Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 389 Eliminate hidden dangers

Chapter 389 Eliminate hidden dangers

High salaries are important, but not everyone will be moved by high salaries. For those senior talents who have stable jobs in Europe and their income is not bad, even if Johannesburg offers high salaries, they are still unwilling to come to Johannesburg. Rock can invite Most of the high-level talents we have come from are from Germany, Russia and other economically backward countries. Let alone the level of these people, there are big problems in language communication.

Most of the students of the medical school are nurses from Bigwig Hospital. They already have a certain foundation and have worked in Bigwig Hospital for at least one year, so they learn relatively quickly.

There are also some students from Bigwig Public School. The education system in this era is not perfect. Generally, after graduating from middle school, they are eligible to apply for university. Johannesburg has not had time to implement the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination system. If you want to enter the medical school, you have to rely on recommendation Besides, the main thing is to apply by yourself.

Across the square, directly opposite is the office building of the medical school.

When Rock built this office building, he deliberately chose the red bricks produced locally in Johannesburg. This is of course symbolic. There are six famous red brick universities in the UK. They are the most famous and famous universities in England except the Golden Triangle. The top old world famous schools.

The six universities are: University of Birmingham, University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, University of Leeds, University of Bristol and University of Liverpool.

You can tell by the name that there is one in each of the six cities, and together with the famous schools in the Golden Triangle, they form the spire of the British education system.

Compared with the British mainland, southern Africa is really like a cultural desert. There are many famous schools in the British mainland, which train a large number of talents for the UK every year.

There are very few institutions of higher learning in southern Africa. The British government does not want to have institutions of higher learning in southern Africa. If students in southern Africa want to receive higher education, they can only go to the UK mainland. After graduation, students are likely to stay in the UK. The British Isles without going back to Southern Africa.

If things go on like this, the backward situation in southern Africa will never be improved. For Ade and Philip, this situation is acceptable, but not for Rock.

Rock can't accept this situation anyway. The medical school is just the beginning. Next, Rock will invest in a comprehensive university in Nyasaland, which is the real cradle of talents in Nyasaland.

Ade and Philip didn't know Rock's ideal, but after seeing this office building built with red bricks, Ade and Philip were a little touched.

As officials in the Transvaal, they certainly hope that the Transvaal will develop better, so whether they stay in the post or return to the British mainland to serve in the future, this is their political achievement and will be remembered forever.

Some people pursue one term as an official to benefit one party, and some people just get by and wait to die. Philip sometimes has a negative attitude, but Adelaide's attitude has always been more serious. After the Boer War, Adelaide also used his actual actions , Indeed, peace was restored in the Transvaal and Orange. Even those Boers who still resisted the British government had to admit Adelaide's role in this.

The castle-style dark red office building has a simple and simple shape, which complements the arched white marble on the top of the window. The ratio of all the windows is amazingly high. The 15-meter-high office building has only two floors, and the height of each floor is seven or eight. The height of the central main building is more than 20 meters, and there is a bell tower with a height of more than 40 meters in the distance. All the roofs are oval steel frame structures. In order to fully transmit light, the roof is decorated with a lot of glass. There are also various sculptures along the edge, which were carved by workers from Europe and Chinese workers.

"It's spectacular. It was built within a year?" Ade couldn't believe it.

"To be exact, it's only seven months." Rock is still proud. Although the seven-month construction period is inseparable from the hard work of the Zulu workers, this point does not need to be emphasized.

"It started in April and ended in October, that is to say, it only took you half a year to build this medical school. My official residence has been built for three years, but it is still far away." Ade couldn't help but sigh , this contrast is indeed too stark.

Ade still lives in the Palace of Justice.

Roque had previously suggested that Christian should be given the job of building the mansion.

But because of Christian's identity and the Zulu workers under Christian, after careful consideration, Ade still handed over the job to a local British construction company.

The distance from the mainland of the UK to Pretoria is far away. Let alone the work attitude and work efficiency of the workers in the UK, there is no guarantee of time.

The status of construction workers in this period in the UK was not very high, and they were generally at the bottom of society. However, when they arrived in Pretoria, those construction workers also quickly entered a colonial state, and their work progress was horribly slow. All kinds of benefits, Ade is now too regretful.

"Nearly 4000 workers were used to build this medical school. The dry season in Johannesburg is still too short, so the construction period is a bit rushed. Now the medical school has not been fully completed, and there are still some supporting facilities. Next, there will be greening It will probably take a few months to complete it." Rock didn't dare to provoke Ade too much, because there are hundreds of workers working hard behind this office building.

Walking into the office building, the floor is all marble, the walls are all covered with wallpaper, and there is a huge crystal lamp under the ceiling. This is powered by electricity, cleaner and brighter. The Johannesburg City Government does not have such a luxury.

Sitting down in the meeting room on the second floor, Douglas was responsible for introducing Ade and Philip.

"The medical school covers an area of ​​1500 acres. In addition to the current buildings, the future medical school will also set up laboratories and medicine gardens for Chinese medicine research. Now there are more than a dozen experts in Chinese medicine in the medical school. Although they do not have academic qualifications , but there is no doubt about my strength. My shoulders and neck have been a little uncomfortable for a long time. As a result, Mr. Su Xian pulled out a cupping pot for me a few days ago--cupping pot, this is the pronunciation--sorry my pronunciation is not standard, but It works great, I'm more relaxed than ever-" Douglas can't wait to take off his shirt right now to prove what a great invention cupping is.

"We don't have enough students now. This has something to do with the quality of the students. Many people know that the medical school is starting to recruit students. They don't even know how to write their own names, so they want to come to the medical school to learn medical skills. We would rather be deficient than excessive, even if a student is No, and this kind of person cannot be allowed to enter medical school, but the situation will always change. In a few years, there will be graduates from Bigwig Public School and public middle schools, and then the medical school will enter the normal development mode. Now The most important thing is the faculty. We have top-level resources, we have good research projects, all of which are promising, but we lack basic teaching staff. We can’t let top experts like Abu teach basic courses. That’s against Abu. An insult to top talents." Douglas also seized the opportunity to make a request, and it was rare that the chief officials of the Transvaal and Johannesburg were both present, so we must hurry up.

Ad and Philip are also troubled. The whole of southern Africa is trying to attract immigrants, but the results are not very good.

So neither Adelaide nor Philip made a statement on the spot. After the opening ceremony, Adelaide returned to Pretoria, and Philip called Rock to the official residence the next day.

"I heard that you built a university town in Nyasaland?" Philip asked a sensitive question, seemingly casually.

"It's not a university town. It's just rumors. I built a vocational college in Lake Malombe, which mainly trains agricultural technicians and skilled workers. The current economic pillar of Nyasaland is still agriculture." Rock did not deny, the sun There is nothing new in the ground, and there is such a large building next to Lake Malombe that Rock can't hide it if he wants to.

"Are they just agricultural technicians and skilled workers?" Philip pressed harder and harder.

"Of course not. This is just the beginning. You saw it yesterday. In the future, there will be more and more institutions of higher learning in southern Africa, so that we can train our own talents. London's attitude towards the Transvaal is a bit ambiguous. After the implementation of the democratic representative system in Shiva, the prospect is not clear enough, so we have to make preparations early." Rock and Philip are now in a husband-in-law relationship, so there are many things that can be said openly.

"Unclear? How to say?" Philip was a little surprised, which was inconsistent with Rock's previous statement.

For a long time, Roque has been emphasizing that the autonomy of the Transvaal and even southern Africa is the trend of the times. It is for this reason that Adelaide agrees to introduce a large number of Chinese and reduce the proportion of Boers in the total population of Southern Africa.

Rock's reason is that after the implementation of the democratic representative system, the Transvaal's ratio of Chinese to British is sufficient to suppress the Boers, so that the Transvaal government will be firmly controlled by the British.

Now Roque said that the prospects of the Transvaal were uncertain, which made Philip a little surprised.

"Cape, Cape's general election, the Progressive Party is in a mess now, fighting for power and even attacking each other. I used to think that the Progressive Party could win the general election easily, but now it seems that it is not certain. I asked Henry to seriously think about a question a few days ago In the future, whether Henry is willing to stay in the Transvaal, or whether he hopes to return to the mainland after earning enough money, this is a very important question." Rock began to enter the second stage, forcing Adelaide, Philip, Henry and the others Colonial officials, choosing between Colonial and Native.

It is impossible not to make a choice. Now the British people in the Cape are scattered, and the situation in the Transvaal seems to be good, but there are also hidden dangers, and those hidden dangers must be eliminated as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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