Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2538 It's All Luck

Chapter 2538 It's All Luck
The battle has been fought to such an extent that both sides have become overwhelmed, and all the rules of engagement have been reduced to a dead letter. The only purpose of the two parties participating in the war is to kill the other side at all costs.

Fortunately for Schmidt Huber, at least he died painlessly.

Ram Hicks, who is also the commander of the "Commander Hall" armored division, was not so lucky.

The situation of Ram Hicks is similar to that of Schmidt Huber. The troops were dismantled and rebuilt in the name of "Armored Division". Less than 6000 people.

The position in charge of Ram Hicks was on the rear side of Huber's position, so it was not immediately attacked by the Russian army.

The tragedy of the 13th Armored Division made all the German troops terrified. Ram Hicks urgently contacted the fortress headquarters, hoping to get support. This request was rejected, and the commander-in-chief of the fortress, General Weidenbruch There are no soldiers in hand.

In the first phase of Budapest, the German commander was General Frisner. Admiral Wiedenbruch had just succeeded General Frisner on December 12 and became the German commander of the Budapest Fortress.

Wiedenbruch is also considered unlucky, he has just arrived in office, and it is estimated that even the generals under his command have not fully recognized him, so he encountered such a difficult situation.

The reply Ram Hicks received was: the position must be resolutely held to withstand the attack of the Russians.

Ram Hicks had no choice but to do his best.

After paying a huge price, the Russian army's offensive was extremely smooth. The attack started at 13 o'clock in the morning. The [-]th Armored Division lasted less than an hour before the position was breached.

The only good news is that some remnants of the 13th Armored Division and the remnants of the "FH" Panzergrenadier Division fled into Ram Hicks' position. The army increased to 7000 people.

Sadly, that doesn't give Ram Hicks any more confidence.

"The Russians are in the final battle. Our frontline positions have all been breached. I just got the news that the headquarters of the 13th Armored Division fell. General Schmidt Huber was killed. The Russians are coming to our positions. Fighting It's exploded—" Chief of Staff Morse changed into a new uniform, wearing on his chest the Knight's Cross he had just received a week ago.

This medal is to reward Morse's outstanding performance in the first phase of the battle. At that time, Morse accurately judged the main attack direction of the Russian army, so the 21st "Commander Hall" Armored Division was able to fight without tanks. Defeat the 34th Guards Mechanized Corps equipped with T85/70 and T[-] tanks.

"The 13th Armored Division performed very well. They killed at least the same number of Russians, but there were too many Russians. They went forward without fear of sacrifice—" Rudolf Pullman, commander of the 2nd Battalion of the Panzergrenadier Division, expressed his expression Frustrated, he is now the top surviving commander of the Panzergrenadier division.

Of the 4800 members of the Panzergrenadier Division, only about 21 fled to the position of the 600st "Commander Hall" Armored Division.

"Gentlemen, please be prepared to die for your country, this is also our final battle—" Ram Hicks was already mentally prepared.

It is indeed the final battle.

The officers and soldiers of the 13st Armored Division saw the whole process of the 21th Armored Division being wiped out. At this time, there was no luck at all. Even if they surrendered, they would be executed directly. Win a chance.

The advantage of the 21st Armored Division is that there is a small river in front of their position. Although the river has been frozen, the river has become a natural anti-tank trench. In this way, the 21st Armored Division does not need to face the impact of Russian tanks.

The defense line of the 21st Armored Division was arranged along the river.

It is actually very easy to build a defense line in winter. If you pile up sandbags filled with soil and pour water on them overnight, they will freeze as hard as reinforced concrete.

Although the Germans didn't have tanks, they still had a lot of machine guns. Budapest was known as a fortress, so the reserves were naturally abundant.

The key point is that the Germans' arrangement of machine gun positions is a must. The combination of various light and dark firepower points forms a crossfire that is sufficient to ensure that there are no dead ends in the front. Under normal circumstances, such a position is almost impossible to break through.

Now the situation is abnormal.

Even without the cover of tanks, Russian soldiers still rushed over without fear.

The famous German tearing machine was extremely efficient in slaughtering light infantry. Soon the other bank of the river was covered with corpses. Blood flowed down the river bank, dyeing the entire river bank red, and flowing like a stream on the ice.

The Russian tanks, unable to cross the river, stopped on the bank and lined up like German positions to shoot.

Various anti-tank guns and bazookas of the German army fought back desperately. Occasionally, a T34 with weaker armor was destroyed, but other tanks continued to shoot at the anti-tank guns without fear.

Russia has indeed made great progress in heavy weapons. Not only tanks have performed well, but artillery has also made great progress. Self-propelled artillery will soon join in, and the German army will gradually fall into a disadvantage.

When the tanks and artillery were bombarded, the Russian infantry was not idle.

Anti-tank trenches are actually not difficult to deal with. The Southern African Expeditionary Force in the last world war summed up a wealth of experience. The easiest way is to use explosives to blow up anti-tank trenches.

The description of blowing flat is not accurate. It should be that a certain section of anti-tank trenches is destroyed enough to allow tanks to pass through. Therefore, climbing performance is a very important indicator for tanks.

IS-2's climbing ability is far inferior to the T32/34 with a total combat weight of 85 tons because of its heavy weight.

When the first T34/85 broke through the anti-tank trenches and rushed across the river, the morale of the German army finally collapsed.

The morale of the current German army cannot be compared with that of the German army when the war just broke out. At that time, the German army won consecutive battles and had high morale. They were really invincible.

Up to now, the most elite German troops have been lost in Russia, and many troops in the Budapest Fortress wearing German uniforms, even Hungarians.

Russia is not blindly retaliating against the German army. If the Hungarians surrender and promise to turn their guns against the Germans, then they will get the understanding of the Russians.

Unfortunately, the 21st Armored Division happened to have a group of Hungarians in the army.

These Hungarians were also the first to surrender. As soon as T34/85 rushed into the German position, the Hungarian soldiers who were defending the position surrendered immediately. In order to prove their determination to surrender, several Hungarian soldiers even took the initiative to shoot at the Germans around them.

"We are Hungarians. We were forced to join the German army. We have never done anything to harm Russia—" A Hungarian soldier identified himself to the Russian soldier in fluent Russian.

"Prove your determination to me—" the Russian soldier holding a Bobosha decisively pointed his gun at a German soldier who was seriously injured and dying.

The Hungarian soldiers did not hesitate to shoot at the German soldiers who were still fighting side by side for a moment, and they did not forget to make up the knife after shooting.

"Take off all their shoes. If you find a German wounded, you know what to do—" Russian soldiers are simple and rude. If they don't wear shoes, they will freeze in a short time if they are exposed to the air at minus ten degrees. stiff.

At least there is no way to escape.

The Hungarian soldiers moved quickly, taking off their shoes while not forgetting to search for loot, and even offered the more valuable things to the Russian soldiers.

"Throw this thing away, any Russian soldier will not want these SS collar badges and medals, because we are Guards soldiers!" Russian soldiers have integrity, unlike southern Africans who are open to money.

"No, we don't want it, the southern Africans on the opposite side still like it very much-" There is no one who doesn't dislike it, the SS collar badges are not very valuable, some very rare medals are still very popular among the Southern African Expeditionary Force of.

As for things like rings and watches, no one would refuse them.

However, I don’t know if the Russian army has the idea that all the captured items will be returned to the public. Most likely not.

If Russia also wanted to return all the seized items to the public, then the Russian army would not carry out organized robbery wherever it went.

This is not nonsense, it was recorded by diplomats from certain countries.

Like Switzerland.

As a permanent neutral country, Switzerland has embassies and consulates in almost all countries, and a city of Budapest's level must have them.

So even if the area is occupied, the information is not completely closed, and the exchange of information between diplomats is very smooth.

So now I know why Switzerland is a permanent neutral country, because both parties involved in the war need a communication channel at any time.

"Southern Africans are also demons, we will defeat him sooner or later!" This man's thoughts are indeed firm, and his tone is quite loud.

I am afraid that the bearded man would not dare to say this.

"At least we are allies now—" The guy who never refuses is very happy. In just a short while, he has already obtained more than a dozen medals.

It's almost over, the battle is still going on, and we have to save some for the brothers behind, as for the Hungarian soldiers who just surrendered——


All of them were killed.

Ram Hicks did not surrender, he was ready to die in battle, but at the last moment, Ram Hicks was forcibly carried away by the guards, and he was unable to refuse because of his serious injuries.

Ram Hicks was hit by a stray bullet during the battle. The bullet penetrated Ram Hicks' jaw and exited behind his ear, forming a terrifying penetrating injury. This kind of injury is basically impossible in the current Budapest. rescue.

After all, Ram Hicks was a senior officer. After being injured, he was quickly sent to the rear for treatment by the guards. Chief of Staff Morse replaced Ram Hicks to command the battle and died 10 minutes later.

The one who sent Ram Hicks to be treated was Rudolph Pullman, the lucky guy in the last battle. For a while, he called the guards to carry Ram Hicks away, and Rudolph got another chance to get out of the battle.

Rudolph's luck ended here.

While the ground forces were attacking frantically, the entire Russian Air Force was dispatched to carry out a new round of indiscriminate carpet bombing of Budapest.

Like the armored forces, the Russian Air Force has also made great progress.

Before the war broke out, Russia was still equipped with the honest biplane I-15, and the I-16 whose landing gear could not be retracted.

During the Spanish Civil War, these two types of aircraft were still able to compete with German fighter jets at that time. After Germany was equipped with BF109, Russian fighter jets fell behind.

The Yak-1941 developed by Russia's Yak Design Bureau in 3 has become Russia's current main fighter.

The Yak-3 is considered to be one of the most maneuverable fighter jets in Russia. Its latest model can single out the German BF109E/F without falling behind. It is said that Russia is developing jet aircraft on the basis of the Yak-3. The specific progress is unknown to the outside world. known.

Not known to the outside world means that there is no test flight yet. If the test flight is successful, even if Russia keeps it secret, the southern African side will definitely get some news no matter what.

The bravery of the Russians is just one aspect of their character. Most Russians are not well-off, which leaves opportunities for the agents in Brad's office.

Brad's office now has a dedicated Russia bureau.

Compared with the air force of the Budapest defenders, the Russian Air Force has a huge advantage in numbers. In the three months since the outbreak of the war, Budapest has not received any reinforcements from Germany, and every fighter lost is one less.

There are more and more aircraft on the Russian side, and the experience of the pilots is becoming more and more mature. As one ebbs and the other, the Russian Air Force gradually gains air supremacy over Budapest.

Ram Hicks was spotted by a Yak-3 on his way to the rear hospital.

At this time in Pace, the German army was in a mess, and those who could be sent to the rear for treatment must be senior officers.

The Yak-3 pilots immediately attacked after spotting Ram Hicks' stretcher.

The weapon system of the Yak-3 is a 20mm machine gun and two 12.7mm machine guns. Although it cannot mount bombs, it still has the ability to attack the ground.

When Yak-3 launched a dive, the two guards carrying the stretcher were loyal to their duties and did not abandon Ram Hicks. They ran hard, hoping to get rid of the attack of Yak-3.

Rudolph had no bones, and when he heard the sound of the Yak-3 engine, he jumped into the bomb crater by the roadside to hide, not daring to lift his head.

Rudolph was unlucky. When he jumped into the crater, he didn't notice that there was a fragment of the iron fence in the crater.

Ram Hicks was also unlucky. Although the guards did not abandon Ram Hicks, Ram Hicks fell off the stretcher during the violent running and hit his head heavily on the ground. • Ram Hicks had stopped breathing by the time Hicks was put back on the stretcher.

The two guards were quite lucky, they didn't fall to death, were not stabbed to death, and were not killed by Jacques-3, they were lucky to survive.

But this is not the end. In the next few days, the situation that the German army in Budapest will face will become more and more difficult. If they want to completely escape this catastrophe, they need more luck.

(End of this chapter)

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