Chapter 2636 Suicide
On the night of April 1945, 4, after six years of bloody battle, the Allied forces finally planted the flag on the Reichstag.

The news spread all over the world in an instant, and the editors of all newspaper offices were busy all night, preparing to publish the news in the newspapers tomorrow morning.

The brightly lit building at the Times Southern Africa headquarters in Pretoria and the high spirits of the staff meant it was bound to be a sleepless night.

"It would be great if it was the news about the capture of Kyoto—" Tomlinson, who was in charge of page correction, regretted that the popularity of the European battlefield received far less attention in southern Africa than the East Asian battlefield.

This is not only because of the large number of Chinese in southern Africa, but also has a lot to do with the focus of the "Times" report. For a long time, the "Times" has not paid enough attention to the European battlefield. It is normal to see newspapers for three days.

It's really not that the editors of "The Times" deliberately neglected it. I'm really sorry. The progress of the Allied forces in Europe made the editors of "The Times" ashamed to speak.

The policy of appeasement and misfortune are not a good thing. In the early days of the European War, the mustaches were like monkeys, brushing the leaders of Britain and France around. Compared with the mustaches, the leaders of Britain and France were simply mentally retarded.

Especially the scene where Neville waved the document in his hand at the airport and claimed to bring peace to a generation, compared with what happened afterwards, it is ridiculous.

The performance of the Allied forces was equally unbearable. Not to mention the British Expeditionary Force engulfing the French army and returning to Dunkirk early. It is not a glorious thing for Russia to carve up Poland with Germany.

As for the French cessation of resistance in 38 days, the North African campaign lasted for more than two years, and the most difficult time on the Russian battlefield, the British and American South stationed millions of troops in the British mainland and around the Mediterranean Sea but did not move.

If the editor of The Times honestly published these things in the newspaper, the positive image that the Allies had been working so hard to create would be ruined once.

For these reasons, The Times' focus on East Asia is understandable.

"Why do you want to occupy? Japan should be completely destroyed with super bombs!" The young and energetic Temple is full of blood. It is no secret to the editors of "The Times" that the Southern African Expeditionary Force has sent super bombs to the East Asian battlefield. .

"That's too cheap for them, and Japan should be our first overseas colony in southern Africa—" Jenkins, the review editor who is about to retire, has serious corrupt ideas, and the federal government of southern Africa has always opposed colonialism clearly.

Jenkins' words surprised Tomlinson and Temple, there are some things not to say, senior.

Jenkins immediately realized something was wrong: "Although I also oppose colonialism, I can make an exception in this matter."

It is better not to say this.

"Who has information about the flag bearer?" Xu Ning, the text editor, was in a hurry. The news from the front line was incomplete, and Xu Ning needed more detailed information.

"It's enough to use 'Russian soldier' ​​to refer to it—" Jenkins has rich experience. He started with a picture, and the content was all edited. Jenkins didn't even use a picture.

"Why do you emphasize that they are Russian soldiers? This is obviously the result of the efforts of all the Allied forces, and our boys also need to be praised." Tomlinson knows the news.

"Does anyone need coffee?" Heidi, who just joined the company, brought coffee. The interns will also work overtime tonight.

"Give me a drink—"

"Thank you Heidi, you are very kind."

"Can I have a cup of green tea?"

The emotional editors calmed down immediately. The Times not only provided coffee, but also provided food in the cafeteria 24 hours a day.

Coffee was still useful, and the busy work continued until three o'clock in the morning, and Tomlinson finally finished his work.

"If this goes on, I'm going to go crazy. After the war is over, I'm going to apply for a long-term leave." Tomlinson sat on the chair and stretched, and the sound of his waist joints was very loud.

Temple got up hurriedly to go to the bathroom, he had had too much coffee tonight.

"Gentlemen, it's time to live again—" Longfellow, the deputy editor, was weak. He was also nearly 60 years old, and his body was incomparable to that of the boys.

Immediately, one after another, there were wailing in the office.

"This time is the real good news. The madman committed suicide!" After Longfellow finished speaking, the office fell into a brief silence, followed by applause.

In The Times, Madman is synonymous with Mustache.

Although the editors of The Times would have preferred news that the King of Japan had pleaded guilty, this news was not bad.

Just six hours ago, Mustache shot himself in the basement of the Chancellery. His new wife, Eva Braun, took poison at the same time. Their bodies were wrapped in blankets by attendants and carried to the garden of the Chancellery. Doused with gasoline, burned to ashes in a raging fire, the ashes were buried in a shell crater.

"So there is no corpse, so who can prove that the corpse in the shell crater is a madman?" Tomlinson's question made everyone dumbfounded.

That's right, when Mustache committed suicide, there were Germans around him, and no one else witnessed it.

Mustache's attendants directly cremated Mustache's body. There is no DNA technology these days.

"Why do you have so many questions? If he is dead, he is dead. Even if he comes back to life, there will be no World War III." Longfellow turned black, and there was no need to verify this matter.

It doesn't matter if it's a mustache buried in the crater or not.

The point is that Mustache's influence has dissipated with his suicide, which is the best result.

All the newspapers and magazines on the next day had the headlines on the front pages of the news that Mustache committed suicide.

From 1939 to 1945, the Second World War lasted for six years, causing 7000 million deaths and 1.3 million injuries to the world, resulting in direct economic losses of [-] trillion U.S. dollars.

We must know that the GDP of the United States in 1940 was only 1000 billion U.S. dollars. The Second World War was equivalent to consuming 50 of the wealth created by the United States in 1940, and the loss was even more severe than that of World War I.

After dawn, all the newspapers and magazines of the day were out of stock, and The Times was reprinted twice. Many people bought the newspapers and kept them at home, so that future generations will remember this day forever.

The TV stations in southern Africa were not idle either. In the early hours of the morning, Pretoria TV broadcasted the news in the form of emergency news, and then the news was repeatedly rebroadcasted throughout the day.

Compared with newspapers, the news provided by TV stations can convey clearer and more direct information to the audience because of the addition of pictures.

Pretoria TV also sent several reporting teams to Europe. Since the image transmission still takes time, the news of the day was only accompanied by pictures, without video materials.

Nyasaland TV provided an image showing the Russian army fighting the German army in Berlin.

There are many Germans in southern Africa, and many people have been to Berlin. Berlin is a city with a long history. Its origin can be traced back to the end of the 12th century. The city has countless magnificent buildings, which are impressive.

For as long as anyone can remember, Berlin is a bustling modern city.

However, in the footage of Nyasaland TV station, only the ruins of the old high-rise buildings are left, and they will never return to their former glory.

The most famous building in Berlin, the Brandenburg Gate, was seriously damaged in the battle. If it weren't for the introduction by the announcer, many people would never connect the Brandenburg Gate on TV with the Brandenburg Gate in memory.

It's still good.

After the battle, there was only an empty shell of the Capitol. After the famous photo was taken by Russian soldiers, the Capitol was looted. In order to cover up this fact, the Russians set the Capitol on fire. The entire building is no longer usable. It must be pulled down and rebuilt.

The City Hall and the Prime Minister's Office were also severely damaged. Russian troops and German troops fought fiercely in these buildings. The surfaces of all buildings were covered with mottled bomb craters. Everywhere.

Nyasaland TV also broadcast an interview with a Russian soldier.

In the camera, the gunpowder smoke on the bodies of more than a dozen Russian soldiers has not yet cleared. They are very emotional and repeatedly express their excitement in Russian.

A Russian military officer who can speak English happily said that Russia finally conquered Germany today, which is the honor the Russians deserve. He also lamented the bloody and cruelty of the six years of World War II.

The number "six years" was repeatedly corrected by reporters.

For Europe, the world war really started in 1939.

But before that, Japan had already begun to expand in East Asia. If counting from East Asia, then World War II should start from 1931.

This algorithm immediately aroused widespread discussion in southern Africa, and even caused controversy within The Times.

"Asia is also a part of the world, so World War II should have erupted in 1931." Xu Ning only rested for less than four hours in two full days, and her spirits were still high.

Xu Ning is a second-generation Chinese. According to the standards of southern Africa, Xu Ning is a standard southern African.

Xu Ning received a complete education in southern Africa. She graduated from the Journalism Department of Nyasaland University. She hated the Japanese atrocities in Asia. Before graduating from university, he applied to join the army, but was accused by the southern African conscription department of failing to meet the requirements. reject.

It is different from the situation in the United Kingdom and the United States. In the United Kingdom and the United States, the conscription department must do everything possible to deceive young people in the United Kingdom and the United States to join the army.

In southern Africa, the recruitment department does more of a review, rejecting those who do not meet the requirements to join the army.

As one of the best universities in the world, Nyasaland University is irresponsible for the future of Nyasaland University students and for the future of Southern Africa.

"That's at best the prologue of a world war. The war is only between two countries. It's not a world war at all." Tomlinson was serious, and this was his job.

"But that war has been fought for 14 years, and it's not over yet." Xu Ning was very dissatisfied with the Allied strategy of putting Europe first and then Asia. Why should Asia come after Europe?

"In a customary sense, we think so." Tomlinson really didn't pay attention to this issue. For a long time, the allies have always believed that World War II broke out in 1939.

"Habits are not necessarily correct." Xu Ning looked serious, this is a very serious question.

Rock is also serious, but what Rock is concerned about is not the time when World War II broke out, but the ending work after the war.

The Capitol was captured, Mustache committed suicide, and the end of the war in Europe is just around the corner.

Mustache designated Admiral Dönitz as his successor before committing suicide. Dönitz has not yet responded, but the German Army has already taken action.

As early as the night of the 30th, the German army broadcast a request for a temporary ceasefire and demanded negotiations with the Allied forces.

This request did not receive a response from the Allies.

In the process of attacking Berlin, the Russian army has cut off the connection between Berlin and the outside world. Therefore, the German army’s request was never received by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the British Army, and the American Army. The Russian army that is about to occupy Berlin will not respond. Germany People have missed the opportunity to negotiate.

During the Russo-German War, Big Beard contacted Little Beard many times, hoping to negotiate with Germany to end the war between Russia and Germany.

At that time, the German army had an advantage on the battlefield, and Mustache was not willing to negotiate with the Russians at all, so the war has continued until now.

As long as the mustache agrees to negotiate with Russia, the course of the war may change.

In the early hours of May 5, General Krebs, the chief of staff of the German Army, got out of the underground bunker of the Reich Office under a white flag and went to the front-line command post of the Russian Eighth Guards Army. Krebs said to Chuikov: I think Let me tell you an absolutely confidential matter. You are the first foreigner I have informed about this matter. I hope someone committed suicide yesterday.

Chuikov reported to Zhukov by phone.

Zhukov reported to Moscow again.

Soon, the bearded man sent a telegram from Moscow: The German army can only surrender unconditionally, without any negotiation, neither with Krebs nor with any Germans.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhukov issued an ultimatum to the German Army in Berlin, demanding that the German Army in Berlin surrender unconditionally.

Krebs brought the ultimatum back to Goebbels. Goebbels, knowing that he had committed a serious crime and was doomed, committed suicide with his wife and six children.

Roque is now worried about whether the war will continue if the Russians continue to attack.

From Roque's standpoint, Roque hoped to negotiate with the Germans to end the war in Europe as quickly as possible, and then the Allies could turn their attention to the East Asian battlefield.

More critically, Germany was the only target of the Allied joint operations.

Now that Germany is about to capitulate, Russia is at a moment of unprecedented strength.

Then, will the relationship between Russia and southern Africa, as well as the United Kingdom and the United States change?
Even if you don't make a big fight, it's very dangerous to just wipe the gun and let it go.

(End of this chapter)

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