Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2693 Captives suddenly become valuable

Not only in bacterial research, but Japan’s advancement is limited to East Asia. Compared with the old imperialist countries, Japan’s gap in all aspects is obvious. From this perspective, Shiro Ishii is right. Competing with traditional forces, Japan has no Advantages, the only thing that can be tricked is the biological field.

After all, biological research is inhumane. Even Japan conducts biological research under the banner of sewage treatment. The progress of biological research in various countries is strictly confidential, so it is normal for Shiro Ishii to make a misjudgment. Lawn made the same mistake, not knowing how far southern Africa has gone in biological research.

Von Braun has real talent and learning. The V2 rocket he led to develop has indeed caused huge troubles for the UK and made the British gnash their teeth.

Shiro Ishii's research did not play a big role, at least not in line with Shiro Ishii's expectations. In the battle with the Allied forces, the Japanese army did not have many opportunities to apply biological weapons on the battlefield. The only time they made a big splash was in Kyushu Island, the biggest losses are local civilians in Kyushu.

So if Shiro Ishii wanted to blackmail the Southern African Expeditionary Force with his research results, he would be wrong. An Qi would rather let Shiro Ishii bring his so-called "secret" to the grave than let Shiro Ishii go unpunished.

Backed by southern Africa, An Qi has the confidence to reject Shiro Ishii.

Americans are very interested in Ishii Shiro's research.

Compared with the old imperialist countries, the United States started late in biological research and achieved few results. In the two world wars, the US military did not use biological weapons on the battlefield, which is enough to prove that the United States has a blank in biological weapons.

Therefore, Shiro Ishii's data is of little significance to southern Africa, but it has an important reference role for the United States.

Before Japan surrendered, there were as many as 731 doctoral military doctors who had withdrawn from Unit 53 to Japan. They had all been deeply involved in Japan’s bacterial experiments, and some had cooperated with the United States to exchange experimental data for American asylum.

Those doctors made a wrong calculation. The asylum of the Americans cannot bypass southern Africa anyway.

The list of war criminals was determined jointly by the U.S. military and the Southern African Expeditionary Force. After confirmation, it was submitted to MacArthur and Angie for final approval. If they both agreed, they could be arrested according to the list.

All the military doctors who returned to Japan from Unit 731 were included in the list of war criminals drawn up by the Southern African Expeditionary Force. Among them, Shiro Ishii, as the leader and organizer, planned and executed plans or secret plans, launched aggressive wars or wars that violated international treaties, and were included in the list of war criminals. Included on the list of Class A war criminals.

This list was opposed by MacArthur.

"There are more than 8500 war criminals. This scale is too large. The trial work may last for several years. This is not in line with our purpose. We need to end all this as soon as possible and get back on the right track." MacArthur It is believed that the scope of accountability is too large. Compared with the huge list drawn up by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, the list of war criminals drawn up by the US military only has 1900 people.

It is impossible for all of these 1900 people to be executed, and a large part will eventually be imprisoned by the rebels, or even released in court.

It should be noted that in the list provided by the US, there is no one related to Unit 731.

However, An Qi knew that in the past few days, the U.S. military had arrested at least ten doctoral military doctors who had returned to Japan from Unit 731.

Time was another key to MacArthur's objection.

MacArthur is not as greedy as Angie. He wants to end the post-war accountability as quickly as possible, and then return to the United States to participate in the presidential election in the name of the savior of East Asia. How can it be done if it takes too long.

"Without a thorough trial for criminal acts, justice will not be served, and this war will be meaningless." An Qi disagrees with reducing the scale.

Compared with the crimes committed by those war criminals during the war, justice has been long overdue.

Better late than never, 8500 war criminals Angie thinks it is too few, if Angie is asked to draw up a list of war criminals, then as long as the Japanese who have been to the opposite side will be included in the list of war criminals.

The Allied Forces divided war criminals into three levels: A, B, and C. The standard for level A war criminals was to break the peace and launch a war of aggression.

Class B war criminals are those who order, authorize, or condone the abuse of prisoners of war or civilians, or willful or reckless negligence of duty, which fails to prevent the atrocities.

The standard for class C war criminals is crimes against humanity, the object is the actual execution of killing or torture.

Referring to this standard, almost every Japanese soldier is a war criminal, especially the members of the field troops who have always trained recruits by killing prisoners.

So the 8500 people in southern Africa are quite restrained.

Such a comparison shows how tolerant American standards are.

"The war is over, and our most important task now is to appease the Japanese and rebuild order—" From the standpoint of a politician, MacArthur's reason is justified.

But from the standpoint of a soldier and an American, MacArthur's words are simply outrageous.

"Did you know that Unit 731 used Americans as consumables for biological experiments?" Angie was also very dissatisfied with the list provided by the US.

"There is such a thing, how is it possible?" MacArthur obviously did not pay attention to the problem of Unit 731.

That's right, Unit 731 is probably not as important to MacArthur as the results of the Time Magazine's presidential candidate support survey.

Although the U.S. presidential election has not yet started, the Republican Party has confirmed that Thomas Dewey will run on behalf of the Republican Party.

Candidates representing the Democratic Party are still pending. At present, Truman's voice is relatively loud, and others have a chance.

This opportunity is only to run for the Democratic Party. Whether he can beat Thomas Dewey is another matter.

Thomas Dewey leads by a wide margin in all media polls.

What makes MacArthur sad is that almost no one is optimistic about him running for the Democratic Party, let alone defeating Thomas Dewey. Only a few media people who have a good personal relationship with MacArthur are helping MacArthur. Eisenhower, who did not express his intention to run, had a higher approval rating than MacArthur.

Although Eisenhower had few outstanding performances as the commander-in-chief of the US military in Europe, he actually won the support of the US military in Europe.

Although soldiers are not eligible to vote during their service, they will be fine after retiring. With the support of the European military, the European military will be able to carry Eisenhower into Whitehall in a few years.

"Didn't you arrest a lot of doctoral military doctors from Unit 731? Didn't you interrogate them?" Angie didn't quite believe that MacArthur knew nothing.

Without MacArthur's order, the U.S. military would not directly arrest people.

So now there is only one possibility left, that some kind of agreement has been reached between them.

"We have arrested too many people during this period, and we don't have time to interrogate them one by one. This is the work of the military court, and we will not interfere." MacArthur had a good reason. The US military arrested not one thousand but eight hundred people during this period.

Naturally, the Southern African Expeditionary Force arrested more people. It was not enough for the Duck's Nest Prison to be full. Another two prisons were built to continue to arrest people. Some of the captured war criminals also participated in the construction of the new prison.

If it wasn't for the fear of people being frozen to death, An Qi would have planned to set up a tent and finish the job.

Winter in Japan is still quite cold. Many homeless people freeze to death every year. If it is just a tent, the people in the tent may not be able to survive this winter.

War criminals are also a valuable asset. Leaving aside the information and materials they possess, the 700 million Japanese soldiers are also worth a lot of money simply based on the labor force.

Russia is so cruel in Europe, it is so cruel to the Germans, and about 70 Kwantung Army prisoners of war were sent to Russia to serve as labor. Southern Africa has a long tradition of making full use of labor, and it will certainly not turn a blind eye.

Those overseas soldiers who are returning to the Japanese mainland in batches will be arrested after returning to the Japanese mainland. They may not be tried as war criminals, but capital crimes can be avoided. labor to atone for his wrongdoings during the war.

Even if you have done nothing, joining the Japanese army is a crime in itself.

"Okay, now I'm telling you, how are you going to treat those military doctors?" Angie didn't give MacArthur a chance to prevaricate.

She said she didn't know before, but now An Qi directly pointed it out, there is no way to pretend to be crazy.

"In fact, they are also victims of the war. They were coerced and forced to participate in the war. Many people still don't know what they are studying. The key to fully exposing the crimes of Unit 731 is Ishii Shiro. If you are willing to put Ishii Shiro Give it to me, and I can guarantee that all those who should be responsible for the war will be punished with justice." MacArthur still wanted people at his core, and promises were not important.

See clearly, only those who should be responsible for the war will be punished with justice.

Since doctoral military doctors did not directly participate in the war, they naturally did not have to go to court.

"What we are doing now will be taken out and studied over and over again in a few years. We are soldiers first, and what we do must be worthy of our identity." Angie reminded MacArthur not to overcorrect.

Not only Angie thinks this way, but also Lieutenant General Berryman Frank Horton, commander-in-chief of the Australian Expeditionary Force.

Holden is the son of an auto worker and participated in World War I. During World War II, he first commanded the Australian army to fight in North Africa with the British army. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, he returned to Australia and served as the commander-in-chief of the Australian Expeditionary Force. Chief of Staff of the Army High Command.

Like the vast majority of Australians, Horton has a tough attitude towards Japan. After Japan surrendered, he repeatedly proposed to Angie and MacArthur that Hirohito should be included in the list of Class A war criminals, and the Japanese war criminals should be thoroughly liquidated. .

The Australian Expeditionary Force was responsible for the management of Japanese prisoners of war. The 40 Japanese prisoners of war in the Philippines were severely reduced under the management of the Australian Expeditionary Force. In Manila alone, at least [-] Japanese prisoners of war died during the reconstruction of Manila.

Australia is very experienced in managing prisoners of war. Those Japanese prisoners of war who died were definitely not deliberately killed by Australians, but died of various accidents, such as diseases.

This summer, nearly [-] Japanese prisoners of war died in a plague outbreak. The cause of the plague outbreak was also related to the atrocities committed by the Japanese army.

The Japanese army was rampant in the Philippines. Millions of Filipinos died during the war. After these people died, their bodies were not properly disposed of. In addition, the weather in the Philippines is hot, and a plague will break out after a while.

Those Japanese prisoners of war who were infected with the plague were infected with the plague when they were handling the corpses.

A piece of cold knowledge, throughout World War II, the country where the Japanese army suffered the most overseas losses was the Philippines, and about 49 people died in the Philippines.

Considering that the total number of Japanese troops in the Philippines is only 63, you know what the figure of 48 represents.

Compared with the Japanese army, Australia only had 2.34 people killed in World War II, which is in stark contrast.

"2.4 people represent 2.4 broken families. There are as many as hundreds of thousands of Australians affected by this. There are not 8000 million people in Australia. We can't afford this level of loss." Holden expressed pain, he The purpose of coming to An Qi is to get more management rights for prisoners of war.

Holden now fully understands the benefits of prisoners of war. With the efficiency of southern Africa, it took a year and a half to build Darwin Port. In the case of Japanese prisoners of war, it took up to eight months.

The key point is that apart from the meager rations, there are almost no other costs. Horton can squeeze the surplus value of the Japanese prisoners of war as much as possible. Not only will he not be accused by the Australians, but he will be treated as a hero.

Having been a soldier all his life, Horton has never been so satisfied now.

"You should learn from the Russians and see how the Russians manage Japanese prisoners of war." Angie doesn't want Horton to succeed. Southern Africa also needs labor. The Changi Naval Base is undergoing the fourth phase of expansion. The more labor the better .

After Operation Storm ended in August, Vasilevsky returned to Russia with 50 Kwantung Army prisoners of war, and was once again awarded the title of "Russian Hero".

The 50 prisoners of war brought more than 50 free labor to Russia. The key is a change in the way of thinking.

In Europe, if the Russian army captured Germans, they would basically be shot on the spot, and they had no interest in detaining them. Those prisoners of war who were escorted to Moscow for a parade were not Germans.

There is no unresolved blood feud between Russia and Japan. Because of the war losses, Russia urgently needs to supplement its labor force, especially Siberia, which is already sparsely populated.

Vasilevsky's unintentional move opened a new door for Russia, allowing the Russians to understand the correct way to use prisoners of war.

At least compared with the Australians, the attitude of the Russians towards Japanese prisoners of war can be called benevolent. In another time and space, after the normalization of relations between Russia and Japan, about 44 Japanese prisoners of war returned to Japan. (end of this chapter)

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