.

The owner of the restaurant is also a wonderful person. This guy simply changed his name to Kitchina for the sake of Zeng Kitchina's reputation.

Although Kitchener has a violent personality, he is reasonable. Since the owner of the restaurant changed his name to gain popularity, Kitchener just let it go, so the businessman in Pretoria changed his name to this name. a lot.

"He's gone, you can do whatever you want, anyway, he doesn't know." Phyllis is also in her dozens of years old, and her mind is still active.

Rock was suddenly very worried, if he died, this girl would not remarry.

No, no, Phyllis' feelings for Roque are still very firm.

"Winston has already got off the plane. When are you going to see him?" Phyllis's tone was full of pride. Rock was probably the only person in the world who was qualified to keep Winston waiting.

This has nothing to do with national strength, what is more important is the friendship between Rock and Winston.

The friendship between Rock and Winston may not be as deep as that between Henry and Stoudemire, but it is already very precious to people like Rock and Winston.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. I don't want to do anything today. Can you let me be quiet for a while?" Rock was helpless, but Ada was sensible and never bothered Rock.

"Well, as long as you know what you should do." Phyllis was actually sensible and agreed to give Rock the private space he wanted.

Finally cleared up, Rock closed the curtains, and his whole body was shrouded in darkness, recalling every bit of the past few decades with Ade.

Winston had no time to recall.

The victory of the Great Britain Air Battle did not change the situation of the British Empire. Germany may restart the Sea Lion project at any time, and the situation of the UK is getting more and more difficult. Last year, the financial expenditure reached 110 billion pounds.

In the last world war, the total expenditure of Britain was only 100 billion pounds.

The Russian battlefield has been repeated, and the end of the war seems to be indefinitely. The British Empire can no longer hold on, and Winston urgently needs Rock's help.

It was Owen who went to the airport to meet Winston. On the way to Pretoria, Winston and Owen took the initiative to chat about the ongoing war.

"Things are terrible now. Even if we win the war, the European economy will go back to 100 years ago. This world war will change people's behavior forever. Everyone is already afraid of war. When the war is over, we will To resolve disputes in a more peaceful way, we need our joint efforts to ensure that no new wars will break out." Winston has now fully realized the destructiveness of wars, and Winston was once firmly militant molecular.

Long before the outbreak of the World War, Winston positioned himself on the basis of firm anti-Russianism in order to set up a character. At that time, Winston clamored more than once to use war to contain Russia's expansion.

Now Winston can only be thankful that there is no war between Britain and Russia, otherwise, depending on Russia's performance in the war, Britain will definitely not win.

"It's not enough for us to yearn for peace. Everyone needs to be consistent." Owen's attitude is clear. As long as there are ambitious people in this world, the war will not stop.

A careerist is not necessarily a politician, but may also be a businessman, a banker, or an arms dealer.

The world's largest arms dealer is Nyasaland Military Industries, but the most active ones are Americans.

The shadow of the Americans emerged behind the two world wars. Without the constant incitement of the Americans, the Germans might not have dared to provoke wars.

Even if you dare, the consequences will not be so serious.

After Mustache tore up the Sudeten Treaty, if the United States and its allies can cut off trade with Germany, Mustache will somewhat restrain himself.

The same is true in Asia. The United States was still sending various industrial raw materials to Japan until the Pearl Harbor incident broke out. Rock had actively communicated with Roosevelt because of this issue. It boils down to a purely commercial act.

This is still the old way, the government cannot restrict commercial activities, and it is completely free trade.

In fact, they were all excuses. Southern Africa, Britain, and France also practiced free trade. After cutting off trade with Germany and Japan, businessmen from southern Africa, Britain, and France did not rebel.

Therefore, only the United Kingdom and southern Africa are peace-loving, and the behavior of certain countries must be restrained. Otherwise, there will be three or four wars, unless the war burns to the Americas and makes a certain country feel the pain of the consequences of the war.

"As long as the British Empire and Southern Africa join hands, the world will be and will be under our control for a long time." Winston sneered, the American advantage is not as great as it seems, and the Southern African Union and the Commonwealth of Nations have joined forces, enough Take control of this world.

These words are very tempting. At present, there are only more than 60 countries in the world. The countries of the Southern African Union and the Commonwealth of Nations account for about one-third. Germany, Japan, and Italy will definitely be liquidated after the war, and France will fall flat. As a second-rate country, the only threats to southern Africa and the United Kingdom are the United States and Russia.

One of them is far away in the Americas, and the other is in the Arctic Circle, both far away from the "center of civilization".

"Winston, you can save this issue to talk to Locke, I don't care." Owen was doing Tai Chi lightly, and what Winston said made sense, but only if Southern Africa was willing to cooperate.

The Americans made every effort to break the old colonial system and open up a larger raw material market and commodity dumping ground for the United States.

This is also what southern Africa wants. The British Empire once closed the Commonwealth market to southern Africa. This hater of southern Africa still remembers it.

Although the United Kingdom is now opening the Commonwealth of Nations to southern Africa again, no one can guarantee how long the British will be able to open it.

If you don't get enough benefits from southern Africa, the British who have no bottom line will definitely turn around and go to the Americans for cooperation. Don't expect the loyalty of the British.

"How is Locke now?" Winston knew the relationship between Rock and Ade, and worried that Rock would be affected by Ade's death.

People will do some irrational things in grief, Rock is also a human being, and cannot always be right.

"Not too good. Alfred is very special to Locke. Locke respects Alfred as an elder, so Locke must be very sad now." Owen is also in a sad mood. Without Alfred, there would be no southern Africa, and there would be no The Rise of House Matilda.

From this perspective, all southern Africans should always remember Adelaide's contribution to southern Africa.

Winston frowned. He decided to go to Kitchener first, hoping that Kitchener could help.

Kitchener didn't go to condolences to Adelaide. He was over 90 years old and his body couldn't stand the torment. The people around him even blocked the news of Adelaide's death. However, Kitchener still learned the sad news through the radio.

"Boy, what are you doing here? What difficulties is the British Empire facing?" Kitchener was angry with Winston, and Rock became a "sinister boy" in Kitchener's mouth, and Kitchener was angry with Winston. Already polite.

"I came to visit you. The British Empire has not forgotten the old marshal's contribution to the British Empire." Winston was not angry, and smiled like an old chrysanthemum, with wrinkles all over his face.

"You're right, I'm old too, and I should prepare for my funeral—" Kitchener suddenly felt depressed, and he still couldn't accept the departure of his old friend.

The relationship between Kitchener and Adelaide is also very special. Their friendship lasted for more than half a century, and the two old men were never married. depend on each other.

That's a good idea, but unfortunately the laws in southern Africa don't allow it.

And Ade didn't agree.

"Marshal, I really need your help." Winston changed the subject. What Kitchina feared was not death. Having been a soldier all his life, Kitchina had long been used to seeing death. What he feared was being abandoned by society. Forgotten and no longer needed.

This is especially true for those with high positions.

After many people retire, their health will deteriorate rapidly and they will die within a year or two. Neville is the best example.

Both Kitchener and Ade were lucky. After retiring, they were appointed as special advisers by the Federal Government of Southern Africa, and they still have a say in state affairs.

Rock is very nostalgic and knows how to be grateful. He chats with a few old men every now and then. Every holiday, he invites Kitchener, Ad, and other old friends who have retired to the Palace of Justice to gather together. Kitchener and Ah De even set up an old people's club to continue to play the residual heat.

"Hmph, I knew it. In Locke's words, weasels are uneasy and kind when they give chicken New Year greetings. Tell me, what do you want to do?" Kitchener sneered. Compared with the federal government of Southern Africa, the United Kingdom is ruthless enough. Kitchener retired At that time, he only gave Kitchener [-] pounds, and then kicked Kitchener away.

"The British Empire needs to rejoin Southern Africa to maintain control over the world." Winston's face sank, and the same sentence was expressed in different ways, with completely different meanings.

"Heh, if southern Africa wants to control the world, does it still need to join forces with the British Empire?" Kitchener didn't give face, it's fine for everyone to know about this kind of thing, don't say it directly, it's too embarrassing.

Winston suddenly felt a headache, and recalled some bad memories from the past. This old guy has not changed at all, and no one will give him face.

During the last World War, Winston often quarreled with Kitchener because of Kitchener's character.

(End of this chapter)

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