Chapter 2661 45 Seconds

Before carrying out this mission, Paul Tibbetts had carried out more than 30 bombing missions, dropping more than [-] tons of various bombs.

Bomber pilots are a special profession. They don’t face the enemy at close range. When looking at the ground from more than 1000 meters in the air, cars are only the size of ants. Humans can’t see clearly at all, so naturally there is no psychological pressure.

Not afraid of pressure.

When he joined the army, Paul Tibbetts originally hoped to join the army. The purpose was to fight with the little devils with real swords and guns, and let the little devils know how powerful the southern Africans are.

As a result, by mistake, Paul Tibbetts joined the Air Force and became a bomber pilot, which made Paul Tibbetts regretful because he could not feel the fear of the enemy at close range.

The efficiency of incendiary bombs in killing enemies is definitely much stronger than that of bullets.

But if you can't see it, you don't feel much sense of participation.

It will definitely be seen this time, so Paul Tibbetts has been in a very excited state since he boarded the plane.

"Everything is fine, Enola Gay requesting takeoff." Paul Tibbetts signaled to the control tower, "Enola Gay" was Paul's mother's name.

Pilots in southern Africa are used to giving their aircraft a nickname, which can be the name of their mother or the name of their pet dog. There are all kinds of names.

Putting "mother" and "dog" together is not an insult to the mother, but a difference in habits. Many southern Africans regard pets as part of the family. Many people even choose to name their pets Refer to the person closest to you, or the person you miss the most.

"Ask for permission, good luck to you—" The control tower also knew what Paul Tibbetts was carrying in this bomber, and couldn't help but say bitterly after the routine reply: "—you are such a lucky guy!"

Very lucky indeed.

To become a pilot of a super bomb, in addition to rich experience and excellent technique, luck is more important.

There are many skilled pilots in southern Africa. Experience is a thing of the past. As long as you fly enough times, you will become a veteran sooner or later.

Some people are lucky, others are unlucky.

In addition to the regular crew members, Enola Gay also had a special passenger, Colonel Persons, a technical expert.

Paul Tibbetts and his crew had limited knowledge of the super bomb, and Parsons was responsible for opening the safety of the super bomb and installing the detonator.

After Enola Gay took off, Colonel Parsons left the cockpit and went to the cabin to carry out his mission.

Paul Tibbetts and co-pilot Robert Lewis were engrossed, with all their attention focused on driving, and besides a box of cigars and his favorite pipe, Paul had a small box of cyanide on hand.

In order to carry out this mission, Paul Tibbetts has conducted more than 30 training sessions and is familiar with every detail of the mission.

After the super bomb arrived in East Asia, the Southern African Expeditionary Force formed the "509 Squadron" to carry out special training for this task.

Like other bomber groups, 509 Squadron also participated in the air strikes against Japan.

The difference is that the aircraft piloted by the 509 Squadron has been specially modified. All heavy weapons have been removed, and only one bomb is carried each time a bombing mission is carried out. Accuracy, and make sure the bomb explodes within sight.

It is not only Enola Gay who is performing this mission, but also five other super sky fortresses, two of which are responsible for reconnaissance, and three of which report weather conditions at any time. Choose a city.

Due to the high level of secrecy of the mission, if Enola Gay was forced to land, Paul Tibbetts and his crew, as well as Colonel Parsons, would have to keep absolute secrecy.

Only the dead can keep secrets.

Paul Tibbetts was holding a small box of cyanide, prepared for suicide.

Today's luck was good, the weather over Hiroshima was clear, Paul Tibbetts did not need to adjust the course, and Enola Gay continued to fly to Hiroshima.

Robert Lewis, also an experienced pilot, suddenly became visibly nervous.

Paul Tibbetts offered the cigar that was at hand, and Robert Lewis took it without thanking him.

"No matter what the result is, this will be our last flight." Paul Tibbetts was as relaxed as he was on a training mission before.

It is indeed the last time.

If Japan had surrendered and the war was over, Paul Tibbetts would have retired and returned home to run his farm.

In the event of a forced landing, the cyanide in the small box would allow Paul Tibbetts to leave this world without pain.

Of course regret is inevitable.

"Fortunately, you are the one to carry it out. I'm not sure if I can do it." Robert Lewis shook his head and smiled wryly. This task requires a relatively high level of psychological endurance for the pilot.

"Never doubt yourself, I'm sure you can—" Paul Tibbetts is determined, and he's not a weak man: "We people have feelings too, but you have to put them in context Here, I know it's going to kill a lot of people, but it's the best way to end the killing as quickly as possible."

There are more than 20 people in Hiroshima.

Although Paul Tibbetts kept saying "There are no innocent souls in Hiroshima", there must be innocent people among the more than 20 people.

Paul Tibbetts will not give up his mission because of those innocent people. He creates killings to stop more killings. From this perspective, he is simply doing good deeds.

Colonel Parsons had finished his mission and returned to the cockpit at this time, which was even more heartless.

"My mission is complete, it's up to you now—" Parsons was not used to the loud noise of the bomber, and shouted at the top of his voice.

"It's hard work, look at it!" Paul Tibbetts handed the cigar, and Parsons happily accepted it.

"Our current flying altitude is only 8000 meters, and we must raise it to more than [-] meters." Robert Lewis also began to enter the state.

The power of the super bomb is terrifying. In order to gain more escape time, the throwing height must be above [-] meters, so that Enola Gay can escape the killing range before the super bomb explodes.

"No problem, when Enola arrives in Hiroshima, the altitude will definitely be above [-] meters." Before Paul Tibbetts finished speaking, several fighter jets suddenly came from afar.

No need to ask, this is the discovery of the 509 Squadron, here for routine maternity leave.

In fact, it is not necessary at all. The Japanese Air Force has been completely wiped out, and it is simply unable to threaten the super sky fortress.

40 minutes passed in a flash. Like the previous investigation results, the sky over Hiroshima would indeed be sunny and bombs could be dropped at any time.

If there are clouds, the one that explodes within the visual range cannot be done.

In case the super bomb fails to explode and falls into the hands of the Japanese, even if Japan is unable to develop it, it can still buy the super bomb at a good price.

There are many buyers, and the United States and Russia are very curious about what the southern African super bomb looks like.

In fact, there is nothing to see. The 5-ton big guy is short and fat and looks like a winter melon. I am really sorry for the ten-ton bomb load of the Super Sky Fortress.

"I'm about to fly over the target, prepare in 30 seconds, 30-29--" The navigator's countdown came from the headset, and now the super sky fortress has reached an altitude of [-] meters.

Looking at a car at a distance of 1000 meters, it looks like an ant.

Looking down at a height of [-] meters, you can’t even see the buildings clearly, and the bombing procedure is also fixed. When Enola flies to the sky above the target, the automatic bomber will drop the super bomb, and then Enola will use the fastest speed. escape.

The target was a bridge in Hiroshima.

When Enola flew over the bridge, Paul Tibbetts checked the time. It was nine fourteen in the morning.

The plane suddenly rose at this time, and Paul Tibbetts knew that the automatic bomber had dropped the super bomb, but he didn't pull up the speed immediately.

"Hurry up, hurry up, fly away—" Colonel Parsons was extremely anxious. From now on, for Enola, every second counts.

The power of the super bomb is too great, if it cannot fly out of the attack range of the super bomb within a safe time, then Enola has the risk of crashing.

Once it crashes, no matter what the result is, all the crew members on Enola will commit suicide immediately.

For Enola, the safety time is only 45 seconds.

Under normal circumstances, in order to leave enough time for the bomber, the super bomb will use a parachute to delay the explosion of the super bomb.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the bombing, Enola did not use a parachute on the super bomb. After precise calculation, the time from dropping the bomb at an altitude of 45 meters to the explosion was only [-] seconds——

Now there are only 40 seconds left.

Paul Tibbetts woke up like a dream after receiving the reminder, quickly turned the nose of the aircraft 155°, and accelerated at full speed.

Parsons, sweating profusely, looked at his watch and prayed.

Robert Lewis didn't dare to speak, for fear of affecting Paul Tibbetts' operations.

Paul Tibbetts's psychological quality is really good, every movement is precise, and he didn't forget to wear sunglasses when he pulled the speed to the extreme.

Robert Lewis and Colonel Parsons also changed their sunglasses, this is to cope with the glare of the super bomb.

45 seconds is very short, but for Enola, every second is very long.

The Super Sky Fortress is still reliable. After reaching the fastest speed, the speed can reach 600 kilometers per hour, and 40 seconds is enough for Enola to reach a safe distance.

Accidents always happen. When the time came to 40 seconds, the expected explosion did not happen.

For an instant, Colonel Parsons' heart stopped beating.

If it doesn't blow up, it means that the mission has completely failed.

As a random technologist, Colonel Parsons is responsible for this.

The point is that Colonel Parsons really can't afford this responsibility.

Paul Tibbetts and Robert Lewis didn't speak either. The pilot's psychological quality was somewhat better than that of a technical expert.

Colonel Parsons' heartbeat didn't stop for too long. About two seconds later, a dazzling light suddenly lit up from behind. Although he was protected by sunglasses, Colonel Parsons still felt that he was about to lose his sight.

Then there was a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky, although it was five kilometers away, it was still clearly visible.

This is the power of the super bomb——

Everyone, including Colonel Parsons, was dumbfounded.

Paul Tibbetts and Robert Lewis are both experienced bomber pilots. They have personally thrown out countless aerial bombs, and they also know how powerful the aerial bombs are.

How much explosive would it take to form such a large mushroom cloud?
Probably the arsenal exploded, and the movement was not so big.

Such a strong explosion, compared to Hiroshima, has become a purgatory on earth.

Truly a hell on earth.

The super bomb thrown by Enola exploded at a distance of about 600 meters from the ground. The intense light waves generated by the explosion blinded tens of thousands of people; the high temperature of more than 6 degrees turned everything into ashes; the radiation rain Some people slowly died in the following 20 years; the shock wave formed by the shock wave destroyed 14 houses within a radius of 6 square kilometers.

The super bomb directly caused 6.5 deaths in Hiroshima City. Affected by this, another 7.5 people died within the next three months. You must know that there were only 26.5 people in Hiroshima at this time.

Paul Tibbetts had no time to appreciate the spectacular mushroom cloud, and the Enola he was driving was inevitably affected by the shock wave of the super bomb, like a leaf in a storm, extremely fragile.

"We did it, we completely destroyed Hiroshima, and the confidence of the Japanese!" Colonel Parsons was extremely excited, and now even if Enola crashed, he would die without regret.

The previous apprehension was due to the fear that the mission would not be completed, not the fear of death.

"Shut up, we're not out of danger yet—" Paul Tibbetts tried to control the flight attitude.

"Colonel, you might as well pray for us." Robert Lewis was trying too.

"God bless—Bodhisattvas can do it—" Colonel Parsons is good at doing good things. Southern Africans are like this. It doesn't matter whether it's God or Bodhisattvas, as long as they can help, they are good gods.

The super bomb hit not only the confidence of the Japanese.

Long before Enola Gay took off, Rock informed Beard, Truman, and Attlee that Southern Africa would use super bombs in East Asia to strike Japan.

Although Southern Africa regards the super bomb as the top secret, rumors about the super bomb have long been flying in the sky. For the allies, the existence of the super bomb is not a secret.

The real bomb is the power of the super bomb.

Now the heaviest bomb is the ten-ton British "Grand Slam", and the Super Sky Fortress can only carry one at a time.

The weight of the super bomb in Southern Africa should not exceed ten tons, because after that, there will be no aircraft that can carry it, unless Southern Africa develops a bomber with a greater load capacity.

Since it has the title of "Super", the power must be far more than ten tons. The upper limit is hard to say, and rumors range from a thousand tons to ten thousand tons.

Ten thousand tons is not scary, the key is how many there are, if there is only one, then the threat is not great.

So on August 8th, many people around the world are paying attention to Japan.

(End of this chapter)

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