The relationship between the Philippines and the United States has fallen to where it is today, and the two governors of the Arthur family are responsible.

MacArthur certainly did not admit it. He attributed the current situation in the Philippines to the failure of the Filipinos and the influence of the general environment.

In short, it has nothing to do with him as the governor.

Molotov was a man of his own mind. Japan was now occupied by the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the U.S. Army, and Russia was impenetrable, but Russia was not the only one planning to get involved in Japan. This gave Molotov room to operate.

Leaving Angie's headquarters, Molotov went to Mountbatten.

Mountbatten has been very unhappy recently. Like Molotov, he is a fallen man.

After Japan surrendered, Mountbatten applied to be transferred back to the United Kingdom, but was rejected by Attlee. Attlee not only hoped that Mountbatten would continue to serve as the governor of the Straits Settlements, but also hoped that Mountbatten would also pick up the burden of India.

Mountbatten was depressed.

For Mountbatten, the Straits Settlements are a big pit, and India is a bigger pit than the Straits Settlements, the bottomless one.

London is discussing allowing India to become independent, and Mountbatten's going to India to take up the post is a scapegoat. When future generations mention Mountbatten, they will be associated with the last governor of India.

Molotov hoped to join forces with Mountbatten to break the monopoly of southern Africa and the United States on Japan.

"The British army is also part of the Allied Forces stationed in Japan. This problem does not exist." Mountbatten did not forget the humiliation Attlee received in Potsdam.

Although Mountbatten did not like Attlee, but as the British Prime Minister, Attlee did not get the respect he deserved in Potsdam, which was a humiliation to the British Empire.

With the lessons learned from Potsdam, Mountbatten is skeptical of the sincerity of the Russians.

"Is the British Army in the Allied Forces the same status as the Southern African Expeditionary Force and the US Army? Don't deceive yourself, my English cousin—" Although Molotov's words were not polite, his address was full of intimacy.

This reference comes from the last Tsar Nicholas II and King George V, who were cousins.

"Who benefited from the two world wars and who suffered the most, I don't need to emphasize it. Doesn't the British Empire have any ideas about the current East Asia?" Molotov continued to provoke, looking at Mountbatten with obscure eyes.

Russia and the United Kingdom have never been brothers, but have many conflicts.

In the Tenth Russo-Turkish War, Britain and France jointly intervened, Russia was defeated, and even the Tsar was pissed off.

During the Russo-Japanese War, if it hadn't been for the obstruction of Britain, the Russian fleet would not have circled more than half of the world from Europe to East Asia, and could not even find a supply point along the way.

During World War II, Britain's misfortune led to the north, and the harm it caused to Russia was enough for all Russians to remember forever.

Molotov would not have come to Mountbatten if he hadn't been alone.

"What do you want to say?" Of course Mountbatten had an idea, he didn't want to return to England as a loser.

Before the outbreak of World War II, Britain's influence in East Asia was quite extensive, even stronger than that of the United States.

The implementation of the policy of first Europe and then Asia led to an unprecedented defeat of the United Kingdom in Asia, and Australia was also separated from Germany. The British loss was not insignificant.

Now is the best chance to restore influence. If Mountbatten can play an important role in dealing with Japan, then Mountbatten's status in the UK will also rise.

"Refer to the treatment plan for Germany, divide Japan into four parts, occupied by the United Kingdom, southern Africa, the United States, and Russia, and completely eliminate the threat of war in East Asia." Molotov doesn't want much, just Hokkaido. .

The four main islands of Japan are exactly divided into four parts.

"Even so, it should be occupied by Britain and southern Africa, as well as the United States and Australia. What does it have to do with Russia?" Mountbatten didn't want to be used by Molotov, which was almost a replica of Potsdam.

What Mountbatten was worried about was that after he made this suggestion, he was kicked away by Molotov, just like Attlee was swayed by the beard back then.

"Australia is not qualified to be compared with us. It is not even an independent country." Molotov stabbed Mountbatten in the heart again.

Australia's days in the Commonwealth are numbered.

If Australia chooses to be completely independent after leaving the Commonwealth, then Britain will look better.

Now that Australia is clearly going to join the Southern African Union after withdrawing from the Commonwealth, this is a humiliation to the United Kingdom.

Mountbatten was silent. Southern Africa and the United States are certainly hateful, and the Russians are not a good thing.

Molotov is not in a hurry either. The handling of Japan cannot be completed overnight, and there is still plenty of time to operate slowly.

It is rare to come to the Lion City. Molotov must fully experience the charm of the Lion City. Compared with Russian cities, the Lion City is indeed too prosperous, which makes people linger and forget to return.

Sitting in the most famous restaurant in the Lion City, Molotov feasted on the meal. The food in the Lion City is mainly oriental cuisine, but there are also caviar from Northern Europe. This surprised Molotov and felt that Russia is in Russia again. suffered a great loss in trade with southern Africans.

The caviar in the Lion City is definitely more expensive than that in Russia.

Molotov still prefers seafood to caviar.

"During the most difficult time of the world war, delicacies from all over the world could be easily tasted in southern Africa. This is inseparable from the exaggerated shipping capacity of southern Africa. In the future, our demand for ocean transportation will also increase. The Lion City will be an important transit point for us.” Molotov liked the atmosphere of the restaurant very much, it was clean and tidy, magnificent, the diners were courteous, and the service staff were well-trained, basically in line with Molotov’s idea of Impressions of Southern Africa.

"The call for the independence of the Lion City is getting louder and louder. The Malay Peninsula has also escaped the control of the British. India and Australia are also fighting for independence. The Commonwealth of Nations is on the eve of disintegration." Andre is not very good at using chopsticks. Fortunately, the restaurant Western tableware is also provided.

"Then speed up the process. Only when Britain falls, can we find more opportunities." Molotov hoped to add fuel to the fire, and everyone pushed the wall down.

Of course, the Russians' small actions cannot be discovered by the British, otherwise the cooperation between Molotov and Mountbatten will fail.

"If the Lion City and Australia become independent, they will completely fall to southern Africa. This is not a good thing for us." Andre euphemistically said that if the situation he said becomes a reality, it will be more than a bad thing for Russia. A good thing, it is not too much to describe it as an iron wall.

The Lion City and Australia are in the Commonwealth, and Russia can still find opportunities.

If you join the Southern African Union, there is very little room for the Russians to operate.

"There is no need to worry about this issue for the time being. There is a high probability that southern Africa will not take the risk of falling out with the United Kingdom and accept the Lion City and Australia." Molotov has his own push, and if Russia is replaced, why not set up a bunch of interim governments first? .

While Molotov was active in the Lion City, clashes broke out again on the US-Russia border on the peninsula.

After the sinking of the Russian warship, it aroused great indignation among Russian officers and soldiers. Many Russian officers and soldiers took the initiative to ask for war, clamoring for blood debts, making the Americans pay a greater price.

The Russian high-level is still reasonable and strictly orders the troops not to take the initiative to provoke, but if the Americans dare to take the initiative to provoke, the Russian army must resolutely fight back, so that the Americans can fully experience Russia's toughness.

The U.S. military is also aggrieved. When the ship capsizes, we just need to compensate according to the price. It’s not that we are holding on to people, but we are holding on to them. As debtors, the Russians have no sense of being debtors. Touching the bottom line of the United States, the situation is further tense.

Although the winter on the peninsula is not as cold as in Russia, the average temperature is also below zero, and the lowest temperature can reach minus [-] degrees.

The Russian army is used to the cold in winter, but the Americans can’t stand it, so since the first snowfall, the US military officers and soldiers at the border posts have stayed in the camp for most of the time, and even the daily patrols are in charge of the peninsula soldiers established with the support of the US. .

Truman is not empty-handed. It is impossible for the United States to confront Russia directly, but a proxy war can be fought. The peninsula has become the best support object.

After inspecting the role played by the Peninsula Police in Japan, MacArthur's confidence in the Peninsula Army increased greatly.

Regardless of whether we can fight or not, at least in terms of the resoluteness of executing orders, the Peninsulars are always better than the Indians.

Since Japan had colonized the peninsula for more than half a century, MacArthur had limited trust in the peninsula people. The first batch of the peninsula army formed had only one division with 1.5 people.

MacArthur's worries were justified. The Peninsulars were indeed resolute in carrying out their orders, but they were a bit too resolute, even to the point of being inflexible.

As mentioned earlier, for some reason, a large number of people on the peninsula in the Russian army-occupied area fled, which triggered protests from the Russian side, so the US military took the initiative to build a blockade line based on bunkers and barbed wire on the US-Russian border.

In order not to intensify the conflict, MacArthur allowed the US military to shoot warning shots when the peninsula people tried to cross the blockade.

If the warning is useless, the U.S. military can shoot and kill directly.

This order went to the peninsula army, and the warning was ignored. As long as the peninsula people crossed the blockade, they could shoot and kill them.

On the night that the peninsula soldiers appeared on the U.S.-Russia demarcation line, more than [-] peninsula people were killed, including a Russian soldier who prevented the peninsula people from crossing the blockade.

It doesn't matter if ten or eight people from the peninsula die. The consequences of Russian soldiers being accidentally injured are very serious.

"Hand over the shooter and let us have a trial. Peter didn't die in the battle with the Germans, but died in the Far East after the battle. The murderer will be severely punished." The Russian officer who came forward to negotiate was full of grief and indignation. Even if the shooter is an American, the Russian side will also pursue it to the end.

"The guy who shot the gun is a new recruit who has just joined the army. He has been put in a military prison. The follow-up investigation is in progress. Once there is a result, we will inform you as soon as possible." The US military is also tough, and it is impossible to hand over people Yes, just give me some money at most.

The money given was not in the name of compensation, but humanitarian aid. Who made Russia at fault?

If Russia finds someone crossing the blockade, they can shoot directly.

And in order to deter those who sneak across the blockade, the corpses will be hung up. During this time, more than 500 corpses on the peninsula have been hung up by the Russians.

"So, are you going to cover up criminals?" The Russian military officer was not surprised at all. The military courts and military prisons of the Americans are just jokes. Maybe the kid who shot was sleeping soundly somewhere.

"Please believe in the fairness of our judiciary." The U.S. military officer looked upright, and those who didn't know it thought that the U.S. military was really the embodiment of justice as the U.S. government advertised.

"Okay, fine—" The Russian officer didn't bother, let alone pinned his hopes on the justice of the Americans.

Russians have always been activists. That night, a peninsula army stationed near the border was attacked, killing more than [-] peninsula officers and soldiers.

What needs to be emphasized is that more than half of the more than 40 dead were executed by execution after giving up resistance.

The news caused a great shock to the newly formed peninsula army.

People from the peninsula joined the army not to defend their homes and the country, but just to have something to eat. They don't even have a country, so who should they protect?

When faced with cross-border refugees, the soldiers of the peninsula acted decisively.

Now I am accidentally drawn into the vortex between the United States and Russia. No matter who does it, the people on the peninsula will suffer the most.

"There is no doubt that only Russia has the strength to do it. Our nearest outpost is only 15 minutes away from the one that was attacked. When our reinforcements arrive, the battle is over. Except for the Russians, who else has this ability? ?” MacArthur went to Angie immediately after learning about the situation.

The relationship between the United States and Russia tends to be tense, and the Southern African Expeditionary Force cannot stay out of the matter, and it will inevitably be affected unless the Southern African Expeditionary Force voluntarily withdraws from Japan.

"Fortunately, the people who died were all Peninsulars. If this can satisfy the Russians, then they deserve to die." An Qi didn't want to bring trouble to Xiao Qiang. It doesn't matter if a few Peninsulars die, as long as the Russians are satisfied.

Of course, if it was the Southern African Expeditionary Force that was attacked, then this would definitely not be the result.

"The Russians will not let go, they will only go too far." MacArthur understands the character of the Russians, and Russia has no such thing as contentment.

"What are you going to do?" Angie didn't know what MacArthur would do next.

"I have prepared a big gift for the Russians. If the Russians dare to cross the border again, then I will teach the Russians a lesson." MacArthur was still sensible and did not think about crossing the border and fighting back.

"You are playing with fire, be careful playing with fire and setting yourself on fire—" Angie still hoped that MacArthur would restrain himself, for the sake of a few people from the peninsula. (end of this chapter)

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