Chapter 355 Soft and hard do not eat (1500 monthly ticket plus more)

Even though the "Peace Agreement" clearly stipulates that a democratic representative system will be implemented in the Transvaal and Orange at an appropriate time, many officials in the Transvaal still firmly believe that that day will never come.

Both Ade and Philip think so, Henry is dubious because of Rock's insistence, but Henry and Rock are both policemen, and their influence on this matter is limited, so what will happen to the Transvaal in the future, now It's hard to say.

It should be said that Frank, a priest, has no position on this matter.

But Frank is a German first, and then a priest, so Frank must have a position on this issue. If anyone in southern Africa wants the Transvaal to be autonomous, then apart from the Boers, it may be Germans.

The Germans absolutely do not want the UK to continue to be strong, so the autonomy of the British colonies is what the Germans most want to see.

"Even if the Transvaal is self-governing, what does it have to do with your Catholicism?" Roque did not deny that self-government certainly has many benefits, and Roque is not purely British, so he really has no affection for the British Empire.

It is probably because of this reason that Frank dared to tell Rock. Otherwise, even if Rock and Frank had a good relationship, Frank would not dare to talk nonsense about Rock.

The relationship between Frank and Rock is really good. It is because of Frank that Douglas came to Johannesburg. Without Frank, Rock would not be able to connect with those top scholars in Europe, and there would be no current situation in Bigwig Town.

"Of course it does, my lord. We all hope that the Transvaal will be stronger, freer, and able to independently decide on the affairs of the Transvaal, instead of requiring London's approval for everything." Frank said to Rock's heart, In the past, Roque had no choice but to hug the thigh of the United Kingdom. Now Roque hopes that the Transvaal can exist in the Commonwealth of Nations with a more independent attitude, which is actually beneficial to both the Transvaal and the British government.

For the British government, a huge colony is no longer a capital but a burden. The military expenditure of the Second Boer War prompted the British government to reflect from top to bottom, and maintain a colony in a remote area at a cost of 2.2 million pounds. Not worth it, if before the second Boer War, someone told the British government that the second Boer War would cost 2.2 million pounds, it is estimated that the British government would rather give up the gold in the Transvaal than start this war.

In fact, after the war, the attitude of the British government has proved this point. Otherwise, after the war, there would not be only a few people such as Adelaide, Roque, and Henry who were knighted.

Through the attitude towards Canada and Australia's self-government, it is not difficult to find that the British government has now begun to change its previous policies, gradually abandoning those unimportant colonies, and changing from strategic expansion to strategic contraction. When Joseph Chamberlain inspected the Transvaal, This point of view is expressed unabashedly.

For the Transvaal, autonomy from the direct jurisdiction of the British government is also more conducive to the development of the Transvaal.

Not all colonial officials are grateful to the British government. The collective resignation of Natal officials has proved that Natal officials have a desire for power. This desire does not only exist in Natal, in the Cape, and in Orange , Even in the Transvaal, everyone hopes that no one will restrain them when they work, and no one wants to be ridiculed by others.

"In the current situation, London has become more and more impatient with the Transvaal and Orange. Last month, the loan applied for by Orange was not approved. I heard that London is still planning to expand in the Transvaal and Orange. Levying a population tax, what is the difference between this and the war tax, it's just another way of saying it—" Frank deliberately confused the Transvaal with Orange.

Funds for reconstruction will never be enough.

After the plague, Orange finally began to enter the reconstruction phase. Because of the jewels of Johannesburg, the reconstruction of Orange naturally has a standard.

Only then did the Orange government realize that the reconstruction of Johannesburg had far surpassed that of Orange. In order to catch up with Johannesburg, the Orange government tried to obtain more loans from the Transvaal government, but this request was rejected by the Transvaal government. The Wa government refused, so the Orange government had to apply for the loan alone.

Unfortunately, without the guarantee of the Transvaal, no bank was willing to lend money to the Orange government, so the Orange government could only turn to London for help.

Since the end of the war, London has given more than 2000 million pounds in aid to Orange and the Transvaal, far exceeding the 300 million pounds promised in the "Peace Agreement". Now Orange is asking for funding again, which finally attracts London dissatisfied.

Don't forget, the Transvaal and Orange can't generate any taxes yet, and London has to bear the salaries of the officials in the Transvaal and Orange. Now seeing that the reconstruction of Orange is a bottomless pit, it is indeed London, as Frank said, was becoming less and less patient with the Transvaal and Orange.

As for the war tax, London originally confirmed in the "Peace Agreement" that any tax imposed for war would not be imposed on the Transvaal and Orange.

The British government did this before, and the Zulu people in Natal had increasingly tense relations with the Natal government because of the war tax.

Now the British government is going to impose a population tax in the Transvaal and Orange, which is actually a war tax in disguise, and everyone knows this well.

"For London, Orange is now a huge financial burden. London can't avoid it now. Although the situation in the Transvaal is slightly better, if taxes are collected in the Transvaal, it will be a huge burden for us in the Transvaal. It is even more disastrous for Watts, so why not self-government? With self-government, we don’t need to pay taxes to London, and we don’t need to accept London’s supervision. Those officials and gentlemen who sit in offices thousands of miles away will never Understand how complicated our situation here is, let alone put ourselves in our shoes, think about it, if the Transvaal is self-governing, how good the prospects for the Transvaal will be—” Frank’s words are indeed very provocative, Although Rock knew that the Transvaal would be self-governing in two years, he still couldn't help thinking about it.

Self-government is indeed good. To put it simply, you spend your own money and manage your own affairs. If you want to stay within the Commonwealth, the Transvaal may have to sacrifice some of its diplomatic rights. For example, if there is a war between Britain and other countries , then if the British government asks, the Transvaal will also send troops to participate in the war. The Canadian army and the Australian army in the Second Boer War came to southern Africa for this reason, but in addition, the rights of dominions and independent countries Not much more.

The most important thing is that staying in the Commonwealth means that the Commonwealth countries all over the world have opened their markets to the Transvaal, which is very important for the future Transvaal and Nyasaland.

With Rock's plan, both the Transvaal and Nyasaland will have quite strong industrial capabilities in the future. As far as the southern African market is concerned, not many industrial products will be consumed at all. In the future, the Transvaal and Nyasaland will The development of industry still depends on the huge Commonwealth of Nations.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about India. This market is enough for Rock's eyes. India is not self-sufficient in food now. When it catches up with the disaster year, how many people will starve to death at every turn, that is, Rock doesn't want to show off, or else now The Transvaal can export potatoes to India.

When it comes to exports, it is really necessary to be cautious. In the future, the UK will allow southern Africa to be self-governing because the four colonies in southern Africa not only cannot provide the UK with sufficient raw material markets and product dumps, but the British government has to bear a heavy burden in order to maintain colonial rule. Financial pressure, if the Transvaal and Nyasaland show some potential now, it is hard to say whether the British government will allow the Transvaal and Nyasaland to self-govern in two years.

It's okay if it's allowed, but if it's not allowed, Roque will shoot himself in the foot.

"Come on Frank, no matter what the future holds, it's all about the future, it's useless to talk about it now—" Rock couldn't let Frank continue to play, this guy didn't look like a priest at all, but a lobbyist, Frank didn't say , Roque is not in a hurry, now it is only a short time, Roque can't wait for the Transvaal and Nyasaland to be self-governing tomorrow.

"Then let's not talk about the future, just talk about the present, my lord, if you hold the wedding in my church, I will cover all the expenses of the wedding—" Frank is very satisfied, seeing Rock's expression, Frank has achieved his goal .

"Hehe, do you think I'm short of money?" Rock laughed dumbfounded. Frank was backed by Catholicism and German Southwest Africa. He was indeed wealthy, but Rock was not poor either. Hundreds of tons of gold had been piled up in the underground vault of the Rock Gold Mine. Gold, Rock is really not short of money.

"My lord, it's not about the money. If you hold the wedding in my church, I can invite the archbishop of the Catholic Church in Africa to officiate the wedding between you and Mrs. Nyasaland." Frank throws out the real temptation, this temptation It may not be important to Rock, but it is very important to believers.

"Hahahaha, Frank, are you crazy? Phyllis believes in Protestantism, and the Catholic archbishop is not attractive to Phyllis." Rock laughed loudly. .

Rock can now confirm that what Frank said just now must have been taught, otherwise Frank would not have this language ability at all.

Now Frank's level is in line with Rock's impression of Frank.

"My lord, don't forget that more than half of the residents of Bigwig Town are Catholics." Frank finally became exasperated.

"Half? Do you believe that if I say a word tomorrow, you don't even have one-tenth of your believers left?" Rock was triumphant. The so-called half believers, at least half of them are Chinese with unsteady beliefs, so Frank's threat is very important to Luo Ke. Grams are useless.

 There are still six chapters owed, five of which are due to rewards—I haven’t forgotten—



(End of this chapter)

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