Chapter 2691
For a long time, the peninsula has been a vassal state of the Central Plains Dynasty. Until the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War in 1894, the Qing Empire recognized the "complete independence" of the peninsula; in fact, it recognized Japan's control of the peninsula.

In 1910, Japan forced the peninsula to sign the "Japan-Korea Merger Treaty" and formally annexed the peninsula. If counted from the period of the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War, Japan has ruled the peninsula for more than half a century.

In the colonization of the peninsula, Japan has been quite successful. There are many peninsula people in the Japanese invaders. Therefore, An Qi is not enthusiastic about the liberation of the peninsula, and allows the United States and Russia to carve up the peninsula.

During the Japanese occupation period, the Japanese government hired people from the peninsula to assist in the colonization, so the nature of the people in the peninsula was fully exposed. With their brutality and arrogance, they won the nickname "Mufengzi".

Since during the Japanese colonial period, the people of the peninsula were honest and obedient, so if the umbrella company hired the people of the peninsula to manage the Japanese, the people of the peninsula should be very enthusiastic.

Peninsulars are very good at bullying others.

For the umbrella company, the peninsula is actually a very suitable choice. After all, it is to help the umbrella company take the blame. It is not suitable to hire the Chinese, but it is just right to hire the peninsula. When the time comes, each person will have a wooden stick, so that the Japanese can learn from it. Umbrella company rules.

Some things can be handled by the umbrella company, and some things are not appropriate for the umbrella company to come forward.

The Headquarters of the First General Army located in the urban area of ​​Kyoto has recently become a gathering place for senior Japanese military officers. In the past, the high-spirited generals were in panic all day long, waiting for the final judgment of the Allied forces.

On September 9, the Allied Forces announced the first batch of Class-A war criminals. Although Gen Sugiyama, Commander-in-Chief of the First Army, was not included, he knew that he would not be spared and committed suicide on the evening of the 11th.

The First General Army was established on April 2th of the beginning of the year. In response to the landing of the Allied forces in Japan, the Japanese government split the Home Defense Force into the First General Army and the Second General Army. The First General Army subordinated the Second Front Army. , 11th Front Army and 13th Front Army, a total of 30 infantry divisions, 2 tank divisions, 2 anti-aircraft artillery divisions, etc., with a total strength of about 70.

Moto Sugiyama was one of the three field marshals promoted during World War II in Japan. He once served as a military officer in each of the three major yamen of the army. Therefore, Moto Sugiyama’s suicide caused a huge sensation among senior Japanese military officers, and his influence was greater than that of Anan. Even bigger.

Anan Keiji committed suicide immediately after Japan surrendered. The situation at that time was extremely chaotic. Under the background of "defeat and surrender", everyone's fate was full of uncertainties. The impact of Anan Weiji's suicide was actually not great.

After surviving the initial chaos, as time went by, the Japanese who could not accept the result of defeat and surrender had committed suicide and died for their country, and those who were still alive did not want to die.

Under such circumstances, Sugiyama Moto's suicide was undoubtedly a major blow to the Japanese generals who were lucky.

"When will the list of the second batch of Class-A war criminals be announced?" Army General Iwane Matsui has been having trouble sleeping at night recently, and has spent every day in panic and anxiety.

Matsui Iwane commanded the Japanese army to massacre 37 people in Jinling in 30. The Japanese government recalled Matsui Iwane under international pressure in 38, but did not abandon it. Instead, he let Matsui Iwane enter the cabinet until he resigned in 1940.

It is precisely because Matsui Iwane resigned relatively early that he was not included in the first batch of Class A war criminals.

Matsui Iwane didn't relax because of this, he knew what he had done and he was doomed.

"You've been resigning for so many years, don't worry at all—" Sugiyama Moto was also awarded the Field Marshal, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Second Army Shunroku Hata was also frowning. His situation was more dangerous than Matsui Iwane.

After Matsui Iwane was recalled to the country, Hata Shunroku became Matsui Iwane's successor and continued to command the Japanese army. Fortunately, he was not included in the list of the first batch of Class A war criminals.

Hata Toshiro was born in a famous family. His elder brother Hata Eitaro died of illness as the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army as an army general. One family and two generals are very rare in the world military.

As the commander-in-chief of the First General Army, Sugiyama Moto committed suicide in fear of crime without being included in the list of Class A war criminals. Hata Shunroku's situation is similar to that of Sugiyama Moto.

Although Hata Shunroku treated civilians extremely cruelly during the battle and commanded the Japanese army to commit a lot of blood debts, but in the matter of suicide, Hata Shunroku obviously lacked courage, and he didn't even dare to act like Hideki Tojo.

"We old guys who left the army in the early years should be given special treatment—" Honjo Shigeru, who served as a privy adviser and was called a "kind old man" by the Japanese military, retired earlier than Matsui Iwane. He is now 70 years old However, he still faces the Allied Forces' accountability.

"The Americans may hold their hands high, but there are also southern Africans—" Umezu Yoshijiro, who had just signed the instrument of surrender on the "Missouri", was disheartened. Even if he was not executed, he would not live long.

Umezu Yoshijiro has now suffered from rectal cancer. With the current medical level, the execution of Umezu Yoshijiro may reduce Umezu Yoshijiro's pain a lot.

So Umezu Yoshijiro did not refuse the order, and went to the "Missouri" with Shigemitsu Aoi. He didn't care who was on the first batch of Class A war criminals list, nor did he care when he was included in the Class A war criminals list. His fear has left him with no time to care.

Whether it is death from illness or being hanged, it is not what Umezu Yoshijiro wants.

"The Foreign Minister is in contact with southern Africans. Is there any good news?" Matsui Iwane did not let go of any possibility of evading justice.

If possible, Matsui Iwane even wanted to be as sick as Umezu Yoshijiro, so maybe he would be forgiven.

Of course, it would be even better if it wasn't a fatal disease like rectal cancer.

In another Far Eastern military court in another time and space, Matsui Iwane once exonerated himself on the grounds of illness, claiming that during the Jinling Massacre, he had lost control of the troops due to illness.

The Far East Military Tribunal held that: Matsui Iwane's illness neither prevented him from commanding the combat operations of the troops under his leadership, nor prevented him from visiting the city for several days when such atrocities occurred; The responsible army is under his command. He is aware of such atrocities. He has both the obligation and the right to rule his own army and protect the innocent citizens of Jinling. responsible for the massacre.

Matsui Iwane was eventually hanged.

On the contrary, Umezu Meijiro was sentenced to life imprisonment because of rectal cancer, and died of illness in Kamoo Prison in 49.

"If I am destined to be judged, I would rather commit suicide and die for my country than accept that kind of insult!" Honjo Fan has more ambition than Matsui Iwane, but not much more.

Really ambitious, just like Anan Weiji, once Japan surrendered on one side, he would commit suicide on the other side and die for the country, at least part of his reputation can be preserved.

In another time and space, Honzhuang Shige committed suicide after learning that he was included in the list of Class A war criminals.

This is not martyrdom at all. The standard suicide in fear of crime is also despised in Japan.

"Until the last moment, you still have to keep a useful body in order to be loyal to the empire—" Admiral Minai Guangzheng, who once served as the commander of the United Fleet, was a little relieved. Got a lot of goodwill.

Minei Mitsumasa is the vanguard of the invasion of China, but Minei Mitsumasa is a staunch opponent on whether to declare war on the United States.

The objection is not because Mitsumasa Minai loves peace so much, it is purely because Mitsumasa Minai knows that the United States is strong and the day is weakening, and declaring war on the United States is a dead end, so Minai Mitsumasa objected.

However, in the eyes of the Americans, Mitsumasa Minai is a peace lover to a certain extent, and has a certain value of attracting attention.

"The empire no longer exists—" Matsui Iwane lamented, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered.

The Duke Konoe Fumimaro, who served as the Prime Minister of Japan for three times, hurried over with a happy face: "The Allied Forces will no longer publish the list of Class A war criminals, so that even if you are tried, your reputation will not be damaged."

During the recent period, Konoe Fummaro has a very good relationship with MacArthur. MacArthur even asked Konoe Fummaro to participate in the revision of the Japanese constitution, because Konoe Fummaro has special experience in the system.

The concept of "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" was proposed by Konoe Fummaro. He played an extraordinary role in Japan's external expansion. The influence of Shigeru Honjo and Matsui Iwane combined is not as good as that of Konoe Fummaro , it can be said that Konoe Fumimaro was the first behind-the-scenes driving force of the East Asian War.

He has committed so many crimes, but Fumimaro Konoe does not know it. His evaluation of himself is: I am a person who is at the mercy of fate. Before the war, I was bullied by the military because of my weakness. During the war, I was denounced as a peace activist. , the war is over, and I'm a war criminal again.

In fact, Konoe Fumimaro is not as innocent as he said. Shigemitsu Aoi once refuted Konoe Fumimaro's defense: Konoe always wants to say that the responsibility for instigating wars and abusing prisoners has nothing to do with him, and the bad things are all about General Tojo Waiting for the warlords of the ruling faction to do it, if the Duke of Konoe is not only not punished after the war, but also plays a role in Japan, it is tantamount to letting Quisling be the president of Norway, let Reifer be the president of France, and let Goering be the president of the European Union army commander.

Another time-space guard, like Shigeru Honzhuang, committed suicide when he learned that he was included in the list of Class A war criminals and was about to be arrested.

"I'd rather argue in court with the goddamn American ghosts. We'd better win." Yoshijiro Umezu was fearless. In another time and space, he pleaded not guilty in court, claiming that the world would not judge him properly , only God will make a just verdict on him.

Then Yoshijiro Umezu, who had advanced rectal cancer, was sentenced to life without term, and died after two months of suffering.

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside the door, and the generals rushed out, only to find a group of Allied gendarmes barging in. Several accompanying officers came forward to stop them, and were being surrounded by gendarmes.

For the convenience of movement, all the generals and accompanying officers did not wear military uniforms, but civilian clothes.

After entering Japan, in order to appease the people, the Allied forces promised not to retaliate against the Japanese people, which largely eased the tension of the Japanese.

Against this background, the brutal behavior of the military police is particularly shocking.

"Damn what are you all doing? What mistake did they make?" Umezu Yoshijiro, the most fiery-tempered, was not afraid of death. Unfortunately, he spoke Japanese, which the gendarmes could not understand.

Even if they could understand, the Allied military police probably wouldn't restrain themselves.

"What's your name?" A white second lieutenant came to Umezu Yoshijiro. Although he was two steps lower than Umezu Yoshijiro, he was still a head taller.

No way, the height is the permanent flaw of the Japanese.

Especially after the newspaper published a group photo of MacArthur and Hirohito, many Allied officers and soldiers especially liked to condescend in this way, squinting at the Japanese with contemptuous eyes.

"I am Umezu Yoshijiro, are you going to kill me? Come on, I am ready—" Umezu Yoshijiro is not afraid of life and death. If he dies in this way, Umezu Yoshijiro will be remembered by many Japanese.

It's a pity that the second lieutenant didn't give him a chance.

"What did this guy say?" The second lieutenant turned around and asked the translator.

"He said that he is Umezu Yoshijiro, and he is welcoming you—" the greasy-faced, short translator greeted him with a charming smile. The kind misinterpretation did not get Umezu Yoshijiro's gratitude, but instead received a lot of angry comments eyes.

Even if you work for the ghosts and animals of the United States to make a living, can you stop smiling so flatteringly?
"I am the Duke Konoe Fumimaro. Recently, I was entrusted by General MacArthur to revise the Japanese Constitution. What is the purpose of your coming here?" Konoe Fumimaro moved out of MacArthur, hoping to make the military police have some scruples.

"Is General Matsui Iwane here?" The second lieutenant's attitude was not affected much.

When Matsui Iwane heard his name, his face turned pale without a trace of blood.

No matter whether the other generals were impassioned or just trying to survive, they all breathed a sigh of relief this time.

Probably because he was not named.

"I'm Matsui Iwane, what can I do for you?" Matsui Iwane tried to straighten his chest, but his voice was trembling.

"Please come with us, we need your cooperation on something." The second lieutenant raised his hand to call out, and several military policemen with assault rifles surrounded him, pointing their guns directly at Iwane Matsui.

"I didn't make a mistake, you can't arrest me!" Matsui Iwane looked horrified, was he about to be arrested?

"What did he do wrong, you can't take him away." Yoshijiro Umezu stepped forward.

"Your name is Umezu Yoshijiro?" The second lieutenant finally looked directly into Umezu Yoshijiro's eyes, and Umezu Yoshijiro's voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Yes, I am the Umezu Yoshijiro you are looking for." Umezu Yoshijiro put gold on his face. He heard clearly just now that the second lieutenant was looking for Matsukuri Ishine.

However, Umezu Yoshijiro was not complacent for too long. The second lieutenant took out a piece of paper and a stack of photos from his satchel, and nodded after comparing them.

"That's right, we are indeed looking for you, and you have to follow me—" the second lieutenant was very happy, it seemed that he could catch a lot of big fish today.

(End of this chapter)

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