Chapter 373 Name

The world's policeman in the 21st century is the United States, and South Africa is unlikely to become the world's policeman, but the probability of becoming an African policeman is quite high.

It’s very interesting to think about it. Look at how the United States is the world’s policeman. It beats whoever it wants, scolds whoever it wants, and rushes up to anyone who doesn’t like it. Those who are beaten have to stand at attention. While moving his face closer, he was full of smiles: Taijun played well——

Rock certainly wouldn't go too far, there's no such thing as a movie, and it's too flirtatious to want to be an African policeman now.

Looking back, Rock still wrote the report honestly, and wrote all the training content and equipment situation of the Rhodesian Northern Division in the report and handed it to Ade, and then the person who communicated with Rock was replaced by Henry's father-in-law Hopkin s.

"This configuration is a bit too much. Since it is equipped with a heavy machine gun, why is it equipped with a light machine gun? There is also the 37mm Maxim rapid-fire gun, why not directly replace it with a 75mm field gun? If the 37mm rapid-fire gun is already equipped , Is there still a need to equip the infantry with grenade launchers? If so, it is estimated that a platoon of logistics materials will need a large truck." Hopkins is most worried about the logistical pressure.

"All equipment is necessary. Heavy machine guns and 37mm rapid-fire guns are used to deal with long-distance targets. Light machine guns and infantry grenade launchers are used to deal with short-range targets. As for the 75mm field guns, it is not that they are not used. Sorry, this thing is really expensive, and the Nyasaland Arsenal can’t produce it now, so I can’t afford it.” Rock’s explanation is quite detailed, of course, there is one more important reason that Rock didn’t He said that the key to equipping so many automatic weapons is that they are really easy to use, and this counter-insurgency has fully proved this point.

"No money—you and Cecil combined will still have no money?" Hopkins despised Rock's behavior of crying poor at every turn. Let's not talk about whether Rock has money, and Stoudemire's lack of money is a joke , the four colonies in southern Africa add up, and the annual income may not be as much as that of South African companies.

"You can't spend all your money on the army. What's more, as far as Africa is concerned, the firepower of the Rhodesian Northern Division is already enough. Any more is a waste." Rock is not reluctant to spend money, but no need.

After annexing the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State, Britain has basically no opponents in South Africa.

Even if there is, it is not something that South Africa can solve. If South Africa wants to expand now, in addition to German Southwest Africa and German Tanganyika, only the Belgian Congo and Portuguese East Africa remain.

The situation in these places is quite special. The Germans can't afford to provoke them now. Belgium and Portugal are obedient and obedient, and there is no reason to want to fight.

So southern Africa really doesn't need much ferocious firepower. The 37mm Maxim rapid-fire gun is enough to deter the Zulus.

"Then your Nyasaland arsenal is still developing?" Hopkins suddenly nodded.

This situation was a bit beyond Rock's expectation. Rock attached great importance to the Nyasaland Arsenal. All news related to the Nyasaland Arsenal was absolutely confidential in Nyasaland. Rock didn't know Hopkins How did you know the specific situation of the Nyasaland Arsenal.

"Why not R&D? R&D is the only way to make money. You see, the Lee Enfield we are equipped with now is better than the previous Martini Henry. There is also the Ruger produced by the Nyasaland Arsenal. P03, is it more beautiful than the previous Webley revolver?" Rock spoke with facts, where there are so many conspiracies and tricks, making money is king.

The Johannesburg Police Department has just ordered a thousand Luger pistols from the Nyasaland Armory. These pistols have not yet arrived. The Johannesburg police still use the old Webley revolvers, but Rock has already got samples. Now Just to convince Hopkins.

Leaving aside the performance, the Ruger P08 pistol, which is exactly the same as the Ruger P03 in another time and space, has completely exploded the Webley revolver in appearance.

The prototype of the Ruger P08 is the Borchard pistol invented by Hugo Borchardt in 1893. Although the Borchardt pistol has major flaws, Hugo Borchardt is more confident and believes that Bollard The Schatt pistol has been perfect and refused to improve the Borchardt pistol, so the German Weapons and Ammunition Arsenal cooperated with Hugo Borchardt's assistant Greg Ruger, and this was the Ruger pistol .

The first country in the world to adopt the Ruger pistol as a standard pistol was Sweden. Germany adopted the Ruger pistol as a standard military pistol in 1908, so the Ruger P08 is called this name.

Nyasaland is not Germany, so the Ruger pistol is called Ruger P03 in Nyasaland.

"Wow, it's really beautiful—" If Rock didn't say it, Hopkins wouldn't have noticed.

The Ruger pistol was originally very beautiful in appearance, otherwise it would not be highly sought after and became the favorite of the US military in World War II.

In "Band of Brothers" filmed by Spielberg, many plots express the love of American soldiers for Luger pistols.

It can't be blamed for Hopkins' ignorance. After all, the Luger pistol has only just appeared, and South Africa is on the edge of the world. It is normal for Hopkins not to have seen it.

"Do you like it? If you like it, I'll give it to you!" Rock is generous. It's just a gun, not worth much, but for soldiers, it is an irresistible temptation.

"Give it to me? Thank you!" Hopkins really liked it, and easily forgot about Nyasaland Arsenal.

Rock did not forget that when he turned back, Rock sent a telegram to Anton who had returned to Nyasaland, reminding Anton again to pay attention to confidentiality.

Nyasaland has too many secrets, and the War Office has a base in Nyasaland. Although the base of the War Office has been moved to Chisimlu Island in the center of Lake Nyasa, the War Office is in Little Rock City still maintains a liaison office, maybe all the staff there are secret agents, Rock still needs to pay attention to this issue.

In fact, even if the British government knows that the Nyasaland Arsenal has invested huge sums of money in research and development, it doesn’t matter. It’s still the same sentence. As long as the British government doesn’t overdo it, Rock will not rebel. In the future, the Nyasaland Arsenal will also have to pay taxes to the British government if it wants to sell weapons to the outside world. The British government has no reason to restrict the Nyasaland Arsenal.

As for whether Britain will worry about Roque's loyalty, the British government is definitely not worried about this issue now, because Roque has no strength to rebel at all. If Roque really dares to rebel, Britain does not need to dispatch ground troops, only relying on a huge fleet , Nyasaland's exit to the sea can be sealed.

As for the future, after the autonomy of southern Africa, Roque need not worry. At that time, the British government will consider Nyasaland not only will not restrict Nyasaland, but will intensify efforts to win over Roque. Benefit.

After all, no one is stupid. As far as the virtues of the British government are concerned, if South Africa is self-governing, the UK will definitely mix sand in South Africa. Now it seems that Rock and Stoudemire are the most suitable, otherwise the War Office will not go to Africa, set up a base in Nyasaland.

In mid-August, Lacey gave birth to a baby girl at Bigwig Hospital.

"Girl, I like girls. She will be as beautiful as Lacey in the future. I like beautiful girls." Henry, a new father, was excited and incoherent.

"Congratulations Henry." Rock said sincerely, of course he would be happy for Henry.

These days, giving birth to a woman is like going through the gates of hell. Every year in the world, there are countless women who die because of giving birth. Any small problem that seems to have no threat in the future may threaten the life of the mother. So Henry sent Lacey to Bigwig Hospital early to wait for delivery.

Ziwei Hospital has rich experience in delivering babies. Since its establishment, Ziwei Hospital has successfully delivered thousands of pregnant women. The chance of accidents during childbirth is less than one in a thousand. This was very rare in Africa in 1903. .

In the 21st century, maternal mortality has dropped significantly, but about 1000 women still die every day from preventable diseases related to pregnancy and childbirth.

In 2008, 35.8 women died during and after pregnancy and childbirth.

90.00% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries, with more than half of these deaths occurring in sub-Saharan Africa and nearly one third in South Asia.

"You too, congratulations on becoming the child's godfather." Henry patted Rock on the shoulder and laughed. This is indeed something worth celebrating.

"What's the child's name?" Rock cared about this question according to the Chinese tradition.

"I don't know either. I haven't had time to prepare a name for the child. Besides, before the child is born, only God knows whether it will be a boy or a girl." Henry's reason is very good, but he is a bit stupid.

"You won't prepare a boy's name, and then prepare a girl's name?" Rock sincerely despises Henry's IQ. If the child's IQ follows Henry in the future, it will be too late, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get married.

This sentence is a bit too much, Henry is Baron Fawalt, so no matter how good the child is, he can still marry.

Of course, if you want to marry very satisfied, it is a bit difficult.

"Why prepare two? No one told me Lacey was pregnant with twins—" Henry's IQ would be completely wiped out.

"I mean prepare, not sure, even if you don't need it this time, you can use it next time. You can't just have one—" Rock's IQ is also on the decline, and the shortage of people in the UK is severe. It is too late to introduce population by all means, and it is impossible to restrict births.

"Then what if it's a girl next time? Isn't it a waste of a name?" Henry said with a serious face.

Rock completely gave up communicating with Henry. This guy is so happy and stupid at the moment, he can't listen to anything.

(End of this chapter)

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