Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 2705 Disrespecting the Elderly

Chapter 2705 Disrespecting the Elderly

When the United States is a beacon, Americans are naturally loyal to the United States.

Once the United States loses its aura as a lighthouse, the loyalty of the Americans will be questionable, especially those Hebrews in the so-called high society in the United States. I am afraid that they will be the first to abandon the United States at that time.

Compared with the United States, Southern Africa is more tolerant and open. Whites, Chinese, and Africans who have acquired Southern African nationality can live in harmony, which is beyond the imagination of many Americans.

In fact, peaceful coexistence is not difficult. The key is to level the bowl of water. Whites, Chinese, and Africans are treated equally when committing crimes. They will not treat a group of people extrajudicially for some special reason.

From the perspective of crime probability alone, there are not many Africans in southern Africa compared to other groups. It is hard to say what the future will be like now. At least during Roque’s tenure, the federal government of southern Africa did not give special care to a certain group.

Gavin probably won't either.

Afterwards, Roque probably won't be able to see it anymore. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Compared with the Americans, the Southern African Expeditionary Force's hatred of the Japanese is more obvious.

After all, only a small number of people are eligible to be imprisoned and await trial. When Japan surrendered, there were more than 200 million Japanese troops overseas. Except for the Kwantung Army that was wiped out by the established system, most of them were sent back to Japan after Japan surrendered. Chance.

It's just a matter of being able to get on the ship. Whether they can return to Japan safely is another matter. Recently, the sea is not peaceful. Many ships carrying Japanese prisoners of war sank. No one can explain the reason.

"This month, three more ships sank and more than 11000 people went missing. Now there are no ships willing to undertake the business of sending prisoners of war back home. The price offered by the Southern African shipping company is 100 rand per person. This price is too expensive. We I can’t afford it at all.” Kijuro Kijuro, the temporary caretaker cabinet prime minister, was worried because he faced too many difficulties and couldn’t do anything about it.

No matter who is the prime minister of Japan, he is now a mouse in the bellows, with both ends being angry.

Higashikuni Toshihiko didn't want to be a mouse, so he resigned a month ago, and Kijuro Hashihara, who was the foreign minister of Higashikuni Toshihiko's cabinet, was appointed as the caretaker prime minister in the face of danger.

Dongjiu's resignation has a lot to do with MacArthur's photo with Hirohito.

Because of the height problem, MacArthur looked much taller than Hirohito in the photo taken with Hirohito, so when American newspapers published that photo one after another, Toku ordered Japanese newspapers not to publish that photo.

This behavior angered MacArthur, and the U.S. military then issued the "Memorandum on the Cancellation of Restrictions on Political, Civil, and Religious Freedom," ordering the Japanese government to abolish the Thought Police, release political prisoners, and remove the Prime Minister.

Dong Jiuer was unwilling to carry out this order at all, and simply announced his resignation the next day.

Dongjiu could let go, but Kijuro Kishihara couldn't.

When Dongjiu resigned, he believed that the cabinet should be formed by people who fully understand Britain and the United States in the future.

Kijuro Hashihara served as Japan's representative to the League of Nations. He is a rare politician in Japan who has the ability to deal with European and American countries. Even Toku thinks Kijuro Hashihara is a suitable candidate.

Kijuro Coinhara is actually not suitable either.

Although Kijuro Kishihara was not included in the list of war criminals by the U.S. military, he was at the top of the list of war criminals drawn up by the Southern African Expeditionary Force, and he was an unforgivable Class A war criminal.

In other words, Kijuro Hashihara may be arrested by the Southern African Expeditionary Force at any time now.

Under such circumstances, how could Kijuro Koihara have the mood to govern the country?

"The Southern African Expeditionary Force is announcing the military's criminal acts during the war in batches, and the impact is bad. The most important task now is to let the Southern African Expeditionary Force stop this behavior, otherwise it will cause irrelevant damage to the international image of the empire. Restoration." Foreign Minister Shigeru Yoshida was also not included in the list of war criminals by the United States.

When the United States determined the list of war criminals, everything was based on its relationship with the United States. Any senior Japanese official who was friendly to the United States and opposed launching the Pacific War would not be included in the list of war criminals even if he committed a lot of blood in East Asia.

If you personally participate in the war against the United States, regardless of your position, you must face the post-war accountability of the United States.

Yoshida Shigeru was not included in the list of war criminals by the United States because he opposed war against the United States.

However, Yoshida Shigeru was one of the planners of the Huanggutun incident. During the Tojo Cabinet era, Yoshida Shigeru served as Minister of Industry, Commerce and Colonization, and resigned because he opposed provoking the Pacific War.

Shigeru Yoshida, like Kijuro Hashihara, was also included in the list of war criminals by the Southern African Expeditionary Force.

"We seriously lack an effective way to communicate with southern Africa." Kijuro Kushihara had no choice.

If it were an American, Kijuro Koshihara might be able to do something.

Forget about Southern Africa, if Kijuro Kijuro dared to go to An Qi, he might be arrested by the Southern African Expeditionary Force in the next moment.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force does not care whether Kijuro Kihara is the caretaker prime minister.

"Maybe we can exert influence on southern Africa through the Americans. The relationship between the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the US military is not harmonious." Shigeru Yoshida is well aware of the intrigue among the allies, which gives Japan a chance to move around.

It is impossible to have both sides. The only thing Japan can rely on now is the United States. Looking for southern Africa can only bring shame on itself.

"But who can take on this task?" Kijuro Kishihara was not very optimistic. There was indeed a discord between the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the US military, but there was no essential conflict in dealing with Japan.

Even if MacArthur wanted to gain his reputation, he didn't dare to go too far. He still had to show his toughness to the Japanese government and please the US military officers and soldiers. This was MacArthur's basic plan.

Shigeru Yoshida had no choice. He could find the problem, but he couldn't solve it. He got in the car provided by the US military and left the prime minister's office with anxiety.

After all, he is a foreign minister. Even if he is already a subjugated slave, he still has the treatment he deserves. The car, driver, and even the entourage are all assigned by the US military.

Although the war is over, Kyoto is still devastated. There are prisoners of war on both sides of the street who are cleaning up. The snow fell earlier this year, and the whole city was frozen. This brought more convenience to the cleaning work. would cause a plague.

Due to the bombing during the war, the roads were not in good condition, the road was rough and the traffic was bad, the cars were stop and go, and the speed was very slow.

"Damn it, these traffic jams are all caused by southern Africans—" The driver, Ken Konno, is of Japanese descent and has just joined the U.S. military.

During the World War II, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, the U.S. government sent all Japanese Americans to concentration camps, no matter how they swear or swear.

After the end of the World War, Japanese descendants who behaved well were the first to be released. Because the U.S. military needed people who could speak Japanese to assist the U.S. army in completing the occupation of Japan, Ken Konno had the opportunity to join the U.S. military.

Knowing Japanese and English, and driving a car, Ken Konno is considered a high-quality talent in Japan at this time.

Just ahead of the road, more than a dozen policemen from Korea were checking passing vehicles and pedestrians. Next to the checkpoint were two armored vehicles parked on the left and one on the right. Southern African machine gunners on the roof of the vehicle were chatting.

The Korean police work seriously and responsibly. They cherish this rare job opportunity very much. They check very carefully, even the underside of passing vehicles. A pedestrian is probably a Japanese soldier who just returned from overseas. He just complained during the inspection. One sentence, and he was directly arrested.

A knife was found on the body of another Japanese. The Japanese quickly raised his hands to show his innocence, but was shot and killed by the policemen who were ringing their alarm bells.

"It's just a kitchen knife. Is it necessary for this person to be nervous?" Ken Konno was in a complicated mood. He had no feelings for Japan, but he still felt uncomfortable seeing this scene.

"At least southern Africans didn't bet on the sex of the baby in the belly of a Japanese pregnant woman!" Shigeru Yoshida's secretary was named Pierce, who was white and Irish, and he didn't like Japan.

The lavish propaganda of the Southern African Expeditionary Force finally worked.

During the war of aggression against China, Japanese soldiers bet on the gender of the baby in the pregnant woman's stomach. In order to verify——

What happened next, the newspaper did not describe in detail, because the process was too cruel and would cause strong psychological discomfort to the readers.

There are countless cruelties more cruel than this. They are completely inferior to animals. It is simply not something that humans can do. Even the editor racked his brains and couldn't imagine how brutal and cruel the Japanese invaders were.

Compared with the atrocities of the Japanese army, the behavior of the German army is similar to that of kindergarten students fighting.

Although the Germans also slaughtered, they did not torture.

The atrocities committed by the Japanese army have gone beyond what can be described in words.

"I think there must be an exaggeration. How could human beings do such cruel things?" Konno Ken couldn't help defending his blood.

"Hehe——" Pierce glanced at Shigeru Yoshida who was pretending to be calm in the back seat and said nothing.

Is there any exaggeration? As a senior official of the Japanese government, Shigeru Yoshida knows it all too well.

Although Shigeru Yoshida denied it, more and more evidence showed that the reports of the atrocities committed by the Japanese army by the Southern African Expeditionary Force were absolutely not exaggerated.

Just telling the truth, it has reached an unacceptable level.

Shigeru Yoshida's car had the logo of the US military hanging on it, and Ken Konno and Pierce were confident.

No matter what, the Southern African Expeditionary Force will not even give up this bit of face.

What Ken Konno and Pierce didn't expect was that the Koryo police didn't let them go. They not only asked Ken Konno and Pierce to show their IDs, but also asked Shigeru Yoshida to get out of the car for inspection.

"This is a vehicle belonging to the U.S. Army Command. I am an active-duty officer of the U.S. Army. The car is the foreign minister of the Japanese caretaker cabinet. Do you know what level the foreign minister is?" Pierce was very angry. The soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force watched the excitement with their arms folded without saying a word.

"No matter what the officials are, as long as they are Japanese, they must get out of the car and undergo inspection." The Korean police have an accent in English, but it does not affect communication.

"Hey, are you just watching the fun?" Pierce asked for help from the soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who were watching the fun.

There is no doubt that these Koreans have surpassed the Australians and become the most loyal servants of the southern Africans. They only accept orders from the southern Africans, because the umbrella company promises that if they perform well, they will have the opportunity to join the southern African nationality.

From Goryeo to southern Africa, it can be regarded as a step up to the sky.

"Sorry brother, we are soldiers, we don't have the power to enforce the law—" The Southern African Expeditionary Army smiled, this is really not a spectator.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force, the U.S. Army, and the Japanese caretaker cabinet are now engaged in a three-way game.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force and the U.S. Army are vying for the right to reform Japan. The Southern African Expeditionary Force insists on a thorough trial of all Japanese war criminals and does not spare any criminals.

The U.S. military advocates catching the big and letting go of the small, and the most heinous crimes must be dealt with. However, in order not to cause panic among the Japanese, the U.S. military does not want to conduct large-scale trials of ordinary Japanese officers and soldiers.

After all, for the millions of Japanese soldiers, all the trials would take a long time, and the court-martials would be too busy. Many crimes committed during the war could no longer be investigated, and there was no evidence to prove them.

The Southern African Expeditionary Force was not worried about this issue, and searched for evidence without evidence, and encouraged the Japanese army to expose it internally. If there were major meritorious deeds, then they could be punished lightly.

The concept of lenient punishment is probably changed from the death penalty to lifelong hard labor.

In short, the death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped.

"Which unit do you belong to, I will complain about your abuse of power!" Pierce didn't argue, because it was meaningless.

There is nothing to argue with the officers and soldiers of the Southern African Expeditionary Force who are on mission. They have military orders like mountains, and they must be executed as soon as they are issued. Even if they get back, they can only deal with them afterwards.

This is how Hades is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with.

"Whatever you want, please get your foreign minister out of the car and accept the inspection first. If you want me to say that your commander-in-chief is really superfluous, what kind of caretaker cabinet is organized? Isn't it the same group of people? We have come from America and Africa after nine deaths. Are you going to East Asia to fight in order to maintain the ruling power of these war criminals?" The officer leading the expeditionary force was also full of complaints, and offered Pierce a cigarette.

This attitude is not bad, Pierce readily accepted, took out a lighter and lit it for the expeditionary officer.

The officer of the expeditionary force looked at the lighter with bright eyes, and Pierce took the initiative to hand over the lighter, and the officer of the expeditionary force also gave Pierce his own lighter.

Men who smoke cigarettes know things like lighters, not because they are expensive, but because they are rare common hobbies.

The two chatted enthusiastically here, but Yoshida Mao was severely interrogated by the Koryo police over there.

"Ji-Tian-mao, the foreign minister of the cabinet, you served as the Consul General of Fengtian, right?" The Koryo police who led the team had a ferocious smile on their faces.

now it's right.

When Japan colonized East Asia, it also hired many Koreans as policemen.

"Yes, but I will resign soon—" Shigeru Yoshida already had a bad feeling.

"That's right, I now officially inform you that you, as a war criminal, have been arrested!" After finishing speaking, the police slapped Shigeru Yoshida down and handcuffed him.

A person who is almost 80 years old is so dizzy by being slapped, it is too disrespectful to the old and the young.

(End of this chapter)

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