Chapter 2656

The value of diamonds was hyped up by the Rhodes family. De Beers Mining Company's position in this industry can be said to be overwhelming. If Russian diamonds want to enter the international market, it really depends on Stoudemire's face.

Remove all kinds of artificial auras, diamond itself is a stone, and this thing can be artificially synthesized in the future, which proves that diamonds have no irreplaceable properties.

The Rhodes family has the ability to drive up the price of diamonds, and also has the ability to drive down the price of diamonds.

Of course, Stoudemire will not do this until the last step. After all, Stoudemire does not want to give up the profits of diamonds.

This is also the reason why Stoudemire came to the Russians to discuss cooperation.

The largest diamond mine in Kimberley was closed in 1914, so the De Beers Mining Company has been living on its laurels over the years, and the diamonds it sells are all accumulated before.

There will always be a day when you have to live on your laurels. If there is a supplement from the Mill Mine, then the glory of the diamond industry can still be maintained——

Until artificial diamonds appeared.

But that's not Stoudemire's trouble.

"The Kimberley Diamond Mine was closed in 1914, and the De Beers Mining Company has lost the ability to lead the industry." Molotov said sternly, not as firmly as he appeared on the surface.

What do Russians lack most now?
Russia has no shortage of people, territory, or resources. The only thing it lacks is money.

However, countries that are qualified to bargain with Russia have no shortage of people, land, or resources, so the significance of the Mill Mine to Russia is extraordinary.

During the World War, the allies on the Western Front gave Russia a large amount of aid, equivalent to about 200 billion U.S. dollars.

This was 1945 billion in 200, equivalent to half a year's GDP of Russia before the outbreak of the World War.

After the end of the First World War, Russia refused to repay the loan owed to Britain, so it was squeezed out by the international community, and even the League of Nations was not able to join.

This time the bearded man will not only actively integrate into the international community, but also try to fight for leadership, so he can set an example, and it is impossible to renege on his debts.

Not only is it not a bad debt, but you have to pay interest.

The diamonds from the Mill Mine are at least enough to pay interest.

"The largest mine in Kimberley started mining in 1870 and closed in 1914. Guess how many diamonds De Beers Mining Company has hoarded in the past 40 years?" Alvin laughed. The working class really didn't understand the bourgeoisie well enough.

Do diamonds have to be sold after they are dug out?

Of course not. In 1870, diamonds could not be sold at a high price, so the De Beers Mining Company hoarded them in large quantities, slowly raised the price of diamonds through hype, and then gradually put them into the market to maximize profits.

This process may have lasted for decades, from the old Cecil Rhodes to Stoudemire's generation.

However, under the background of the Western idea of ​​"cultivating a nobleman in three generations", decades are just a snap of the fingers.

What is now Russia was founded in 1922.

Molotov was born in 1890.

When old Cecil Rhodes was digging for diamonds in the Kimberley, neither Molotov nor his allegiance to Russia existed.

Thinking of the long history of these capitalist families, Molotov was at a loss.

De Beers Mining Company has already broken through the diamond industry, branching out in gold, jewelry, steel, special metals, petroleum and other industries, with branches all over the world on seven continents. The wealth accumulated by the Rhodes family over the past few decades can be It can be described as rich and powerful.

Among other things, Russia may not have as much cash as the Rhodes family.

Not necessarily, but definitely.

In Russia, which has just finished the World War, the state treasury can be described as being able to run a horse. Otherwise, when the Russian army is fighting, it will not even carry away the iron pot of the Germans.

"Although the largest mine in Kimberley is closed, De Beers Mining Company still owns 11 diamond mines that are being mined around the world. The locations have been identified, but the mines that have not yet been developed are probably only Lord Rhodesia himself. Know how many there are." Alvin continued to overweight, and the bullying was that the Russians were ignorant.

Russia has been blocked by the international community since its founding. It has only established diplomatic relations with mainstream countries such as southern Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States in recent years, and its understanding of the outside world is very limited.

Alvin is not exaggerating. De Beers Mining Company does have a lot of diamond mines, and there are several in the Congo.

"Are you threatening me?" Molotov couldn't reason with Alvin, so he found another way.

"I'm just telling you a basic fact. If you want to enter an industry, you must maintain the most basic respect for the industry's predecessors." Alvin was noncommittal. If you think it is a threat, then it is a threat.

Negotiations are all soft and hard. If you don't have a hole card in your hand, then wait to be swallowed alive.

"You are a disgraceful monopoly—" Molotov said righteously, and Alvin frowned.

If you do business, you do business. What value is there?

"Is there a free economy in Russia?" Alvin scrambled to find out.

If the practice of De Beers Mining Company is regarded as a monopoly, what about Russia's state monopoly model?
"Okay, let's talk about your suggestion—" Molotov suddenly leaned back in his chair and smiled, without the tension he had just had.

That's right.

Alvin was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized: "You are in charge of mining, De Beers Mining Company is in charge of sales, and profit sharing."

The People's Foreign Affairs Commissioner is well-deserved of his reputation, and the speed of this change of face is more skilled than that of Yang Smozi, the old foreign minister.

So all the posturing just now was just to strive for a better distribution plan in the next negotiation.

"What about the distribution ratio?" Molotov estimated that this was the first time he was so penny-pinching about business with someone.

The provisional governments of Russia and Eastern Europe are all half-coercive and half-aid. That's not what Molotov said.

When dealing with southern Africa, Molotov lost his psychological advantage, and he was psychologically short in the face of creditors.

"Three seven." Alvin's ratio made Molotov overjoyed.

In Molotov's vision, if Russia can get half of the profits, it will overfulfill the task assigned by the bearded man.

"You three—" Alvin smiled meaningfully, thinking about everything, everything in the dream.

"Impossible!" Molotov shouted.

De Beers Mining Company is not the federal government of Southern Africa.

If Alvin represents the Federal Government of Southern Africa, then Molotov can still consider it.

De Beers is a business organization, and Molotov is already giving face if he is willing to talk, and only giving [-]% is almost an insult to Russia.

"In the sale of diamonds, the biggest cost component is not the diamond itself, but the cost incurred in the sales process." Alvin is also helpless. Negotiating business with officials is troublesome. You can just say what you want without beating around the bush.

"If it's only [-]%, then we can organize sales by ourselves." Molotov returned to the original point.

"If you sell it yourself, I can assure you that you won't make even a penny." Alvin is well aware of the drawbacks of national business practices.

The root cause of why the federal government of Southern Africa pulls private capital along with it when investing is that the efficiency of private capital far exceeds that of the state.

The industry leaders who have the ability to stand out from the close combat of countless companies are all talented people.

Officials also need to compete, but the standards of competition are different. Those who are suitable for being an official are not necessarily suitable for doing business. Therefore, it is better to let professional people do what they are good at. The federal government will contribute part of the capital and wait for the dividends.

Of course, you can't just ignore it, or you will have to lose everything, and strict financial supervision is essential.

If Russia wants to compete internationally, the situation it faces is worse than that in southern Africa. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as internal and external troubles.

"This is our business, and you don't need to care about it." Molotov said stiffly, and rang the bell to ask someone to see off the guests.

Alvin wasn't in a hurry, and he didn't forget to say goodbye to Molotov when he left. A negotiation of this scale couldn't be done in a day or two.

If you want to strive for a more favorable position in the negotiation, you must use off-the-market moves.

The next day, The Times reported the news of the discovery of a giant diamond mine in the Congo in an astonishing tone.

The Times quoted unidentified sources as saying that the estimated reserves of diamond mines discovered in Congo may reach 1 million carats. If all of them are mined, it would be enough to meet the world's demand for 100 years.

As soon as the news came out, diamond prices in major cities such as Paris and London dropped.

In particular, the price of large colored diamonds, which jewelers used to regard as the treasure of their shop, dropped by as much as 30.00%.

The diamond mines discovered in the Congo are mainly large colored diamonds.

Although the reserves of Mier Mine are very rich, they are mainly broken diamonds.

"This must be a conspiracy by the southern Africans. They want to put more pressure on us." Molotov immediately made a judgment and dismissed it.

"What is the truth, just try it." Molotov's assistant Petrovich was also very interested in the news.

Then give it a try.

The eastern section of the Champs-Elysées Avenue in Paris has the most prosperous commercial street in the world, and Eternal will definitely not be absent. It has the largest flagship store in Europe here.

The charm of Paris is indeed amazing, the world war is not over, Paris has been rejuvenated with surprising speed, and better than ever,

July is the height of summer, women dig out the beautiful dresses that have been dusty in the closet for four years, and can't wait to take to the streets, as if they want to make up for all the lost four years, unscrupulously exuding seductive charm.

The world is developing too fast. The skirts of four years ago are outdated, the colors are not bright enough, and the styles are not novel enough. The summer clothes that Yitnor put on the cabinet early in the morning have aroused the frantic pursuit of women. From the beginning of the year to now, Yituo The Teno store is full of people.

Women cannot go shopping without their wallets. Eternal has thoughtfully prepared a rest area for men. Gentlemen who go shopping with their wives can enjoy free coffee in the rest area, read the latest newspapers and magazines, and communicate with their wives by the way. How they feel about shopping.

Of course, if men are interested, they can also go to the men's merchandise area, and there may be surprises.

Adams, who works in the Industrial Council, just paid his salary yesterday, and his wife couldn't wait to ask Adams to take time off to go shopping with her.

The Adams and his wife had a very good relationship. During the four years of the fall of Paris, the Adams and his wife depended on each other for life. The wife never made excessive demands. When the two shared a piece of black bread, Mrs. Adams did not leave Adams.

With such a wife, what can I ask for, so when Mrs. Adams kept trying on, Adams came to the jewelry counter and wanted to buy a necklace for his wife.

Mrs. Adams used to have a lot of jewelry, but during the fall of Paris, forced by life, all of Mrs. Adams's jewelry was sold, which made Adams feel guilty towards Mrs. Adams.

Adams did not dare to look at the expensive diamond necklace, but took a fancy to a thin gold necklace.

The key to life is to live within one's means. When the Adams couple got married, Adams bought a diamond ring worth 6000 francs for his wife. Then when life was most difficult, when Mrs. Adams sold the ring, the businessman was only willing to pay 300 francs .

300 francs is one-twentieth of 6000 francs.

Considering the soaring prices during the World Wars, the price of diamonds not only did not rise but fell wildly, which made Adams really unacceptable.

Businessmen have good reasons too.

300 francs, just the price of the gold ring setting.

As for the diamond that Mrs. Adams had placed high hopes on, it was worthless.

The businessman even said generously: If you are not willing, you can keep the diamond, and I will still give you 300 francs.

Since then, any news about diamonds has been regarded as a hoax by Adams.

"Sir, the price of diamonds has dropped a lot recently. This pink diamond weighing 1.5 carats cost 1.2 francs before, but now it only costs 8000 francs, and you can take it home." The lady at the jewelry counter tried her best to sell, Adams dismissed it.


Return pink diamonds!
After Adams sold the wedding ring for 300 francs, he made up for some knowledge about diamonds, and then Adams had some basic concepts about grams, purity, and color K.

Now even if a ten-carat diamond is placed in front of Adams, Adams will not be tempted.

Adams is not tempted, someone is tempted.

"Can I have a look at this ring?" Adams looked sideways at the Russian French, which seemed to carry the cold Siberian air.

There are so many fools these days!
There are so many rich people.

The cabinet lady took out the diamond ring with a big smile on her face and put it in front of the bearded Russian.

The small ring, placed in the palm of the Russian, immediately dropped a notch.

Have you ever seen a hairy palm?
"It's too small, is there a bigger one?" The wealthy Russian was not satisfied with the ring.

Don't think that Russians are poor. When Tsarist Russia was not destroyed, many members of the Russian royal family lived in Paris all year round.

Not only Russia, Paris attracted wealth from almost all over the world at that time, which gave Paris its status in the international community.

(End of this chapter)

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