The British have never been as firm as they say they are, and the French hate the British for a reason.

Without Britain's bottomless continental balance policy, World War II would never have started, and Mustache would not even have a chance to come to power.

Like the last World War, Britain had no determination to fight to the end from the very beginning. Otherwise, after Germany bypassed the Maginot Line and invaded France from Belgium, Britain would not have run so simply and so fast.

Like Beard, until the victory of the Moscow Defense War, Britain kept in secret contact with Germany, trying to end the war in another way.

The premise of the attempt is to sacrifice France unconditionally.

How could the UK go all out under such circumstances?

In 1939, the United Kingdom proposed to expand the total strength of the British army to more than 200 million people. This goal has been proposed for six years, but it has still not been achieved.

Like the Americans, the British decided to jump out to pick peaches when the outcome was already decided. This is how Normandy came into being. Otherwise, a plan that has been proposed for two years, why was it not implemented until last year?

Not to mention that the plan is too large and the preparation time is too long, how long will it take to prepare for the plan proposed by Eisenhower and Montgomery a few days ago to land in Germany?
It's only a week.

Patton didn't like the British. If he had a choice, Patton would never want to be an ally with the British and fight side by side with the British. He had to be careful of the British stabbing him in the back at all times.

It is also based on this concern that during the spring offensive, the Southern African Expeditionary Force chose not to act with the British and American coalition forces, preferring to go around to the inland areas far from the coast.

The current situation of the Anglo-American Allied Forces and the Southern African Expeditionary Force fully proves that Patton's choice is correct.

As a famous general, it is only through repeated defeats and perseverance that he can fully show his true qualities as a hero. Naturally, Montgomery will not break his defense just because of Barton's taunt.

After the disgrace of Operation Husky, the chaos of the D-Day landings, and the fiasco of the Spring Offensive, Montgomery had learned something.

The experience is that the Americans are unreliable. If you want to gain enough experience and successfully become a famous general, you have to hold on to the thighs of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

So no matter how much Barton disliked him, Montgomery had to get on Barton's chariot this time.

This kind of dung truck has to taste salty behavior when passing the door, which is indeed the British style.

"We now have a bigger plan, which is to concentrate all our air power and deploy it near Berlin, then the navy will cover the army's landing in Hamburg, and join the airborne troops in Berlin. In any case, we will occupy Berlin—— "Montgomery's plan is nothing new, it is an enlarged version of the previous plan.

Patton had no interest in Montgomery's plans.

But Patton agreed with Montgomery's last sentence, that is, Berlin must be occupied no matter what.

In other words, in the battle to capture Berlin, the Allies on the Western Front could not be absent.

Otherwise, when it comes to World War II in the future, the Russians fought the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Volgograd was also fought by the Russians, Berlin was conquered by Russia, and even Mustache was captured or killed by the Russians.

What is the record left to the Allies on the Western Front to brag about——

Could it be the North African campaign and Normandy?
How shameless it is to be able to boast about this.

"The spring offensive has provided us with richer experience. The most important thing is to concentrate our forces and attack the most important areas. There is no doubt that Berlin is the most important area." Eisenhower was an old politician when he opened his mouth.

Barton really had nothing to say.

During the Spring Offensive, the Allies dispatched 150 paratroopers, with nearly [-] casualties. The worst Polish airborne brigade survived the war with only [-] people.

As campaign commanders, Eisenhower and Montgomery should be largely responsible for this outcome.

As a result, when I arrived at Eisenhower's place, I took away the light "rich experience" in one stroke. If the officers and soldiers who died in battle and their families knew about it, Eisenhower's heart would be swallowed up.

Seeing that the two took turns persuading them, Button remained silent, and Montgomery finally lost his composure.

"The Russians have already begun to attack Berlin. If we continue to entangle the German army on the Rhine, we will gain nothing." Montgomery's words are the key point, and this is also Patton's biggest worry.

Montgomery wanted honor.

Barton was worried about not being able to complete the task assigned by Rock.

Rock not only wanted victory, but also Germany's technological and industrial capabilities.

A few days ago, Yang Smotz brought Rock's latest instructions. In addition to cashing out on the battlefield, the Southern African Expeditionary Force should also focus on the Ruhr Industrial Zone in Germany and the thick pile of key attention member list.

As the heart of Germany, the most elite talents in Germany are in Berlin.

If the Russians are allowed to occupy Berlin, then the Southern African Expeditionary Force will not be able to go to the Russian occupied area to arrest people.

"Centralized operations are fine, but I need the command of all the troops on the front line." Patton really wasn't greedy for power, but was afraid that the British and Americans would hold him back. This wasn't the first time this had happened.

"Yes, the Royal Navy will fully cooperate with our actions." Montgomery was the first to state that he only needs to appear on the list of commanders, and it doesn't matter whether he has command authority or not.

Taking a step back, the risk of airborne Berlin is obviously greater than airborne Rhine.

The Rhine River is like that, and if the airborne Berlin fails again, whoever is the commander-in-chief will bear the greatest responsibility.

Compared with the desperate German Army, the German Navy is better to bully. Since Montgomery gave up the command of the land part, he can command the Royal Navy to achieve a record on the German Navy.

As for how big the record is——

It doesn't matter, what matters is how big the heart is.

As long as the skin is thick enough, the Dunkirk retreat is also a victory.

Compared with the British, the Germans still have to face, so the Germans rarely flatter Karl Hannitz and his Hannibal actions.

This action is still ongoing.

What Montgomery wanted to do was to lead the powerful Royal Navy to destroy the civilian ships that were performing evacuation missions in the Baltic Sea.

"The U.S. Air Force will go all out to undertake logistical support—" Eisenhower also agreed to relinquish command, which did not affect his honor.

Now Eisenhower just wants to end the war as quickly as possible and return to the United States to start a new life.

Eisenhower in the first half of his life was an outstanding soldier.

In the second half of his life, Eisenhower was a successful politician.

This is the perfect life.

"Okay, you will dispatch the Royal Navy and the Air Force, so our Southern African Expeditionary Force will be responsible for all the ground combat?" Barton's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. of.

Everyone knows that the German navy and air force have basically been wiped out, and they have no ability to pose a threat to the Allied forces.

The German army still has the ability to resist. When the Russians fought the defense of Moscow, they said: We have no way to retreat, and Moscow is behind us.

Now the same goes for the Germans.

The rabbit bit people in a hurry. The German army who was driven to a dead end had to either surrender unconditionally or fight to the end.

"Of course not, our air force will also participate in airborne operations—" Montgomery really didn't love soldiers as much as the British advertised.

The British First Airborne Division was like that in the Netherlands. If this happened to the Southern African Expeditionary Force, they would have to retreat to North Africa for at least half a year before returning to the battlefield.

It is now estimated that the surviving officers and soldiers of the [-]st Airborne Division have not been able to sleep well, and will be thrown to the more dangerous Berlin.

It is more dangerous to be a paratrooper in Britain than to be prime minister in France.

"We have prepared 8 armored divisions and 20 infantry divisions. Once the airborne troops land near Berlin, they will complete the landing operation in Hamburg—" Eisenhower also made a big bet. Now that the United States is in Europe, there are only 12 armored divisions and 36 infantry divisions.

Before the outbreak of World War II, the United States had already begun to expand its military and prepare for war because of its disastrous defeat in Brazil. However, the guiding ideology of the US military at that time was still at the time of World War I, and there was not much progress.

The blitzkrieg of the German army in the early days of World War II gave the Americans more inspiration. The senior generals of the US military began to attach importance to the role of tanks. Therefore, in 1942, the United States formed 46 armored divisions in one go. It is expected that they will not be able to fight until 1945.

Even in terms of the strength of southern Africa, the scale of 46 armored divisions is too large, unnecessary, and impossible to complete. According to American standards, 46 armored divisions only need as many as 7 vehicles.

This plan was only implemented for half a year, and it was reduced on a large scale. The 46 armored divisions were reduced to 16, and the regiment-level organization was also removed. The tank battalion was reduced from six to three, and the number of tanks equipped was also greatly reduced. Among the 16 armored divisions , 14 eventually became "light armored divisions".

Light armor does not refer to the weight of the tank, but to the number. Since last year, all light tanks have been decommissioned in the US armored divisions except for the reconnaissance units.

In this case, Eisenhower was able to take out 8 armored divisions in one go, and he really didn't hide his secrets.

"Very good, now let's discuss how to take Berlin away from the Russians—" Barton himself felt a little unbelievable.

As the war drew to a close, the Allied forces on the Western Front had reached an unprecedented agreement, which made Patton feel a little unreal.

Yang Smozi is still old and cunning.

At the battle meeting, Yang Smozi didn't say a word.

When the meeting was over, Yang Smozi reminded Patton to be careful of the small actions behind the British and American coalition forces.

"Onsa people will never be able to give others real trust, let alone southern Africa." Yang Smother's sense of identity with Britain has long since disappeared.

To put it bluntly, morality does not match.

As far as Britain is as big as a palm, once it loses blood transfusions from overseas colonies, Britain will be worse than France.

Although there are many problems in France, at least the interior is still harmonious, and the sense of identity with France is very high. It is normal to have different political opinions, and there is no fundamental contradiction.

There are many internal problems in the United Kingdom, and there is no need to enlarge them to the Commonwealth. The British Isles have not figured it out. Ireland has been fighting for independence all year round. Wales has been watching with cold eyes. Scotland can bear it for the sake of money. Where is the money?
In essence, it is not a question of money, but of different races.

In the UK, only the English are Ansa, the Irish and Welsh, and the Scots are all Celts. These are two different ethnic groups. It took an unknown number of years to become the same country by marriage.

The current relationship between Britain and southern Africa is very complicated. While Patton dislikes the British, the British also look down on southern Africa, and they have to become allies only out of common interests.

On the European side, it is normal for countries to form alliances and turn faces. Don't take it seriously. The so-called "contract spirit" is just talk.

As the saying goes, the more you emphasize something, the more you lack something.

Therefore, people who shout "contract spirit" all day long lack the spirit of contract the most.

The richest man will not emphasize that he is the richest man all day long, at most he will say that other people are not as rich as me.

When a pig is fattened, it is not far from death, unless it takes the initiative to lose weight, or proves that it can be fatter.

"I understand, that's why I asked for all the command of the front-line troops—" Patton was confident, Eisenhower and Montgomery wanted to use the expeditionary force as a weapon, and Patton also wanted to use the British and American coalition forces as cannon fodder.

Paratroopers are also particular about airborne.

Eisenhower and Montgomery parachuted the paratroopers of the Anglo-American Allied Forces onto the German armored soldiers, which was tantamount to courting death.

Patton parachuted the paratroopers behind Cologne and Kesselring's corps, blocked the last opening, and ended the complete annihilation of the town of Remagen.

Berlin is the last line of defense of the German army. Those German troops who still have illusions about the Third Reich, or who decide to live and die with the Third Reich, will definitely fight to the end.

At this time, the timing and location of the paratroopers are very important.

Before that, Patton was worried that the paratroopers of the expeditionary force would suffer too many casualties, so he hesitated repeatedly.

Don't worry now, first throw the paratroopers of the British and American coalition forces over there, and raise the paratroopers of the expeditionary force to attract firepower, and then the paratroopers of the expeditionary force will come out to clean up the mess.


"Are you sure it's all?" Yang Smother insisted that even if Eisenhower and Montgomery gave up command, they would hinder it.

It is an old tradition of the British to obey the law and violate the law.

"If they dare to do that, they will miss the Battle of Berlin." Patton was not afraid of trouble from Eisenhower and Montgomery, and everyone would go all out before occupying Berlin, the greatest honor.

For the European battlefield, the occupation of Berlin is the greatest honor.

For the East Asian battlefield, the highest honor is to occupy Tokyo and capture the king alive.

After the East Asian Allied Forces landed in Hokkaido, there was no next move, which made MacArthur very unwilling.

Eisenhower had the heart to become a politician, and MacArthur was unwilling to be lonely, otherwise, after World War I, MacArthur would not have gone to the Philippines to become the emperor.

The Philippines has now become the biggest stain on MacArthur's military career. Even if the war is over, MacArthur does not want to return to the Philippines.

It's not bad to be the emperor in Japan.

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