Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2624 Take the initiative

Chapter 2624 Take the initiative

Occupation forces are always privileged, especially for Americans who are not casually human.

The lax military discipline of the U.S. military is also well-known within the Allied Forces, as famous as Russia.

There is nothing to criticize, it's better than the bad times, everyone is the same.

Compared with other Allied forces, the Southern African Expeditionary Force was like a clean stream. At least they did not impose all the darkest violence in human nature on the Germans.

Like the high-level Russian military, the high-level US military is also intentionally or unintentionally encouraging the actions of the US military. If Hamilton does not have the support of the high-level US military behind him, it is impossible for him to support such a large stall.

The black beer led the way, and Hamilton was in every position. The atmosphere of the chat quickly became lively, and the unhappiness caused by the little quarrel just now disappeared without a trace.

"I just went to Holy Spirit Square, where it's really lively. Compared with the angel-like southern Africans, we are simply devils." Hamilton didn't laugh at himself, he was really proud of it.

"Are Southern Africans coming to Germany for charity?"

"Bread in one hand, iron rod in the other."

"That's better than having iron rods in both hands."

American soldiers do not reflect, and the reflection of the United States only exists in movies.

To put it bluntly, it is for people to see, and reflection is reflection. In reality, seeing the benefits will still plunge into it regardless of everything.

There are not many places in Hamburg where the army can be stationed. Next to the American camp is the British camp. A glass of dark beer was not finished, and a group of British soldiers came to the bar.

In the two world wars, although the United States and the United Kingdom were allies, the relationship between the United States and the British army was not very good, especially after the British [-]st Airborne Division airborne in Berlin, Eisenhower took the initiative to stop the follow-up voluntary actions, which is equivalent to the United States People put the British together.

After this incident, the relationship between the U.S. military and the British army became even worse. It is said that Montgomery vowed not to cooperate with the U.S. military in any form.

Like the U.S. military, the British army had no follow-up combat missions after landing in Hamburg. They had fun in Hamburg every day, drunk and dreaming, showing the arrogance of the occupying forces.

These British soldiers were drinking too much when they saw it, they walked crookedly with their faces flushed, and they yelled after entering the bar.

Hamilton frowned. These people seemed to be here to make trouble.

Unlike Germany and Russia, which are running out of fuel, the U.S. and British troops still have spare capacity. The troops are all young and strong, and it is the time when the energy and hormones are bursting.

10,000+ energetic young people stay idle in cities of hostile countries, and fighting is inevitable.

So in the past few days, the military police of each family have been very busy. They don't care about the crimes against the Germans, and fighting among themselves is not allowed.

"Have you heard? Yesterday, a friendly army was beaten up by the Germans in a small town. In the end, our troops were dispatched, and this friendly army avoided the fate of being annihilated—" A drunken British soldier came up The soldier was afraid that his voice was too low for the Americans to hear him.

"Ha, there are still troops losing battles now? It's a shame—"

"Isn't it normal for this kind of thing to happen in America—"

If the previous chat is acceptable, the last sentence is too much.

This kind of thing is actually very normal. Although Berlin has been surrounded, the war is not over after all. The German army is still stubbornly resisting. Occasionally, it is normal to lose on a local battlefield.

But in this general environment, it is a bit embarrassing to say things out.

What's more, if the British say it in such an unscrupulous mocking tone, it is to expose the scars in person.

Americans are not a personality that recognizes people and judges them. Immediately there will be grumpy American soldiers in the past to remind them.

"You bastards better see where this is!"

"Bar, a place to drink!"

"This is Germany, if this is England, you Americans are not qualified to enter the restaurant—"

If it was just exposing the scars just now, it would be Hong Guoguo's slap in the face.

The stalk of not providing service to Americans is the most thorough implementation of the French. Many restaurants in Paris refused to provide service to Americans until the outbreak of World War II.

Now Paris does not have the qualifications to reject the Americans.

"What the hell are you talking about!" The American soldier became furious, and immediately punched him with his fist, and the scuffle broke out in an instant.

The fight in the bar ended with the arrival of the military police. Although the American soldiers were the first to attack, they were not arrested by the military police. A few drunken British soldiers were put into the sobering room by the military police, and it was estimated that they would not be able to leave until 24 hours later.

The behavior of the Allied Forces in Hamburg has attracted the attention of the high-level Allied Forces. Compared with the Russians, the Allied Forces still have to face.

"Hundreds of out-of-control incidents occurred in Hamburg in the past week, and some people were even killed in the melee. This situation can no longer continue—" Barton managed to save face, and characterized all the crimes committed by the Allied forces in Hamburg. as "out of control".

"During war, some things are unavoidable." Eisenhower didn't take it seriously. If there were no benefits for the occupying troops, then who would join the army.

Fortunately, the British said that after all, the war had spread to the mainland and had to fight.

Southern Africa and the United States both went to Europe to fight, and it has nothing to do with defending the country, and even more with justice. If there are no benefits, how can Americans and southern Africans be mobilized to join the army?

Although these benefits will not appear in the form of documents, everyone knows that the southern African military can only restrain the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force from doing too much. Demand and so on are also turning a blind eye.

This can explain how miraculous it is that there is an army that does not take the masses as a thread in the history of mankind.

For white people, this kind of thing is simply impossible.

It can only be said that the gap between people is sometimes greater than that between people and dogs.

"Since this is the case, then we will control Hamburg by division, and each manage its own jurisdiction." Patton didn't reason with Eisenhower, and it didn't make sense at all.

Think about how Thanksgiving came about, and you will know how low the moral bottom line of Americans is.

People didn't take it seriously at all, how could it make sense.

"It's too early to mention this—" Eisenhower didn't want to split the family.

Eisenhower knew his own affairs, and it was impossible to restrain the discipline of the US military.

If they are not separated, they are all mixed together, and the dirty things done by American soldiers will not be magnified, even Shaq did it.

The consequences of zoning control are unpredictable. At that time, the situation of whose territory will be clear at a glance. American soldiers can have no bottom line. If Eisenhower wants to make achievements in the American political arena in the future, he must cherish his feathers.

"Otherwise, do you think, how should we manage millions of idle soldiers?" Barton was tired, but De Gaulle was relaxed.

De Gaulle did have the courage to disarm if he said disarmament, and fulfilled his promise to improve the status of the colonies and give the population of the colonies the same political status as the French.

This is what de Gaulle promised when he formed Free France. Without these benefits, North African talents would not follow de Gaulle to fight back to France.

Although North Africans are also French in name, what does the war in mainland France have to do with the colonies?
Anyway, the Germans can't beat the Mediterranean.

"For the benefit of our country, we brought millions of soldiers to Europe and let them fight the Germans for six years. This is what they deserve." Eisenhower's love for feathers is also limited.

The Americans had all kinds of debauchery in Germany, and all they had to do was get back to normal when they got back to America.

These millions of American soldiers in Europe are Eisenhower's largest votes for the future election of the US president, so Eisenhower will not restrict the behavior of the US military at all.

"Well then, I wish you a happy day." Barton doesn't force it, as long as you are happy.

Although Eisenhower did not agree with Patton's proposal, the Holy Spirit Square was closed the next day, and when Hamilton came to the Holy Spirit Square again, he was shut down.

Not only the Holy Spirit Square, but also the nearby blocks were closed, and only officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force could enter and exit freely.

"Who gave you the power?" Hamilton was angry, seeing that the money could not be earned, made him more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Order from the superior." The armored second lieutenant in combat uniform spoke harder than the armored vehicle next to him.

The difference between the expeditionary force and the American soldiers can also be seen from the clothing.

Most of the time in Hamburg, even if there is no combat mission, the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary force are well-dressed and ready to enter the combat state at any time.

American soldiers are very relaxed. Many people don't even carry weapons when they are having fun in the city. They really don't need weapons to deal with the old, weak, sick and disabled.

"I'm going in to find some friends—" Hamilton took out a pack of cigarettes and tried to bribe the second lieutenant.

The second lieutenant did not speak, but looked at Hamilton with mockery.

A pack of cigarettes can be bribed, who do you look down on? The rations of the expeditionary force are more abundant than the US military. There are as many things as there are.

Hamilton was still about to speak, but a photojournalist next to him suddenly raised his camera and took pictures of Hamilton's actions.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Hamilton changed his face instantly.

"Shooting—" The photojournalist's answer was a bit nonsensical.

Southern Africa has always attached great importance to propaganda. There are many military reporters sent by the government, and there are also major newspapers.

The war is coming to an end, and the next step is to divide the spoils, so the attention has not diminished, and there are more and more reports on the European battlefield.

As the reports deepened, people's focus on the war gradually extended from the atrocities committed by the German army to the retaliation against Germany.

Public opinion now generally believes that after World War I, Germany was not completely liquidated, which was the main reason for the outbreak of World War II.

Compared with World War I, World War II had more serious consequences, caused greater losses, affected a larger area, and lasted longer.

If there are still three wars, will it be the last battle for mankind?
This is a question that everyone must think about.

"You can't point the camera at me without my permission." Hamilton wanted the negatives back.

"I didn't take a picture of you, I took a picture of the second lieutenant and his chariot—" The reporter was better at word games, and denied it flatly.

"Give me the camera." Hamilton didn't want to talk nonsense, so he grabbed it directly.

The reporter was very clever and immediately hid behind the second lieutenant.

Hamilton stepped forward and was stopped by the second lieutenant.

"Please stay behind the cordon. If you cross the line, I will take coercive measures." The expression on the second lieutenant's face finally changed, from ridicule to expectation.

Come on, cross the line, as long as you cross the cordon, I will give you a big gift bag.

Hamilton was taken aback, turned around and left without further entanglement.

It's just a pack of cigarettes, and it's not a big deal. Even if it's in the newspaper, who would pay attention to an ordinary American soldier?

What Hamilton didn't know was that the "Times" and the major newspapers in southern Africa had already collected a lot of evidence about the atrocities committed by the US military, and it was enough to publish a book.

The biggest competitor in southern Africa has never been Germany, let alone Russia, or the United States.

As allies of the same camp, the competition between Southern Africa and the United States is everywhere. It is a foregone conclusion that the UK is completely screwed. Southern Africa and the United States will compete for future world leaders. Everything the Times does is for the future prepare for the guidance of public opinion.

Europe in another time and space has no choice but to hug the thigh of the United States.

Now southern Africa is obviously a better choice. If we want to completely criticize the United States, we must start with public opinion.

The Germans' Auschwitz was indeed evil.

But what American soldiers do in Germany, or even in the world, is not much better than the Germans, especially in terms of moral bottom line, the United States is the other extreme.

Germany massacred the Hebrews, didn’t the United States also massacre the Indians at the beginning, but the Indians died, and no one spoke out for the Indians, so the Americans can occupy that continent with peace of mind.

Such a United States, what qualifications does it have to lead human society to move forward? It is just a bigger shit stick than the United Kingdom.

The British relied on the age of great voyages and were lucky to colonize the world, the small British Isles, and eventually developed into an invincible empire on which the sun never sets.

The rise of the United States is also very lucky. If the Europeans did not take the initiative to die, the United States would always be excluded from civilized society. From this perspective, southern Africa is not qualified to participate in the game of World Island.

Of course, these evidences will not be released yet, but will be released gradually after the war is over, so that people can fully realize the true colors of Americans and send the United States back to America.

Don't Americans like to play the Monroe Doctrine?

Then Monroe's is more thorough.

The difference is that in the past, the Americans took the initiative to choose the Monroe Doctrine, closed the country at every turn, and closed the US market in order to protect the interests of American companies.

When southern Africa exerts its strength, even if the United States wants to return to a civilized society, it will be abandoned by a civilized society.

(End of this chapter)

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