Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2699 Russia has unlimited potential

Unlike the officially endorsed military service organizations, the Rifle Association is the most influential civil society organization in southern Africa.

Members of the military mutual aid club are limited to the military, and outsiders cannot intervene. The Rifle Association has no requirements for membership. If you want to join, just fill in a form. Therefore, the Rifle Association has more than 2000 million registered members, more than the members of the Liberal Party. It is truly the largest organization in southern Africa.

The federal government certainly can't let it go when its power has expanded to such an extent. Therefore, in recent years, the federal government has gradually tightened its control over the Rifle Association.

The current president of the Rifle Association is Alvin.

Alvin is not a member of Gavin's cabinet, but his power is not small at all compared with the ministers, and even far exceeds it. Now Alvin is also the director of Brad's office, and he is jokingly called the "uncrowned king" of southern Africa.

This means that Gavin and Alvin have a very good relationship and have never had any troubles.

If it were someone else, Alvin would inevitably be jealous of the Prime Minister.

Just before this year's general election, both the People's Party and the Progressive Party sent invitations to Alvin, hoping that Alvin could run on behalf of the People's Party or the Progressive Party.

Alvin resolutely refused. He did not want to appear in front of the public as the prime minister, but enjoyed being outside the federal government as an "uncrowned king". If anyone dared to make irresponsible remarks against Gavin as prime minister, Alvin would use the most violent means to let him know what Nyasaran Iron Fist is.

Although Rock has stepped down as Prime Minister, he is still very busy with affairs. Gavin seems to have some complaints about Nikola Tesla. This year's budget is not so sufficient. Nikola Tesla went directly to North Tanganyika to file a complaint with Rock.

"The remote-controlled heavy-duty unmanned bomber project has reached the most critical stage. Now we only need to close the door and we can enter a new era. At this time, we need stronger support. If we do not advance against the current, we will retreat. If we cannot take the lead, we will be left behind by the Americans and Russians." Tesla was very angry. After Gavin reviewed the funding of the Tesla Research Institute, he directly cut the funding of the Tesla Research Institute by half.

Rock is also very helpless.

The remote-controlled heavy-duty unmanned bomber project is the first project that Tesla applied for after coming to southern Africa, and it has been more than 20 years.

Only through the hands of Rock, the funds invested in the remote-controlled heavy unmanned bomber project in the past 20 years exceeded 10 billion rand.

For comparison, the Manhattan Project cost only $20 billion.

What left Rock speechless was that a whole billion rand was invested, but the remote-controlled heavy unmanned bomber project failed.

It doesn't matter if it is unsuccessful, because other technologies derived from this project are enough for the federal government to recover the cost, so Rock can bear it.

Still for that reason, Roque could tolerate Nikola Tesla, but Gavin could not.

Most likely it’s not intolerable, there’s a high probability that it’s just a knock, let Nikola Tesla have a snack, and it’s impossible to use this project to “cheat funds” for 20 years.

"I've heard what you said countless times. Can you find a fresh reason? The United States is nothing more than that. Does Russia have any outstanding achievements in the field of artificial intelligence?" Rock didn't want to interfere with Gavin's decision. Tesla is sometimes too much. At most, only half of the funds allocated by the federal government to the Tesla Research Institute are actually used for the remote-controlled heavy unmanned bomber project.

The remaining half was not wasted by Tesla, but used for other research projects, such as gravity-free flying machines.

In 1928, Tesla proposed a new research project called the anti-electromagnetic area propulsion system, which is simply a flying saucer.

The remote-controlled heavy unmanned bomber project may still be successful, but the gravity-free aircraft is too sci-fi. Rock felt that this project was a bottomless pit, so he did not approve it.

Tesla is not a character who quits halfway. He embezzles from other projects without funds, and researchers are also transferred from other projects. The key point is that he is not sneaky, and he has no intention of covering up, which makes Rock very embarrassed.

When Rock brought Nikola Tesla to southern Africa from the United States, he personally promised Tesla that he would not restrict Tesla's research projects and funding.

Facts have proved that Rock seriously underestimated Tesla's ability to do things.

"Russia's institutional advantages are unparalleled. It allows the Russian government to fully integrate resources and make major breakthroughs in a certain field in a short period of time. Don't underestimate the scientific research capabilities of the Russians. Remember the telegraph patent dispute between me and Marconi? At that time, Russia's research progress in this field was no less than that of Marconi and me, and the Russians were fully qualified to participate." Tesla's high evaluation of Russia's scientific research capabilities was unexpected by Rock.

Roque also made an empirical mistake. He never connected Russia with science. When he mentioned Russia, he only thought of European steamrollers or European gendarmes.

In terms of pure scientific research capabilities, Russia should not be underestimated. Mendeleev, who made the periodic table of elements, was a Russian. The first heavy bomber in human history was also invented by Russia. At that time, southern Africa and Europe were still keen to fly over the English Channel.

"That only represents the past. Maybe for so many years, the Russians have been sleeping on their merits." Rock never regarded Russia as an opponent, but the United States.

Compared with Russia, the United States is the real threat in southern Africa.

No matter how powerful Russia is, it will be difficult for its influence to break through the blockade set up by Britain, France, the United States and the South.

The United States and southern Africa are both capitalist camps, and the cost of infiltrating southern Africa is much lower than that of Russia, which is what the Hebrews are best at.

The Hebrews have been wandering for thousands of years, and wherever they go, they are like rats crossing the street. The fundamental reason is that their reputation is too bad.

Now that the United States has become the base camp of the Hebrews, the Hebrews have learned from the pain and finally changed. This is not a good thing for the whole world.

"When the Russo-German war broke out, Russia was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. I don't know if you have noticed that in just two years, Russia has made rapid progress in industrial manufacturing, and its industrial design and manufacturing levels have become world-class. Compared with other countries, Russia's institutional advantages are unmatched, including our southern Africa." Tesla must have exaggerated in order to exaggerate the threat of Russia.

However, compared to the capitalist system, Russia's institutional advantages are indeed great, especially in scientific research.

The reason why southern Africa has developed so fast in the past few decades has a lot to do with the size advantage of southern Africa. With the efforts of Roque, almost all major projects in southern Africa in recent years have been led by the federal government. No one knows this better than Roque.

The reason why Tesla became a "half-god" in southern Africa has a lot to do with the full support of the federal government. Tesla also has a deep understanding of this, so Tesla ranks the threat of Russia ahead of the United States.

"No, Russia's industrial level will never catch up with southern Africa, and the gap will widen." Rock is still very confident on this point.

The success of the system and the failure of the system. During the Potsdam Conference, the bearded man gave Rock a Tsar flower basket egg. There is a story behind this egg. It was an Easter gift from Tsar Nicholas II to Queen Alexandra.

The Easter Eggs are exquisitely made, and they are the masterpieces of the famous goldsmith, jewelry craftsman, and arts and crafts designer Peter Karl Faberge. Rock likes them very much.

Easter eggs are expensive, but they cannot be produced in large quantities, and the benefits they can bring to Russia are limited.

The accessories produced by Eternal may not be as collectible as Easter eggs, but the products of Eternal can be copied and can be supplied to more people, so for a country, enterprises like Eternal are obviously more valuable.

The biggest problem for Russia is that there is a leader who is very successful, which brings huge hidden dangers to Russia. If southern Africa can effectively use this, it can drag Russia down alive.

With such a large size in Russia, a single method is completely ineffective. Unless the Russians take the initiative to admit defeat, they are unlikely to be defeated head-on.

"Locke, I think you are too optimistic. For example, super weapons, I think the Russians may have them within two or three years." Tesla reminded Rock not to underestimate the Russians.

"It is indeed possible, but if the Russian government wants to raise the standard of living of all Russians to a level similar to that of families in southern Africa, it is basically impossible." Roque now understands why Americans say that if more than one billion Chinese live the same life as Americans, it will be unbearable for our world.

It is really unbearable. Americans take 50.00% of a cake. If southern Africa also takes 50.00%, why should other countries drink the northwest wind?

Rock knows that Russia's heavy industry has great potential, and the light industry is not without potential, but has been ignored, or the purpose is different.

A simple example, such as the car produced by Nyasaran Heavy Industry, if the quality is so good that it can’t be broken at all, then consumers will have no desire to consume, so they can only start from other aspects. It is best to scrap the car as soon as the three-year warranty period expires.

Russian companies have no worries in this regard. It is best to have a car that will never break down, so Russian products will always have problems of one kind or another.

Ford Model T is low in price and high in sales. It has been sold well in the United States for many years, but it is losing ground under the attack of southern African cars that are getting more and more cool in appearance and more and more beautiful in interior.

If Russia goes all out, it will indeed be able to make breakthroughs in super weapons within three to two years.

However, Russian car companies will never be able to catch up with the pace of southern African car companies.

"My lord, you have fallen. Where did that vigorous young man go?" Tesla was heartbroken. What he lamented was not that he was getting old, but that the support he received from the federal government was not as strong as before.

"Nicolas, we are all old, and the future belongs to young people." Rock is not fooled. This guy dared to offend even Morgan for defrauding funds, and he is a repeat offender here.

"It's just that you are old, but I am not old!" Tesla refused to accept his old age and wanted to fight for another 20 years.

Rock is actually not too old. In his 60s and less than 70 years old, he can actually be described as a leader when he is in his prime. If Gavin doesn't do well enough, Rock may be able to come out and clean up the mess in a few years.

Tesla is indeed old. He was born in 56 and is almost 90 years old. His physical strength and energy are not as good as before, but he is still a workaholic. In order to protect Tesla's health, Tesla's medical team banned Tesla from entering the laboratory a few years ago, and he can only give remote guidance.

For such an old fellow, Rock wished to confess him. The weird and wonderful pictures that often appeared in his mind could change the world if not done well.

Tesla's character is not to give up until the goal is achieved, and he is soft and stubborn. He hopes that Rock will restore the funding for Tesla's laboratory.

Rock took Tesla to visit the plantation, allowing Tesla to experience the value of money intuitively.

Tesla is very good at spending money, but not very good at making money. Even if the research institute produces results, they are all submitted to the federal government for processing. Money is meaningless to Tesla. He has not touched cash for more than ten years, and he never takes money with him when he goes out.

"Did you know that the price of an acre of plantations here is only 12 rand—" Rock was actually dissatisfied with the Tesla Research Institute.

The salary of the staff of the research institute is very high, even the salary of the cleaning staff is ten times higher than that of the street sweepers outside.

Most of the cleaners in southern African cities are foreign workers hired from neighboring countries. They are not only hard-working but also low-paid, and their work attitude is much better than that of southern Africans.

Even if southern Africans go to the municipal government to find jobs, they will not be arranged to sweep the streets. Some of them have good jobs with easy jobs and high salaries.

Although Rock does not limit the budget of the Tesla Research Institute, it does not mean that he has no opinion.

"Come on, don't think I don't know. The whole of Tanganyika and Southwest Africa were snatched from the Germans. You confiscated all the plantations that the Germans had worked so hard to open up, and then sold them at a low price to the veterans of World War I. Is there any cost to you?" Tesla revealed that southern Africa has developed from the original seven continents to more than 20 states in just a few decades, thanks to the contributions of the Germans.

Southwest Africa and Tanganyika alone are now divided into four states, and Walvis Bay has become a special city directly under the federal government. This honor can only be obtained by a few cities.

"Millions of Southern African Expeditionary Forces participated in the First World War. This is the reward they deserve, and the federal government has already paid the cost." Rock disagreed with Tesla's words.

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