The British paratroopers who were desperately resisting could never imagine that their reinforcements were gone.

After Eisenhower learned that the landing site had been occupied by the Germans, he immediately stopped the boarding US 101st Airborne Division. Before ensuring the safety of the landing site, Eisenhower would not drop American paratroopers to the Germans. within the surrounding circle.

Montgomery was angry, but didn't know who to take it out on.

Eisenhower must be desperate, but the British army is in a desperate situation, and the Russians are more responsible.

Patton is also hard-hearted. The Southern African Expeditionary Force is in Remagen, which is actually closer to Berlin than the United Kingdom. However, Patton refused to provide support to the British army on the grounds that the Southern African paratroopers had just experienced the Battle of Remagen and needed to rest.

It’s not that no support is given at all. Airdrops are fine, but combatants are absolutely not. Now no one knows how many German troops are on the landing site. If the Germans have an army group on the landing site, airdropping three or five airborne divisions will not do anything.

"This must be a conspiracy by the Russians. I knew those damn savages would not be so kind. They teamed up with the Germans to dig a trap for us in Berlin. They have already betrayed the alliance—" Montgomery was emotional, from heaven To hell, it only took a few hours.

The failure of the British and American coalition forces in the spring offensive did not make Montgomery more vigilant. At the same time, the Allied forces reported frequent successes in various battlefields, and the German resistance became weaker and weaker. In Montgomery's view, as long as the Allied forces complete the airborne in Berlin, the Germans will be able to Like the Hungarian servants, they will voluntarily surrender to the Allies.

In Remagen, the troops led by Kesselring also surrendered after only a few days of resistance after being surrounded, and Kesselring himself became a prisoner of the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

The capture of Catherine still had a great impact on the Allied forces on the Western Front.

On the Russian battlefield, it is not uncommon for senior generals of Katherine's level to be captured. After the Volgograd battle, nearly 40 senior generals were captured.

There were not many high-level German generals captured by the Allied forces on the Western Front. As a marshal, Kesselring had a strong symbolic meaning. If Catherine was willing to cooperate with the Allied forces on the Western Front, then he should receive treatment that matched his status.

This drew strong opposition from the Italians.

In September 43, Italy withdrew from the war. Kesselring, who was the commander-in-chief of the German army in North Africa at the time, "taken over" Italy in accordance with the order of Mustache.

At that time, the situation in Italy was very complicated. After the fat bald head was dismissed by the Italian king, he was placed under house arrest. Italy fell into chaos. Mustache expressed great distrust of the Italian army. Catherine and Rommel were ordered to disarm the Italian army.

During the North African campaign, Rommel was very disappointed with the poor performance of the Italian army. The Army Group B under his command only received some Italians who were willing to continue fighting, and all the rest were sent to Germany for forced labor.

Kesselring was even more cruel. He shot all Italians who disobeyed orders. Five thousand Italian soldiers of the Italian 33rd Mountain "Aqui" Division were massacred by the German army.

Therefore, after Catherine was captured, the Italian provisional government strongly demanded that Catherine be transferred to Italy for trial to avenge the massacred Italian officers and soldiers.

Patton declined the request.

The reason is also very simple. Italy is not even a member of the Allies now, so naturally it has no right to make demands on the Allies on the Western Front, and has no right to interfere with the handling of Catherine.

It may be because Kesselring's troops surrendered so happily that it gave Montgomery an illusion, so Montgomery was so keen on airborne Berlin.

As high as the enthusiasm was then, the blow is as great as it is now.

"We don't know the specifics yet. It's too early to conclude that Russia has withdrawn from the alliance." Barton didn't expect that the Russians would be so shady.

What the Russians did was really extreme, and they evacuated without saying hello.

Just withdraw, and even blew up all the bridges on the rivers in the landing site area, even the pontoon bridge that I worked so hard to build, without giving the British a chance.

"Supporting from the air is too risky, and now we can only pin our hopes on the landing troops." Eisenhower secretly rejoiced, fortunately, the first wave of airborne was the British army.

"Where is the landing force now?" Montgomery was furious. The landing force was still floating at sea. It would take at least a week before they arrived in Berlin. This was on the premise that Hamburg would not encounter strong resistance from the German army.

As the second largest city in Germany, Hamburg has always been a key area of ​​the North Atlantic Fortress Project. It is impossible for the Allied forces to land in Hamburg without encountering German resistance.

When the Atlantic Barrier project began, it was already 1942, with a total length of 2700 kilometers, many times larger than the French Maginot Line of Defense.

The scale of the Atlantic Wall project is very large. It is planned to build 1.5 bunkers and garrison up to one million people.

In 1942, it was a critical period for the Russian battlefield. Germany concentrated all its forces to ensure the supply of the Russian battlefield, and its support for the Atlantic Barrier project was seriously insufficient. So far, the completed part of this plan is less than 60.00% of the total project. .

Since the entire coastline of the German-controlled area cannot be protected like the Maginot Line, it can only protect key areas first. Hamburg is one of the few port cities with complete defense capabilities.

"To solve the problem, we still need the help of the Russians." Yang Smolts is the real and completely innocent.

"I will never beg the Russians, no matter what the reason." Montgomery showed a bottom line.

He knows his own affairs. If Patton or Eisenhower were to come forward, the Russians might be able to save some face.

The Russians probably wouldn't even bother to answer Montgomery's words.

If the first batch of airborne troops were the Southern African Expeditionary Force or American paratroopers, Montgomery felt that the Russians would not do such a great job.

"Let me give it a try—" Barton bravely took responsibility, the commander-in-chief must look like a commander-in-chief, and he must take the blame for it.

The UK is so far away from Berlin, it is unrealistic to fly there to see Zhukov, first send a telegram to ask the Russians what is going on.

Zhukov's telegram came back quickly.

"The 2nd Belarusian Front suffered heavy losses in the previous phase of combat and had to temporarily withdraw and regroup, unable to provide ground assistance to the British army. However, the Russians are ready to receive the rout—" Eisenhower's expression slightly weird.

It is normal for the Russian army to suffer heavy casualties. In any large-scale battle, it is not enough for Russia without millions of deaths.

The inability to provide ground assistance is purely an excuse. Let alone the combat capabilities of the Russian army, the support capabilities of the participating countries are second to none.

As long as the Russians provided half of the support for the defense of Moscow that year, the Germans would not be able to leave Berlin at all.

As for receiving routs——

Obviously Zhukov is also very experienced in this area.

Many people watch the Russians fight, and there is nothing new in fighting back and forth. The artillery covers the infantry charge, and if they fail to fight once, they will fight again until all their own people are killed or all the enemies are killed.

Watching Zhukov conduct, many people will have the illusion that I can do it myself.

Isn't it just a sea of ​​people and gray animals? Regardless of the cost, people are piled up, and ants can pile up elephants to death.

Actually that's not the case.

Among other things, I lost millions in one battle, and reading the rows of numbers on the battle report every night is torture. After the end of the First World War, Frenzi returned to his hometown and was asked face to face by the mother of the dead soldier. Where is the grave of his child? where?Frenzi almost died of shame.

It's the same with Zhukov, his nerves are not thick enough, and he can't sleep at night.

"Is the 2nd Belarusian Front dead?" Montgomery said indiscriminately. It has nothing to do with you whether they are dead or not.

In the early days of the Russo-German War, the Russian army was killed and captured, and almost wiped out. The British were as happy as the king's birthday, celebrating almost everywhere.

Now it is the turn of the British army to be strangled by the German army, and the Russians are willing to accept the rout for the sake of the Allies.

"Order the troops to do everything possible to withdraw to the other side of the Oder River. This is the only chance." Eisenhower was not angry, and finding a way to rescue the British paratroopers was a serious matter.

"Oh, the Russians have blown up all the pontoon bridges on the Oder River, how to withdraw?" Montgomery only now knew the taste of despair.

Humphrey was also desperate.

For a long time, the British army has never experienced a real test. The North African campaign fought against a partial division led by Rommel for several years. Normandy had the cooperation of the US military and the Southern African Expeditionary Force. The difficulties encountered by the British army were actually not great. , Just like that, he was beaten like that.

Since the opening of the European battlefield, from Sicily to France, the British army has stumbled and stumbled, which is not in line with the status of the British Empire in the world. Although Britain has a tradition of valuing the navy and despising the army, it will not degenerate to this level .

In the spring offensive, the British army performed fairly well. Although they did not win the battle, at least they did not lose their momentum.

The current 1st Airborne Division was formed in a hurry. Most of the soldiers were recruits who had never been on the battlefield before. They came to Germany with the dream of flattening Berlin and capturing Mustache alive. After a severe blow, the organization of the entire army was disrupted. There were only a dozen people left in Humphrey's team, and they lost contact with the main force.

"If we want to survive, we can only find a way to cross this river." The highest rank in the team is Second Lieutenant Charles from Portsmouth. He was born in the navy and transferred to the army after the expansion of the army. no problem.

"How do we cross the river?" Humphrey asked the most critical question on behalf of other soldiers.

Charles is proficient in water, and he has no problem swimming with arms.

Humphrey is a landlubber.

"It's simple, any floating object can help you get to the other side." Charles actively thought of a way, don't think about the ferry, wood can be seen everywhere.

"We might as well go ahead and see if there is a bridge." Hal from Edinburgh can't swim either, looking at the wide river with worry.

"You don't know that there may be bridges or Germans waiting for you in front of you. Are you willing to take the risk?" Charles took a deep breath and prepared to risk crossing the river.

Charles and Humphrey hid in a col, about 100 meters from the river bank.

Whether the distance of 100 meters is far or close, you can rush over in a dozen or 20 seconds.

The problem is that there is no shelter at this distance, and Charles can't guarantee that there are no German troops around.

"Throw away all equipment that interferes with your movement, including your backpacks and rifles—" Charles said, checking his equipment.

"When I joined the army, they told me that I was in the army, and then I was sent to the plane as an airborne soldier. Now I have to cross a [-]-meter-wide river. Is this considered a navy?" Humphrey was in a broken mood.

"Sorry, it doesn't count—" Charles said seriously, the Royal Navy's requirements are very high.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Charles shouted "Action" and rushed out first.

Humphrey followed Charles to the river, throwing away almost all his equipment except for a dagger, which is also a British tradition.

No one in the UK said that weapons are here. If the battle is lost, tanks and artillery can be discarded, as long as people can save their lives.

Gunshots sounded suddenly at this moment.

At a distance of more than [-] meters, as long as you have received military training, not to mention every shot, the basic hit rate can still be guaranteed.

War is not a game. Bullets hit the body instead of losing blood, but losing the ability to move instantly. When Humphrey heard the gunshot, his heart almost rose to his throat, and he sprinted with all his strength, panting heavily.

There was a tragic wailing sound behind him, and it was true that someone had been hit.

Humphrey didn't stop, and he didn't even turn his head. He should be grateful to the Germans who shot at this moment. They were not equipped with MP38s. Otherwise, they would probably have to explain that they were on this section of the road.


The sound of the Mauser rifle was clear and pleasant. There should be two or three German soldiers shooting at the same time. Their shooting skills were good. In just a few breaths, four paratroopers had already been hit.

Humphrey imitated Charles's appearance and kept changing his body posture and speed. The river was getting closer and closer. In just a dozen seconds, it seemed as long as a century. Humphrey rushed to the river without hesitation, treating himself like a sack Throw it directly into the water, and then start bouncing in the water.

Don't expect a person who can't swim to learn how to swim after entering the water for a second, even God can't do it.

Charles was still conscientious. After jumping into the water, he didn't only care about himself. He quickly found a tin bucket and pushed it to Humphrey's side.

There were still characters on the tin bucket. Although Humphrey didn't recognize it, he could tell it was Chinese by looking at the shape.

"Damn Russians, this is the pontoon needed to make the pontoon." Charles gritted his teeth. Since there is a pontoon here, it means that there was a pontoon here not long ago.

No wonder the Russians acted so decisively. Most of the supplies donated by southern Africa don’t cost money to buy, so they can be thrown away when they are not used up.

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