Chapter 380

The battalion commander of the new first division teaching camp is Suo Chao, who has just been knighted.

This time Southern Africa completely relied on its own strength to suppress the rebellion, and did not let London send a single soldier. London was very satisfied with this, so it was not stingy with rewards.

This also has something to do with Roque. If Roque, the Baron of Nyasaland, is not already there, the British government probably wouldn't be so generous.

After the establishment of the new First Division, Rock drew a lot of officers and soldiers from the Rhodesian Northern Division to supplement them. He hoped that the new First Cavalry Division could form combat effectiveness as soon as possible. Suo Chao's current task is to train the former Rhodesian The officers and soldiers of the Northern Division were integrated with the original Johannesburg police as a whole.

"The quality of these policemen is really good. They are placed in Nyasaland, and they are also eligible to directly join the Rhodesian Northern Division." Li Wei, who was also just knighted, was also transferred to the new First Cavalry Division by Rock. His position is the commander of the A company of the teaching battalion.

Li Jie performed outstandingly in countering the rebellion, and was knighted by the British government. When he came to the newly formed First Cavalry Division, he was naturally promoted to a higher rank, and the rank on his shoulders was also promoted from second lieutenant to captain. Ke is not giving up too much.

"Nonsense, when Sir Alexis set up the Rhodesian Northern Division, he used the old team from the former Locke Gold Mine. The Johannesburg Police Commando is the confidant trained by Sir Alex. How can this be compared?" Suo Chao said in the new post. The first cavalry division is a veteran, and one of the first batch of old brothers who followed Rock.

Suo Chao didn't say anything. The officers and soldiers of the Northern Division of Rhodesia, despite their excellent performance in counterinsurgency this time, were not even qualified to join the commando team of the police station when they were in Johannesburg.

It's a bit hurtful to say this, so Suo Chao still has reservations, but the meaning has been revealed in the words.

"Understood, understood—" Suo Chao didn't have the slightest aristocratic demeanor, and was smiling like an old woman.

As for what's in my heart, I don't know.

"Is the training outline ready?" Suo Chao is also very busy. The new First Cavalry Division will form a company composed of Africans and Boers. Suo Chao is really uncertain about the combat effectiveness of Africans and Boers.

In fact, referring to the Johannesburg Police Department, the performance of Africans and Boers is still good. Entering the new First Cavalry Division, even if they are not eligible to become the main force, they are also eligible to become auxiliary forces.

In this way, there is a problem. If the Africans and Boers are auxiliary troops, it will be that when the war breaks out, the main force composed of Chinese descendants will charge forward, while the auxiliary troops composed of Africans and Boers will be soy sauce.

Rock and Suo Chao definitely cannot allow this to happen. Once the war breaks out, the Africans and Boers should be the cannon fodder to charge forward, and the main force composed of Chinese will follow behind to take advantage of it.

But in this way, the number of Africans and Boers must be maintained to a certain extent, which is another trouble.

According to Rock's plan, the number of Africans and Boers in the new First Cavalry Division is now about one platoon, and may be expanded into a company in the future. With such a small number of troops, it is difficult to undertake some relatively difficult operations The task, how to use Africans and Boers in the future, Suo Chao still has to figure out.

In name, Suo Chao is also the deputy commander of the new First Cavalry Division. In fact, because Rock is busy with work, Suo Chao is in charge of the work of the new First Cavalry Division.

In the past in Nyasaland, Suo Chao only had to be in charge of the training of the Rhodesian Northern Division. Other tasks included Anton and Martin.

"Okay, rest for half an hour after breakfast, and then there is an emergency training in full gear. Today's mission is ten kilometers. The troops dispatched are four companies A, B, C, and D. It is still the old rule. Serve everyone when you are here." When it comes to work, Li Wei immediately becomes stern.

The training programs of the Rhodesian Northern Division and the new [-]st Cavalry Division were absolutely ingenious in this day and age.

When there were still distinct classes in the armies of European countries, the Northern Division of Rhodesia and the newly formed First Cavalry Division were basically treated equally. The troops moved together, and although they lived in single-person tents, they were no different from ordinary soldiers in terms of food.

Having said that, Li Ji didn't feel superior to others just because he was conferred the title of "Jazz". Even Rock didn't do anything special in the army, and no one in the Rhodesian Northern Division or the new First Cavalry Division did anything special. Qualifications.

The logistics of the new [-]st Cavalry Division are naturally excellent. There are enough eggs, duck eggs, milk, and vegetables for breakfast. These are all purchased collectively from the Agricultural Association. In Johannesburg, these things are currently the cheapest , The officers and soldiers can basically eat whatever they want.

Half an hour after breakfast, with the order of the officers, the officers and soldiers of the four companies began to prepare for the ten-kilometer long-distance training.

This ten-kilometer long-distance training is competitive. The company-scale zipper competition is conducted within the company in units of platoons, and the battalion-scale training is conducted in units of companies within the battalion.

This set seems commonplace in the 21st century, but the things that still exist in the 21st century have fully proved the effect of this set of methods.

The soldiers are all boys over the age of 20 and under the age of 25. Most of these young people have not yet married, and they are so energetic that there is almost nowhere to vent their energy. Therefore, even if the training is very tiring, the difficulty will continue to increase, but no one Take the initiative to admit defeat.

The assessment of the training is based on the whole as a standard. If one person in a company fails to complete it, then the whole company will be punished. The reason for this "inhumanity" is to improve the collective consciousness and obedience awareness of officers and soldiers. In this era Many troops in China attach great importance to these things. The biggest gap between them and the Rhodesian Northern Division and the new First Cavalry Division is in weapons and tactics.

When it comes to fighting spirit, Roque actually admires the current soldiers very much. Among other things, let’s talk about a "queue and shoot" that was almost ridiculed by the entire network in the 21st century. In the 21st century, few troops can do it. arrive.

"Pay attention to the rhythm, pay attention to breathing, keep the formation, if you can't bear it, you can immediately raise it, we are a whole, everyone's performance must be excellent, this is our battlefield, no matter what the situation is on the battlefield, you can't abandon your companions , if our company A is the last in this training, then we have to serve the other three companies during the meal. They sit and we stand, they eat and we watch, and when they finish eating, we can only Eat some leftovers, those bastards are still taunting us, believe me, it must be uncomfortable—" Li Wei was cheering up the officers and soldiers of Company A, and he also carried a Lee Enfield today in his backpack. Four canteens filled with water will be training with the troops later.

Speaking of backpacks, this is the latest from Johannesburg Woolen Mills.

Even Rock didn't think that there is no backpack in this era. When people go out, if they really can't finish their things, they basically use pockets.

It's hard to imagine that the pocket can be turned into a backpack just by changing the mind and sewing two ropes to the pocket, but no one can think of it.

The Rhodesian Northern Division and the new First Cavalry Division have now generally used backpacks. When the troops are dispatched, bullets and grenades are still packed in the equipment, and the small snacks, sewing kits, and first-aid kits that are carried with them are all Pack it in a backpack.

Strictly speaking, when a soldier is fully armed, the equipment on his body should weigh about [-] kilograms. This weight includes rifles. Some soldiers will also bring their own pistols, so that the load is even heavier. With a backpack, It can solve a lot of problems for officers and soldiers.

The biggest advantage is that in future battles, officers and soldiers can finally seize more spoils of war.

Half an hour later, as the officers gave an order, the red-eyed officers and soldiers who had been irritated rushed out of the camp screaming.

There happened to be a group of Boer officers and soldiers who had just come to report at the gate of the camp. They were drawn from the Transvaal colonial army and were taken aback by the officers and soldiers who were screaming.

It was really a bit of a wild ride. In order to gain time, the officers and soldiers of the four companies all wanted to set off as soon as possible, so the entrance was a bit crowded.

The officers of the four companies still tried their best to maintain order. They set out in sequence according to the order of battle.

They are all full-blooded young men, no one can bear this anger, and the officers don't care about confrontation, and some officers and soldiers who are waiting to set off yell at them.

What should I do if someone scolds me?

Of course, scolded back!

So the gate of the camp was a little lively, and the Boer officers and soldiers who had just come to report were a little stunned.

This, this mess, even worse than the vegetable market, is the legendary Northern Division of Rhodesia?

It wasn't a mistake, these Boer officers and soldiers who had just been transferred knew that the new First Cavalry Division was established with the Rhodesian Northern Division as the backbone.

"Li Wei, you are immoral. If you lose this time, I will see where you put your face!" B Company Chief Jing shouted at Li Jie.

"Want to see me make a fool of myself? No way! Listen to me, if anyone drags everyone down, I will clean the toilet!" Li Wei responded loudly.

"Bah! Listen to me, if you don't win today, I'll lead you to clean the toilet together!" Guan Jing is also a ruthless person.

That's pretty good, anyway, the toilets were cleaned, and the soldiers on duty are probably going crazy with joy.

It is also fortunate that those Boers do not understand Chinese, otherwise, some people would retreat now.

(End of this chapter)

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