Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2561 Hope is shattered

Chapter 2561 Hope is shattered
Winston is actually very aware of the situation Britain is currently facing, he is just unwilling to accept this result.

Roque's attitude is also very clear, even if Roque and southern Africa do not make trouble, the United States and Russia will not allow Britain to maintain its current influence, God's belongs to God, and Caesar's belongs to Caesar.

"If Southern Africa and the United Kingdom join hands, we will still rule the world." Winston expressed goodwill to the greatest extent, and Rock and Southern Africa are the best choices.

Of course, if Rock disagrees with this suggestion, Winston will turn around and go to Roosevelt or the bearded man tomorrow.

"Winston, you have to accept this reality." Rock didn't want to join hands, and Britain was not a good ally.

Unless Roque is crazy, Roque will choose to join hands with Britain.

Let alone whether joining hands can achieve the goal, the current situation in France has fully demonstrated the danger of joining forces with the United Kingdom.

If he had to choose an ally, Roque would rather be Roosevelt or Beard, at least they are stronger.

Forget about the UK, the only thing that the UK can do now is the Royal Navy, but the Royal Navy is only empty-handed. The strength of the US Navy and the Southern African Navy has far surpassed the Royal Navy.

The strength of the Royal Navy is there, and the well-trained officer corps and experienced sailors are enviable.

The key is that the Royal Navy has chosen the wrong direction. It is extremely difficult to catch up with southern Africa and the United States, and the United Kingdom is currently unable to give the Royal Navy enough support.

The main thing is the number of aircraft carriers.

Before the outbreak of the World War, Southern Africa already had 12 standard aircraft carriers, plus the 20 fleet aircraft carriers that were urgently refitted after the outbreak of the World War, the number of aircraft carriers currently ranks third in the world.

No. 117 is undoubtedly the United States. The United States has as many as [-] escort aircraft carriers converted from merchant ships. Although the combat effectiveness of a single ship is not strong, ants kill elephants.

In second place is the United Kingdom.

Before the outbreak of the World War, the United Kingdom already had 27 aircraft carriers. After the outbreak of the World War, even with modification and leasing, the number of aircraft carriers reached 96 at the peak, and the scale was equally appalling.

Like the United States, although the number of British aircraft carriers is large, they have little record, and the performance of the carrier-based aircraft is relatively backward, which does not play a big role.

Relatively speaking, although the number of aircraft carriers in Southern Africa is small, their combat effectiveness is very strong. Both the performance of the carrier aircraft and the technology of the pilots are the best among the allies.

Beard has expressed to Rock many times that he hopes to get the help of Southern Africa to imitate the "island" class aircraft carrier in Southern Africa.

This matter can only be thought about, Roque will never let Russia obtain the relevant technology of the "island" class aircraft carrier.

"Locke, whether it is in the interests of the British Empire or in terms of my personal feelings, I cannot accept it, never!" Winston left this sentence and got up to leave.

It was a bad break up.

Rock can't help it either. Whether Winston accepts it or not, Britain's weakness cannot be changed.

The meeting continued the next day, and the topic was still dealing with Germany.

After going back in the evening, it is estimated that Beard and his think tank discussed Rock's proposal overnight, so as soon as he came up today, Beard said that he could accept the compensation amount of 1000 billion rubles, and agreed to only take 50.00%.

Winston still disagreed.

The world war lasted for five years. Only from 1942 to 1944, the British military expenditure was as high as 200 billion pounds and 1000 billion rubles, all of which were paid to the United Kingdom, which could not make up for the losses of the United Kingdom.

Of course, the accounts are not calculated in this way. Referring to the calculation method of the United Kingdom, Russia's military expenditure in the past three years has reached 4900 billion rubles, and it is not enough to pay the entire Germany to Russia.

The military expenditure in southern Africa is even higher, reaching 2800 billion rand in three years, so Roque is eager to end the war, because if the war continues, southern Africa will not be able to sustain it.

"If you don't agree with this distribution method, we will speak according to our strength, and we can take as much as we can." The bearded man had confidence, and at the same time as the Yalta meeting was held, the Russian army launched a new round of offensive against the German army.

The Allied forces on the Western Front did not attack because they had not yet reached an agreement. In order to avoid misfires, the offensive was suspended.

The bearded man has no such worries. He can grab as much as he can now. The larger the territory he occupies, the more Russia has the right to speak on the negotiating table.

In the direction of Eastern Europe, after the end of the Battle of Budapest, the Ukrainian Second and Third Fronts have begun to attack Vienna.

The Russian army in the Nordic direction has advanced to less than 60 kilometers away from Berlin. According to Big Beard's plan, the Nordic Russian army will continue to attack Berlin in January this year.

The problem is still Poland.

Remember the performance of the Russian army when the Polish rebels fought fiercely with the Germans in Warsaw?

At that time, the Russian army watched the fire from the other side. Although the front line had advanced to only one river away from Warsaw, the Russian army stopped fighting under the pretext of winter and watched the Warsaw rebels be strangled by the German army.

This excuse is funny. During the Russo-German War, even when the weather was the coldest, the Russian army did not stop fighting the German army. The weather became the biggest boost to the Russian army and was known as "General Winter".

Poland's climate is far less cold than Russia's.

In Russia, the Russian army can not fear the severe cold.

When they arrived in Poland, the Russian army stopped attacking in winter. This excuse was even worse than the excuse that Britain used the North African campaign for its delay in opening up a second battlefield in Europe.

Fighting in Poland lasted 81 days from July to October, until October 10 when the Polish rebels stopped fighting.

In order to punish the Poles, Mustache ordered Warsaw to be completely destroyed, and 1.7 Poles, including 9 rebels, were thrown into concentration camps.

The Russian army did not resume its offensive until Warsaw was completely destroyed on January 1, and entered Warsaw on January 16.

Note that it is "into", not "into".

As mentioned many times before, the Poles hate the Russians no less than the Germans.

In a sense, Poles hate Russians even more.

After the Russian army resumed its offensive, the German army retreated across the board, and Russia occupied most of Polish territory, which aroused intense hatred among the Poles.

During the St. Petersburg meeting, the bearded man insisted not to give up any acquired land in accordance with the provisions of the "Russian-German Border Friendship Treaty".

In order to compensate Poland, the bearded man agreed to set aside a part of the territory from Germany to compensate the Poles.

This proposal was not passed at the St. Petersburg meeting. It should have been kept secret, but for some reason, the Polish Resistance Army made this plan public, and the hatred of the Poles towards Russia reached a new level.

The bearded man didn't expect that after Russia and Germany partitioned Poland, the Poles were quite calm. In the German-occupied area, the activities of the rebels were not frequent.

After Russia defeated the German army and controlled most of Poland's territory, the activities of the Polish rebels suddenly became more frequent. Not only were Russia's logistics transportation lines frequently attacked, but the provisional government supported by Russia was also opposed by the vast majority of Poles.

Just last month, Zelinski, the Minister of the Interior of the Polish Interim Government, was shot and killed while paralyzing the destruction of Warsaw, and the Polish Rebels later claimed responsibility.

This situation angered the bearded man. Just after Zelinsky was assassinated, the bearded man ordered the Russian army in Poland to start clearing the Polish rebels. This action also affected the attack of the Russian army on the northern front.

After defeating the Budapest garrison, the German defense on the Eastern Front has completely collapsed. The Vienna garrison is far behind the Budapest German army in terms of combat effectiveness and fighting will. Invaded the city of Vienna.

Looking at it this way, the Russian army has gained more on the battlefield than the British army.

"Is this the attitude of your Russia to cooperate with civilized society?" Winston sneered, barbarians are barbarians, not civilized at all.

This involves another topic of the Yalta Conference.

After the end of the last World War, due to the rejection of Britain and France, Russia failed to join the League of Nations, which led to a lack of understanding of Russia by countries around the world. Even the mustaches were confused by the performance of the Russian army in Finland and brazenly launched a Russo-German war.

Now no one dares to underestimate Russia. Russia has become a force to be reckoned with. One of the main purposes of Rock, Roosevelt, and Winston's trip is to bring Russia back into the international community.

"Civilization—what qualifications do you have to speak of civilization in front of me? Is the United Kingdom a civilized country?" The bearded man immediately turned his face, and treated Winston extremely badly.

This is actually true. British "civilization" has always been just talk.

"Two, calm down, we are here to solve the problem, not to quarrel—" Rock took the initiative to make peace, and it would be dark if the quarrel continued.

"Let's adjourn the meeting temporarily—" Roosevelt proposed to adjourn the meeting, ready to fight a protracted war.

It's also normal. This kind of meeting that is likely to affect the future international situation cannot be negotiated in a day or two, and it has to be gradually adjusted.

Except for wealthy countries like southern Africa and the United States, no one can easily make concessions on the issue of compensation. After all, a decimal point is how many billions.

Then temporarily adjourn the meeting, and Rock and Roosevelt are considered to be on the same mind. Roosevelt went to persuade Winston, and Rock went to persuade the bearded man.

Although he had heard it a long time ago, Rock was still shocked when he came to the Yusupov Palace.

The Vorontsov Palace where Rock lives is already heavily guarded, with three steps, one post and five steps, one sentry. The outer security is in charge of the Russian army, and the internal security is in charge of the Secret Service of the Palace of Justice. The defense circle has several layers. , Mosquitoes can't fly in.

The Yusupov Palace was completely transformed into a fortress by the Russians. The cement layer on the top was two meters thick, and it was covered with a meter-thick gravel. It felt that even if an atomic bomb was dropped, it would not be able to break through the Yusupov Palace. defense.

"Why are you targeting Winston everywhere?" Rock's communication with the bearded man was still very casual in private.

Everyone has similar identities, no one is more noble than the other, and everyone is comfortable with a casual attitude.

When the bearded man faced Rock, his attitude was much better. The heating in the Yusupov Palace was also fully turned on, and the bearded man only wore a shirt.

"You know what the British have done. As a Russian, I have every reason to hate the British." The bearded man made no secret of his hatred for the British, but Rock could understand it.

Probably to the same extent that Roque hated the Japanese.

"So what? Most of the time, we can't do what we want." Rock was also helpless, he couldn't help himself in the arena.

If possible, Rock hopes to use atomic bombs to raze Japan to the ground, hopes to turn the British Isles into a colony in southern Africa, and hopes to get all Americans to Antarctica——

This matter can only be thought about, and the first point of hard work is still a little possible.

Southern Africa is now working hard to accumulate atomic bombs. As soon as the war on the European side ends, the Southern African Expeditionary Force will throw all the atomic bombs to Japan, and then negotiate with the Japanese.

If there are still living people in Japan by then.

"The Angsa people are the moths of this world. Only by overthrowing the Onsa people's rule over the world can our world usher in real peace." The bearded man carefully observed Rock's expression.

After all, the United Kingdom used to be the suzerain of Southern Africa. Although Southern Africa and the United Kingdom are now two independent countries, the bearded man is not sure how much Rock has feelings for the United Kingdom.

Rock doesn't have Stockholm Syndrome. His hatred for the Onsa people is no less than that of a bearded man.

It is said that it was the United Kingdom that opened the door to the Qing Empire with its strong ships and guns. The blood debt owed by the United Kingdom to the Chinese is much greater than that of the Germans.

"Then how should it be overthrown? Start a new war? That may lead to the destruction of our world." Rock seeks skin from a tiger, and of course he must use the Onsa people's own way to deal with the Onsa people.

"If we join hands, it's not impossible—" The bearded man smiled, not like a joke.

Rock believes that if he nods at this time, the alliance between Russia and Southern Africa can now be established.

The crux of the matter is that Britain is not a suitable ally, and neither is Russia—

The bearded man's desire to control is too strong, he treats enemies and allies alike, those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

But then again, who is a trusted ally?

Neither is the United States.

For now, only the countries of the Southern African Union can be trusted by Rock.

Therefore, Roque has always been enthusiastic about establishing a new international organization.

Needless to say, after the establishment of the new international organization, Southern Africa and the Southern African Union countries will join. In this way, Southern Africa will have a considerable say. At that time, no matter whether the United States or Russia, Southern Africa will not be afraid.

Isn't it just a show of hands, one country one vote, if Roque is willing, southern Africa can become dozens of countries in minutes.

Of course the United States can, but as long as Roosevelt is not crazy, he will not do that.

Russia's hidden dangers are much greater than those in southern Africa.

(End of this chapter)

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