Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2566 The old hunter is worthy of being an old hunter

Chapter 2566 The old hunter is worthy of being an old hunter

Roque will never forget that the day after Italy surrendered, the Germans sank the "Roma" with an aviation-guided bomb and damaged the "Italia".

Now the "Italy" is still in Cyprus, and it is said that the maintenance work will not be completed until the end of the year.

The reason why the progress is so slow has a lot to do with the plummeting status of the battleship.

Since almost two years ago, in the shipbuilding plans announced by various countries, there is no place for battleships. The models that were planned to be built before but have not yet started are all cancelled, and the battleships have completely become outcasts.

The generals in southern Africa finally stopped struggling, and they had new goals.

Considering that both the United States and the United Kingdom are increasing their shipbuilding efforts, the generals in southern Africa hope to get a new type of aircraft carrier to maintain the superiority of the southern African navy in terms of aircraft carriers.

As the main aircraft carrier in active service in southern Africa, the "Island" class has been in service for more than ten years. It is also an objective fact that it has lost its overwhelming advantage in the face of the latest "Midway Island" class aircraft carrier in the United States.

The first ship of the "Midway" class, the USS Midway, started construction in 43 and is still under construction and is expected to enter service at the end of the year.

It can be seen here that the U.S. Navy attaches great importance to the "Midway Island" class. You must know that when the speed was the fastest before, the U.S. used to build aircraft carriers at a rate of one a week.

Don't even dare to touch Germany and Japan at their peak, and only dare to bet on the end of the war when the outcome of the war is clear. Don't talk about world leadership, shame on you!

Rock is about to retire, and he won't be able to last for a few years even if he shines. It's still easy to fool Gavin, and Southern Africa can't afford it.

With the current strength of southern Africa, it is not a problem to start construction of ten ships at the same time based on the previous plan, so why hesitate.

Who likes economic crises the most?

As a comparison, the "Giant" class aircraft carrier currently under construction in the United Kingdom has a standard displacement of only 13190 tons, a poor aircraft carrying capacity of 50 aircraft, and a maximum speed of only 25 knots.

Rock is also worried about this issue, so Rock has always advocated hiding wealth from the people, so that the people can live a good life and meet the dual needs of spiritual life and material life.

Winston was worried all day long, and what he feared most was the union of the workers all over the world.

The technology of ship-to-ground rockets is not mature enough, and the accuracy is not guaranteed. Even if it is applied to warships, it is still a gimmick, and it needs to be further improved before it can fully play its role.

Congress can spend money, but the key is how the money is used.

What kind of traditional power aircraft carrier do you want, nuclear power is the kingly way.

So why are Americans desperately building aircraft carriers?
The purpose is not only to replace the United Kingdom, but also to compete for the leadership of the international community.

This is really not an exaggeration.

This is still the case when it was successfully completed.

Another important reason is to provoke a new arms race.

5000 million is the cost of the "island" class. If new ships are built according to the Navy's requirements, the cost will almost double.

"The navy organized a discussion and found that the current technology cannot meet the requirements, so—" Gavin was very helpless. The generals of the navy found that Rock was not easy to fool, so they targeted Gavin, the heir .

Aircraft carriers are not only expensive to use, but the cost of decommissioning is also very high. Few countries can afford an aircraft carrier that costs tens of thousands of tons. Understand, this part costs a lot and takes a long time, so the aircraft carrier, from birth to death, is a gold-swallowing behemoth.

Still take the "Midway Island" as an example. When the United States built the "Midway Island", it cost 9209 million US dollars. It was completed in 45 years and decommissioned in 90 years. It served for a total of 47 years, and the cost incurred during the period exceeded 137 billion US dollars.

Rock's cake painting technique is still good, and the generals in southern Africa are very happy.

Like Washington, there is a lobby in Pretoria, there is a lobby in London, there is a lobby in every country.

When Americans fight wars, they are very picky about their opponents.

Relatively speaking, the cost of American aircraft carriers is higher for many reasons. After all, the United States is not in the 21st century, and a coffee pot costs $1500.

Since the armored deck of "Midway Island" is as thick as 3 inches (7.62 cm), and the carrying capacity is as high as 145 aircraft, the full-load displacement of "Midway Island" is as high as 60000 tons. After completion, it will be the largest aircraft carrier in the world.

Are Cape State school-age children human?Should they receive the same level of education as Nyasaland school-age children?
This is just education, what about medical care?What about retirement?

In order to achieve their goals, the southern African military will keep looking for various reasons, find them if they can be found, and make up one if they can't find them, and then start to hype threats with only one purpose: to get money from Congress.

Rock's response is very simple, you hit yours, I hit mine.

The maximum speed of "Midway" can reach 33 knots.

"5000 million rand!" The data in Gavin's hand was also very detailed.

The aircraft carrier is the concrete manifestation of the status of a great power.

That's right, a certain diamond family is talking about you.

"It's not a question of strength or strength at all. It has nothing to do with this. The key is whether it is needed. The current fleet size is enough to protect the interests of Southern Africa. There is no need to over-invest." Rock told Gavin that Southern Africa had just been established. At that time, it was really impossible to build a super battleship.

Rock would definitely not agree to this standard, for the same reasons as Rock's negation of battleships, it was out of date.

During the First World War, with the strength of southern Africa at that time, it was entirely possible to build ten or eight ships. The reason why Rock was determined not to build them was that there was no need for them at all.

It doesn't take too long, half a year at most, and the United States may encounter a new round of Great Depression.

With the "adversary" data, the generals in southern Africa have a big appetite. They hope to get a jet fighter and bomber that can take off and land, and also install a flight deck. The fastest speed can reach 35 knots, and it is equipped with long-range rockets. A super battleship that can conduct long-range strikes on enemy warships or ground targets.

Southern Africa's research in the military field is the best in the world, and it can be applied to war at any time. Therefore, in order to appease the navy, Rock began to draw cakes for the navy again.

This is not the spirit of Ah Q. The best way to get a good pair of shoes is to make money instead of buying them for zero yuan.

It is now 1945, what kind of arms race is going on? In order to cope with the possible economic recession after the end of the world war, southern Africa has promoted military conversion to civilians since last year, closed a large number of military factories, or converted to civilian products, and did not hesitate to do so. Concede some orders to American counterparts.

So don’t look at some companies related to the war in the United States. The financial data are pretty good now. In order to meet the order requirements, they even build new factories.

5000 million is the cost of southern Africa. In the United States, it would cost more than [-] million.

Of course, there is a problem here, which is to let the people know the truth of the world, so that they will know what they want.

Of course, the admirals are not easy to fool. The Rock people are in Yalta, and the generals are not idle. They quickly worked out a transition plan and hoped that Rock would approve it.

It doesn't matter what the performance is, the key is that the cakes drawn by Roque have been realized, this is the most terrifying, otherwise the Southern African Navy, now can only be like the Royal Navy, holding a bunch of battleships that have been eliminated, looking at Southern Africa and America's carrier battle groups are drooling.

Southern Africa is not far behind.

So here comes the problem.

Aircraft carriers are gold-swallowing behemoths, and 5000 million is just the construction cost. In the subsequent use, if calculated according to the service life of 40 years, the cost incurred during this period is enough to build dozens more ships.

The truth is that this world has never been truly peaceful since the birth of mankind.

Such an aircraft carrier, like the British amphibious tank, would sink as soon as it hit the water.

When Roque denied the battleship, the strength of southern Africa was limited, and good steel had to be used wisely and not wasted.

"How much does it cost to build a one-kilometer highway? Is the highway between Los Angeles and Cape Town connected? What about the one from Walvis Bay to Port Edward? Every veteran in southern Africa can get his pension in full and on time Is every child in southern Africa getting the education they deserve?" Rock asked one after another, and Gavin was sweating profusely.

Leaving aside the rest, the last point, not to mention Southern Africa, is beyond reach of any country.

Rather be a Taiping dog than a troubled person. When you are sad because you don’t have a pair of good shoes, and you go out and see a person without feet, your heart will be balanced.

"Okay, let's say 5000 million rand—" Rock followed Gavin's advice.

What is proper education?
If it is the level of public education in the United States, southern Africa has indeed reached it.

It must be some international capital. They are sharpening their knives and preparing to go to the United States to buy bottom.

So here comes the problem, even if Japan gets the submarine technology from Germany, Japan no longer has the strength to start construction and is just dying.

So don't start playing the arms race as soon as you have a few dollars. The Americans want to play and let them play. Anyway, the Americans dare not provoke a war with southern Africa.

The performance of "Midway Island" is indeed very powerful. This is the first aircraft carrier in the United States equipped with an armored flight deck, and it is also the first warship in the United States whose maximum width is designed to be able to pass through the Panama Canal.

The carrier-based aircraft of "Midway Island" are designed according to the propeller standard, so there can be 145 aircraft.

Why are Americans desperately building aircraft carriers?
To fight the Axis powers?
It is enough for Germany to be dealt with by the Royal Navy. Regardless of the shabby aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy, with the overall strength of the Royal Navy, not to mention that the German Navy will not be able to go to sea. don't go.

It is said that under pressure, the Japanese Navy had to start researching submarines.

"Tell your lobbying general to either start building a new aircraft carrier, or use the money from building an aircraft carrier to resettle veterans and improve military welfare. Let them choose." Rock is insidious, and internal division is still very easy to use. .

"During war, soldiers have the highest voice, and all resources should be directed to the military." Rock continued to go deeper, which was a bit murderous: "In peacetime, construction should be the main focus, and efforts should be made to improve people's lives. Level, ease social conflicts, this is what you have to face in the future."

"How much does it cost to build an aircraft carrier?" Rock calculated to Gavin in detail.

Rock forgot, it was probably the sixties and seventies.

"The military's requirements must still be met—" Gavin had his own ideas, and the war is not over yet, so he shouldn't offend too much.

The technology of jet carrier-based aircraft is not mature enough, and the key heavy bomber can't be applied to an aircraft carrier at all, unless the aircraft carrier is equipped with a flight deck with a length of more than a kilometer.

The key is here.

Like battleships, aircraft carriers are also gold-swallowing behemoths. On an aircraft carrier, the total length of cables exceeds 1000 kilometers, more than 2000 telephones, 100 to [-] radar transmitters, more than [-] receivers, [-] to [-] antennas, and tens of thousands of tons of steel. This does not include the cost of carrier-based aircraft and personnel. When an aircraft carrier starts to operate, the fuel cost will cost tens of thousands.

Rock frowned.

In another time and space, what happened to the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier?

In order to fool the British workers, the British politicians did not hesitate to create a nondescript Labor Party to appease the spiritual needs of the people at the bottom. In fact, it has nothing to do with the workers.

But according to Nyasaland's standards, not to mention the few private schools in Los Angeles that only cater to high-end people and have annual tuition fees of tens of thousands, even by the most common standards, it is as difficult as it is for other states.

"—As for the soldiers, after the war is over, they will lose most of their right to speak. In order to make this day come as late as possible, they will do everything possible." Rock reminded Gavin that in the future they will face even more Much lobbying.

Being able to pass through Panama means that "Midway Island" is no longer limited to the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean, and can be quickly deployed globally.

When France built the "Charles de Gaulle", many problems were exposed one after another, so the French had to fix it. It took 15 years to complete the "Charles de Gaulle". By the time it was completed, the cost had exceeded the original plan by 6 or 7 times.

The Japanese Navy was even worse. Facing the overwhelming superiority of the Allied Navy, it had completely lost the initiative in the war since the end of 42. Now the main battleships have been completely lost, and the sea line of communication has been completely cut off.

According to the requirements of the Navy, the tonnage of this "super warship" may exceed 10 tons, because the generals in southern Africa greedily hope that the new aircraft carrier will also have the same aircraft capacity as the "Midway Island".

If you look at it this way, with so much money, there is nothing good to do. It must be spent on building aircraft carriers, which is a waste.

Of course, the waste here is based on the fact that southern Africa already has a sufficient number of aircraft carriers to protect the interests of southern Africa.

Otherwise, even if Roque sells the iron, he will have to fight with the Americans. Even if it does not reach the level that the United Kingdom said at the beginning that Germany will build one and the United Kingdom will build two, at least it will have to fight the Americans.

"I know how to do it!" Gavin's eyes lit up, the old hunter is worthy of being an old hunter.

(End of this chapter)

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