Compared with the southern African expeditionary force, the technical and tactical level of the Japanese army is still at a rather primitive level.

In modern Japan's military, it learned from France in the early stage, and later from Germany. It has never had its own style, and it is completely rote, without any innovation.

The so-called bushido spirit is actually touted. The Japanese's level of equipment can also dominate the East Asian nest. Facing the Southern African Expeditionary Force, there is almost no possibility of winning.

Howard was the first to notice someone in the sewer. After the two Japanese soldiers attacked the "Lion" tank without any effect, they jumped into the small channel and disappeared without a trace. Howard's first reaction was to chase him in, and he was immediately chased by experienced The sergeant major stopped.

"The situation in the sewer is complicated, and you can't easily enter it. Use this—" the sergeant major handed Howard a homemade incendiary bomb with confidence.

Soldiers have been on the battlefield for a long time, and they can always adapt to local conditions and invent all kinds of weird weapons.

Russians can invent Molotov cocktails. It is actually not difficult for the expeditionary force to make simple incendiary bombs. The materials are also very simple. They use washing powder, chemical fertilizers, and - something very common, a simple incendiary bomb As soon as the production is completed, the power is still quite good.

"Come a few people, find other sewer entrances, I'll call one, two, three, and throw them together—" Howard was cruel, and he could faintly hear the baby crying in his ears, but this did not prevent Howard from making the decision to kill the weeds.

The Japanese are unforgivable. This is deeply rooted in the hearts of the expeditionary forces. Not only the Japanese soldiers, but even the Japanese civilians will be treated as enemies if they do not voluntarily surrender.

Facing the enemy on the battlefield, there is no mercy. The expeditionary forces have suffered in this regard in the Philippines and the Malay Peninsula.

When the expeditionary force first started to fight, it was relatively civilized. It strictly followed the requirements of the "International Convention" and did not shoot women and children.

This does not apply to Japan, where all the people are soldiers.

Japan should be insane from top to bottom by now, even a woman who is pregnant with Liujia, or an underage child, has the ability to pose a threat to the expeditionary force.

It once happened in the Malay Peninsula. A soldier of the Expeditionary Army offered to help a pregnant Malay woman carry a box. As a result, the box exploded, killing two officers and soldiers of the Expeditionary Army on the spot.

In the Philippines, there were also children of up to seven or eight years old who led the expeditionary force into the encirclement of the Japanese army. Unsuspecting, they also suffered heavy casualties.

With these cases before, the expeditionary army learned from the painful experience and decided to implement an indiscriminate method in combat. As long as people appearing on the battlefield, even women and children, they will also shoot.

Of course, the regulations are so stipulated, and the scale still needs to be grasped by oneself.

Whoosh whoosh—

After several incendiary bombs were thrown into the sewer, Howard simply sat down on the manhole cover of the sewer, thankful.

It must be said that the Japanese were more professional than all the Axis troops that the expeditionary force had encountered before.

Not to mention France and Italy, these two are notoriously lazy, and they don't worry about their fate after surrendering. They surrendered very thoroughly, and even took the initiative to close the gate of the barracks, line up the officers and soldiers, and demand themselves completely according to the standards of prisoners .

The situation in Italy is much better. Many people would rather burn their hands with incense sticks than voluntarily give up the Japanese flag in their hands. In Nagasaki, the U.S. troops responsible for the offensive once had a serious conflict with the citizens of Nagasaki. In the end, the U.S. troops did not fight. After setting fire to more than half of the city, the battle was finally over.

Nagasaki is a small city with less than 10 people. During the war, more than 15 ordinary people died in accidents. Although the Americans strictly blocked the news, rumors continued to spread, which had a great impact on the image of the Allied forces. .

In the second half of last year, the expeditionary force did a pretty good job of persuading the Japanese army to surrender.

The problem also broke out in the US military.

Compared with the expeditionary force, the discipline of the U.S. military is still far behind. There are frequent incidents of torture and killing of prisoners. It’s not that there are no such incidents in the Southern African Expeditionary Force, but there is no news and it is unknown to the outside world. Therefore, the Expeditionary Force The image is still pretty good.

Probably during the Battle of Kyushu, the situation changed a lot.

The Battle of Kyushu shattered the Allied and Japanese illusions about each other.

Before the Battle of Kyushu, the Allied forces believed that the Japanese army might accept the Allied forces' conditions and surrender unconditionally when they were desperate.

The Battle of Kyushu allowed the Allies to recognize the true colors of the Japanese army. The Japanese army would rather spread the plague virus all over Kyushu than surrender to the Allies. After this battle, even the most optimistic observers of the Allied forces no longer had hope for the Japanese. .

The Japanese also verified the determination of the Allies through the Battle of Kyushu.

The Japanese government spread the plague all over Kyushu, but it did not affect the landing of the Allied forces in Kyushu. The Allied forces strictly demanded themselves during the battle. When some Japanese people asked the Allied forces for help, they were shot and killed by the Allied forces.

Of course, this kind of thing is done by the US military, and the Southern African Expeditionary Force has always responded to requests.

bang bang bang-

Through the sewer cover made of cement, Howard can still feel the heat from the air.

The cries grew louder almost instantly, mixed with painful pleas. Howard noticed that someone was trying to open the sewer manhole cover to ask for help. Unfortunately, an armored vehicle was parked on the sewer manhole cover, and it was impossible to remove the manhole cover by manpower. After several minutes of struggling, everything was calm.

"Go ahead, keep going—" Howard didn't have the urge to open the manhole cover to observe, there was no need to look below, it must have become a hell on earth.

Then move on.

After being attacked by the air force and artillery, Xiaguan suffered heavy losses. There were hardly any complete houses, including special buildings marked on the map and required to be protected by the Allied forces.

Shimonoseki is one of the first cities in Japan to open up. There are offices in many European countries here. Many large companies will also have their Japanese head offices in Shimonoseki. This is the case for Capet Trading under Leonard's name.

For some reason, southern African companies hardly take the initiative to do business with the Japanese. Naturally, there is no branch in Japan.

Reynold is French and is not bound by the rules of southern Africa. Japanese dignitaries are still quite fond of southern African products, so Leonard simply set up a branch in Shimonoseki, specializing in import and export business to southern Africa.

The branch of Capet Trading is within the special protection of the expeditionary force.

There is no need to worry about this problem now. The branch of Capet Trading has been reduced to a pile of ruins in the bombing of the Allied forces. The staff have also fled, and the few remaining belongings have been looted. It took a long time to determine the location of Capet Trading.

"This should be the London Street where Capet Trading is located. We are now located at the British Consular Office in Shimonoseki. Opposite is the Victoria Church, and next to it may be an English-taught primary school. If these are correct Yes, then next to it is the department store—" Howard was not too sure, because the church, school and department store in front of him had all been turned into ruins.

"Where is Capet Trading?" Shen Fu squatted on the track of the "Lion" tank, stretching his neck to look at the map.

"I don't know, it might be in the ruins." Howard folded the map and put it in his satchel.

This action doesn't make much sense, the map in his hand is already a scrap of paper.

"It's great, we fought all morning, and we didn't see a single enemy." Shen Fu was very disappointed, he had hoped to capture some spoils of war.

Japan is greatly influenced by Han culture, and has a special relationship with southern Africa. Many southern African expeditionary forces are more interested in Japanese spoils.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. It can’t be said that the expeditionary force got nothing in Japan.

Howard hadn't spoken yet, and there was sudden intense gunfire in the distance.

The Japanese army may have finally realized that hiding in the sewers could not escape the fate of being annihilated, so they concentrated in a relatively intact building in the city center to resist.

In Japanese cities, not all buildings are made of wood. In addition to preventing earthquakes, wood is also cheap.

The truly rich still prefer to live in solid buildings.

The wealthy area in the center of Xiaguan escaped the bombing and shelling of the Allied forces by virtue of its relatively solid building structure.

More than 1000 Japanese troops relied on buildings to lay out defense lines and launched attacks when the expeditionary forces approached, but the effect was not good. The expeditionary forces relied on tanks and armored vehicles for cover, and the losses were not large.

After the initial panic, the expeditionary force immediately organized a counterattack, under the guidance of tanks, surrounded the Japanese army, and called the air force to carry out intensive bombing of the Japanese army.

The Japanese plan is to use the favorable terrain to attract the expeditionary force to attack and cause as much damage as possible.

The expeditionary army is not stupid. They have superior firepower and do not use it. Only when their heads are flooded will they fight the Japanese.

Shen Fu was also very smart. After arriving at the encirclement, he didn't remember to attack. Instead, he drove the tank to a higher hillside and shot at the Japanese army from a high position.

"There are Japanese soldiers in the two-storey building at one o'clock—damn it, they were robbed—" Howard watched with binoculars, and at the same time commanded Shen Fu on the phone: "—the half-down building in front of you is The one with the yellow curtains, that should be the Japanese headquarters, I saw the Japanese antenna!"

Howard finally found a valuable target. At least three "Lion" tanks fired at the target at the same time, and Shen Fu fired a total of four shells.

At this time, several fighter-bombers passed by in the sky, and they had been circling over Shimonoseki. As long as the ground troops called, they would support them as quickly as possible.

More and more tanks arrived in time, and a "Tiger" was too close to the Japanese army and was suddenly attacked by Japanese rockets.

The Japanese army is seriously lacking in anti-tank capabilities. The bazooka has become the best choice for the Japanese because of its simple structure and low cost.

At close range, the bazooka still has the ability to pose a threat to the "Tiger" tank.

It's just possible.

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people, the rocket with tail flame accurately hit the front turret of the "Tiger" type, and then——

And then it was over, the rocket didn't even explode, so I don't know where it went.

Huge cheers and applause erupted, and Howard even fired a few shots into the sky in celebration.

The "Tiger" tank driver should have been taken aback by the rocket, and it took a long time to react, and rushed to the position of the Japanese shooter angrily.

It can't even be called a position there, it's just a ruin, with green smoke rising.

The "Tiger" type didn't fire, and ran over with an indomitable attitude. Several Japanese soldiers fled in all directions the moment the "Tiger" type rushed into the ruins. The infantry accompanying the "Tiger" type's attack were overjoyed. All Japanese troops were knocked down.

Boom—boom boom boom—

The bombing accuracy of the fighter-bombers was much better than that of the strategic bombers. A long series of aerial bombs were accurately dropped on the Japanese positions, and the seemingly solid positions suddenly fell apart.

The tankers who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward, accompanied by the infantry, and they were not in a hurry to shoot. They drove all the surviving Japanese soldiers to an open space in the center of the position, and made them all kneel on the ground, waiting to be dealt with.

"Let them lay down their weapons and raise their hands to surrender." Howard asked Kojima to translate, because very few people in the expeditionary force could speak Japanese.

"All put down your weapons, raise your hands and surrender, and you will get treatment that matches your status—" Xiao Dao still brought some private goods with him when he persuaded him to surrender.

"Don't lie to us. They won't give us treatment that matches our status. As long as we lay down our weapons, we will die." A Japanese military officer probably experienced wars in Southeast Asia and did not believe in the ethics of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. .

In the European battlefield, the German army would not surrender to the Russians as long as it had a choice.

The same is true for the Japanese. Relatively speaking, the Japanese are more willing to surrender to the US military than to the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

The reason is simple. Even though Japan created the Bataan Death March, which killed nearly [-] U.S. troops, there is still a certain chance of surviving if they surrender to the U.S. military.

Surrender to the Southern African Expeditionary Force, dead end.

"If you don't surrender, you will die now!" Xiao Dao was in a very sad mood, feeling like a rabbit died and a fox was sad.

"Bastard, you should go to hell like the southern Africans." Kojima's proficient Japanese still attracted the attention of the Japanese army.

"Whatever talk to them, just kill them all!" Howard couldn't understand Japanese, but from his tone, he could probably tell that it was not a good word.

Then kill them all.

I don't know who fired the first shot. In short, all the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force present fired. The gunfire crackled for a long time, and even Shen Fu emptied the pistol magazine.

Dozens of Japanese soldiers in the open space were all beaten into briquettes without exception.

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