Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 335 Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chapter 335 Traditional Chinese Medicine (update yesterday afternoon)

When Rock and Stoudemire visited Douglas, a tense operation was in progress at Bigwig Hospital.

The injured was a farmer on the outskirts of Johannesburg. He fell from the roof while repairing his house. As a result, he suffered severe head and abdominal injuries. He was unconscious when he was sent to the hospital, accompanied by excessive blood loss.

"The patient's abdomen was pierced by a piece of steel bar. The open wound is accompanied by massive blood loss. The patient has entered the operating room and is in urgent need of surgery—" Jerome Jean is a medical student who graduated from the University of Paris. He and his team Teacher Riley Godwin came to Johannesburg together.

Rayleigh Godwin is a professor at the second department of medicine at the University of Paris, and is also an authority on medicine in Johannesburg. From a purely medical point of view, Rayleigh Godwin’s medical skills are better than Abu’s. , In addition, the University of Paris is far more prestigious than the University of Gothenburg, so Rock offered Rayleigh Godwin an annual salary of 1500 pounds to get Rayleigh Godwin from Paris to Johannesburg.

Speaking of the University of Paris, this may be the earliest institution of higher learning in the world, and its status among universities in the world is higher than that of Oxford and Cambridge.

In 1167, the relationship between Britain and France deteriorated. Some British scholars left the University of Paris and returned to England to establish Oxford.

Then in 1209, Oxford students clashed with the local farmers of the school, and some Oxford scholars came to the town of Cambridge established by the Franciscans, Benedictines and Saint Cloth monks, and then there was Cambridge University.

"Has the patient's blood type been determined?" Rayleigh Godwin was getting dressed as he walked.

"It's confirmed. The patient has type A blood. I have transferred blood from the blood bank and am preparing to transfuse the patient." Jerome Jean just graduated from the University of Paris. Experienced doctor.

In 1901, the American doctor Randstad Carr discovered the blood type. From then on, blood transfusion for patients finally had a scientific basis.

Bignonia Hospital is at the forefront of this field in the world. In 1915, German Luisson proposed the indirect blood transfusion method of mixing sodium citrate solution in blood to prevent blood from coagulating. Simple and easy.

Bigwily Hospital now has a blood bank, thanks to Roque’s knowledge of blood bags. Back then, in order to sell blood bags to foreigners, Roque made up a lot of knowledge in this area. As a result, Johannesburg became the world’s first blood bank. The city where the blood bank was established.

Before entering the operating room, Rayleigh Godwin and Jerome Jean had to be sterilized. In 1903, although the level of medicine was not high enough, the level of surgery was actually very good.

In 1846, ether began to be used as a general anesthetic in surgery. By 1892, procaine replaced ether as an anesthetic. Until the 21st century, procaine was still a safe and effective local anesthetic.

In 1877, Bergman in Germany treated 15 patients with penetrating knee joint injuries and bandaged them after cleaning and disinfecting the wounds. 12 cases healed and their lower limbs were preserved. On this basis, Bergman used steam Sterilization, and studied the sterilization measures of cloth sheets, dressings, surgical instruments, etc., and established aseptic technique in modern surgery.

With Rock's guidance, the surgical level of Bigwei Hospital is not to mention the level of hardware has already caught up to the world's first-class. In Europe, rubber gloves, hemostats, and tourniquets are not widely used, but they are already standard equipment in Bigwei Hospital. This has effectively improved the level of treatment at the Bigwei Hospital.

After changing into a sterilized surgical gown, putting on rubber gloves, and sterilizing again, Riley Godwin and Jerome Joan walked into the operating room together.

There were already two interns and two nurses busy in the operating room, assistants to Rayleigh Godwin and Jerome Jean.

By the way, for this evening's operation, Rayleigh Godwin was the chief surgeon, Jerome Joan was the first assistant, and the second and third assistants as well as the two nurses were all Chinese.

The injured person was about 30 years old, and he looked very bad. The steel bar that caused the trouble was still inserted in the injured person’s stomach, which meant that the operating room was full of men. If it was a woman, it might be really painful. This blood-stained hula scene can't be missed.

Rayleigh Godwin walked up to the operating table without hesitation, grabbed the steel bar and pulled it out slowly.

The injured body was shaking violently. Jerome Jean, the second assistant and the third assistant worked together to control the injured and prevent the injured from moving.

After a long time, Rayleigh Godwin finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't die.

This kind of injury, that is, there is still hope of rescue in Johannesburg, if it is replaced by other cities, it is estimated that the family members of the injured are already preparing for the funeral.

"——Now we will proceed to the first step, which is to cut open the patient's wound to see if the internal organs are damaged—" Rayleigh Godwin kept introducing with his mouth during the operation.

This is a rare learning opportunity. Jerome Jean, the second assistant, and the third assistant are all engrossed. Such patients are actually very common in Bigwig Hospital, but there are not many opportunities for Rayleigh Godwin to personally do it. Most of the time, those patients Workers whose hands and feet were broken by stones or tools were treated by young doctors like Jerome Jean.

So over the past year, the doctors of Bigwig Hospital have made rapid progress in surgical operations. In the whole Bigwig Hospital, there are already more than a dozen doctors who are qualified to perform operations on patients, and more than 30 doctors are in the internship stage. , it won't be long before those interns can also operate independently.

By that time, Bigwei Hospital will have more and more strength in surgery.

"This advantage must be carried forward, so after the establishment of the School of Medicine, surgery will be the largest and most powerful discipline in the School of Medicine. We also hope that in the future, surgery at the Johannesburg School of Medicine will become the best discipline in the world." Douglas admires the surgery of Bigwei Hospital very much, and is also very interested in Chinese medicine: "We are also planning to set up a Chinese medicine research group to conduct research on acupuncture, massage, cupping, etc. in Chinese medicine."

In the middle of the [-]th century, there was a time when Chinese medicine was vilified as "witch doctor" and "witchcraft". Not only did Western countries slander Chinese medicine, but even many Chinese no longer believed in Chinese medicine, and turned to superstitious Western medicine.

In fact, this is not the case at all. Because of ideology, newspapers in Western countries slander everything about Chinese people, but serious scientific workers will not ignore the value of Chinese medicine. Many Chinese people have begun to abandon Chinese medicine. At the same time, many western medical schools and medical laboratories have begun to conduct research on traditional Chinese medicine, which is very illustrative.

It is only the beginning of the twentieth century, and Western countries have not even developed penicillin, so there is no right to despise traditional Chinese medicine.

Because there are many Chinese in Bigwig Town, there are already massages for health care in Bigwig Town, and services such as "cupping" have also appeared in the bathhouse. Douglas tried massage massage some time ago, and the pain in Douglas' waist was relieved. Great relief, which made Douglas highly respected Chinese medicine.

As for "cupping", this is not unique to the East. In the West, cupping therapy was also popular in ancient Greece and Rome. At that time, cupping was called "cupping", and the technique and effect were similar to those of Chinese medicine.

"Yes, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is still very good. Many ancient prescriptions have great research value. I plan to set up a farm dedicated to planting medicinal materials between Johannesburg and Pretoria to plant and process medicinal materials." Here On the other hand, Rock also has ideas, but Rock's starting point is different from Douglas's. Douglas studies Chinese medicine purely out of interest, while Rock's is to rescue traditional culture.

From now on, the Qing Dynasty will be in a state of disorder and chaos for a long time. This period will last until the founding of the Republic. At this stage, many traditional cultural treasures have been destroyed by war or lost for some reason. cause great damage.

Rock is unwilling to see this happen. The Qing Dynasty is too far away for Rock to reach, but as a member of the Chinese, Rock is absolutely responsible and obliged to make efforts in this regard.

The point is that Roque has the ability to protect the stability of Johannesburg and even Nyasaland, which creates a good foundation for rescuing traditional culture and further developing traditional culture.

Between Johannesburg and Pretoria, Rock still has more than [-] acres of farms, which Rock has not been able to develop for a long time.

Don't worry about this problem now. It is impossible to study Chinese medicine without Chinese medicine. It just so happens that Rock has a farm and has the strength, so he can simply plant medicinal materials on the farm. This will kill two birds with one stone. The promotion creates favorable conditions.

"Locke, speaking of Chinese medicine, if possible, can we hire some Chinese medicine talents from the Qing Dynasty to come to Johannesburg? We can also fully communicate." Douglas has further requests.

"No problem, I have asked Liang to search hard in the Qing Dynasty. I heard that there are already plans. Perhaps, people will come to Johannesburg soon." Rock had already prepared, and asked Liang Dingxin to find talents in this field a long time ago. .

Regrettably, although Rock is eager to seek talents, Liang Dingxin has not made much progress in this regard.

This is also understandable. After all, doctors are a very respected profession in the Qing Dynasty. Most capable doctors do well in the Qing Dynasty. No one wants to come to Johannesburg.

It’s different now, because of the Eight-Power Allied Forces’ war of aggression against China, the northern part of the Qing country has become a mess, coupled with the mutual protection of the south and the south, the Qing country is actually in a state of division. How can there be no eggs under the overthrow of the nest? There must be a medical family. Affected by the war, at this time Liang Dingxin lured him for profit, maybe he could really get Liang Dingxin to bring people to Johannesburg.

(End of this chapter)

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