Chapter 33 Crisis

Back at the dormitory at night, Luo Ke immediately went to see Luo Yi and the others who were recuperating in the dormitory.

It's a bit sad. Although Luo Yi and the others were seriously injured, Luo Yi and the others were reluctant to be hospitalized. After receiving simple treatment from Dr. Jonathan Jackson, Luo Yi and the others chose to return to the dormitory to recuperate. A bit too expensive.

When the British are generous, they are indeed very generous, but the British are very clear about public and private interests. The British should pay the money, and the British don’t hesitate. So the British will not reimburse Luo Yi and the others for medical expenses. Fortunately, Luo Yi and the others are considered to be quite wealthy now, so Luo Yi and the others can still accept that little medical expenses.

"How do you feel?" Rock pushed open the door of Luo Yi's room, and Li De was chatting with Luo Yi in the room.

After the commando team was established, Rock applied to adjust dormitories for all commando members under the pretext of cultivating tacit understanding among the commando members. Luo Yi and Li De are now roommates.

"Master Luo—" Luo Yi struggled to get up, if it wasn't for Roque, Luo Yi and the others would not have gotten off so easily.

"Don't worry, An Xin lay down on his stomach to cultivate, and don't blame Martin for being ruthless. The supervisor was watching at that time. If someone else came up, it would be even less serious." Rock was worried that there would be a gap between the brothers, so he still made it clear in person.

"Don't worry, Master Luo. It's not that Luo Yi is ignorant of good and evil. Just now, Brother Reed bought a box of cigars for Brother Martin. This time, Luo Yi didn't know the importance and almost ruined Master Luo's event. There are orders, and Luo Yiwan will die." Luo Yi regretted his mistake at the beginning, worked so hard, but in the end he didn't even earn a penny, and almost got everyone involved, which is really embarrassing.

But this is also a good thing, gangsters, most of them have a clear love and hate, if you like someone, you can't wait to spend your heart and soul, and if you hate someone, most of them will never get in touch with each other. Through this incident, Luo Yi and the others should have learned enough lessons, no As far as how smart you can do things in the future, at least don't follow Roque's instructions.

Wen Yan comforted her, and before going to sleep, Rock went to Mill Street again to see the construction progress of the ear room.

Rock's vision of seeing people is not bad, Zach didn't abscond with the five pounds, and stayed at Rock's house honestly, playing the role of housekeeper, gardener, servant, maintenance worker, and porter. In two days, Zach mowed all the lawns, repaired the fountain that stopped working due to failure, and was taking care of the small garden behind the house.

Of course, Zack did not relax his supervision of the workers. Although Zach could not speak, Zach was very good at using stern eyes to supervise the workers who built the ear room. The construction progress of the ear room has been significantly accelerated in the past two days. If there is no accident, ten days Within [-] hours, the ear room can be built.

When Rock returned home, Zach was eating in the temporary tent where the workers usually rest. The meal was not bought, but delivered by Zack’s sister Bella. Bella was a girl who had just turned 16. Rock I saw it once, because it was relatively late, and Rocco was not impressed. Zach has now proved that he is trustworthy. In a few days, Rocco plans to hire Bella and Zac's mother together to reduce Zac's workload. At the same time, it can also be a companion for Zach.

When Roque saw Zach, there was a kitchen knife beside Zack. Seeing Roque's eyes, Zach was a little nervous: "There was someone staying outside the iron fence last night, and I don't know if it was a thief or someone, but They didn't break in, and the house should have some dogs if they could."

Keep a dog!

This is a good suggestion. It is impossible for Rock to hire too many people. It is a good idea to raise a dog. At least the dog will not betray Rock.

"Go buy it tomorrow, buy a few more, and buy a shotgun by the way, will it work?" Rock is generous. It doesn't cost much to raise a few dogs, but it can play a big role. Ke prepared a shotgun, which was not troublesome, and he didn't even need to register with the police station. There was a gun shop on Maynard Avenue not far from Mill Street.

Of course you can use it, Zach nodded again and again, obviously no stranger to weapons.

Before the British colonized the Cape, the number of Boers was too small, and all the people were soldiers. Every Boer had to receive a certain degree of military training at a fixed time every year. The Boers in their spare time might be farmers or businessmen. , is the crew, once the war starts, all Boers must take up arms to resist the enemy's aggression.

After the British colonized the Cape, the management of the Boers has been strengthened. Especially the Boers in Cape Town have no chance to touch weapons. Otherwise, when Rock was attacked, the opponents might not have used wood. Great, but a rifle.

Zack obviously received military training, at least when he was a teenager, so Zack is no stranger to shotguns. Now Boers outside Cape Town can still legally own guns. This point will not be until the Second Boer War It will change later.

After leaving home, Rock still went to the policeman who was in charge of patrolling Mill Street, and asked them to pay more attention to his home before returning to the dormitory.

The two police officers are of Indian origin. Although they didn't like Roque, they did not refuse Roque's request. Sharma offended Roque. Everyone saw it. No one was willing to verify the relationship between Roque and the inspector. How good is the relationship.

What's more, as the deputy captain of the commando, Roque wears the rank of sheriff. Ordinary patrolmen have no ability to resist the sheriff. Even Sharma is not Roque's opponent. There should be no one to find fault in a short time.

There was nothing to say all night, and in the cafeteria the next morning, Rock heard a piece of news.

Just last night, about four workers and six attackers were killed in a violent attack on an office affiliated with the Titus Mining Company. Roark does not yet know if Sam Francis was involved. , but Rock can be sure that this matter is related to the news provided by Zach.

When he came to the police station, from Henry's mouth, Rock finally knew what happened.

"Sam Francis was the mastermind of a series of assaults on the police, but the Titus Mining Company rejected our action plan. They executed Sam Francis and several other rebels privately, and the two missing pistols were also found. Oh, by the way, the inspector asked you to go find him, don't worry, it should be a good thing." Henry was very relaxed, and finding the lost pistol also meant the end of the case, because it was Rock who provided the information, and Henry certainly had credit for it.

To Rock's surprise, the Titus Mining Company was able to bypass the police station and deal with it directly, and Henry seemed to be used to it, which made Rock feel a sense of crisis. The commando team was established to deal with those riots Molecules, now that the rioters have been punished, is it necessary to keep the commandos?

 Rock is in a crisis, and Yutou is also terminally ill. The doctor said that Yutou has a disease that will die without a referral ticket. I beg brothers to see that Yutou is stable twice a day, and the turnover point recommends the ticket to continue his life. ——


(End of this chapter)

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