Chapter 2547 Labor Camp

The East African colony is actually of little significance to Southern Africa. What is available in East Africa is available in Southern Africa, and what is not in East Africa is also available in Southern Africa.

Brad's office is actually taking precautions. It is not necessary to turn all the surrounding areas of southern Africa into the territory of southern Africa. At the very least, it must establish a country that is completely dependent on southern Africa and become a protectorate of southern Africa. In this way, Brad's office Agents will have enough sense of security.

Alvin also felt tricky after learning about the specific situation.

Southern Africa is no longer an autonomous government in a remote corner, but a powerful country covering the entire central and southern parts of Africa, with a total area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers, and a country with strong influence in the Mediterranean, the Near East, the Far East, and even South America .

Under such circumstances, the ambitions of the agents in Brad's office are also expanding.

British Empire?

It's just the afterglow of doom.

Far in the sky.

There is no influence at all in Africa.

So even if the East African colony is not worth much, it can still be used to accommodate the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force in World War II.

In the last world war, southern Africa got Tanganyika and German Southwest Africa, and hundreds of thousands of southern African expeditionary forces were able to settle down.

This time there will be no mandated land, so how to satisfy the expeditionary army's thirst for land?

After learning about the specific situation, Alvin flew back to Pretoria and made a statement to Rock face to face.

"The United States has the Monroe Doctrine, and the United Kingdom has the Continental Equilibrium Policy. Why can't we have our free Africa?" Alvin is full of drive, and he doesn't care about the international order.

What is the international order?

Darwin's theory of evolution has said that natural selection, survival of the fittest, and big fists are the truth.

When the British Empire was rampant in the world, the Royal Fleet was invincible and no one could compete with it.

Now Southern Africa does not say that it is king, at least in this land of Africa, no one can deny the strength of Southern Africa.

So Colonial East Africa?

Hehe, Alvin even began to fantasize about Italian Somalia and British Sudan.

Now Sudan has not been divided yet, it is a condominium of Britain and Egypt.

Don't ask if southern Africa is capable of annexing Sudan. This country is amazing. 40 people can launch a coup. How difficult do you think it is?

As for Free Africa—

This is an idea put forward by a columnist in The Times at the end of last year. The core is to expel all colonial governments and turn Africa into an Africa for Africans, no longer accepting European slavery.

This model is not to say the same as the Monroe Doctrine in the United States, but it can also be said to be exactly the same.

"Do you know what the result of doing this is?" Rock didn't expect that Alvin would be so radical.

In other words, Alvin's performance was much better than Rock expected.

Roque didn't want to oust the colonial government?

I miss it so much!Roque dreamed of it.

But this kind of thing can't be done overnight. Rock is going step by step and letting nature take its course, hoping to achieve this goal without damaging the overall environment.

If there is no accident, this process may last for more than ten years, or decades, and Rock will probably not see it.

If you follow Alvin's way, it won't take too long, maybe three to five years, and Africa will completely change.

"Think about it, it's nothing more than arousing the envy of Americans and Russians, and the hatred of Britain and France—" Alvin's expression was calm, he really didn't think it was a big deal.

"—but so what? Is London capable of launching a third Boer War—is France still capable of suppressing rebellions in West Africa—and if, after the war, England and France want to return to East Asia, we will How to deal with it—" Alvin's voice was not high, but it was deafening.

Times have changed, my lord!

In the time and space where Rock was, the Iron Curtain followed immediately after the end of World War II. The two camps faced each other for decades.

This time and space——

Hard to say.

At least after the war, if Britain and France wanted to return to the Far East, Rock would not accept it anyway.

As for the third Boer War, it is also absolutely impossible. Britain has enough troubles of its own. If the Suez Canal can be kept, the princes and nobles of the British Empire should be thankful.

"You make a plan first, write a report to me—" Rock didn't directly refuse, this kind of thing must be encouraged.

In another time and space, the United States and Russia did not fail to try to establish a new international order after World War II.

Everything has to go through a process. The United States and Russia also found the correct way to establish a new international order after numerous attempts.

Now Southern Africa has the opportunity to directly overthrow the old order, and we have to try it out to see if it works.

When Alvin was writing the report, Arthur flew back to Cyprus. After arriving in Cyprus, Arthur was surprised to find that the situation in the Balkans had changed again, and the situation was more serious than Budapest.

After the end of World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated, and Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia united to form the Kingdom of Serbia-Croatia-Slovenia, which was named the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929.

In 41, Germany invaded Yugoslavia, and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia disintegrated into the Serbian National Salvation Government and the Independent State of Croatia. With the support of the Germans, these two countries respectively established puppet regimes and became part of the Axis Powers.

At the same time that the Kingdom of Yugoslavia signed its surrender, a former Austro-Hungarian army officer who had participated in the First World War and performed outstandingly in the Second World War suddenly emerged and led the Yugoslav rebels to resist Germany. As of the beginning of 45, the Yugoslav rebels The scale has grown to 80 people.

Joseph Bruce, a name Arthur had never heard of before when his profile was submitted to Arthur's office.

"The Germans didn't know who this man was before. When the Germans knew him, he had more than 60 people under him—" Brook was no stranger to Joseph, but he was also familiar with the rapid development of the Yugoslav guerrillas. expressed surprise.

Not everyone is convinced by Mustache. The resistance forces in the Axis countries have been developing all the time. The resistance army in Free France has grown to 30 people, and the Yugoslav guerrillas have reached 80 people. unacceptable.

Joseph has a rich resume. He once won the runner-up in the fencing competition of the whole army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was captured due to injuries in the battle with the Russian army in World War I. He joined the Russian army while serving his sentence in Russia. He participated in the battle with Kolchak. Fighting in the White Army, he returned to Yugoslavia with his Russian wife in 20 years and changed his name to Tito.

"Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro—does this person want to rebuild the Austro-Hungarian Empire?" Arthur was in a complicated mood. The combined area of ​​the above-mentioned regions was only more than 25 square kilometers.

The Balkans, that's how complicated it is.

As the territory of the Rhodes family, Rhodesia has a total area of ​​39 square kilometers.

The area controlled by the Yugoslav guerrillas, including so many places above, only totaled more than 25 people. This also proves from another angle that Joseph is extremely capable.

As early as the beginning of the century, the Balkans were considered to be the powder kegs of Europe. The sharp regional and ethnic conflicts were recognized as irreconcilable.

Now that Joseph can actually integrate so many countries together, Arthur thinks he can't do it himself.

"The Germans encircled and suppressed the guerrillas many times and wanted Joseph, but they have never been able to do so. The terrain of the guerrilla's control area is extremely complicated. When they drilled into the mountains, they couldn't find it at all—" Brook also lamented.

The Germans couldn't catch Joseph, and the Southern African Expeditionary Force couldn't easily catch Joseph.

Looking at the map, you can see that the area controlled by the Yugoslav guerrillas is right next to Greece and the Ottoman Republic. If this area is controlled by the Communist International, then Arthur's deployment in Hungary will become useless.

Fortunately, the relationship between Joseph and the Communist International is not very good, at least he does not follow blindly and has his own opinions.

"Can we win this man over?" Arthur glanced at the map and gave up using force.

Such things as force cannot solve all problems after all.

In 41, when the German army was at its strongest, the Allied forces were forced to abandon Greece and retreat to North Africa.

The 41 years of the German army failed to eliminate the Yugoslav guerrillas, and Arthur didn't even have to think about it.

"There is a chance, but don't get your hopes up—" Brook was not optimistic.

That's right, as long as those who don't have their own opinions, most of them will become victims, and they won't achieve much in the future.

Joseph's wives are all Russians, but they did not absolutely obey the command of the Communist International, which fully shows that Joseph's heart is very strong.

Of course, this also proves from another angle that Arthur should not try to control the Yugoslav guerrillas like he controlled the Hungarian servants.

Why are the Balkans a powder keg?
Because the Balkans did not submit to the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

For hundreds of years, the Austro-Hungarian Empire failed to conquer the Balkans, and neither did the southern Africans.

"You have to try. We can give what Russia can give to the Yugoslav guerrillas!" Arthur has the confidence, as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

Arthur himself didn't know that the Yugoslav guerrillas actually had an office in Cyprus, the name was the Balkan Democratic Party, and the person in charge was Tapisalo.

Tapisalo is very worried these days. The office of the Democratic Party he leads is located on Jazz Avenue in East Cape. During the World War, there were many Balkans who fled to Cyprus. , Raised nearly one million rand funds for the guerrillas, and the money was used to buy medicines and ammunition, which strongly supported the guerrillas' resistance to the German army.

In recent days, there have been many strangers around the Democratic office, and even a van with dark glass parked across the street 24 hours a day, which has made Tapisalo very disturbed.

Southern Africa prohibits any foreign organization from raising funds in any way in Southern Africa.

Although the guerrilla’s office in Cyprus is labeled as the Democratic Party, it actually has nothing to do with “democracy.” There is not even an organization called the Democratic Party in Yugoslavia.

"I went to the pier just now, and I was followed by someone. The stalker was unscrupulous. He didn't hide his intentions at all, and he didn't worry about being discovered—" Tapisalo's deputy Nekosvich was uneasy, and the name of Brad's office It was too big, and Nekosvic was worried about being targeted by Brad.

"What does it matter, we have completed our task." Tapisalo is not afraid, he is a man of faith.

Everyone knew that the war was coming to an end, that the Germans were at the end of their rope, that the Yugoslav partisans were now openly operating, attacking big cities, and that there was no need to cover their tracks.

Taking a step back, the Yugoslav guerrillas are also part of the Allied Forces. Even if Brad's office finds out, Tapisalo is not worried.

As long as Southern Africa and the Comintern do not completely turn against each other, at least the safety of Tapisalo and Nekosvich can be guaranteed.

As for funds—

Funding is no longer the biggest problem plaguing the Yugoslav partisans.

"Should we leave here?" Nekosvić wanted to leave Cyprus.

This is not fear, but based on multiple considerations.

The war is coming to an end, so at this time, we must return to Yugoslavia as soon as possible to join the vigorous battle against Germany, so as to maximize the benefits.

"No, our mission is not over yet!" Tapisalo did not leave.

Nekosvich was puzzled. Didn't you just say that the task has been completed?

"Our biggest task now is no longer to raise funds, but to learn from southern Africa. Don't you want all Yugoslavs to live the same life as southern Africans in the future?" Tapisalo has ideals, which is also Joseph's request.

Joseph proposed in 1938: mobilize and organize the people of Yugoslavia, strive to defend their motherland from aggression and defend their independence.

The "independence" here is a response to the German invasion, and it is also a vigilance against the Communist International.

Tapisalo was a loyal follower of Joseph, and he never thought of betraying Yugoslavia.

As the head of the Yugoslav guerrillas in Cyprus, Tapisalo has handled millions of dollars. As long as Tapisalo wants to, he can take this money and travel to any country in the world, including southern Africa. Inside.

This is not without precedent. The German army has only occupied Ukraine for a year or two, and they can form a servant army with up to 10 members. The Balkan Peninsula is a European powder keg, and the situation is extremely complicated. In this case, Tapisalo’s loyalty, especially precious.

Nekosvich hadn't spoken yet, and a staff member of the office rushed to report.

"Sir, someone downstairs is looking for—"

Neskovich's expression suddenly collapsed, he couldn't even stand up, and sat slumped while leaning on the back of the sofa chair.

Tapisalo was not afraid, straightened his tie, and went out to meet guests calmly.

Even if the agents in Brad's office can do it, Tapisalo can't be thrown into a labor camp for a disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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