Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2594 Lambs to be slaughtered

Kyushu Island is like a touchstone. Both the Allied forces and the Japanese army want to test each other's determination through Kyushu Island.

Although the Japanese official shouted "[-] million pieces of jade" a long time ago, the Allied forces did not believe that the Japanese high-level people would really die like the low-level Japanese civilians.

You can’t punish a doctor. This sentence is also applicable in Japan. Japanese women can sell their youth for the Meiji Restoration, and Japanese men can go through life and death for ***, but Japan’s aristocratic class and high-level officials have never shared with the empire. Awareness of life and death.

Otherwise, according to Japanese habits, when Japan surrenders in another time and space, the king and ministers should also apologize by cutting open their stomachs.

Like the Japanese government, the Allied Forces also wanted to pass through Kyushu to test the Japanese government's determination to resist.

6000 million pieces of jade is not so easy, no matter how crazy the mustache is, it is not so crazy that [-] million Germans are buried with him.

Angie and MacArthur agreed that Japan's so-called "[-] million pieces of jade" was just political blackmail and would not be implemented at all. Even the "plague" was only a threat from the Japanese government, because everyone knew that once the plague virus was spread, Then it is not the allied forces that suffer the most, but the Japanese civilians.

No one expected that the Japanese government was so crazy that it spread the plague all over Kyushu, slowing down the pace of the Allied forces and causing huge casualties to the people of Kyushu.

For this alone, after the war, the Japanese government officials who made this decision can be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

It should be said that the crazy behavior of the Japanese government to spread the plague all over Kyushu still brought a huge threat to the Allied forces, which is also the direct reason why the Americans formed the servant army.

If the Japanese can die instead of the Allies, the Americans will definitely be happy to see it.

In this case, the Americans will indeed not waste precious medical resources on the servants.

"Help me—" Murichiro looked at his blood-stained hands and wailed.

Kojima wanted to call out for Cunichiro, but was dragged away by the warrant officer.

Talents who can understand Chinese, English, and Japanese at the same time are relatively rare.

At this time, I can't care about Murichiro anymore.

Fearing the superior firepower of the Allies, the Japanese army did not deploy defenses near the beach, but relied on Xiaguan to set up defensive positions. Major General Sano Yang, the commander of the 365th Division, swore when he received the combat mission that he would live and die with Xiaguan.

The 365th Division was just established at the beginning of the year, with a total strength of about 1.2. The standard two-brigade organization has no artillery. The whole division is equipped with only 24 heavy machine guns, and its firepower is only equivalent to a battalion of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

Sano Yang also knew that the firepower of the 365th Division was far from that of the Allied Forces, and the quality of its officers and soldiers was also worlds apart. All the Allied Forces that landed in Japan had experienced the Pacific War and could be called a division of hundreds of battles; Most of the soldiers in the 365th Division were farmers who had never experienced war two months ago. Many of them had never even touched a rifle before entering the 365th Division.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. In order to offset the firepower superiority of the Allied forces, Sano Yang had to rely on Shimonoseki to set up positions.

In order to prevent the Allied forces from attacking, Sano Yang even ordered the citizens of Shimonoseki to be strictly prohibited from leaving. He tried to test the determination of the Allied forces by taking the city's [-] residents as hostages.

Regrettably, the first attacking force was not the Southern African Expeditionary Force, or even the U.S. Army, but the Japanese servant army.

The counterattack of the 365th Division brought huge casualties to the servants. Of the 140 officers and soldiers of Company A where Kojima was located, only less than 60 people returned to the starting position, which made the regiment commander Lieutenant Colonel Danny very angry.

"Immediately call the air force for support, use incendiary bombs, and razed Xiaguan to the ground!" Lieutenant Colonel Danny habitually called the air force. The U.S. military, like the Southern African Expeditionary Force, has a serious dependence on firepower.

"Yes, sir, the bomber fleet will arrive in 30 minutes—" The signalman was efficient, and the slave army completed the task brilliantly.

The task of the servant army is to test the defense strength of the Japanese army in Shimonoseki. If Shimonoseki cannot be captured with the strength of the servant army, then the U.S. Air Force will dispatch bombers to razed Shimonoseki to the ground.

As for whether there are civilians in Xiaguan City?
Americans don't care about this issue.

What Lieutenant Colonel Danny didn't expect was that the US bombers did not drop the incendiary bombs into Shimonoseki City, but still landed on the servants who were waiting for the air strike to end and attack at the starting position.

If it is a Japanese bomber, then the servant army will be prepared.

Now it is our own bomber, unprepared, the servants suffered heavy casualties.

"Why did this happen?" Lieutenant Colonel Danny was furious. More than half of his men had suffered casualties and lost their ability to attack.

"The clothes, ours and the Japanese army's clothes are similar in color, so the navigator regards our soldiers as the Japanese army—" White himself felt embarrassed.

This is not the first time the U.S. Air Force has dropped bombs on its own people.

The truth is that when the bomber flew over Shimonoseki, it was attacked by Japanese anti-aircraft fire. In order to throw away all the bombs as soon as possible before returning home, the pilot of a certain bomber threw all the bombs before reaching the sky above Shimonoseki. .

After the Battle of Britain, Allied bombers flew in formation. As long as a bomber started dropping bombs, other bombers would follow suit and carry out carpet bombing of the target area.

Kyushu is too close to Honshu, and the narrowest part of the Kanmon Strait is only 700 meters away, which can be covered by one bomber, not to mention hundreds of them.

"Okay, how many people do we have now?" Lieutenant Colonel Danny made a desperate bet. Who said that the casualty rate reached 30.00% and they would retreat?I don't!
The key point is that the servant army under Lieutenant Colonel Danny is not composed of Americans, so Lieutenant Colonel Danny really doesn't care about the casualties of the servant army. If possible, Danny even wants to kill all the servants under his command. You can go back and eat ice cream.

"It's bad, plus the previous losses, we now have less than 1000 remaining troops—" White's words made Danny feel disheartened.

What can 1000 people do?
On a battlefield with tens of thousands of 10,000+ troops, 1000 troops are not qualified as cannon fodder because they cannot consume more enemy shells.

"Organize the troops and mix the remaining soldiers into two battalions. I will lead one battalion to attack from the front, and you will lead the other battalion to try to get back to the enemy's back—" Danny and White divided the tasks, and they must win whatever they say. Japanese positions.

Although the bomber bombed the wrong target, the Allied warships that ambush the sea helped a lot. Due to the terrain of the Kanmon Strait, large warships such as battleships and aircraft carriers cannot enter the Kanmon Strait at all. Therefore, it is the subordinate The Third Fleet of the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

Although the Americans made a lot of jokes during World War II, the Third Fleet can still be trusted.

Commander of the Third Fleet was William Frederick Halsey, Jr. nicknamed "The Bull."

Halsey was born in a naval family, but he himself failed to enter the U.S. Naval Academy. Later, because his mother repeatedly pleaded with William McKinley, then President of the United States, he was admitted to the Naval Academy for admission.

On the eve of World War I, Halsey was ordered to command the destroyer "Frusser". The future US President Roosevelt Jr. was also engaged in sea survey work on this warship, and the two formed a deep friendship.

When the Pacific War broke out in 42, when Halsey inspected Henderson Airport, he encouraged the defenders with the slogan "Kill the Japs! Kill the Japs! Kill more Japs!", which was deeply loved by naval officers and soldiers.

When the servant army was bombed by the Air Force, Halsey was observing the battle with Chester William Nimitz, commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet, on the battleship "New Jersey", the flagship of the Third Fleet.

"New Jersey" is the second ship of the "Iowa" class battleship. It was launched in 40 years and served in 43 years. It is one of the most cutting-edge warships of the US Navy.

The "New Jersey" has a standard displacement of 4.5 tons, a full-load displacement of 5.6 tons, and a maximum speed of 33 knots. The main guns are three triple-mounted 406mm main guns.

"It's a mess, why are we wasting precious resources on those goddamn shorties?" Halsey didn't like the Japanese, even the Japanese who fought for the United States.

"Southern Africans often say that the barbarians control the barbarians. We should use those Japanese who are willing to cooperate and control those stubborn Japanese." Nimitz looked at it for a while, put down the binoculars in his hand, and held the coffee. Back on the command seat, he looked thoughtfully at the dedicated Southern African navy on the front deck.

Rock has decided not to build battleships, but to build more powerful aircraft carriers, so battleships are completely out of reach for the southern African navy.

The generals in southern Africa did not give up. Tang Li, who served as the commander of the Pacific Fleet in southern Africa last year, sent some southern African naval officers and soldiers to study on US battleships. .

Tactics are always improving.

Even though battleships have been eliminated now, maybe one day, battleships will become the masters of naval warfare again, so it is necessary to prepare in advance.

The southern African naval officers and soldiers who are eligible to study on the "New Jersey" must undoubtedly be elite, all of them are carefully selected, and they know exactly what they should do.

So at this moment, many U.S. military officers and soldiers are crowded on the side of the ship to watch the excitement, only the southern African naval officers and soldiers who are practicing are still sticking to their posts.

This gave Nimitz an ominous premonition.

Ordinary Americans do not regard southern Africa as an enemy at all. In recent years, Americans have even given up their family businesses in the United States and immigrated to southern Africa. This is a good example of the problem.

The attitude of the southern Africans is very correct. Nimitz knew this very early on. Some American officers and soldiers could not remember the same combat regulations after reciting them for a month.

It only took one night for the officers and soldiers of the southern African navy to memorize all the regulations. This is not to say that the southern Africans are smart, but that they are very hardworking and hardworking, so the results are naturally particularly dazzling.

Southern African naval officers and soldiers are still very simple.

As we all know, southern Africans are relatively rich, especially naval officers and soldiers. They work hard, pay high salaries, and have many holidays. Even ordinary officers and soldiers mostly have their own industries in southern Africa, and they are at least middle-class in the United States.

U.S. Navy officers and soldiers are really hard to describe.

The U.S. Army used to be a well-known beggar force, and the Navy was not much better. Although the funds were sufficient, there were not many ordinary officers and soldiers.

Take the "Iowa" class battleship where "New Jersey" is located as an example.

When the U.S. Navy decided to build "Iowa", the cost of each ship was only 8000 million US dollars.

The situation in the United States is like this. When the shipyard bids, the fee given is very low. Once the bid is won, it will ask for additional investment for various reasons. This leads to the final cost of the "Iowa" class battleship. over US$1.2 million.

The extra money was divided among the shipyard owner, senior navy generals, and related personnel. The bottom-level navy Guan Bin didn't even know the initial cost of "Iowa".

"New Jersey" participated in the Kyushu landing, then returned to the Great Liuqiu Island to rest, and returned to the battlefield some time ago.

Compared with the officers and soldiers in southern Africa, the sailors of "New Jersey" have long been lonely and unbearable, so as soon as the battle started, the sailors of "New Jersey" left their combat posts to watch the excitement, and some even wondered how long it would take for the Allied forces to capture Xiaguan opened, and many officers couldn't help but bet.

None of the trainees of the Southern African Expeditionary Force participated.

"William, what do you think of these southern Africans?" Nimitz felt threatened.

"No doubt they are the best navy, dedicated, energetic, and clean, you never see a soldier of the Southern African Expeditionary Force drunk -" Halsey replied quickly, to The officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force spoke highly of it.

Nimitz didn't speak for a long time, and Halsey was taken aback when he opened his mouth: "If—I mean, if, if one day we go to war with southern Africa, you are not sure of defeating the southern Africans?"

Victory over Southern Africa—

This proposition is too big, and Nimitz immediately corrected it: "—I mean, if there is only Changi Squadron on the opposite side."

The total tonnage of the Changi Squadron is similar to that of the Third Fleet, but there is still a big difference in details.

The Changi Squadron has no battleships, but two aircraft carriers, one of the "Island" class and one of the "City" class.

The Third Fleet has three battleships, which are extremely powerful on paper, but Nimitz has no confidence at all.

"Do you want to hear the truth, or lies?" Halsey was worthy of being a bully, and he didn't talk around circles.

"Of course it's the truth." Nimitz hoped to get first-hand information.

"Alas—" Halsey sighed, his expression was perplexed.

"——I used to think that the southern African navy without battleships was vulnerable, but the reality is that if we don't have air supremacy, then our powerful battleships are no different from lambs to be slaughtered when facing aircraft carriers!" Hal West is pessimistic.

Lamb to the slaughter!

This is too exaggerated.

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