Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2557 Completely admit defeat

Chapter 2557 Completely admit defeat
Britain is not interested in attacking Germany, but it still has an interest in interfering in Greece, and it is still very large.

Winston's attitude was very clear. Winston could not care about Hungary, Yugoslavia, etc., but Greece must be guaranteed.

When the Axis Powers attacked Greece, the British army suffered consecutive defeats in North Africa. Rommel’s peak pointed directly at the Suez Canal. The British army was really unable to fight on two fronts, so they had to abandon Greece, and then George II had to completely to Southern Africa.

Now Britain has finally passed the most difficult stage, and the Kingdom of Greece is completely under the protection of southern Africa. The British army is eager to return to Greece. The Greek civil war gave Winston the most suitable excuse.

Roque did not give the British army a chance to return to Greece.

George II didn't want to either, he had already been abandoned by the British once, and he didn't want to be abandoned a second time.

"What's going on with the Kingdom of Greece? Can the king stabilize the situation?" Rock was slightly disappointed with George II. The Comintern's strength in Greece was not strong, and the royal family had the support of southern Africa. Normally, the situation should not have deteriorated to this extent. kind of degree.

"His Majesty the King is recovering from illness in Cyprus and has not yet returned to Athens. The prime minister appointed by the King, George Papandreou, is currently in charge of the government." Arthur was also helpless, this illness was really not the right time.

George Papandreou is the leader of the bourgeois liberals. He founded the Democratic Socialist Party in 1935. He was imprisoned and exiled many times for opposing the dictatorship of the monarchy.

It was such a person who, when Italy invaded Greece, clearly opposed the Italian invasion, so he was sentenced to prison and was only released last year. He was then appointed as the prime minister of the government-in-exile by George II.

The situation in Greece is also very complicated. Although the country is not big, there are many parties, and none of them is more powerful. They can only govern in the form of a coalition government. The People's Guerrillas supported by the Communist International also joined the coalition government, but because of interests Civil war erupted shortly after the formation of the coalition government.

With the help of the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the People's Guerrillas and the coalition government reached an agreement, and the civil war seemed to have ended. In fact, some members of the National Liberation Front who were unwilling to compromise took up arms and transferred to the mountains to continue guerrilla warfare.

Rock frowned when he knew the situation. It seemed that overnight, Europeans—especially Eastern Europeans, all became experts in guerrilla warfare.

"What kind of experts are they? If there is no support from Russia, they don't need us to attack, and they will disband on their own within three months at most." Yang Smozi is the real expert, but unfortunately he still couldn't beat the heyday at that time. British Empire.

This is also the actual situation. The esoteric tactics of guerrilla warfare are not easy to master.

There may be only one real expert in guerrilla warfare in Europe, Joseph, and only Yugoslavia in Eastern Europe persisted until 1944 without any external assistance.

This also paved the way for the deterioration of relations between Yugoslavia and Russia.

It is impossible for a man with such a strong opinion as Joseph to obey Moscow.

Beard is also a person with a strong desire for control, and it is also impossible to tolerate Yugoslavia's dissociation from the Russian system.

So don't worry about Yugoslavia. In a few years, Joseph will take the initiative to move closer to southern Africa.

Of course, getting closer does not mean taking refuge. Joseph does not even give in to his beard, and he will not accept the control of southern Africa.

"Prime Minister Papandreou hopes that we can take action to wipe out the guerrillas who fled to the mountains, and hopes that we can give more economic and weapon help." Arthur is not optimistic about Papandreou, which is also a person with a distinctive personality. People who opposed the king during the kingdom period and opposed Italy during the Italian occupation period, will they break with southern Africa after the situation stabilizes?
It is very possible to refer to the various behaviors of this person in the past.

No matter what the future holds, aid must still be given now, otherwise the Greek government will go back to the British.

"How is the combat effectiveness of the Greek army?" Rock was still quite impressed with the Greek army.

Arthur spread his hands together, expressing helplessness.

In the early days of the Greek campaign, the Greek army did very well. It once invaded the Italian occupied area and almost drove the Italian army into the sea.

Later, when the German army intervened, the Greek army suffered a crushing defeat, so it really didn't matter how strong the Greek army's combat effectiveness was, it all depended on its peers.

"We must ensure that our aid is used in the right way. The Greek army is excellent, and I believe they have the strength to end the civil war." Rock didn't let the Southern African Expeditionary Force be used as mercenaries, but he could be a consultant.

It is said to be an advisor, but in fact all military-related decisions are made by advisors. The military chief in Greece is just a display and has no military command at all.

Rock understands the truth that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

The same is true for Greece. As long as the Greek army is under control, it is tantamount to controlling the Greek government. Even if Papandreou's relationship with southern Africa deteriorates in the future, with the army in hand, he can change the prime minister at any time.

"That's not a problem. After the war is over, we will definitely have to disarm. If many experienced and outstanding officers retire, it would be a huge waste." Yang Shi Mozi agreed, and this can be regarded as supporting war with war .

No matter how big a country is, it will perish if it is warlike; even if the world is peaceful, it will be in danger if you forget war.

After the end of the world war, the war will not disappear. Maybe it will be the same as last time, and it will only be a short 20-year intermission. When the new generation of young people grows up, the war will continue.

Even in the most difficult times, Germany resolutely maintained the [-] Wehrmacht, leaving the seeds for its future rise.

The same is true for southern Africa. As long as there is a large and experienced officer corps, even if there is a major disarmament in southern Africa, it can return to its heyday at any time.

"Okay, I'll go to His Majesty the King later—" Arthur didn't want to deal with Papandreou, who was smart but unpleasant.

A truly smart person should maintain friendly relations with southern Africa at all times, do everything possible to meet all the requirements of southern Africa, and exchange economic benefits for the stability of the regime, so that the federal government of southern Africa will naturally not find any The excuse is against Mumu.

Papandreou can't do it. In his heart, Greece's interests are much higher than those of southern Africa. He is not a qualified spokesperson for interests and does not meet the requirements of southern Africa.

The situation of George II is not very good. He is also considered to be ill-fated. He has experienced two exiles in his life.

From the bottom of his heart, George II really wanted to return to Greece. Even if he died, he hoped to die in Athens instead of in a hospital in Cyprus.

"Don't worry, patiently cooperate with the doctor's treatment, and only with a healthy body can you better serve the country." Arthur has high ambitions. Even if George II returns to Athens, it is impossible for him to become a powerful person like Roque. Not even George VI in London.

"I know my situation, and it is impossible to fully recover, so I hope to return to Athens. I am the king of the Kingdom of Greece, and I want to return to my own kingdom." George II couldn't wait, he was fed up In the days of exile, I hope to return to the throne as soon as possible.

Arthur can understand the mood of George II, he can only cherish it if he has lost it, let alone lost it twice.

This actually proves from another angle that George II is indeed not a qualified king, otherwise he would not go into exile for the second time.

"Well, if the coalition government decides to restore the monarchy, then you can return to Greece at any time." Arthur drew a cake. Whether George II can return to Greece depends on whether the Greeks are willing to accept him as king.

Like King Peter II of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the United Kingdom, the king who abandoned his country and fled abroad when the war broke out had great difficulties in returning home. Whether the nationals accepted it was only one of them, and it depended on the faces of leaders of other countries.

To put it bluntly, the promised benefits are not enough.

As long as the Southern African Federal Government is willing, it will definitely help George II return to Greece. Even if the Greek coalition government collectively votes to abolish the monarchy, the Southern African Federal Government can also help George II to restore.

The key is to do so, what is the benefit of the Federal Government of Southern Africa.

"Lord, I need your help." George II knew the key.

Arthur didn't speak, just smiled and watched George II offer his knee.

"After I return to Athens, Greece will always be the most loyal ally in southern Africa—" George II was impassioned, but what he said was the same as what he didn't say.

Instead of becoming an ally in southern Africa, what other options does George II have?
there is none left!
Choose Russia?
That is a self-inflicted trap, and Russia will abolish the monarchy in minutes.

Then choose the UK?

It is also unreliable. Britain can abandon Greece the first time, and it can abandon the second time.

Of course, George II could also choose the United States.

The problem is that the influence of the United States in the Mediterranean is pitifully small, far inferior to that of southern Africa and the United Kingdom. If George II chooses the United States, he will most likely lose the throne.

Southern Africa can be replaced by a disobedient prime minister.

Can't we change to an obedient king?

"Crete will always be the garrison of the southern African army." George II finally began to touch the practical interests, but this was not enough.

Arthur nodded with a smile encouraging George II to continue.

Where is this.

"The Kingdom of Greece suffered heavy losses in the war. We need help from southern Africa to rebuild our national defense. At the same time, I am willing to increase trade with southern Africa and welcome southern African goods to enter Greece. If we can rebuild the economic system with your help, then I and All Greeks will be grateful that the future enemy of Southern Africa will be the enemy of Greece, and the friend of Southern Africa will be the friend of Greece." George II surrendered completely, surrendering his defense and diplomacy.

Compared with Crete, this sincerity is sufficient. When southern Africa was self-governing, Britain only retained diplomatic rights.

After this is implemented, it means that one day in the future, if southern Africa enters a state of war with a certain country, no matter how good the relationship between Greece and the other country is, Greece will have to follow southern Africa to declare war on the other country.

"Your Majesty, thank you for your trust in Southern Africa. I believe our friendship will last forever—" Arthur was very satisfied. George II returned home more urgently than Arthur imagined.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have surrendered so completely.

With Arthur's promise, George II finally felt relieved.

But now George II cannot return to Greece and has to wait for the coalition government's referendum. If the coalition government decides to abolish the monarchy, George II's hopes will be completely shattered.

The referendum is not so easy to do.

As mentioned earlier, in the 1924 years from 1935 to 11 alone, Greece experienced 23 governments, 1 military dictatorship and 13 coups. The rapid regime change may only be comparable to France in the world.

France only changes its prime minister relatively quickly, and the regime has always been stable. Greece is turned upside down at every turn, and domestic conflicts are so acute that they cannot be reconciled. Seriously inadequate.

The Greek coalition government is composed of 7 political parties, including 3 coalition parties, and 19 ministers, each representing the interests of at least six different forces behind them. It is a mess.

The federal government of Southern Africa must be on one side. The current ministers of defense, foreign affairs, and finance are all from southern Africa.

As the "sovereign country" of the former Kingdom of Greece, the United Kingdom still has a lingering power in Greece, and 19 ministers got 4.

The Comintern was equally strong. After winning six ministerial positions, the National Liberation Front finally signed an armistice agreement with the coalition government.

Papandreou represents the interests of the Greek mainland.

Intelligence from Bullard's office indicated that there were several other ministers who had close ties to the Americans, and the details have yet to be determined.

The last party is naturally the royalist party representing George II, and many ministers have expressed their support for George II on different occasions.

What is especially puzzling is that several ministers who are not firm enough are maintaining close contact with different forces at the same time, trying to win more support.

In this case, no matter how strong Papandreou's ability is, he can't use it.

Not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

On January 1, following the signing of the armistice, the coalition government held a collective meeting of ministers.

Unfortunately, although the meeting decided to hold a referendum on whether to retain the monarchy, it did not determine the time for the referendum.

It is estimated that the ministers also need time to observe. After all, in the current Balkans, although the outcome of the war is relatively clear, the future situation is still a cloud of fog.

So to solve the problem, we still have to go to Crimea.

As long as the bearded man agrees to no longer support the Greek resistance forces, then the situation in the Kingdom of Greece will be able to restore stability in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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