Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2581 50 tons is a hurdle

Chapter 2581 50 tons is a hurdle
In Germany's black technology, there are not many in southern Africa.

If you look at it this way, it will bring out the magic of Germany even more.

The strength of southern Africa is due to the hacking, as well as the unparalleled geographical advantages and resource advantages. In this regard, even the United States is inferior to southern Africa.

The geographical advantage of the United States is also good, but it is far behind southern Africa in terms of resources. If Rock is thrown to Germany, Rock really dare not single out the world.

When the last tank in Cologne was wiped out, more and more troops flocked to Remagen. Both sides knew that the fateful moment was coming.

If the Southern African Expeditionary Force can open the gap from Remagen, then millions of Allied troops on the Western Front will pour into Germany along Remagen, and the defense line deployed along the Rhine in Rundstadt in the past winter. collapse, then the world war may end within the year.

If the German army recaptures Remagen, the war will continue. If it cannot end within this year, it is hard to say what will happen next year.

In the winter that just passed, many changes have taken place in European countries, especially in France and Italy. The Comintern has become more and more powerful. , The United States has worked so hard for the past few years, and it will all be meaningless.

Patton knew that the opportunity was rare.

With the Anglo-American Allied Forces attacking in trouble, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was the only bright spot. On the day the 9th Armored Division captured the Ludendorff Bridge, Patton ordered all the Southern African Expeditionary Forces to speed up and move closer to the Ludendorff Bridge. Through the Danube, into Remagen to fight.

On a pontoon bridge that has been built next to it, hundreds of officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force are passing quickly.

This is how feelings are developed.

"Have we entered service with jet bombers?" Tony Anderson was not sure, and jet fighters in southern Africa had only just entered service.

Kesselring soon found out about this situation, and the German army that was gathering towards Remagen was more than a little faster.

"What number is this already?" Lei Zhen sighed, the Germans are really strong.

The only worry was whether Kesselring would give up on retaking the town of Remagen if he found that too many troops were crossing the river.

To be honest, Lei Zhen really didn't see that jet bombers have an overwhelming advantage over propeller bombers, otherwise the Ludendorff Bridge would not be intact until now.

What Lei Zhen said was true. The Southern African Expeditionary Force seldom experimented with new weapons on the battlefield. It was really efficient to use and modify them like the German ones, but it was also irresponsible to the soldiers.

On the surface, the Ludendorff Bridge was the main passage for the Southern African Expeditionary Force to cross the Rhine River. The Germans spared no effort to blow up the Ludendorff Bridge.

After Tony Anderson reported the situation to Patton, Patton expressed great interest in this rocket, and there are dozens of people in the river who are busy now, hoping to fish out the unexploded V2 rocket.

Patton did the same, agreeing to blow up the bridge.

The jet fighters in southern Africa have a smoother shape, more advanced performance, and more in number. They also cooperate with the "Cheetah" whose performance has reached the peak of the propeller fighter jets, so they have gained a lot in the past few days. Dozens of German fighter jets are shot down every day.

At night, the air battle that lasted for many days finally stopped, and the collapse of the Ludendorff Bridge gave the Germans a reassurance. Now Kesselring can focus all his attention on how to eliminate the expeditionary force crossing the river.

It's not easy to be a shopkeeper by throwing your hands away. In the east, there is Principal Chang, who directs the team to fight by remote control, and in the west, there is Mustache, who will never retreat no matter what the situation. These two are the best.

Shooting down a rocket is not something that just anyone can do. Apart from excellent technique, it depends more on luck.

"You don't know the character of our lord. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will definitely not take out the most advanced things. Believe it or not, if Germany does not come up with jet fighters, our jet fighters will not appear until the end of the world war. On the battlefield—” In Lei Zhen’s shot, a German BF109 was chased and beaten by a “Cheetah”. The pilot of the BF109 tried his best, but failed to get rid of it. In the end, he was hit, and the plane disintegrated in the air. The pilot didn't even jump out of the parachute.

Although the explosives placed by the German army did not blow up the Ludendorff Bridge, it seriously damaged the structure of the Ludendorff Bridge, making it impossible for tanks and other heavy weapons to pass through, so they had to find another way.

"Probably not yet—" Lei Zhen held his binoculars to observe the fierce fighting in the sky.

Beside Lei Zhen, thousands of officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force were resting, waiting to cross the river to join the battle. They were all from the 61st Division and had just arrived an hour ago.

There was the sound of rumbling artillery from farther away. It was the vanguard of the German army, which was exchanging fire with the peripheral troops of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

The structure of the Ludendorff Bridge was severely damaged, and heavy tanks could not pass through. If you want to send heavy tanks to the opposite bank, you can only rely on pontoon bridges and tugboats.

I don't know if Kesselring knows the allusions of "put to death and live again" and "destroy the boat".

The German army participated in the war, not only jet bombers, but also jet fighters and the latest model BF109.

"Rocket, V2 rocket—" The V2 rocket appeared in Tony Anderson's camera.

"Very good, let's cross the river—" Lei Zhen is very satisfied. With the heavy tank, Lei Zhen has more confidence in the next battle.


"Eleventh—" Tony Anderson was careful. Compared with the night vision device, the V11 rocket was more valuable.

This is also a new attempt for the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

On the Ludendorff Bridge not far away, a team of four-ton trucks full of military supplies were driving cautiously.

Even Tony Anderson could see the plume of a V2 rocket, and so could the pilots.

Fortunately, there are engineers who can erect pontoon bridges on the Rhine.

That kind of simple pontoon bridge is not enough, nor can it carry tens of tons of weight, so many small boats must be used to form a large tugboat to send heavy tanks there.

It takes time to erect the pontoon bridge, and it is necessary to prevent the destruction of the German army. The new commander-in-chief of the German army, Kesselring, even the importance of the Ludendorff Bridge. In order to destroy the Ludendorff Bridge, even jet bombers and V2 rockets were used.

Captain Pan Sen, who graduated from the School of Architecture of Nyasaland University, is the commander of the pontoon bridge. Before joining the army, he worked in a construction company in Pretoria and was promoted to a senior engineer.

From the perspective of the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force, the Germans are also piles of moving military medals.

Lei Zhen didn't care about these trivial matters, and focused on sending the heavy tanks to the other side.

Blowing up a bridge is a risky move, with risks.

After the formation of the first tugboat yesterday, the sappers had already carried out an experiment.

The loss of the Ludendorff Bridge did not have much impact on the crossing of the expeditionary force. In the past few days, the engineers have built four pontoon bridges one kilometer downstream from the Ludendorff Bridge. Countless expeditionary force officers, soldiers and supplies are passing through these pontoon bridges. Continuously reaching the other side.

The expeditionary army is still hurrying to organize the crossing of the river.

Rock advocated that the generals would not accept the orders of the foreign rulers. The battle situation on the frontline was changing rapidly. Even if there were telegrams and telephones now, the communication speed was much faster. Being in the safe rear, the understanding of the frontline was definitely not as good as those frontline commanders.

Even so, when all the trucks were passing, the drivers opened their doors very cautiously. Once the bridge broke on the way, these drivers had a greater chance of escaping.

After the attack on the Ludendorff Bridge, Lei Zhen ordered the engineers to conduct a thorough assessment of the Ludendorff Bridge, and the results were not optimistic.

Of course, this is also related to the insufficient performance of the V2 rocket.

Now if the Ludendorff Bridge is blown up, then in the eyes of Kesselring, the Southern African Expeditionary Force that has probably crossed the river will become a turtle in a urn.

Although they are all jet, their appearance is still easy to distinguish.

The rocket engine is not good at this point. Like a mine, the engine will have obvious tail flames and airflow during the flight in the air, which is easy to be found.

"It's easy, just let Kesselring rest assured—" Tony Anderson had a lot of ideas, and the chief of staff was there to help out.

Barton has learned from Roque for so long, and the biggest gain is that he can employ people without doubt.

"Our pontoon bridge has sufficient carrying capacity. Trucks, armored vehicles, and medium tanks no more than 40 tons can pass through." Pan Sen is confident in the pontoon bridge he erected. In the past winter, the engineers were not idle .

Today is the second attempt.

The engineers of the expeditionary army can still be trusted. Many of them have university degrees that are rare at this time, and they have a deeper understanding of engineering and construction. sent to the other side.

With heavy tanks, Lei Zhen's plan can be more aggressive.

Then it fell on the river about 300 meters away from the Ludendorff Bridge.

Lei Zhen and Tony Anderson had nothing to say about the bombing of the bridge, and they had to report it to Barton.

The holes in the bridge deck have been urgently repaired by engineers and are now barely usable.

"Hehe, didn't the Germans want to blow up the Ludendorff Bridge? Let's blow it up for him—" Tony Anderson was afraid that Kesselring would not be fooled, so he wanted to add fuel to the fire.

Perhaps the German army has not yet assembled, and the fighting on the ground has not been fierce these days. On the contrary, the competition in the air has become more and more cruel, and fierce air battles will break out every day.


With Patton sharing the pressure, that afternoon, the much-anticipated Ludendorff Bridge collapsed under the shocked eyes of countless people.

Hadn't Kesselring mobilized 12 divisions and vowed to retake the town of Remagen?
Now let us wait and see how many German troops can escape.

A Southern African jet and a Cheetah simultaneously approached the V2, hoping to shoot it down with cannon.

Lei Zhen was very worried.

If the expeditionary force failed to withstand the frenzied attack of the German army, resulting in the loss of the town of Remagen, the loss of the only bridgehead, and even the annihilation of the entire expeditionary force across the river, then Patton would also be jointly and severally responsible.

In the town of Remagen on the opposite bank, the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force who arrived earlier are urgently building positions, waiting to meet the German attack.

The performance of the V2 rocket is not very reliable, not to mention the low accuracy. Yesterday, there was a V2 rocket that did not explode at all and fell directly into the Rhine River.

The luck of the two pilots was not very good, and neither hit the target. The V2 rocket successfully broke through layers of defenses and flew straight towards the Ludendorff Bridge.

This is not impossible. Yesterday, a V2 rocket was shot down by a fighter jet, and the pilot probably could blow it for a lifetime.

The German jet fighters were really ugly in appearance, and they rushed to the battlefield without even having time to optimize their aerodynamics.

"How to say?" Lei Zhen didn't know how to reassure Kesselin.

300 meters is not bad. The Germans have not yet combined the ability of precision-guided bombs and V2 rockets. It is a blessing.

Southern Africa also played all their cards, not only sending a large number of "Cheetahs", but also sending jet fighters that have just entered service.

After the outbreak of World War II, Pantheon enlisted in the army. This was the second time that Pantheon commanded bridge construction after the Normandy landing.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of engineers and tankers on both sides of the strait, the driver carefully drove the Tiger tank onto the tugboat. A group of engineers swarmed up and used tools to firmly fix the Tiger tank on the tugboat, and then all personnel evacuated.

As for jet fighters—

The result was very bad. When the tugboat drove to the center of the Rhine River, due to the turbulent water flow, the position of the Tiger tank it carried shifted, the center of gravity shifted, and finally fell into the water. Fortunately, there were no occupants in the tank at that time, and no casualties were caused.

Probably in the eyes of the German generals, the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force who had crossed the river were piles of moving military medals.

"Blow it up, blow it up today!" The "Tiger" vehicle that had crossed the river gave Lei Zhen the greatest confidence.

In other words, throw away the shopkeeper.

If Kesselring was fooled and resolutely carried out Mustache's order, sending all the mobile forces to the town of Remagen to fight against the Southern African Expeditionary Force, it would be a good thing to say that Southern Africa won a complete victory in the end.

Jumping is useless, here is the Rhine River, and the fate of skydiving may be even more tragic.

Without heavy tanks, Lei Zhen is also confident to stop the German army, hold the town of Remagen tightly in his hands, and wait for more reinforcements to arrive.

The southern African military has always had the establishment of a pontoon bridge force. During the Normandy landing, the pontoon bridge erected by the southern African engineers had a load capacity of 20 tons, which was a blockbuster.

20 tons is enough for British tanks, but far from enough for the tanks of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. During the Normandy landing operations, heavy tanks in Southern Africa could only land through the port until they captured many port cities in the later stage. Heavy tanks from southern Africa were able to enter the war.

This past winter, the southern African pontoon bridge force summed up the experience of the Normandy landing and upgraded the technology again. Now the pontoon bridge built by the engineers has increased the load-bearing capacity to 40 tons.

"It's already 40 tons, can you add more?" Lei Zhen is not satisfied, 50 tons is a hurdle, which is very important.

(End of this chapter)

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