Chapter 2620 Exchange
The German army in 1939 was indeed elite, and it was invincible all over Europe. Most of this wave of people later confessed to Russia.

Now the German army is either the old, the weak, the sick, or the strong men brought in from abroad. The battle has not yet broken up at this point, and there is only one last breath left.

The key is Berlin.

The elite field troops in southern Africa dealt with the unsuspecting SS without any accidents. After easily clearing the outer guard posts, Marley led the team to von Braun's residence.

Surprisingly, there were no SS guards outside von Braun's residence.

When Müller left, two SS soldiers were left to monitor von Braun and not allow von Braun to leave the residence.

Even without this order, von Braun probably wouldn't be able to run away. You can't expect a person with a comminuted shoulder and arm to cross the Alps overnight.

In this case, the two SS soldiers lost their due vigilance. When Marly arrived, the two SS soldiers were huddled and sleeping in the woodshed next to them.

Von Braun was still very vigilant. He tossed and turned half-ly on the bed, unable to fall asleep.

When Marly opened the door, von Braun was awakened immediately.

"Who?" Von Braun thought it was Müller who had gone and returned.

"Is that Dr. Braun?" Marley turned on the flashlight and shone it on von Braun's face.

"It's me." Von Braun didn't cover it with his hands. There was no electricity in the mountains, only oil lamps.

"Finally found you!" Marly let out a long sigh, and found von Braun, more than half of the task was completed.

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

The whole operation was carried out with ease, only when Colonel Mueller was captured, Colonel Mueller tried to resist.

The commando adopted the simplest method and killed Colonel Muller directly, and the battle ended immediately.

Walter didn't resist either, but his status as a lieutenant general still aroused the interest of the commandos.

"Lieutenant General Walter is the director of the Peenemünde base, my respected teacher, he is an outstanding scientist, and did not directly participate in the war." Von Braun hoped that Walter would also be treated well.

"Don't worry, doctor, he won't be in any danger." Marley satisfied all of von Braun's requirements.

The first time von Braun revealed his identity, he hoped that Marly would send someone to the Harz Mountains to protect the relevant personnel who stayed in the Harz Mountains and bring back the materials buried by von Braun.

Marley agreed to von Braun's request. Researchers are important, and data are equally important. Even if southern Africa is not used, it cannot be left to the Americans and Russians.

The British don't have to worry, even if the UK gets all the information about the V2 rocket, the UK won't pay enough attention to it.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't.

In the Harz Mountains, an accident finally happened. The U.S. military had arrived before the Southern African Expeditionary Force and controlled the relevant personnel and family members stranded in the Harz Mountains.

"No, you can't take them away. They made V2 rockets. You should know how much damage V2 rockets have caused to the United Kingdom. They are all war criminals and must be tried by the court." US 44th Infantry Division Major Stephen was very angry, he already knew the identities of these people.

Now that the Southern African Expeditionary Force has found this place, it means that the Southern African Expeditionary Force has found von Braun.

The United States still attaches great importance to von Braun, and he is the person named by the US Department of War.

Now that von Braun is under the control of the expeditionary force, Major Stephen will not only not hand over these thousands of people to the expeditionary force, but also wants to get von Braun back.

"I took them away just to judge them—" Marley pretended to be stupid, and said how to interrogate them after getting them.

"No, they will not go to southern Africa, but will be tried in the United States and serve their sentences in the United States." Stephen sneered, this is his only bargaining chip.

The 500 people von Braun picked up were all elites, but their families were all in the Harz Mountains. If Marly didn’t hand over von Braun, the Americans would get all these families Going to the United States, even if the flesh and blood are separated, it is not hesitating to never want to see him again in this life.

This kind of thing is a routine operation for Americans.

Marley knew how ruthless the Americans were.

Since the person could not be taken away by conventional means, Marly could only report to request assistance.

But Marly also gained something. Although he didn't ask for anyone, he retrieved all the materials buried in the mine.

The news of von Braun's "arrest" spread to England. Not only Patton and Eisenhower showed great interest in von Braun, but even the British wanted to intervene.

The United Kingdom has no spare time to study rockets now.

It doesn't mean there is no future.

Compared with the battleships of the Royal Navy, rockets can be described as high-quality and cheap, and Britain will definitely develop them in the future.

"You already have more advanced rockets, can't you give us von Braun?" Eisenhower and Patton did not go around in circles, and everyone's purpose was very clear.

"If you can hand over Werner Heisenberg to us—" Patton made the condition, and von Braun was not indispensable to Southern Africa.

As von Braun feared, southern Africa already has a large number of talented candidates. In terms of rocket research, even Robert Gedard is not the best. In southern Africa, Robert Gedard De more assume the role of industry leaders.

Von Braun's research is not worthless, but alternative for southern Africa.

Werner Heisenberg is more valuable than von Braun.

Werner Heisenberg is a professor of physics at the University of Berlin and the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics, one of the core figures in the study of atomic bombs in Germany, the founder of quantum mechanics, and the winner of the Dynamite Prize in 32.

Just a few days ago, the Alfonso team sent by the US government took Werner Heisenberg away in the town of Urfeld near Hessingen. The group arrived 30 minutes late.

Barton would be acceptable if Werner Heisenberg could be exchanged for von Braun.

Werner Heisenberg, also on the list designated by the Palace of Justice.

"Don't even think about it!" Eisenhower was angry, everyone depends on their own abilities, you can't eat from the bowl and look at the pot.

The fruits of victory are never divided after the war. If you wait until the war is over before you act, you will not be able to eat hot food.

Southern Africa and the United States have competed with each other from the beginning of trade before the war, the advantage of the United States lies with the Axis powers, and the advantage of Southern Africa lies with the Allies.

During the Spanish Civil War, the U.S. government was Franco's staunchest supporter.

Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States was the only supplier of strategic materials to Japan, and almost all other countries interrupted their trade with Japan in accordance with the requirements of the League of Nations.

As for Germany—

Before the outbreak of the war, trade between southern Africa and Germany was transferred through American companies.

Therefore, the United States is actually more likely to join the Axis powers than Russia.

"Then there's nothing to talk about. Just bring those people back to the United States." Patton had no desires or desires. Since the Americans could be ruthless and watch the German researchers and their families go far apart, southern Africa didn't matter much.

The pressure instantly shifted to Eisenhower.

Those people from Mount Harz are actually of little value to the United States. After all, the core members of the R&D team were taken away by von Braun. Endless troubles.

Let's not talk about the mood of the Germans.

If this kind of thing really happens, then the southern African media will publicize it, and it will not stop until everyone knows it.

Here again, the role of the right to speak is reflected.

Why is the relationship between Spain and southern Africa so good?

Could it be that the federal government of Southern Africa was outspoken on the issue of the American flu, refused to cooperate with the United States in pouring sewage on Spain, and insisted on naming it "American flu", which won the favor of the Spaniards.

If the right to speak is not in southern Africa, but in the Americans, then the Spaniards will be blamed.

The same goes for this matter.

Strictly speaking, this matter is not worth mentioning compared with the black history in American history. If the southern African media want to expose the true colors of Americans, there are some more violent materials, such as Thanksgiving, which is not necessary at all.

The key is how to choose.

Thanksgiving is not of much value. After all, the Indians are almost killed by the Americans. Even if the southern African media makes a lot of noise, it will not have a real impact on the United States.

If this matter is handled well, it will cause a real confrontation between the United States and Germany, and the United States will lose its influence in Europe.

The two world wars could not have been fought without the support of the United States. The deep-rooted reason was caused by the financial crisis in the United States. Germany's role is equivalent to that of the United States.

"In exchange for information—" Eisenhower offered to give in. If he can't get von Braun, then it would be nice to get information about the V2 rocket.

Von Braun arranged for the burial of the resources related to the V2 rocket in the mine, and only a few people knew about it.

People in the Harz Mountains knew of the existence of this batch of materials, but did not know the exact location of the burial.

The expeditionary force and the U.S. military were allies, and they couldn't hide their actions from each other. When the expeditionary force was digging for information, American soldiers even stood guard outside the mine. It was only because of their ally relationship that they didn't grab it.

Of course, even if they do it, the expeditionary army is not afraid. The American soldiers have never won without an absolute advantage in strength.

Even if there are, there are times when they miss.

"Werner Heisenberg—" Button didn't waver.

Eisenhower got up angrily. For him, if he didn't take advantage, he would suffer.

There is actually pressure on Barton's side.

The expeditionary force failed to bring back the researchers and their family members who were stranded in the Harz Mountains. The news was sent back to the Alps. The core members of the team who had just been rescued and relaxed a little bit were once again in the mood of the army.

Scientific researchers are not as decisive as soldiers, and it is difficult to break away from the bond of flesh and blood. If the Americans really bring all the people from Mount Harz back to the United States, then someone from von Braun's side will definitely go to the United States to find relatives.

On the day the news came back, more than a dozen scientific researchers approached von Braun, hoping that von Braun could put pressure on the expeditionary force to let them leave.

"The only thing I can be sure of now is that we are about to lose the war. For all of us, the future is full of uncertainty. I advise you not to make a decision too early. Trust the ability of the Federal Government of Southern Africa. We will definitely Reunite with your family." Von Braun tried his best to appease him, first to stabilize the morale of the army.

Compared with the previous few days, the mental and physical conditions of these scientific researchers are improving. It is obvious that they have been properly taken care of by the expeditionary force.

The living conditions in the mountains were really terrible. After the people were picked up, the expeditionary army organized a medical examination for the team members. Almost all of the 500-member team were unhealthy, and more than 100 of them needed immediate hospital treatment.

The medical level in southern Africa is still much better than that in Germany. Those who need hospital treatment are quickly transferred to the rear hospital. Some people with serious physical conditions need to be sent to southern Africa for treatment. These people will also take the nearest plane to southern Africa. .

Von Braun was also examined in detail, and his condition was not good.

Doctors in the wilderness will not have too good medical skills. Those with good skills will be invited out of the mountains long ago, and they will never stay in the mountains to dawdle.

If a southern African doctor had operated on von Braun, it would have been done in one go.

Now von Braun not only needs to undergo a second operation, but the previous operation was not good, and the recovery situation is far from ideal, so he still needs to be observed.

"Gentlemen, I just had a phone call with Marshal Patton of the Southern African Expeditionary Force. He is actively communicating with the Americans. In any case, the worst thing will not happen." Walter also chimed in. He himself is still under review, Did not completely gain the trust of the expeditionary force.

No matter how much Walter emphasized that he was a technical officer, the lieutenant general of artillery on him was the real thing, appointed by Mustache himself.

He did not make great contributions to the Third Reich, and would not sit in such a prominent position. The director of the Peenemünde base, even if he did not directly participate in the war, was an accomplice of Mustache.

Of course it depends on how it is defined.

"Even if we are separated from our families, it is only temporary. After the war is over, we still have a chance to reunite. Southern Africans keep their promises. As long as they promise, they will definitely do it." experience.

Now Billy was wearing a brand new Expeditionary Force uniform and a Southern African baseball cap, which he had specifically requested.

Billy was young, without a family, without any attachments, and he had already decided that, no matter what the others chose, Billy would go to Southern Africa.

Most people choose the same as Billy.

People seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Germany is about to fall. If they can go to southern Africa, it will be the best result for these researchers.

(End of this chapter)

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