Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2659 Now I'm Really Hurt

The Japanese army didn't see it, but the navy was pretty good.

After the Battle of Okinawa, the mainland of Japan was blocked, and the frequency of warship dispatches became less and less due to lack of fuel, so the Japanese dismantled the naval guns and used them as field artillery to make the best use of them.

Under the same caliber, the power and range of naval guns are much greater than those of field artillery. The main field artillery of the Japanese Army, the 92 infantry gun, has a caliber of only 70 mm. The 152 mm caliber naval gun is only equipped for installation on destroyers in the navy.

Even in the United States and southern Africa, the 152 mm caliber is also a heavy artillery, and it is easy to beat Sherman.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't fired for a long time, and the artillery skills of the Japanese army were unfamiliar, so the landing point of the first corrected shot was a bit outrageous, and it was far away from Sherman.

The quality of the Japanese artillery is still good, followed by the second round, and it fell near the Sherman tank.

Then there is the intensive rapid fire.

When the Japanese artillery was correcting the landing point, the tankers of the Polar Bear Regiment were waiting for the engineers to open the channel for the tanks. Several commanders even lay on the turrets to watch the excitement, without any precautions.

The salvo of the Japanese army came quickly and urgently. A Sherman was parked relatively close to the anti-tank trench, so it was directly rushed into the anti-tank trench by the shock wave, and the driver was thrown out of the car. Unscathed, the other tankers climbed out of the escape door at the bottom of the tank with the help of engineers, and the scene was chaotic.

The engineers who were laying steel plates at the bottom of the anti-tank trenches were also unlucky. A shell accidentally fell among the engineers. After the violent explosion, more than a dozen engineers disappeared directly, and the huge steel plates twisted into twists and flew out. Tens of meters away, the space of hundreds of square meters was emptied in an instant, leaving no survivors.

The firepower density of the U.S. army is not something that the Japanese army can compete with, and the quality of the American gunners is also good. Not long after the Japanese army opened fire, the artillery unit of the Seventh Division launched a counter-fire. Galloping away, this is the most effective weapon for destroying artillery.

Naval guns are indeed powerful, and survivability is the biggest problem. Army artillery can at least move when it is countered by firepower. Naval guns cannot move at all, and can only stay in place and be beaten passively.

It is estimated that there are not many shells left in the Japanese army. After just 2 minutes, the Japanese naval guns completely misfired. The American engineers re-entered the anti-tank trenches to work, and the tankers began to lie on the turrets to watch the excitement again, as if nothing happened just now. Same.

Only relying on engineers to lay steel plates was too inefficient, so Langman came to the Fifth East India Division, hoping to borrow some construction machinery from the Fifth Division to speed up the cleaning of anti-tank trenches.

"You don't even have a bulldozer?" Li Bohao, the commander of the fifth division, couldn't believe it. The attack was too hasty.

War is not a child's play. The preparation time for a large-scale battle may take as long as half a year, and it takes at least a week for the troops to go from receiving an order to setting off.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force was much faster.In an emergency, the troops can start within 24 hours of receiving the order, but this is based on the premise of abandoning all heavy weapons and supplies, otherwise it cannot be done.

"From receiving the order to launching the attack, we only have 12 hours to prepare." Lang Man almost blurted out the swear words.

"That's tense enough—" Li Bohao expressed sympathy, which is really difficult for others.

But there is only sympathy, Li Bohao has not received a combat order, and cannot send troops to cooperate with the Seventh Division to launch an attack.

It is still possible to borrow a few bulldozers. If the Seventh Division can really take Tokyo in one go, then Li Bohao is also happy to see it.

Before the launch of Operation Olympic, the Allied officers and soldiers still had expectations for a counterattack to the Japanese mainland, hoping that they could make a small fortune after invading the Japanese mainland.

Now this wish has come to nothing, there are no souvenirs and trophies waiting for the Allies, only disease and death, and the psychological gap is serious.

Ordinarily, since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has received a lot of war compensation through previous foreign wars. In the last world war, Japan was one of the victorious countries, and it made a lot of profits. The Japanese people should be quite rich, so they don’t have nothing.

The main reason is the unprecedented large-scale bombing by the Allied Forces. Now, any city of any size in Japan has been patronized by the Allied Air Force more than once.

As the capital of Japan, Tokyo has always been a key bombing target of the Allied Forces. In the past year, there were three major bombings with more than 500 bombers dispatched in a single batch.

After the three major bombings, the entire city of Tokyo was almost razed to the ground. From the photos taken by the Allied reconnaissance planes, there was almost no complete house in the entire city, and the bare white land was so clean.

After other cities were burned by fire, the ground was full of charred trees and piles of black ruins.

Most of the buildings in Tokyo are wooden buildings, which are white after burning, and are washed into Tokyo Bay when it rains, leaving no trace at all.

Therefore, Li Bohao has no interest in attacking Tokyo. Since the Americans are so active, let the Americans take the task of attacking Tokyo.

With the addition of bulldozers, the speed of clearing the trenches suddenly accelerated. Dozens of Shermans advanced cautiously along the safe passage opened by the engineers. The Japanese artillery was too anxious just now. If there is a volley now, the US troops must suffer heavy casualties.

Palermo, the leader of the polar bear regiment, was in a bad mood. It took four hours to break through the first anti-tank trench.

There are three more such anti-tank trenches ahead.

In this way, there is no need to do anything today, and it is a victory to fill all the four anti-tank trenches.

"To break through the Japanese battlefield before dark, we must send light infantry—" Andrew, the deputy head of the polar bear regiment, volunteered to lead the light infantry into battle.

The Seventh Division is not an armored division. It is a field force dominated by light infantry. The soldiers are not proficient in infantry and tank coordination, and do not rely much on tanks.

Andrew is a veteran who participated in the First World War, and his thinking is too conservative. When the war is over, he will almost retire.

Now Andrew's biggest dream is to be promoted to general before retiring, but this is unlikely, because Andrew is only a lieutenant colonel now, and he is several levels behind the general.

Not entirely impossible.

If Andrew can shine in the next battle and make outstanding achievements repeatedly, then the U.S. Department of War will also consider leapfrog promotion.

So there was Andrew's initiative.

"Without the protection of tanks, infantry casualties would have been terrible." Palermo didn't directly object, but he didn't support it either.

This means that it is obvious that Andrew can lead the light infantry to attack if he wants to, but all the consequences caused by this will also be borne by Andrew himself.

"Of course, I'm ready." Andrew put on his helmet, picked up a Garand rifle and hurried away. He didn't want to be called out by Japanese snipers.

The equipment level of the Japanese army is not high, and the shooting skills of the soldiers are still acceptable. The long barrel of the [-]-style rifle is more conducive to magnifying this advantage.

The U.S. military wins by quantity. The firepower of two Garand rifles is comparable to that of a light machine gun. It has a huge advantage in the face of [-] big guns.

When the infantry was attacking, it was unwise to line up in length. Andrew led two companies of infantry, forming a skirmish line to press towards the distant Japanese position.

Under normal circumstances, it is pure wishful thinking for such a person to break through the Japanese positions.

Now it is possible, because many times before, when the Japanese army was attacked by the Allied forces, they scattered without any resistance. This is the main reason why Andrew is willing to take risks.

Will it work, let's try it first.

If it is done, that great contribution will fall from the sky.

It really doesn't work, there are tank troops behind.

The straggler line composed of more than 200 people is not worth mentioning on the front that stretches for several kilometers. Andrew is careful not to show the mountains and dew in the middle of the straggler line. He always pays attention to the movement of the Japanese army on the opposite side. Gun, Andrew will give up the attack.

It was easy to cross the second anti-tank trench without any accidents, and the Japanese positions did not shoot, but Andrew's mood was not relaxed, but became more and more nervous.

The environment in the third anti-tank trench was even worse. A few days ago, several Japanese soldiers wanted to go to the Allied positions to surrender at night, but they were shot and killed by the Japanese army. In order to strengthen the morale of the army, the Japanese army stripped all these corpses and hung them upside down. Next to the anti-tank trenches, the scene was quite terrifying.

It was midsummer in July, and if the corpse was not cleaned up, it would rot badly within a few days, and the surface was afraid of a thick layer of flies. Andrew passed by a corpse, and the strong corpse smell made Andrew feel strongly uncomfortable.

Just as Andrew raised his hand to cover his nose, the flies on the corpse buzzed and scattered in all directions, as if poking a hornet's nest.

Unable to bear it any longer, Andrew fell to his knees and vomited, oblivious to the complicated eyes of the American soldiers around him.

As a senior military officer who participated in the First World War, he couldn't even see this kind of scene, and his psychological endurance was too poor.

The Pacific War ranks among the top three bloodiest wars in which the U.S. military has participated. The Battle of Okinawa alone lasted three months, and about 7.5 U.S. troops were killed.

During the battle, it is impossible to collect the corpses in time. Most of the time, the corpses are exposed in the wilderness, and they will be processed in a centralized manner after the battle is over.

The Seventh Division participated in the Battle of Okinawa, and most of the officers and soldiers of the Polar Bear Regiment were used to more tragic scenes than this, so it was no surprise.

So what was Andrew doing during the Battle of Okinawa?
You can't stay in the headquarters every day without going out.

In fact, Andrew is no stranger to this kind of scene, it's just that he has been away from the front line for too long and is pampered, so he lost his composure.

After vomiting, Andrew felt much better and waved his hands to order the troops to move on.

As the distance from the Japanese position got closer, the Japanese counterattack finally arrived.

The anti-tank trenches dug by the Japanese were six meters deep, equivalent to the height of two Sherman tanks, and infantry needed tools to climb up.

An American soldier climbed up the ladder, and was shot in the head by a Japanese sniper as soon as he showed his face. The body fell from the ladder and hit Andrew in front of him.

"Smoke bomb!" Andrew saw the trick, and the smoke bomb came in handy at this time.

Several smoke bombs were thrown up at the same time, and the smoke immediately filled the air. Four ladders were set up at intervals of 20 meters. American soldiers filed up, and the gunshots suddenly became intense.

Although the Japanese machine gun shooters can't see through the smoke, they must be right to shoot at the smoke.

At this time, there is no point in saving bullets. American soldiers will not exaggerate their hands because of the mercy of Japanese machine gun shooters.

Although Japanese laborers can create profits, the Allied forces have always executed Japanese soldiers who resisted to the end by shooting on the spot.

The U.S. military went too far. After several battles, there were no Japanese prisoners of war. In the end, MacArthur had to order the U.S. military to shoot and kill the Japanese soldiers at will on the battlefield, and the situation improved slightly.

Seeing that the American soldiers were almost up, Andrew was about to climb up the ladder, but the American soldiers retreated like a tide. Many people jumped down from the top in a panic, so some people hugged their legs and wailed.

"What's the situation?" Andrew was very angry and fell short.

"There is no bunker up there. The Japanese army's firepower was fierce and the troops suffered heavy casualties. We must stop the attack and wait for the follow-up troops to reinforce." The angry eyes of the lieutenant and company commander who climbed up one step ahead of Andrew seemed to be breathing fire. This is not winning glory at all, but Let the American soldiers die.

"We can't stop, continue to attack, smoke bombs are ready--" Andrew didn't want to give up, and didn't notice the emotions of the American soldiers around him.

There were still nearly 200 U.S. soldiers who had just participated in the attack. In just a few dozen seconds, only a few dozen U.S. soldiers returned to the anti-tank trenches, and all of them were wounded.

The lieutenant was also a veteran, used to seeing death.

But it's not such a way of death, death has to be worthwhile and meaningful.

"Sir, we've lost the ability to continue fighting. I'm going to report to the field hospital." The lieutenant sat down with his back against the ladder, his hands trembling as he took a cigarette out of his pocket.

"Are you injured? I don't think so!" Andrew didn't find any signs of injury on the lieutenant.

The lieutenant didn't answer, put the cigarette in his mouth, took out the match tremblingly, lit the cigarette after striking several sticks in a row, then took a strong puff, and stuffed it into the mouth of a soldier with a shoulder injury next to him.

"Continue to attack, this is an order, don't let me repeat it a second time." Andrew was furious, the lieutenant's behavior was almost enough to be executed on the spot.

"As I said, I'm already injured and I can't continue to attack." The lieutenant was neither arrogant nor humble. Not only was an injury not considered disobedience, but he could also get a military medal.

"You didn't, I can see clearly." Andrew was indifferent, and decided to turn around and send the lieutenant to a court-martial.

The lieutenant touched his head, and then his arms and legs. It seemed that he was not injured.

However, this did not bother the lieutenant. The lieutenant directly drew out his gun, gestured on his leg, and fired a shot while wiping his leg.

"Okay, now I'm really hurt."

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