Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 391 The Dawn of Autonomy

Chapter 391 The dawn of autonomy (for the fourth change of "The Frozen Sea")

It's not just Henry Alsop (sorry, blunder at the end of last chapter, corrected), but Kevin Trevecomon is also a suspect.

So next, Rock will investigate these two people. Rock has no shortage of manpower in this area. Whether it is Umbrella or Brad, they are capable of investigating Henry Alsop and Kevin Trivecon. Carry out control.

"It's these two people. This Henry may be in London, and Kevin works for the Pretoria Mining Bureau. Find them and see if they have anything to do with this matter." Rock is really disgusted, if It is really confirmed that Henry and Kevin have something to do with this matter, and Rock will definitely not let them go easily this time.

If you beat a snake and don't kill yourself, Rock doesn't care about the unspoken rules among the nobles. Henry and Kevin don't provoke Rock, and Rock can pretend not to see them. If Henry and Kevin really want to die, then Rock It will let them get what they want.

"No problem, my lord. I'll arrange someone right now. Our service consulting company is open now. Even if something goes wrong, no one will be hurt." Xia Jiu's iron hook has now been replaced by a high manganese steel manipulator. , although it is still inconvenient, it has made great progress compared with the previous iron hook.

In Xia Jiu's words, compared with normal human hands, robotic hands are still better, at least you don't have to worry about burning your hands with cigarette butts.

Speaking of service consulting companies, they are actually legendary private detectives. The most famous people in this industry are Sherlock Holmes and Watson. Of course, these two people are fictional. Although Holmes claims to be a criminal investigation consultant, in fact Holmes is also a private detective. The industry is popular in the UK and many people are in demand for private investigators.

Speaking of this, I have to complain about the British police agency. The British police basically serve the rich, which is the so-called "public relief". So private detectives came into being, which is the so-called "private relief".

The work content of the private detective industry is very complicated, mainly focusing on property investigation and evidence collection, national information investigation, personnel whereabouts investigation, network fraud investigation, and marriage investigation.

Of course, Johannesburg also has needs in this regard. Many times, rich housework or disputes between rich people do not want the police department to intervene. At this time, there is room for private detectives to survive.

Rock still attaches great importance to private detectives. Although this will affect the reputation of the police station, private detectives are an effective supplement to the work of the police station, so Rock simply instructed Xia Jiu to set up a service consulting company to undertake private detective work. Business.

Rock didn't expect that he would actually use the service consulting company first.

"Very good, if possible, arrange people with Henry and Kevin, even if they have nothing to do with this matter, I still want to know their every move in the future." Rock didn't care about it before, but now that he has In time, Rock will remove all these hidden dangers.

"Alright my lord, I will find a way." Xia Jiu was full of confidence. This is what he learned in the war office, and now he just happened to apply what he learned.

In the evening, Rock and Phyllis went to Philip's house for dinner. At the dinner table, Philip also expressed proper concern about this matter.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it myself." Rock doesn't need Philip's help, and Rock and Henry are enough to deal with those young people.

"Don't be careless, the current situation is a bit complicated. The development of Johannesburg has exceeded many people's expectations, and some people are too impatient." Philip shook his head and sighed. What Rock said last time came true again. The strife within the British government is too serious. This has seriously affected the stability of the colony.

"Dad, do you know something?" Owen asked this question for Rock.

Both Karina and Phyllis put down their knives and forks with expressions of concern.

"What else can it be? Some people think that our life is too comfortable, so they want to cause us some trouble—" Philip put down the napkin in his hand to express that he was full, and Phyllis immediately poured tea for Philip: "— Thank you baby, don't worry, those bastards don't have to think about it as long as we old guys are alive."

According to Philip, it should be that someone from the British government wants to come to the Transvaal to pick peaches.

This will obviously violate the interests of Ad and Philip, which is why Philip is so angry.

This is very beneficial to Rock. The sky is falling and there is a big man to support him. Rock only needs to do his job well.

"Jan Smother went to London last month," said Philip with a message.

"Why are you going to London?" Rock stuffed the rest of the steak into his mouth, and Phyllis rolled her eyes when she noticed it.

Well, this action is not elegant, Lord Dunyasaran, and does not pay attention to the image at all.

"Of course it's to lobby the London government. Cape is going to have an election. The Boers are a little anxious now. They hope that Orange can also hold an early election, just like Cape." Philip took his time, and the news he provided became more and more shocking.

Adelaide's term in the Transvaal and Orange will not expire until next year, so in theory, even if the Transvaal and Orange want to implement a democratic representative system, it will not be carried out until after Adelaide leaves office.

Rock never expected that the Boers could be so impatient.

But this may be a good thing for Roque. Roque turned to look at Owen. Owen's eyes were full of ecstasy just like Roque.

I must be happy. If Orange implements a democratic representative system, then the Transvaal will be no exception. In the current situation in the Transvaal, if elections are held, then the Liberal Party will almost certainly win power. There is no need to worry about any problems anymore, and the influence of the British government in the Transvaal will continue to weaken.

Even if it goes a step further and the four colonies in southern Africa form the Federation of South Africa for self-government, then Rock will try his best to promote Nyasaland and Rhodesia to join the Federation of South Africa.

This does not seem wise, but it is the best time to get rid of the control of the British government, and neither Roque nor Stoudemire will miss this opportunity.

"Can the Transvaal hold early elections?" Owen was still impatient. He is the leader of the Liberal Party. If the Liberal Party becomes the ruling party——

Then Owen's future is not too bright.

"Do you all want to hold an early election?" There was concern in Philip's eyes.

"Of course!"


Owen and Roque were almost in unison.

Philip nodded and stopped talking. Rock and Owen were not in a hurry. Philip's ability to directly parachute into Johannesburg must have something to do with the British government. Although Philip's ability may not play a key role in this matter, he still contributed OK.

After dinner, Philip went back to his room and didn't know what he was busy with. Phyllis and Karina went upstairs to admire the latest jewelry launched by Eternal. Rock and Owen went to the balcony. They still had something to say. chat.

"What do you think?" Owen's voice was a little trembling, and his legs were shaking habitually. Rock knew that Owen would do this whenever he got excited.

"How else can I think about it? I will send a telegram to Winston and Neville, asking them to cooperate with Yang Smother as much as possible." Rock will use all his connections to help Yang Smother this time.

"Winston and Neville will agree?" Owen was concerned but confused.

"Why don't you agree? Just because the Transvaal is very promising? It's just that we think so. The local nobles and officials don't necessarily think so. For them, the Transvaal is one of the countless overseas colonies. Apart from gold, there is no reason to be concerned, and even if the Transvaal is self-governing, it will not affect London's access to the gold in the Transvaal, so it depends on the situation—" Rock didn't say anything, even if Winston and Neville are unwilling to help, and Rock will use gold to get them to agree.

It is an obvious fact that the Transvaal, as a British overseas colony, will not bring much benefit to Winston and Neville, but if Winston and Neville are willing to help, Rock will definitely pay them a lot remuneration.

Who would have trouble with money? If it is an old fox like Joseph Chamberlain, perhaps as he grows older, his desire for money has become much smaller, and he will care more about honor and national interests.

Winston and Neville are still young, they have a greater need for money, and it is not yet time to chase honors.

"Then do it quickly. I can't wait. We now have [-] party members, and no one can beat us." Owen is full of confidence. Don't think that the number of [-] is a bit small. In fact, this era is not human. Everyone has the right to vote, so this number is already a lot.

In the Cape, all people of color, women, people without payment records, and people who have lived in the Cape for less than five years do not have the right to vote. According to this standard, including pure English, there are people in the Transvaal No more than 1000 people are eligible to vote. After all, it has only been a little over a year since the signing of the "Peace Agreement", and the Transvaal officially became a British colony.

Therefore, this provision must be amended. Africans’ right to vote has been restricted in the Peace Agreement, and Africans in Transvaal and Orange have no right to vote before a representative government is established.

This "before" is also a pit. After the Transvaal and Orange establish a pending government, the pending government can legally restrict Africans' voting rights, which means that Africans may never Neither get the right to vote.

A huge loophole here is that there is no agreement that clearly stipulates the voting rights of Chinese Americans, so whether Chinese Americans have the right to vote depends on how Adelaide interprets the "Peace Agreement" now.

How else can Ade explain it?

Of course, it is to give the Chinese Americans the right to vote, and Ade also counts on the votes of the Chinese Americans to ensure the dominance of the British in the Transvaal.


Finally saw the light.

(End of this chapter)

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