Chapter 2552
The Yugoslav People's Guerrilla is a surprise for southern Africa, and it is the same for Russia.

When Germany invaded Yugoslavia in 1941, Russia was negotiating with the Germans to divide spheres of influence, and almost joined the Axis powers directly, ignoring Joseph's plea for help.

At that time, the official government of Yugoslavia was the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which was naturally opposed to Russia. The bearded man did not send troops to carve up Yugoslavia with the Germans because it was too far away.


It would be nice not to take advantage of the fire.

When the Russo-German War broke out, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia had perished, and Russia was overwhelmed, let alone providing support to Joseph.

As mentioned earlier, Joseph is a person with independent thinking, but his independent thinking is not born with it, but forced out without any external assistance when he is desperate and desperate.

When Milovich consulted Moscow, Joseph was not idle.

Although Legion City is the territory of the Ottoman Republic, it does not have much sense of belonging to the Ottoman Republic. Joseph also heard the news that the Garibaldi Peninsula was striving for autonomy, which sounded the alarm for him.

The situation in Yugoslavia was as complicated as in the Ottoman Republic.

During the First World War, the Ottoman Empire perished and as many as 40 newly established countries have not recovered to its heyday.

After the demise of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Hungary and Bulgaria occupied part of the border areas, and Croatia was established as an independent country. General Milan Nedic established a national salvation government, ruled the remaining territories of the kingdom, and recognized Peter II as king.

What Joseph is facing now is also a divided Yugoslavia.

"That's why we came to Legion City. To regain all the lost ground and rebuild a strong Yugoslavia, we must make full use of all available factors." Joseph walked on the streets of Legion City, feeling overwhelmed.

The Garibaldi Peninsula was not devastated by the flames of war. After the outbreak of the World War, Legion City took over a part of the population who escaped from Europe, and its prosperity was even greater than before.

Only after experiencing war can we understand the value of peace.

Today's Yugoslavia, although the Germans have been driven away, is still full of wolves and devastated. Restoration and reconstruction is a big project, which may last for decades.

Although Moscow was destroyed by war, Russia can gather the strength of the whole country to rebuild a brand new Moscow in just a few years.

The strength of Yugoslavia is far from that of Russia. Even with the power of the whole country, it is impossible to restore and rebuild in a short time, so Joseph is willing to negotiate with Arthur.

The industrial strength of Southern Africa is obvious to all. With the support of Southern Africa, the reconstruction of Yugoslavia will be easier.

"If you want to accept assistance from the southern Africans, then you have to accept the conditions of the southern Africans, then Moscow—" Joseph's close comrade-in-arms, Neslovich, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Provisional Government, has a heavy heart. Walking in time, the risk is immeasurable.

Joseph and Neslovich already know Arthur's attitude. As long as the interim government agrees to the request of the government-in-exile and forms a coalition government with the government-in-exile, then southern Africa will provide assistance to the coalition government, including but not limited to reconstruction work. Funds, construction materials, food and daily necessities, and most importantly factories and technologies.

In fact, Joseph doesn't pay much attention to funds and construction materials. These things are not provided by southern Africa, but Russia can also provide them.

Factories and technology are the key.

Everyone knows that southern Africa has a strong industry. Throughout the Second World War, southern Africa became the logistics base of the Allied Forces. The people's guerrillas also received some material assistance from southern Africa. For example, the field army short windbreaker Joseph wore was produced in southern Africa. of.

It’s tears to say, a country as big as Yugoslavia can’t even produce a single piece of clothing, all the industrial bases have been destroyed, the machines in the factory were taken away by the Germans, the workers were lost, and the organization of production needed The funds and raw materials are all gone.

Is this just light industry, the heavy industry necessary for the production of tanks and warships?
Joseph never thought of entrusting the future defense of Yugoslavia to a certain country.

Not even Russia, which is in the same camp.

"Heh, even the Russians can't refuse all the demands of the southern Africans. How far can we do it?" Joseph sneered. From his standpoint, the bearded man was really ugly.

Just last year, Beard asked for assistance from southern Africa with a telegram per day.

Now that Russia has passed the most difficult stage, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger, the bearded man has the confidence to draw territory with Britain and the United States.

The bearded man's calculations are very good. He will not directly turn against the British and American South, but encourage the Yugoslav People's Guerrillas to stick to their principles and not to cooperate with the government-in-exile in any form.

In this way, Yugoslavia can only completely fall to Russia.

So Joseph had something to say.

You have to say to stick to the principle, everyone sticks to it, and we have the same blessings and the same difficulties.

Now the big beard makes the Yugoslav People's Guerrilla stick to its principles, but Russia receives a lot of aid from southern Africa and the United States. The co-authors are all Russians, but the villain wants Joseph to do it. Our names are all Joseph, so we play double standards it's not good.

Who doesn't want the benefits of giving away for nothing.

"London's request is too excessive. It is impossible for us to hand over half of the ministerial positions to the government-in-exile." Neslovic has a bottom line.

"I'm going to let Ivan be the foreign minister of the coalition government—" Joseph had already prepared, and he had to make a nest before fishing.

Neslovich was a little surprised. The position of foreign minister was quite important. Winston and Neville both served as foreign ministers as prime ministers.

Ivan was referring to Ivan Shubasic, Winston's chosen prime minister for the government-in-exile.

"I want Yugoslavs to live the same life as southern Africans." Joseph has an ideal. This goal is a bit big, but it doesn't matter if he can't achieve it in a short time, so that Yugoslavs can live like people in Garibaldi The same life is acceptable to Joseph.

The situation in Yugoslavia is very bad now. Although the people's guerrillas are advancing triumphantly on the battlefield, the lives of the people are very difficult. In the past winter, a severe famine broke out in Yugoslavia. Many people died of hunger. Joseph saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. powerless.

It takes time for food to grow from planting to harvesting.

Like most cities in the Garibaldi Peninsula, Legion City has a history of less than 20 years, so the city's construction level is very different from European cities. It is more scientific, more developed, and more livable.

This is the latecomer advantage.

When European cities emerged, there was no such thing as urban planning at all, and the quality of citizens was hard to describe. Paris was not a romantic capital 100 years ago, but a "smelly city" as famous as London, the capital of smog.

Paris has a tall city wall that most European cities do not have. The reason is not for defensive considerations, but to keep the feces made by Parisians out of the city wall. Therefore, the city wall has been continuously raised, from the original four meters to the later one. Nine meters, the dung hills outside Paris were not cleared until the early 19th century.

Legion City has no city walls, and like most southern African cities, there are no tall buildings. Residents prefer to live in houses with gardens behind the front lawn, rather than cramped pigeon cages.

Therefore, although the population of Legion City is not large, the city area is very large, spreading out a large stall that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Of course, the streets are also very wide. Legion City has not yet reached the point where the subway needs to be repaired. The most convenient means of transportation is the tram. Of course, there are many families with cars. Joseph and Neslovic traveled all the way. There are designated parking spaces, and most houses have garages.

It can be seen that the life of the residents of Legion City is very leisurely, and there is absolutely no fear and anxiety common to people in war zones. Many houses are painted with colorful paint, flowers are placed on the window sills, and the low fence around the lawn is also painted in color. Both guard dogs are fat and strong, which is absolutely not seen in Yugoslavia.

People don't have anything to eat, so dogs naturally don't care about it. It's true that Europeans don't eat dog meat.

Joseph hopes that all Yugoslavs can live the same life as southern Africans, but this requires strong strength as a support. If there is not enough strength, even if they create wealth, they will not be their own.

"Milovich has been in frequent contact with people in southern Africa in the past two days, and they may be trying to reach some kind of agreement." Neslovich is very worried that Russia is not a trustworthy ally.

The key is profit.

The common people know who wins and helps whom, and so do the big shots.

That is to say, the mustache did not fully meet the requirements of the beard, otherwise there would be no subsequent Russo-German war, and the situation of the entire world war would be turned upside down.

As long as the benefits given by Southern Africa are large enough, the bearded man will definitely sacrifice part of the interests of Yugoslavia, there is no doubt about it.

"If it is unavoidable for us to become the victim of conflicting interests among major powers, then we must strive for as many interests as possible." Joseph is very realistic, and it can only be during this period of time when everything is settled. Then there is a clear distinction.

It would be better to have the dignity of the small people than the rise of a big country. It would take a lot of brain damage to say such a thing.

Of course, this may also be in the minds of some people. After all, the chick knows the ambition of the swan, but as a watchdog, he doesn't know it, or knows it and doesn't admit it, so he can only pursue the dignity of the common people sourly.

Without everyone, there would be no small family. You are not even a citizen, and you still emphasize the dignity of a small person.

Joseph never thought of giving in when the people's guerrillas were at their most difficult.

Now we can only accept the reality.

In fact, it is not too much aggrieved. Big countries have the rise of big countries, and small countries have the way of survival of small countries.

"If we accept the suggestion from Southern Africa, then we have to accept the request of the coalition government." Neslovic worried that the kingdom would be restored, and the blood of hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavs would be shed in vain.

In the Second World War, Yugoslavia lost 30 soldiers, which is also countable in the Allied camp.

It must be Russia that has sacrificed the most soldiers, as many as 850 million, and another 50 are missing.

The Americans who chanted the loudest slogans only had 40 soldiers die.

The UK is not as good as the US.

As for France—

A total of only 10 people were killed, and more than 200 million surrendered.

"It doesn't matter. Didn't London ask us to hold an election—it doesn't matter who wins and who loses—" Joseph Zhizhu was in his hands, and he also understood the democratic system of the United Kingdom and the United States.

In Yugoslavia, there are quite a few people who recognize Peter II, and they still have illusions about the government-in-exile.

However, there are more Yugoslavs who support the People's Guerrillas. When Winston persuaded Joseph, he blatantly said that the Yugoslavs were pro-British and opposed land collectivization.

This is completely nonsense. Even if Yugoslavia does not engage in land collectivization, the land does not belong to Yugoslav civilians, but belongs to princes, nobles and landlords.

To engage in land collectivization, at least ensure that the land belongs to all Yugoslavs. If you are pro-British, did Britain give Yugoslavia any benefits?

Probably the only thing that can be obtained is the government-in-exile.

"When the king fled, he took away a large amount of wealth belonging to all Yugoslavs. This wealth must be taken back if the government-in-exile wants to participate in the coalition government." Joseph made a series of plans, first taking the wealth that Peter II brought to Britain Come back, and then kick the government-in-exile out of office through elections, and wipe it out.

When Peter II fled to England, he took all the gold in the treasury of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, as well as the people's fat and people's anointed by the royal family.

This wealth belongs to all Yugoslavs, and the reconstruction of Yugoslavia also needs funds. For the funds, Joseph can deal with the southern Africans and Russians, and it is justifiable to ask for this part of the wealth.

"Compared with London, I am more worried about the influence of Southern Africa—" Neslovic came to Legion City, and had a deeper understanding of the power of Southern Africa, and his fear was deepening day by day.

The rich people in the UK, also known as the so-called high society, are only a small group of people, and the life of most British people is also very poor. The current UK is not the welfare society that came later.

One of the major factors in the establishment of welfare societies in Western countries is the threat of Russia, forcing Western countries to distribute more benefits to ordinary people, otherwise the entire country will inevitably be Russified.

Now the threat of Russia has not yet been reflected, European countries do not know enough about Russia, and Russia has nothing to envy for fighting so badly in World War II.

Southern Africa is a threat to Russia and Yugoslavia.

After all, who doesn't want to have a good time.

"There are very few Yugoslavs who have the ability to reach southern Africans—" Joseph was not worried.

In the era of no mobile phones and no internet, it was very difficult to transmit information. Yugoslavs who knew how big the outside world was, were either in the government-in-exile in London, or had already gone to southern Africa or the United States to seek a new life.

Those who are unable to leave Yugoslavia need not worry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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