Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2614: Joining Teachers

While Allied leaders were negotiating in Berlin, the battle for Berlin was ongoing.

The British First Airborne Division suffered heavy losses, which did not affect the morale of the Russian army. On the contrary, after the German army left the solid defensive position, it was impossible to confront the Russian armored forces in the wild.

Rokossovsky moved very quickly. Before the German army had time to set up positions along the Oder River, the Russians built several pontoon bridges overnight. As the Russian armored forces advanced, the German army was defeated across the board.

The Belarusian First Front Army led by Zhukov also made smooth progress, continuously breaking through the two German defense belts and attacking the outskirts of Berlin.

In order to break through the positions of the two moral forces, the Belarusian First Front Army paid a huge price. Two tank armies under Zhukov's command have already been forced to withdraw from the battle and retreat to the rear to rest.

After breaking through the first defensive belt, the Belarusian First Front Army encountered tenacious resistance from the German army. The German army took advantage of the favorable terrain to tenaciously guard every trench and every foxhole, causing huge casualties to the attacking troops.

Zhukov concentrated all the artillery of the front army and violently bombarded the German positions. At the same time, he sent nearly a thousand tanks to launch a violent attack on the German positions.

At this time, Mustache already had a premonition that the end was coming. He ordered all the staff and civilian staff of the High Command to withdraw from Berlin, and he stayed in Berlin to continue commanding operations.

In order to strengthen the determination of the German army to fight, Mustache executed the commander who was disadvantaged in the battle, and all retreating German officers and soldiers would also be shot, even if they were forced to retreat after running out of ammunition and food.

After all, flesh and blood could not compete with tanks. Although the German army fought to the end, it could not stop the advance of the Belarusian First Front Army.

On the fifth day of the battle, the Belarusian First Front Army finally arrived in the outskirts of Berlin, and the entire Berlin was within range of Russian artillery.

Faced with the victory that seemed to be within easy reach, Zhukov did not rush forward, but once again gathered all the artillery to bombard Berlin indiscriminately.

At this point in the war, there is no difference between the military zone and the demilitarized zone. Even civilian residential areas will be bombarded by the Russian army.

After going through the most difficult stage, Russia's military industrial capabilities have gradually recovered, and now [-] shells arrive in Berlin every day.

Zhukov was not stingy with shells. In fact, if it hadn't been for Moscow's urging, Zhukov might have launched a ground attack on Berlin after he had actually razed Berlin to the ground.

The "razed to the ground" here is not an adjective, but a literal meaning.

While the Belarusian First Front bombarded Berlin, the Ukrainian First Front marched west to the Elbe River. Here, the vanguard of the Ukrainian First Front joined forces with the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

After the Battle of Remagen, the Southern African Expeditionary Force continued to advance towards Berlin without stopping.

At this time, in order to strengthen the defense of Berlin, the German army had mobilized all the troops that could be mobilized to Berlin. The southern African expeditionary force hardly encountered any resistance, and the speed of advancing could reach 50 to 80 kilometers per day.

This speed is astonishing. Even if the Southern African Expeditionary Force is all mechanized troops, the ability to achieve this speed fully proves that the expeditionary force is progressing smoothly.

Joining forces with the Ukrainian First Front was the reconnaissance unit of the Ninth Armored Division.

After the Battle of Remagen, Qi Ning received a hero medal and a three-month vacation.

Qi Ning did not choose to take a vacation, but continued to fight with the army.

As scouts of the armored force, Qining and the others naturally have vehicles, but their vehicles are not light tanks, but armored vehicles with stronger mobility.

"Will they shoot at us?" Wright Jr. controlled the dual-purpose machine gun on the top of the armored vehicle, feeling a little nervous.

It is the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. The so-called plan for a year lies in spring, and the Germans also have to farm. At the foot of the mountain in the distance, several Germans are working in the fields.

Strictly speaking, these people were not threatening. After all, there were only two elderly women and two children who looked less than ten years old. In addition, there were two children playing by the road beside the field.

This is Germany now, young people are now either serving in the army or in Allied POW camps, only the really old and weak women and children are not drafted.

During the Battle of Remagen, a considerable number of officers and soldiers of the German troops captured by the expeditionary force were seriously overage, and some of them even reached the age of 60.

"Probably not—" Qining held the binoculars, but he didn't find these people carrying weapons.

It doesn't matter whether they have weapons or not. As long as Wright thinks they are a threat, Wright can shoot them. This is the prerogative of the occupying army.

Of course, the Southern African Expeditionary Force rarely does this, but it is normal for the US military.

Don't look at the movies made by the Americans, the American soldiers are all handsome, sympathetic at every turn, giving out candies, chocolates and so on.

In fact, the U.S. military is very brutal in combat, and innocent passers-by are often shot and killed by the U.S. military.

The Americans have a good reason, and in their view, all Germans are guilty.

During the war in the Netherlands, there were many reports of atrocities committed by the US military, so they were protested by the Dutch government-in-exile.

The Netherlands is also amazing. After being invaded by the German army, the government of this country was divided into two. One part joined the Axis powers, and the other went to the United Kingdom to form a government in exile. The standard is two-faced.

This cannot be said to be the cunning of the Dutch, almost all countries invaded by Germany are like this, even France has bet on both sides, and cannot demand too much from the Dutch.

"The war report in the Far East said that any Japanese they encountered might launch an attack on the Allied forces. They would even tie bombs to themselves and detonate the bombs when they got close to the Allied forces. It was terrifying!" Wright Jr. I still have little knowledge. Compared with Europe, the Far East battlefield has long been reduced to hell.

In fact, the Russians are similar to the US military in combat.

The Russians really hate the Germans. When fighting in Russia, the Russians are still restrained.

After the invasion of Germany, the Russians were completely released, organized robbery and massacres, and large-scale rapes were not uncommon. The area occupied by the Russian army can really be described as a grate.

It was also because of the retaliation of the Russian army that Doenitz organized Operation Hannibal.

Operation Hannibal is still ongoing.

But Dönitz should be very confused. Even if the German navy withdrew the Germans from the Russian occupation zone, Dönitz would not know where to send them.

Now in the world, no place is safe for Germans.

"If you know what the Japanese have done, you will treat the Germans more than the Russians." Qi Ning regretted that he was not sent to East Asia.

Fighting against the Germans, even if you win a big victory, you will always feel unfinished, and you will always feel angry.

It would be great if it was in East Asia, Qi Ning will double the sins committed by the Japanese in East Asia to the Japanese——

Doubling is not enough, you have to super double.

"How about this watch? Someone said it could be worth 50 yuan—" Cargill was not in the mood to participate in the war discussion, and was exchanging souvenirs with Parker beside him.

Although the Southern African Expeditionary Force will not kill innocent people indiscriminately, they still want spoils.

The loot here is not limited to looting from the German army, but also the German houses that passed by during the march are also within the scope of collection.

I have to say that in the past few years when Germany conquered Europe, it has robbed a lot of good things. Cargill's wrists are full of watches, which cost more than a dozen yuan, and they look as bright as if they were wearing armor.

"Miscellaneous brand, worthless, at most 20—" Parker looked at it with disgust. For southern Africans, as long as the watch is not produced by Itno, it is a miscellaneous brand.

Cargill is from Nezhi, and his standards are not so high, otherwise this watch would not be his turn.

The real southern Africans are not very interested in industrial products, but prefer those old works of art, especially oriental ones.

After the Battle of Remagen, Parker sent a large box of various daily necessities to southern Africa, most of which were porcelain, calligraphy and paintings that were not easy to cash in.

The ones that are easy to cash out are sold to military service agencies.

"20 is also money, how much is your monthly allowance—" Cargill complained, and then sighed.

Cargill's stipend is less than 20 a month.

Parker's allowance is more than 20.
They are all serving in the same army, accepting the same mission, the risk is the same, but the allowances they get are different, it is simply unreasonable!

At this time, the 9th Armored Division had already entered the hinterland of Germany. Because there was no war nearby, the road traffic conditions were good, and the speed of the armored vehicles was very fast.

"The Elbe River is ahead, be vigilant!" Qin Ning has already seen the Elbe River in his telescope.

The Elbe River is one of the main shipping waterways in Central Europe, with a total length of about 1165 kilometers, two-thirds of which flow through Germany.

According to past experience, the German army often sticks to the river and lays out positions relying on the river.

The Elbe River has a wide surface, gentle water flow, and fertile farmland on both sides. There is not much strategic value in this area, and basically it has not been bombed by the Allied forces, so it still retains its original appearance and has not been poisoned by the flames of war.

Before Little Wright could respond, sporadic gunshots suddenly came from a distance.

dong dong dong-

Little Wright was in an extremely tense state, and immediately swept over with a shuttle, although he didn't see anyone at all.

"Don't shoot!" Qi Ning was furious, this was obviously not an attack.

No one on the battlefield warned before shooting. If it was an ambush by the Germans, they would open fire after the armored vehicles approached, and they would not use rifles, but anti-tank guns or rocket launchers.

Armored vehicles have limited protection capabilities. If they are ambushed by the German army, most of them will be destroyed immediately, and there is no chance of counterattack.

Qining's judgment was correct. After Little Wright shot, a Russian military flag was suddenly erected on the embankment by the river in the distance.

This was the first time Qi Ning saw the Russian flag on the battlefield.

Since he had never seen it before, Qi Ning was stunned for a moment before he realized it, and then ordered to stop.

Cargill and Parker jumped out of the car immediately without Qining's order, and set up a defensive position beside them.

It doesn't matter to the Russians, I'm afraid they are disguised by the German army.

"Do you want to lean over?" Jason, who was driving the armored vehicle, was bold.

"Do you know Russian?" Qi Ning didn't want to take any risks, the meeting of the two armies is so meaningful, there must be some sense of ceremony.

Qi Ning didn't know how to deal with the relationship with the Russian army.

Although it is a friendly army, there is an obvious competitive relationship between the expeditionary force and the Russian army, and there is still a possibility of misfire at this time.

Fortunately, there was a walkie-talkie on the armored vehicle, so Qi Ning immediately asked his superiors for instructions.

The superiors didn't know what to do, so they had to ask their superiors for instructions.

The order here hasn't come down yet, and Qi Ning noticed that someone was riding over from the opposite side.

It's really a horse. Qi Ning didn't even think that it was 1945, and the army still used horses as a means of transportation!

This can't be blamed on Qi Ning's lack of knowledge. Long before the outbreak of the World War, the southern African army had already completed motorization, and the number of army horses was not as large as that of army dogs.

Looking at the military rank, it was a Russian second lieutenant who had a binoculars hanging on his chest. He probably saw the military flag and military emblem on the armored vehicle, so he dared to come here.

"Southern Africa?" The second lieutenant spoke Chinese. Although the pronunciation was a bit weird, the enunciation was still very clear.

"Yes, we are the Southern African Expeditionary Force—" Qi Ning thought for a long time, and only thought of Dawalishi.

That's enough.

The second lieutenant had a very cheerful personality. After getting a clear response, he laughed and jumped off the horse, gave Qi Ning a big hug, and babbled words that Qi Ning could not understand.

Well, this person probably will say the same thing.

"Hello, hello, where did you come from?" Qi Ning was also enthusiastic, but unfortunately the second lieutenant couldn't understand what he said.

Then communicate in a way that you understand.

Qi Ning took out a pack of cigarettes produced in southern Africa and handed it to the second lieutenant.

The second lieutenant was very happy, and gave Qi Ning a cigarette as well.

To Qining's surprise, the cigarettes that the second lieutenant took out were also produced in southern Africa.

That's right, it is estimated that this is aided by southern Africa to Russia. Compared with Russia's heavy industry, Russia's light industry capabilities are still a bit weak.

Many people may not have thought that the most aided supplies to Russia in southern Africa are not airplanes and cannons, but cotton clothes.

Most of Russia's territory is in the Arctic Circle, and it is winter for most of the year. It is said that it is the country with the least shortage of cotton clothes.

The cigarette was lit, and the second lieutenant naturally took out the kettle and handed it to Qi Ning.

Qi Ning took it and smelled it, frowned slightly, and handed his water bottle to the second lieutenant casually.

The second lieutenant's expression became even more satisfied.

The Russians' favorite thing, apart from revenge against the Germans, should be drinking. How many people drink to death every year.

Potato vodka produced in southern Africa is still imported from Russia. Of course, the production of vodka has already surpassed that of Russia, and the blue is better than the blue.

"Dost!" The second lieutenant raised the kettle to signal to Qining.

"Done!" Qi Ning understood this sentence.

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