Chapter 2589
Around the Renault car factory, the negotiations between the labor union and the management were only part of it. Randall went to the Elysee Palace after leaving the Renault factory. He also had to negotiate on behalf of the management and the people in the wartime asset disposal center.

The Renault factory was confiscated by the French government because it helped Germany produce arms during World War II. However, according to the French constitution, the French government does not have the power to operate the Renault factory, so in the end the Renault factory had to be taken over by capital.

So a miraculous scene appeared.

Randall's boss is Leonard.

Leonard was also prime minister of the interim government.

Therefore, the negotiation between Randall and the interim government is tantamount to Leonard's left hand playing his right hand.

Douglas, director of the Wartime Assets Processing Center, also knew about this situation, but he couldn't help it. France had its own national conditions here.

"The trade union is completely uncooperative, and resumption of work is far away, so we can't pay the follow-up payment unless you order the union to disband and give us a clean Renault factory." Randall was confident, and Renard only paid less than 1000 million francs Got the Renault factory, a huge bargain.

The asset value of the Renault factory, even without considering the Renault car brand and the machines in the factory, just the land of the Renault factory is worth more than [-] million francs.

The price for Leonard to take over the Renault factory is exactly 800 million francs, but the money has only been paid about [-] million so far, and the follow-up funds will be paid within one year as agreed.

Of course, this must be based on the smooth resumption of work at the Renault factory.

In the current situation, it is very difficult for the French government to obtain follow-up money.

"Mr. Randall, this is not within the scope of our agreement." Douglas was in a broken mood.

Disband the union!

What a joke, the Communist International is currently the party with the highest support rate in France, and Leonard dare not do this.

The so-called "dissolution of the union" is just an excuse for the taking over team to delay and not pay.

"Our agreement is that you have the responsibility to assist us in resuming work, and fixing the union is part of the assisting work." Randall insisted on resuming work, which was one of the conditions for Leonard to take over the Renault factory.

"This is your job, it has nothing to do with us—" Douglas pushed it cleanly. As long as you don't want to die, you'd better not do such offending things.

Douglas didn't want to be hacked to death on his doorstep.

"If this is the case, the resumption of work will be postponed indefinitely. We will start to deal with the assets of the Renault factory to recover the losses." Randall saw that the negotiations were all fake, and that land was the most valuable.

Douglas sent Randall away and went upstairs to find Leonard.

It’s impossible not to find it, and only Leonard can solve this matter.

"Mr. Prime Minister is very busy. I don't have extra time today." Leonard's secretary stopped Douglas. The Prime Minister didn't just want to see him.

"I'm looking for Mr. Prime Minister because of the Renault factory—" Douglas hoped that the net would be lenient. The Renault factory is now Leonard's asset, and Douglas didn't think Renault would sit idly by.

"It's not up to me to decide." The secretary asked Douglas to make an appointment first.

Although the French Prime Minister is a high-risk occupation, he is indeed very busy. In the next week, Reynard will not have time.

Douglas was helpless, he didn't doubt Randall's determination, and at the same time worried that Randall would take risks.

Early the next morning, Douglas came to the Renault factory.

Outside the Renault factory, the staff of the Phyllis Foundation held up banners and were publicizing to workers, hoping that more workers would receive re-employment training.

"Will learning new skills allow me to have a new job?"

"I've built cars all my life, and I can only build cars. I'm 50 years old this year. I don't want to learn other things, and I can't learn-"

"We just guard the factory and don't go anywhere!"

The workers talked a lot, and most workers were resistant to the training.

This is also normal. The French government has promised that after the introduction of a new team to take over, the Renault factory will resume work as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the union also promised to fight for better treatment for workers.

Why is it necessary to find a new job?

What's more, it is not easy to find a job. There are not many job opportunities in France now.

"As long as you are willing to learn, you can always learn - of course there is a job, and the income is rich, enough to meet the needs of life - friends, what you need is not empty promises, but milk and bread -"

The staff of the foundation spoke earnestly, and their words accurately hit the weak spots of the workers.

Although the French government and trade unions have made various promises, they are far away from being fulfilled. Most workers have been unemployed for a long time, and they need to work to make ends meet.

Now the workers of the Renault factory, relying on the help provided by the French government and trade unions, can only barely survive, and they can't even talk about food and clothing.

"Don't believe their words! They are all liars!" Henry was furious, and his worst fears finally appeared.

Workers are the basis for the existence of trade unions. If there is no group of workers, trade unions will naturally lose their meaning of existence.

Therefore, the reemployment training of the Phyllis Foundation, in Henry's view, is a division of workers, which will seriously weaken the power of trade unions.

"What else is there for us to deceive you?" The staff's words were frank and almost cruel.

Indeed, for the wealthy Phyllis Foundation, penniless workers are indeed of little value.

"Don't deny it, you are just cheating, just like those black-hearted capitalists!" Henry is also a parasitic group in essence, and he is no stranger to the Foundation's routines.

Workers do have no money, but workers themselves can create value, and this is where the real value lies.

"We are helping you. You can only drink vegetable soup without any nutrition and eat black bread that is harder than a stone. How long has it been since you have not been paid? You can fill your stomachs yourself. But what about your family?" The words of the staff were heart-rending, and most of the workers remained silent.

Most of the workers who are still staying at the Renault factory have to stay because they cannot leave Paris for various reasons.

Those who are really young and strong and have nothing to worry about have already fled the factory before the outbreak of the war. These elderly workers are the real owners of the factory.

"The Renault factory helped the Germans produce munitions during the war. Now it is facing bankruptcy and liquidation. Even if it resumes work, no one will pay for the munitions produced. On the contrary, other industries such as the construction industry are booming. You should all know that the most important thing now The task is to rebuild, and the whole of France is facing reconstruction, and jobs are everywhere.” The Phyllis Foundation has great powers and can really help workers find new jobs.

Paris is not bad, not seriously damaged by the war.

Those coastal cities in southern France, especially the port cities such as Cherbourg on the southwestern coast, were almost completely destroyed by the war. As early as last winter, reconstruction had begun, and this work will continue for many years.

"Don't believe their nonsense. The Renault factory used to produce cars, and France will need a lot of cars in the future. As long as we persevere, victory will eventually belong to us." Henry realized from the expressions of the workers around him that something was wrong.

The painted cakes are not as good as real bread and milk after all.

No matter how bright the future of the Renault factory is, what does it have to do with these workers who are already in their 50s and [-]s?
"Do whatever you want. We are just suggesting, not forcing you to make a decision. I hope that when you go home at night, when you face the expectant eyes of your wife and the children who are waiting to be fed, you will remember what I just said." Staff The winning ticket is in hand, and the workers are not afraid of not cooperating.

It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate for a day, someone will always give in to life after a long time.

"What do you do? What's your name?" Henry finally realized that he couldn't let the guy in front of him perform anymore.

"I'm a staff member of the Phyllis Foundation. My name is Wilson. Are you trying to call the police to arrest me?" Wilson was confident, even if the police came, they couldn't do anything to him.

The Phyllis Foundation, but the French government spent a lot of money to invite it from southern Africa.

The reconstruction of France requires a huge amount of funds, and it cannot be completed relying on the strength of the French government.

The Phyllis Foundation is strong and not as offensive as capital, so the French government hopes that the Phyllis Foundation can participate in the reconstruction of France, and the two hit it off.

"Did you hear that, this guy is from southern Africa, and none of what he said is true, just like the British, he's a complete liar!" Henry didn't choose what to say, and he realized something was wrong when he said it.

In the minds of the French, southern Africans still have a very good image. At least two world wars, southern Africa gave France real help, and never betrayed its friendship with France.

As for England—

Anyway, based on Henry's experience, at times like this in the past, as long as the UK is moved out, all the French present will immediately be able to arouse the same hatred.

"Southern Africans never deceive their friends. In the two world wars, southern Africa fought side by side with France. We are the most trustworthy friends." Wilson looked serious. He did not allow anyone to insult southern Africa in any form.

"Southern Africans are indeed trustworthy. In the last world war, I was a member of the National Defense Forces and fought side by side with the Southern African Expeditionary Force."

"I was not involved in the war, but my uncle's family went to southern Africa, and from their letters, it is not difficult to see that they are doing well."

"Henry, you're wrong about at least one thing, Southern Africans aren't liars—at least not all liars—"

Henry's words had the opposite effect, and the workers around him talked a lot, and some even started to criticize Henry.

The workers are not stupid, they are just forced to choose to trust the trade union.

The trade union itself does not participate in production, but is only responsible for negotiating with the management to fight for the interests of the workers.

Of course, this also comes at a price. All union members have to take part of their salary every month as membership dues in order to obtain the protection of the union.

Essentially speaking, Henry and the others were raised by workers.

But look at the tattered overalls on your body.

Looking at Henry's expensive hand-made custom suits, he didn't feel like he was in the same trench.

The relationship of employing and being employed should not be expressed in this way.

"Believe me, friends, there are a lot of jobs waiting for you. You should go to a new life instead of guarding this dilapidated factory and doing nothing all day long. This is not what a responsible person should do." Wilson is actually more than Henry. Get to know these workers.

The Phyllis Foundation has also done a lot of work before this, so it launched the re-employment training plan to solve the most difficult problems in France.

As in the Great Depression, the most important thing in France now is to keep everyone busy so that they don't have the energy to think wildly.

Politicians who have nothing to worry about have the capital to quarrel and get paid for their quarrels.

Workers will have nothing to eat if they don't work for a day, and the whole family will go hungry, so work is the most important issue.

Even if everyone is asked to sweep the road, they must get busy first.

"I'll come first, I need a job—" Henry didn't even expect that Oakes would be the first to stand up.

"Ochs, do you know what you're doing?" Henry was surprised. Oakes was a salaried person, unlike these workers who ate their last meal and didn't finish their meal.

"I don't need you to remind me, I know what I'm doing." Oakes looked at Henry, which made Henry feel strange.

"The trade union should strive for more benefits for the workers, but first of all, we must ensure that there are jobs available. We should serve the workers instead of using the workers as bargaining chips with the management. If the factory cannot resume work, then all our jobs will be lost. Meaning." Oakes' words made Henry feel cold all over his body, this is not as simple as changing jobs, but surrendering to the enemy.

"Ochs, are you telling the truth?"

"We are not chips!"

"We need jobs!"

The surrounding workers gradually became emotional. What Madam said was right, they would help whoever wins.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We have never used workers as bargaining chips—" Henry's rebuttal voice was extremely weak amidst the growing discussion.

Douglas stood outside the crowd, also feeling cold all over his body.

The Comintern, with workers' support, was the party with the highest support in France.

If it loses the support of the workers, the Comintern will be abandoned by France in a blink of an eye, and even the existence of the party will be illegal, as it was when Édouard Daladier was in power.

Douglas believed that Felix Gouin must not have noticed the situation.

And Wilson, who was the first in the crowd to look at Henry who was in a mess, could also prove that the opposition of the Comintern in France was much larger than it seemed.

After all, the current French president is himself the largest capitalist in France.

"Boy, tell me, what can I do?" Oakes struck while the iron was hot, and took the initiative to sell himself to Wilson.

"You will be a qualified manager, and you can assist us with some management tasks." Wilson is not stingy, and now is a good opportunity to buy horse bones with thousands of dollars.

 There is an error in the description of the Renault factory in the previous chapter. The owner of the Renault factory is Louis Renault, who has died in prison.

(End of this chapter)

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