Chapter 2608 Funeral
Not to mention, in the just-concluded Battle of Budapest, Russia wiped out about 32 German and Hungarian servants at the cost of 15 casualties.

In the Vienna offensive that just ended last week, the German casualties and captured a total of 13 people. The Russian side did not announce the casualties. It is estimated by outsiders that it is about 30 people.

Just a few days after the start of the Battle of Berlin, the number of casualties of the Russian army reached more than 5, which is why Roque tended to agree to hand over Berlin to the Russians.

Southern Africa has estimated that if the Southern African Expeditionary Force participates in the Berlin operation, the final loss may reach more than 10 people.

Don't look at the end of the road for Germany.

Never underestimate the fighting power of the Germans when they were cornered.

"No, the Southern African Expeditionary Force has the ability to protect the properties of the Southern African Federal Government and Southern African enterprises." Roque rejected Molotov's proposal, property and so on are all excuses, Roque's real purpose is still German talents and technology .

The property is actually not worth a lot of money. Even the southern African embassy in Germany, its value is more reflected in the national symbol. Even if it is completely pushed to rebuild, it has to be done by the southern African federal government.

"This is not a question of ability. Russia paid the most painful price in this war and deserves the greatest glory." Molotov did not budge, and the Russians do have confidence now.

Leaving aside the comparison of strengths, Russia has indeed paid a high price in this war, and there is every reason to make this request.

No matter how high-sounding Roque said, it could not change the reality that southern Africa followed Britain and France in adopting a policy of appeasement at the beginning of the war.

Not to mention the United States. At that time, the United States was still doing business with the Germans and making money from Germany.

However, Roque also has reasons why he cannot give in.

Although Southern Africa suffered little losses in this war, it paid a lot.

What Russia loses is population, what southern Africa pays is money, and Russia is also a beneficiary in this regard.

Molotov can sell badly, but it can't change the fact that Russia has received a lot of aid from southern Africa. Without the aid from southern Africa, most of the front lines are still in Russia, and Russia will pay a heavier price than it is now.

Rock didn't quarrel with Molotov, he had already expressed his attitude to the bearded man, and the only thing Molotov could do was to convey it.

Before that, the order in which de Gaulle laid a wreath to Roosevelt was still ahead of Molotov.

Roosevelt's funeral was very grand, with hundreds of thousands of people attending. The road to Hyde Park was crowded with people who came to see him off, and many of them were weeping.

The guard of honor at the funeral was composed of cadets from West Point, and the hearse was a Sayers Scoville Cadillac rather than the gun car requested by Roosevelt himself.

The tradition of using a cannon carriage as a hearse began with Queen Victoria, the "grandmother of Europe". At her funeral, the hearse used to transport the coffin was no longer a luxury hearse, but a gun carriage. Cavalry officers, in order to demonstrate the military merits of the empire on which the sun never sets, has since been followed by British kings, and then influenced royal funerals and state funerals in European countries.

For his own funeral, Roosevelt also had a will. He made a suicide note as early as the beginning of his second term in 1937, saying that after his death, he could hold a simple funeral in the East Room of the White House, and he would not pay homage to the remains.

In addition to the gun carriage, Roosevelt also had clear requirements for his coffin and cemetery, but these requirements were not adopted because they did not match his identity.

Roosevelt's body was placed in a copper coffin with a copper finish, and the tomb was sealed with cement. Three staff members spent five hours arranging Roosevelt's makeup and taking a series of protective measures on Roosevelt's body.

Rock, Winston, and Charles de Gaulle arrived in Hyde Park in batches by car.

There are many military police with live ammunition on both sides of the road to perform security tasks. Long before Roque and Winston arrived in the United States, there were rumors that the supporters of the Axis group would take advantage of the time Roque and Winston were in the United States Make news.

The biggest news is undoubtedly the assassination. If someone in Rock or Winston is assassinated during this time in the United States, it will be a bigger blow to the Allied Powers.

Of course, this may also arouse stronger hatred among the Allied forces.

But this is not the problem that those extremists worry about.

Fortunately, none of this happened. Rock's car arrived in Hyde Park smoothly. Everyone looked serious. The ladies wore black veils. Even Molotov, who was always dissatisfied with the funeral order, kept a low profile and quiet , after all, this is not an occasion for bargaining.

Although Britain was weak, Winston was the first to lay a wreath at Roosevelt's grave.

Truman finally showed up at the funeral, his brows furrowed, and he seemed in a bad mood.

Rock had reason to believe that Truman was in a bad mood, and there was not much about Roosevelt, but more about the relationship with Congress.

When Roosevelt was alive, Truman was very low-key. There was a huge gap between him and Roosevelt in terms of personal influence and ability. As long as Roosevelt was in office, Truman would be the most low-key vice president in American history.

Roosevelt's death was a gift from heaven for Truman. He immediately succeeded Roosevelt as the President of the United States in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Constitution, and ambitiously hoped to inherit all of Roosevelt's political legacy.

This also includes Roosevelt's influence on the US Congress.

Roosevelt may be the president with the greatest influence on the U.S. Congress in history, otherwise he would not have been able to serve four consecutive terms.

It was an accident that Truman succeeded Roosevelt, but it was delusional to want to replace Roosevelt.

Just after Roosevelt's death, not to mention the Allies, even the Japanese radio broadcast a few minutes of mourning, which was unprecedented in Japan.

Of course it can also be explained.

Thirty-one years later, under the call of Southern Africa, almost all countries in the world have cut off trade with Japan, only the United States is still continuously transfusing blood to Japan.

So Roosevelt is the most friendly foreign leader to Japan in the past ten years.

The first thing Truman did after taking office was to hope that Congress would increase aid to Europe in order to increase the influence of the United States on Europe.

In 1945, America’s influence on Europe was not yet at its peak. People all over the world saw what the United States did during the two world wars. It can be said that without the help of the Americans, the world wars might not have happened at all. Just can't get up.

In another time and space, Europe has no choice but to embrace the thighs of the United States.

In this time and space, southern Africa has contributed more to Europe, and Russia has risen strongly, so the United States needs to increase investment in Europe in order to gain Europe's trust.

The above are just Truman's reasons.

But it's not what MPs want.

The United States has a plan to assist Europe, as well as southern Africa. France and Italy have even requested troops to be stationed in southern Africa. Compared with the United States, they are obviously more inclined to cooperate with southern Africa.

The United Kingdom is the most important ally of the United States in Europe, but the old fox Winston has ups and downs with the United States. He wanders between the United States and southern Africa for profit. Truman is actually not sure whether the investment in Europe can cannot achieve the desired effect.

In the best-case scenario, Europe gets reconstruction funds from the United States and protection from the United States at the expense of some national interests.

There is a huge variable in this, which still comes from southern Africa.

Like the United States, southern Africa has no shortage of money, and is equally capable and willing to provide reconstruction funds for European countries.

Therefore, the United States needs to offer better conditions than those in southern Africa. Only interest-free loans, even free aid, or even no conditions at all can be accepted by European countries.

Here comes the problem.

If the efforts are not reaped, then the capitalists in the United States have no motivation at all. They would rather return to the Monroe Doctrine after the end of World War I than be taken advantage of.

During this time, Truman has been busy convincing Congress, hoping that Congress can pass his European recovery plan, so that he can truly surpass Roosevelt and become the most popular American president in Europe.

Roque and Truman did not communicate much at the funeral. They would meet later. When leaving Hyde Park, de Gaulle got into Roque's car.

"I really miss the time in North Africa. At least we had a united free France at that time." It can be seen that de Gaulle was also physically and mentally exhausted, and his position as interim president did not go well.

Roque could understand de Gaulle.

When he was in North Africa, de Gaulle devoted all his energy to recovering France, and the Germans were the only enemy.

Now the situation has changed. De Gaulle's enemies—or opponents, not only include the Germans, but also the British, Americans, Russians, and French with different domestic political views.

The French political arena has always been complicated, and now there are many countries behind the scenes to promote the competition of French political groups. Sometimes de Gaulle can't tell whether some people's suggestions are for France or for some mysterious countries.

This also includes Southern Africa.

"Charles, don't you think there is something wrong with the word unity being used in France?" Rock laughed dumbly, expecting the French to be united is just as unreliable as expecting the British to be peace-loving.

"Maybe there will be no grievances, at least we have the same goal, not like now—" De Gaulle was deeply touched.

France, which seems to be full of difficulties, still has only a handful of status in the world.

"Interest is the core of all contradictions. As long as economic problems can be solved, then all other problems will not be a problem." Rock gave a solution to the problem from the perspective of southern Africa.

When Southern Africa was first self-governing, the difficulties were no less than those of France now.

Now France at least still has the colonies of North Africa and West Africa that can be squeezed. At that time, Southern Africa could only tap its potential from itself.

Fortunately, the leaders of successive generations in southern Africa, although some problems occurred during their ruling period, the general direction was always correct, so there was a period of rapid development in southern Africa that lasted for 40 years.

Does southern Africa have internal problems right now?

There are, and there are many more. If they are all displayed, southern Africa is also a picture of subjugation.

So why haven't the problems in southern Africa exploded in a concentrated manner?

Because everything is covered up by the fast-growing economy, people have expectations for future life, and some dissatisfaction with the real society can be tolerated.

"Yeah, all problems can be solved with money. The problem is that we don't have money—" De Gaulle smiled bitterly.

Some time ago, the French interim government had just received one billion rand reconstruction funds from southern Africa. De Gaulle originally hoped to use this money to disband the army and reduce the burden on the interim government.

Unexpectedly, after the money arrived in France, it was quickly divided up by various departments waiting for food. The funds used to demobilize the army were less than [-] million rand, and the rest was used for disaster relief.

Yes, it is disaster relief, not even used for reconstruction and recovery.

There are too many twists and turns in disaster relief. In the list of disaster relief supplies in Paris, there are actually high-quality steaks and high-end red wine. Those victims who are about to freeze and starve to death do not need cotton coats and bread. De Gaulle even I dare not say anything against it.

Think about it, those first-class steaks and high-end red wine will definitely not reach the hands of those who really want them.

This is not true, prime steaks and high-end red wine are not prepared for the real disaster victims. Those things have been transported thousands of miles from southern Africa to Paris, and will soon appear on the tables of high society dinners.

If de Gaulle objected, it would be tantamount to making an enemy of the entire high society in France. Without waiting for the general election, de Gaulle would be exiled to St. Helena just like the little man.

"What you need is not money, but the determination to tear down everything and rebuild the entire country on the ruins." Roque made a pun. If France wants to rise again, what needs to be pulled down is not just ruins.

The cancer of France is not Germany, nor the Communist International, but the various vested interest groups lying on France and sucking blood. If this group is not removed, the rise of France can only rely on the mercy of other major powers.

"No, no, no, France has not reached the point where everything needs to be overthrown. It is not without medicine." De Gaulle was taken aback by Roque's words. He came to ask for financial assistance, not to ask for advice on how to rebel.

Rock could only let out a long sigh.

As smart as de Gaulle, he failed to see the real problem in France.

It may also be that they have seen it, but they do not have the courage and courage to change the sun and the moon into a new sky. To put it bluntly, it is still due to the limitations of thinking. The so-called elites like de Gaulle still play the same way as the elites of European and American countries. trust the common people.

That's right, ordinary people are nothing more than worthless consumables in the eyes of European and American elites, they just need to be happy, or live ignorantly.

Trust, are you worthy?

(End of this chapter)

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