Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 344 Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Chapter 344 Finding a Needle in a Haystack

Regrettably, William Temple's account in the Imperial Bank did not have any obviously abnormal fund transactions, and the investigation once again stalled.

Rock is not in a hurry, no matter how cunning a fox is, he can't beat a good hunter. Rock still believes in the power of the investigation system. Johannesburg in this era may have the strictest urban management system in the world. As long as criminals leave clues, they will definitely Can't escape the investigation of the police station.

As a result, there was good news in the afternoon. On the second day that Rock went to Pretoria, three Italians checked into a hotel not far from William Temple's home. One of them asked the hotel owner about William. Some information from Temple, corroborated by a woman of a peculiar trade, in the presence of which the Italians, without seeming to conceal their purpose, discussed William Temple.

The investigation into the three Italians began immediately, with news first coming from the railway station that the three Italians had traveled by train to Cape Town the day after William Temple's death, a news that many felt disappointment.

At this time, it has been more than 72 hours since the incident occurred. With reference to the work efficiency of this era, under normal circumstances, this case can already be handled as a headless case.

There are many such cases in the police stations of every city.

Only Rock didn't give up. After getting the report, he immediately sent a telegram to Luo Yi, asking Luo Yi to look for the three Italians in Cape Town.

It seems that Rock's current efforts are like looking for a needle in a haystack. No one can guarantee whether the three Italians are still in Cape Town. It is also powerless to shoot.

What's more, the three Italians are only suspects now, and Rock has no evidence in his hand to show that they murdered William Temple.

Luo Yi's performance did not disappoint Rock.

Cape Town is still bustling at night, and the port area is still a city that never sleeps. This is also the traditional sphere of influence of the Chinese police. Since Rock got the jurisdiction of the port area, the port area has been controlled by the Chinese police. From Ke to Anton, and now Luo Yi, the inspectors in charge of managing the port area are all Chinese.

This also led to the fact that the status of the Chinese in the vicinity of the port area is very high now. In the past, ocean-going ships docked in Cape Town, and the Chinese sailors wanted to go ashore to have fun, and they might not even be allowed to enter the bar. This often led to conflicts between Chinese sailors and bar security. .

This situation will never happen now. All the bars in Cape Town are open to the Chinese, and the Chinese will not be discriminated against in bars.

At the corner of the pier, Dirang is still using a gold coin to swindle money. The "Tuo" in the crowd have now been replaced by Boers. Their skin color and accent are even more confusing. No one would have thought that Indians would Partnering with the Boers to swindle money, let alone the fact that there are Chinese policemen on standby in the bar next to it. Although this scam has been going on for several years, Dirang can earn more than ten or twenty dollars every night. GBP.

Thinking about it carefully, everyone really has their own destiny. Four years ago, Rock and Dirang were still partners.

In just four short years, Rock is now the Baron of the Empire and the chief of the Johannesburg Police Department, but Dijang is still just a patrolman, defrauding money on the Cape Town docks every day, although Dijang's techniques are very proficient now, Lian Luo They are all ashamed, but there is no comparison between Dirang and Rock.

The Table Mountain Bar was still buzzing with people, the air was full of the smell of alcohol, and the four bartenders in the bar were busy all the time. Don’t underestimate these bartenders, they are the most well-informed people in Cape Town.

Two policemen in police uniforms came to the bar and immediately attracted the attention of the bartender. There were many policemen who came to the Table Mountain Bar to consume, but no one ever wore police uniforms, because of the relationship between Ada and Rock, and never The cops came for trouble, so the bartender had a great attitude.

"Officer, would you like a beer? It's free—"

Oak Town has now become a well-known wine producing area. Of course, beer has also become one of the products of Oak Town. The cold beer at Table Mountain Bar is the best-selling drink in Cape Town in summer. It has pure taste and bright and delicate hops. It is not expensive, so once launched, it immediately became popular in Cape Town.

"No Tom, it's still working time—" The police officer showed the police badge on his chest intentionally or unintentionally, and the bartender immediately corrected his attitude: "Have you seen three Italians recently?"

"Of course I have. I see Italians every day. They love to drink and are very good at provoking people, but they are not good at doing things." The bartender teased intentionally or unintentionally. Like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, known as the "sick man of Europe", they are the favorite objects of ridicule by Europeans.

The problem with the Austro-Hungarian Empire is that there are constant internal strife. The structure of this country is very complicated. Because of the Ottoman Sultan’s succession to the throne, the country is very unstable. Ten years later, it is precisely because of the internal strife in the Austro-Hungarian Empire that the First World War broke out.

"Ha, I don't mean to be joking, three Italians from Johannesburg, one is fat with a beard, one is small and the other is strong, they probably came to Cape Town two days ago, think about it I think they are related to a murder case—" The policeman reminded patiently, and when he heard "Johannesburg", the bartender finally became serious.

The bartenders at the Table Mountain Bar knew that Roque was now the chief of the Johannesburg Police Department. Since the three Italians came from Johannesburg, they must have something to do with Roque.

"I seem to have seen it—but I don't have much impression—" the bartender recalled carefully, but he really didn't have a deep impression. The bartender saw too many people every day. Although the bartender had a good memory most of the time, it didn't Make sure they remember everyone they meet.

There should be more than one bartender: "William, have you seen a fat Italian man with a big beard in the past two days?"

"A fat Italian man with a big beard? Of course I've seen it, many people here are—" William didn't take it seriously, and when he answered, he was still busy with work.

"Seriously, from Johannesburg—" Tom reminded.

"Oh oh oh, let me think about it—it seems that there is—" William looked up, and then straightened his eyes immediately, because a fat man with a beard just happened to come to the bar.

"Brother, bring me another glass of Cape Town, give me one of the best memories—" Fatty greeted William in English full of Peninsula flavor.

"That's right, give me a glass of Cape Town too, we're going to have a good drink tonight—" a thin guy greeted.

"A cup of depth charge—" A strong fellow was silent.

"Okay, wait a minute—" William gave Tom a meaningful look while collecting the money.

The two policemen had disappeared, and after a while, before the wine was mixed, the two policemen returned to the Table Mountain Bar.

"Italian?" The sheriff went straight to the bearded Italian fat man.

"Yes—" Fatty was still calm, but his fingers tapped on the bar very quickly.

"Have you been to Johannesburg a few days ago?" the sheriff continued to ask.

"No, we've never been to Johannesburg—" the fat man directly denied, and then got up and wanted to leave: "Forget it, don't drink, give my wine to the police officer—"

"Wait!" The sheriff put his hands on the fat man's shoulders and pushed the fat man back onto the stool.

At this time, the fat man suddenly grabbed the sheriff's wrist with his backhand, ready to control the sheriff.

The sheriff's reaction was quick, and with one hand he pulled the fat man off the chair and knocked him to the ground.

Suddenly someone shouted at the bar, and several customers at the bar quickly avoided it. It is not common for the police to arrest people in bars, but it is very common for fights, so the big guys have long been familiar with it.

"Don't move!"

"Warning, put your hands where I can see them, or I'll shoot!"

More than a dozen policemen suddenly swarmed in, and the black and shiny Webley revolver was breathtaking. At this time, other people realized what happened. The band stopped playing immediately, and the whole bar was silent. In Table Mountain Bar, it is indeed rare. This scene.

The strong man's hands had already reached into the skirt of his clothes, and then he slowly took them out with a livid face.

"What's going on?" The thin guy only reacted at this time.

"Don't move, you have been arrested. We suspect that you are related to a case. You are now going back to the police station with us for investigation—" Luo Yi appeared at this moment. They were turned over and handcuffed, and the three revolvers were found immediately.

"We didn't do anything!" The fat man was still stubborn.

"I didn't say it was you who did it. You are just suspected. Now go back to the police station with me. If you didn't commit a crime, I will let you go." Luo Yi was blunt. It's not their decision whether to commit a crime or not.

Seeing that the police took the three of them away, Luo Yi did not see Ada come forward.

After receiving Roque’s telegram, Luo Yi has been to Table Mountain many times, hoping to meet Ida, but he has never met Ada. It’s as if Ida has never returned to Cape Town. No one has seen her. pass her.

Back at the police station, Luo Yi was not in a hurry to interrogate the three Italians, but sent a telegram to Rock first.

"Caught it? Very good, let Luo Yi interrogate him on the spot, and don't need to send him back—" Rock doesn't want anyone, as long as the result is more than 1000 kilometers from Johannesburg to Cape Town, God knows what other moths will appear on the road, so It's better to interrogate on the spot. It is of course good to close the case smoothly. Even if the case cannot be closed smoothly, there is no need for Luo Ke to wipe Luo's ass.

The result was pretty good. On the day they were caught at the Cape Town Police Station, the three Italians said that they had indeed murdered William Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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