Chapter 2689 Big Mouth

The income structure of the federal government in southern Africa is similar to that of the United States. The only profitable industry in the hands of the federal government was gold mines, and a large part of it had to be taken away by the British. Now taxation has become the main income of the federal government. The difference is that , Southern Africans are far less responsive than Americans to paying taxes.

The United States passed the "Internal Revenue Act" in 1913, which combined personal income tax and corporate income tax, defined the tax base, and determined the tax rate. The maximum is 4%, which is only applicable to high-income groups, such as annual Those earning more than $[-].

Not to mention 1913, even in 1945, there were not too many people earning more than $4 in the United States. Therefore, in 1943, the United States adjusted the taxation standards and introduced the "salary withholding" policy, requiring employees to pay Income taxes are automatically paid when weekly or monthly wages are paid, and the taxpayer group is rapidly expanding.

At the same time, the U.S. government also adjusted the tax rate, with a maximum of more than 90.00%, which led to complaints from American taxpayers. Only because the United States was in a state of war at the time, the taxpayers' emotions were not detonated.

Now that the war is coming to an end, it is naturally impossible to maintain the 90.00% tax rate. Truman will find a way to increase his income next, otherwise he may not be able to survive this term smoothly, let alone re-election.

The tax rate in southern Africa has always been very stable. It is divided into 40.00 levels from the highest 5.00% five to the lowest 11%.

No matter which country you are in, the rich have countless ways to avoid taxes reasonably, while the poor and middle class have to swallow their breath because they cannot afford good accountants and lawyers.

The richest people in southern Africa are Rock, Stoudemire and Henry. According to the tax laws of southern Africa, after the three of them die, if their relatives want to inherit the inheritance, they need to pay an inheritance tax of 40.00% five, so the charity fund came into being.

The head of the tax department in Southern Africa is Ada. Although Arthur and Roque are related by blood, they do not have the right to inherit the property under Roque’s name. Probably for this reason, the tax department led by Ada is promoting legislation to block all A legal tax avoidance loophole.

This is not aimed at Gavin and Alvin, who are as rich as Roque, and money is just a number to Roque. If Gavin and Alvin have the ability to control wealth, then their wealth will shrink by 40.00%. , can still earn back.

In any case, it was a good thing for Southern Africa, so instead of blocking it, Rock supported Ida in pushing for legislation that Truman could only dream of.

The highest tax rate in the United States is 90.00%. Naturally, it is impossible for Rockefeller and Morgan to pay taxes honestly. They are also promoting legislation, but the purpose is to reduce taxes, not to increase revenue for the federal government.

The United States is a country controlled by a consortium. The president is more like a butler in front of the consortium. How can the butler seek the wealth of the owner? Let’s fire it first.

"How can all infrastructure, including railways, be controlled by private individuals? It must be firmly controlled by the federal government in order to better serve everyone. The federal government of southern Africa has been committed to bringing infrastructure Ownership has been nationalized, and we have signed many additional agreements to limit the time for private operation of infrastructure, which not only effectively reduces the resistance of enterprises, but also clarifies the ownership of infrastructure, and the effect is very good.” Gavin continued Dig a hole for Truman. If Truman dares to do this in the United States, then wait for the American consortium to rebel.

The American consortium not only controls the railway, but all the key areas covering the national economy and the people's livelihood have been involved by the consortium. Otherwise, the US government would not pay so much attention to taxation, because it is the only sustainable source of income for the US government.

It can’t be said to be the only one. The U.S. government is in a hurry, and the U.S. government can still issue bonds, but the main body of the bond issuance is not the U.S. government, but the Federal Reserve. Every pore of this country is controlled by consortia.

"What works in southern Africa may not necessarily be suitable for the United States." Truman was still sober and was not completely fooled by Gavin.

Gavin didn't expect to get Truman hooked all at once, but just showed Truman another possibility, planted a seed in Truman's heart, and when the right time came, the seed would germinate.

The effect was still very good. Even if Truman didn't bite the bait, he was already attracted by the bait. His trip to southern Africa was fruitful and he successfully got the promise from Rock and Gavin, but it's hard to say how effective it will be.

As the two most powerful countries in the world, Truman's visit to southern Africa has aroused strong attention from various countries, especially Britain. Attlee is very worried that southern Africa and the United States will bypass Britain and reach an agreement on some issues that are very unfavorable to Britain. .

Aiding Europe is not the most serious problem. The UK is too busy to take care of itself. Even if the UK is allowed to participate, the UK will not be able to provide real money and can only cheer for it.

What Attlee is most worried about is southern Africa and the United States united against the United Kingdom. Russia has tens of thousands of tanks, tens of thousands of planes and tens of millions of troops. For example, Britain is now an undefended castle, and anyone can easily sneak in.

"London sent a message that the king wants to come to southern Africa. Our Prime Minister is quite self-aware." Sidney Milner lacks enough respect for Attlee, and he is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom no matter what, how could he not even deserve a name? have.

In Potsdam, the relationship between Attlee and Rock was not happy. If it wasn't for Winston's remaining enthusiasm, Attlee almost offended everyone.

It was also in Potsdam that Attlee fully realized the sinisterness within the Allied Forces. This is completely different from the political struggles in the UK. No matter how hard the Conservative Party and the Labor Party fight, the purpose is to make the UK stronger. It is just an idea and in a different way.

The promises made by allies have no effect. One night they were as close as brothers, but the next day they turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone. When Neville was fooled by the mustache, Attlee laughed at Neville for being fooled by the mustache. Now When it's my turn to be scolded, I feel bad.

Attlee was disheartened in Potsdam, returned to England and decided to concentrate on internal affairs, fulfill the promise to British voters during the campaign, and build Britain into a welfare society.

So Attlee encountered more difficulties.

Wanting to build Britain into a welfare society means more government spending, which is also the biggest resistance. Not only the Conservative Party, but even the king this time has reservations about Attlee's plan.

The King of England has no position on British politics. No matter whether the Conservative Party or the Labor Party is in power, the status of the royal family will not be affected. No one dares to change the king's life.

The situation in the United Kingdom is similar to that of the United States and southern Africa. If Attlee wants to increase government revenue, the best way is to increase income and reduce expenditure.

When overseas colonies cannot provide too much blood transfusion, there are not many ways to increase income, and tax increases are the most effective means.

Attlee also wants to increase the British inheritance tax to around 50.00%, just like Southern Africa and the United States.

Then came the embarrassment.

The richest man in England is not Winston, nor Attlee, but the King of England.

As the ruler of the United Kingdom, the King of the United Kingdom does not pay taxes. Not only does he not pay taxes, but he also needs a sum of money from the British government as a royal allowance every year to pay part of the expenses such as castle repairs, security protection and so on.

In the prosperous era of the British Empire, no one cared about the royal allowance, and no one dared to think about the royal property.

Now that the British government is stretched to the point of nowhere, can the royal family still be above the law?
There is no need for Attlee to raise this question, the king also has his own considerations, he should start to doubt now whether it is a correct decision to make Attlee the prime minister.

At least financially, Attlee was far inferior to Winston.

Although Winston wasn't very good at dealing with money, at least he didn't spend it recklessly and could maintain the situation.

Attlee is not only incapable of making money, but also very good at spending money, which makes people very troublesome.

"Is it necessary?" Rock didn't really want to receive the king.

In the decades since southern Africa became self-governing, the king of England has never been here.

This is also understandable. After all, it is a financial burden that can't be spent. There is nothing interesting in the backcountry. Even if the king wants to hunt, he will not come to southern Africa.

In 1911, the then British King George V did go to India, but he did not visit, but went hunting.

Regardless of George V's ability to govern the country, the level of hunting is quite good. It is said that he shot and killed 39 Indian tigers, 18 rhinos, and 4 bears.

When southern Africa was self-governing, there were quite a lot of wild animals, and there were news of wild animals attacking humans every year.

With the increasing population in southern Africa, the habitat of wild animals has been greatly affected, even to the extent that the federal government has to legislate to set up wildlife sanctuaries to protect wild animals.

"Maybe the king thinks it is necessary." Sidney Milner was still a little interested. If the king could come, this would be the first time that the king of England visited southern Africa.

After all, the king's trip was a mobilization, and the time would be delayed for a few months. By then, Roque might have retired, and it was Gavin's task to receive him.

After resigning as Prime Minister, Winston relaxed. He went to the United States a few days ago and went to the United States Congress and several universities to give speeches. He made a lot of money. After leaving the United States, he went directly to Pretoria and continued to circle money.

It is hard to imagine that after the prime minister leaves office, he actually wants to make a living in such a philistine way.

Winston is not considered poor. He has friends like Rock, who invested in southern Africa a long time ago, and now the annual dividends add up to millions of pounds. He is a proper rich man.

Rock still remembered that when Winston went to Yalta to attend the meeting, he didn't even have a decent special plane, but he took a special plane transformed from a military aircraft, which made Winston lose face.

After stepping down as prime minister, Winston's scruples became much less. The most obvious manifestation was this luxury private jet produced by Nyasaran Air. The performance data was similar to that of Rock's private plane, and the price was as high as 150 million rand.

In contrast, the Air Fortress bombers produced in Southern Africa during World War II cost only 24 rand each.

Counting it as 25, a special plane is equivalent to six sky fortresses.

"I heard that you bragged about your Russia threat theory in the United States, and you are not afraid that the Russians will shoot down your plane." Rock did not approve of Winston's high profile, and Winston had no choice but to return to politics. Do everything you can.

Although there were some discordant factors during the Potsdam Conference, the internal relations of the allies were generally friendly. Winston's hype about the Russian threat was seriously inappropriate.

"If the Russians really do that, I would rather die for justice!" Winston said impassionedly.

Just kidding, Russia does not have any fighter jets that can fly from the Russian mainland to southern Africa. As long as Winston doesn't fly arrogantly near Russia, there will be no problem.

"It's useless for you to win votes internationally. The votes are cast by the British." In Rock's words, Winston put the cart before the horse.

"The British are all waiting for the Labor Party to give them money, who cares about the threat of Russia—" Winston looked melancholy, wishing to wake up the lost British.

Attlee wanted to raise taxes but failed, and the disarmament offended military-related votes. If he could not keep his pre-election promises, Attlee's end would be even more tragic than MacDonald's.

Attlee will certainly not sit still, he is pushing Congress to agree to issue additional national debt, obtain post-war reconstruction, and the funds necessary to fulfill the promise.

This is tantamount to giving the handle directly to the Conservative Party. How could the Conservative Party allow Attlee to get what he wanted? When Winston was prime minister, how did the Labor Party hold back the Conservative Party? It was not passed smoothly, and even some members of the Labor Party opposed the issuance of additional national debt.

As mentioned earlier, when the Labor Party was growing in power, many people who fished in troubled waters took the opportunity to sneak into the Labor Party. They were completely speculative and lacked recognition of Attlee's governing program.

National debt will have to be repaid sooner or later, and interest will be added when repaying it. This thing is not a one-off deal. In theory, as long as the market accepts it, it can be issued indefinitely.

The danger of national debt is that the Labor Party can raise the funds needed to build a welfare society by issuing additional national debt, and the Conservative Party can also follow suit. After the Conservative Party comes to power in the future, it can also use this method to buy votes.

At that time, it will not be a question of when to pay back, but whether you can afford it.

"You can speak in southern Africa, but you can't mention the threat of Russia." Rock drew a red line to Winston, and he was really afraid of Winston's big mouth.

Winston's speech in the United States can be described in words that are not astonishing and endless.

The relationship between Southern Africa and Russia is quite good now, and Winston cannot be allowed to play freely. No matter what, he has to wait until the Far East trial is over before talking about threats.

(End of this chapter)

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