Chapter 2603 Let Them Come
The thickness of the T34's frontal armor is only 45 mm, which is indeed a bit weak when the frontal armor is often 80 or 100 mm.

After adopting the inclined armor, the protection of 45mm is roughly equivalent to 90mm, and the effect is still good.

The key is that the quality of the steel is not good enough. Although the slanted armor is theoretically difficult to be penetrated by armor-piercing projectiles, but because the turret has too many impurities in the casting process, which seriously affects the protection ability of the turret, the T34 is often penetrated in actual combat. .

The firepower of the T34 tank also has problems. The 76mm tank gun it is equipped with is incapable of facing the German heavy tanks. armor.

200 meters away is not only impossible to penetrate, but also inaccurate, the accuracy is flawed.

In addition to the above slots, because Russia's electronics industry is not developed enough, most T34s have not installed radios, which leads to the lack of formation combat capabilities of T34s in actual combat. Tanks can only communicate with semaphores, which is difficult. Large formations cooperate to fight together, but small formations composed of a few tanks often perform brilliantly.

Although there are many shortcomings, the Russians made up for the shortcomings with quantity. During World War II, the output of T34 exceeded [-]. For comparison, all tanks produced in Germany during the same period added up to only [-].

Although the number of German tanks is small, anti-tank weapons are still sufficient. The 88mm anti-tank gun is surprisingly efficient when facing the T34. The bullet hole that penetrates the turret is as big as the mouth of a bowl. The hand has no chance of surviving at all.

"Are we going back to the crater just now?" Chakov clutched his head with lingering fear. Just now he clearly heard the metal storm created by the armor-piercing projectile in the turret.

Fortunately, the armor-piercing projectile has lost its armor-piercing ability after penetrating the turret, otherwise Chakov and Vasin would also be torn to pieces.

"No, it's safest to stay here now." Vassin has rich experience, and the gunners of the 88mm anti-tank gun will not supplement a destroyed T34.

At this time, no place on the battlefield is safe. Tankers with heavy armor protection are even more dangerous. They are the targets of the German army's concentrated fire. The first batch of more than a dozen T34s participating in the attack were all killed in just 5 minutes. be destroyed.

This kind of speed loss, placed on the Southern African Expeditionary Force, must adjust the attack, either to increase the strike force, or to wait for the arrival of thicker armored tanks.

The nerves of the Russians are really rough, and the loss of more than a dozen tanks is not taken seriously at all. With the arrival of more T34s, a new round of attack will begin immediately.

"The opportunity is here, get ready—" Vasin gestured to Chakov, hiding behind the destroyed T34, and then followed when other T34s passed by.

Chakov clenched the rifle in his hand, hid behind the tank tracks, bravely got up and shot at the German positions.

"Be careful of the German snipers—" Vassin didn't show his face, his Bobosa shot was too close, and it couldn't exert its power at this distance.

"Okay——" Chakov pushed the bolt to load the bullet, turned his head and gave Vasin a smile, and then was shot in the head by a bullet flying from nowhere.

"This idiot!" Vassin's expression didn't fluctuate at all. He has not been in the army for a long time, just over a year, but he has experienced too many deaths, and he has long been numb to this kind of scene.

The heart-piercing scene in the movie that sees the death of comrades-in-arms rarely happens in reality, at least it rarely happens in the Russian army.

Death is too normal for Russian soldiers. Many people think that the Russian army has experienced four years of bloody battles. They are all veterans of hundreds of battles. They must be experienced and invincible in actual combat.

In reality this is not the case at all.

The Russian army has indeed fought a lot of big battles, and both sides involved in the war are at the million level.

It can be said that gaining experience is only effective for commanders of Zhukov's level. Ordinary Russian soldiers, the survival time on the battlefield is calculated in hours, and there is no chance to accumulate experience at all.

Vasin's First Belarusian Front Army, formerly known as the Don River Front Army, has participated in almost all large-scale battles since the formation of the Volgograd Battle, whether it was the Battle of Kursk or the next Battle of the Dnieper River. In Operation Gradion, the Belarusian First Front Army was the main force of the campaign.

Corresponding to the brilliant record is the replenishment speed of the Belarusian First Front Army. Among all Russian armies, the replenishment speed of the Belarusian First Front Army has always been in the first rank.

The replenishment speed is fast because of the heavy losses. In order to restore the offensive capability of the troops as soon as possible, they can only replenish while fighting. Therefore, in the three years after the formation of the army, the total strength of the Belarusian First Front Army has been between 90 and 120 million. floating between.

A quarter can be lost in a battle. From this perspective, Zhukov is indeed a one-time success.

Speaking of the current Belarusian First Front Army, veterans like Vasin are quite rare, not to mention fruitful.

Chakov's death did not deter Vasin, who has been hiding behind the tracks of the T34 waiting for his opportunity.

The opportunity came soon, and a new batch of T34s arrived on the battlefield, headlong into an unknown fate.

Vassin stared at the nearest T34. Unexpectedly, this T34 did not slow down or turn when approaching Vassin, but directly hit the destroyed T34 without any intention of avoiding it.

Vassin rolled and crawled to the side, and was pulled up by the accompanying infantry behind the tank.

Then Vassin stared dumbfounded as the T34 pushed the destroyed T34 forward.

This means that the T34 has this ability. If it is replaced by the German Tiger King whose engine horsepower is seriously under-standard, let alone pushing other tanks, it will be difficult to walk by itself.

"Is the commander crazy?" As a veteran, Vassin had never seen such a scene.

"The commander is definitely not crazy. Don't you think that the destroyed T34 is the best bunker—" Petertovic, who also had a bobsa on his chest, laughed loudly, baring his big yellow teeth.

This is so right!

A T34 in front was destroyed. Ask the T34 commander in the back how to get there?
Go around?

Most of them will still be destroyed, because there is an 88mm anti-tank gun on the opposite side, and all the T34s passing by this position are within the shooting range of the 88mm anti-tank gun.

So the best way is to push the destroyed tank away.

If you can push it.

The 88mm anti-tank gun on the opposite side did not expect the T34 to have such a showy operation. The first shell still hit the destroyed T34, purely conditioned reflex.

If it is still the previous T34, most of them will not be able to respond.

The previous T34, although it was a four-man crew, there were only two people in the turret, and the commander also served as the gunner. Because there was no automatic loading system, the ammunition was supplied entirely by manpower, so although the theoretical rate of fire of the T34 was good, the efficiency in actual combat was very low. , 1 minute can not hit a few rounds of shells.

T34/85 is a three-man turret, adding a crew member, the commander concentrates on command, and the gunner concentrates on combat, and the efficiency is significantly improved.

The 88mm gun that was fired in the air lost the opportunity to strike first, and the T34 responded immediately, and the 88mm gun was directly overturned with a single shot. At this distance, the accuracy of the T34 can still be guaranteed.

Vasin was very happy, feeling a sense of vengeance. He mourned for a second in his heart for the previously killed tank crew and Chakov, and then pointed his guns at the still stubborn German troops.

The Germans are indeed very tenacious. For this reason, neither side has a way out. If they surrender, they will be shot on the spot. If they retreat, they will be hanged as deserters. Mustache’s order cannot control the German army fighting in Russia. Still very effective.

After the Battle of Moscow, the German army suffered heavy losses and needed to temporarily retreat and adjust.

Regardless of the repeated pleas of the frontline generals, Mustache ordered the German army not to retreat, but to defend on the spot and fight to the end.

The German commander at that time was still very courageous. He made the right choice under the wrong order of the mustache, and this stabilized the front line.

Now those veterans are dead, retired, and the rest can only follow the mustache all the way to the dark.

Bobosa is indeed invincible in melee combat. The 76 rounds of drums ensure the continuity of strong firepower. Although the German army is also equipped with a large number of assault rifles, it still suffers in melee combat.

Vassin fired a long burst and smashed four German soldiers in a firepower point into a sieve. Petertovic, who also emptied the drum, took a big deal. The Luger pistol of the only German officer became his trophy.

"It's a great trophy. I will treat it as a gift for my youngest son." Petertovic was very happy. For a soldier's child, toys have to smell like gunpowder.

Vassin was not in vain, and took away the medal from the officer's collar and the watch on his wrist.

The combat style of the Russian soldiers is not much better than that of the war hyenas of the umbrella company, and the gold teeth in the mouths of the corpses will be broken off.

The Germans are actually similar. In this regard, Westerners do not have the dead for the greatest. When cleaning the battlefield, they will definitely take all valuable things.

Therefore, almost all the German corpses in the Battle of Budapest were barefoot. It was not to prevent them from escaping, but on their corpses, only the pair of shoes were worth some money.

Breaking through the first line of defense is not all smooth sailing. There are also the second and third lines of defense of the German army ahead. As the battle gets closer to the urban area, the situation will become more complicated and the battle process will become more tragic.

For Zhukov, the enemy is not only the defenders of Berlin, but also the allies who come to attack.

"Southern Africans are going to airborne in Berlin, I hope we can ensure the safety of the landing site—" In the headquarters of the First Belarusian Front Army, Zhukov sneered and still kept the telegram sent by Patton on the table in front of him.

"Where is the landing site?" Marshal Konev, the commander of the Ukrainian First Front Army, was not surprised. If the allies do not come to claim credit at this time, it would be too unreasonable.

The nature of Europeans is to rob the whole world. After the robbing is uneven, they will fight one game, and then continue to rob.

So don't listen to the calls of those so-called peace lovers. On the one hand, they call for peace, and on the other hand, they colonize the world. The internal division of labor is so clear.

"The lower reaches of the Oder River, towards Hamburg—" Zhukov lit a cigarette with a lighter, and both the cigarette and the lighter were aided by southern Africa.

Although Zhukov himself doesn't have a good impression of southern Africa, Zhukov also admits that the things in southern Africa are indeed useful.

Zhukov is a staunch Great Russianist, and he has no good impressions of countries in the world except Russia.

This is also normal. Patton's mentality towards the United States and the United Kingdom is similar to Zhukov's. Although he is an ally now, he may change his position at any time, and everyone is a potential opponent.

After experiencing the diversion of disasters from Britain and France, all Russians have a feeling of being hurt. They consider themselves victims of the world war and deserve the maximum post-war distribution.

At this time, the Russians probably forgot that in the early days of the war, Russia divided up Poland and launched the Finnish War while Germany was fighting against France. As a result, it got caught in Finland and was expelled from the League of Nations.

"Oh, my theater—" Marshal Rokossovsky, the commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front, also sneered, probably already thinking about how to welcome the airborne allies.

Russia's plan is to attack Berlin in three ways, in which the Belarusian 1st Front Army commanded by Marshal Zhukov will serve as the main force to break through the Oder River, the west bank defense line and several nearby areas, and attack from the east.

The Ukrainian 1st Front under the command of Marshal Konev went out to the south of the east bank of the Ness River until the foothills of the Sudeten Mountains, attacking from the south.

The 2nd Belarusian Front, commanded by Marshal Rokossovsky, advanced to the lower Oder River and attacked from the north.

The plan studied by Patton, Montgomery, and Eisenhower is that the airborne troops complete the airborne landing in Berlin first, and the army simultaneously advances from the direction of the Netherlands and France to northern Germany, while the navy blocks the road from the direction of Hamburg to support the Allied forces who completed the airborne landing in Berlin. .

This conflicted with Russia's plan. As an ally, Patton had to send a telegram to Zhukov first to avoid misfires.

Otherwise, if the Allied forces on the Western Front are airborne, the Russian army will shoot down the transport planes of the Allied forces on the Western Front as German transport planes, and the fun will be great.

At that time, if the Russians resorted to the big killer of "mistaken attack", the Allied forces on the Western Front would be speechless.

"Mistakes" are not uncommon. The British warships can knock down the U.S. transport plane. The body of the major general on the transport plane has not been found yet. Russia, as the party that is more backward in coordination, seems to have more reasons for misfires. .

"Let them go back, we don't need them." Konev has a violent personality. He, Zhukov and Rokossovsky are also known as the field troika of the Russian Army.

Now that the troikas are all in Berlin, naturally there is no need for the Western Allies to blend in.

Don’t you like to watch the excitement, so watch the excitement in the Netherlands, if you dare to come to Berlin, Konev will definitely let the Allies on the Western Front know how cruel the battle between the Russians and the Germans is.

"Let them come—" Rokossovsky noticed that the first Western Allied troops to parachute in Berlin were British troops, which was interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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