Chapter 402 Turning Hands into Clouds

The Belgian government probably didn't know how badly the Congo Free State and Nyasaland lost in the duel during the period of Leopold II.

Even if they knew, the Belgian government probably wouldn't care. From the Belgian government's point of view, Leopold II and his mercenaries were probably a little incompetent, so they lost to Nyasaland. Now the Belgian government has just taken over the Belgian government. Congo probably wants to try the energy of Nyasaland, and maybe even wants to take the North Sea back.

It is estimated that Leopold II would not remind the Belgian government that after losing its jurisdiction over the Congo, Leopold II suffered heavy losses. At that time, the propaganda campaign against Leopold II had just begun, and the Belgian government was not helping Leopold II got out of trouble, but fell into trouble. Leopold II must not have forgotten it. It is estimated that Leopold II is waiting to see a joke at this moment.

As for those mercenaries——

Who cares, cannon fodder is the meaning of existence of mercenaries.

Anton must not be willing to let the officers and soldiers of the Rhodesian Northern Division be used as cannon fodder, so Anton wants to beat the Belgian government once, so that the Belgian government can survive.

It was the D Company of the Divisional Teaching Battalion in Northern Rhodesia who received the mission.

The patrol team sent by Company D was attacked by the mercenaries. After the attack, the commander of Company D, Wei Zhen, immediately asked Anton to fight. The officers and soldiers of Company D even wrote a blood letter, strongly demanding revenge.

If Anton entrusts this task to other companies, it is estimated that the officers and soldiers of D company will rebel.

But directly handing over to Company D is not enough, Anton is still worried that Wei Zhen's desire for revenge will affect the actions of the troops instead.

If there is a slight mistake in this, the Rhodesian Northern Division will lose face.

"Teacher, don't worry, if something goes wrong with me, you will kill me later!" Wei Zhen vowed so hard that he almost issued a military order.

"You can recover the loss if it collapses?" Anton doesn't like this attitude. If something goes wrong, even if Weizhen is really collapsed, it will not change the result.

The mercenaries must be hiding in a corner of the Belgian Congo, waiting for the troops of the northern Rhodesia division to take revenge. If Anton sent them there in such a hurry, he might suffer a loss, so Anton Dong now has to wait for Lala's information. Unless Lala finds out where the mercenaries are, Anton will send Company D out.

Of course, there is another way to retaliate, and that is to directly attack other targets in the Belgian Congo.

This method is also very tempting to Anton. The territory bordering the Belgian Congo and Nyasaland is basically the sphere of influence of the Antwerp Company. If the Rhodesian Northern Division expands its attack area, then the Antwerp Company will become Aim of the Rhodesian Northern Division.

Considering the relationship between the Antwerp company and Nyasaland——

Can consider it!

It was difficult for Wei Zhen to answer Anton's question, so Wei Zhen just pretended to be stupid.

Anton still reminded him carefully, and then let Wei Zhen go back to make preparations.

Since it is a cross-border attack, they must not wear the military uniform of the Rhodesian Northern Division, and they cannot carry anything related to the Rhodesian Northern Division, including the common weapons of the officers and soldiers of D Company.

This made the officers and soldiers of Company D a little unaccustomed to it, so they still had to make preparations. At least the officers and soldiers of Company D had to be familiar with the new weapons, so that they would have a greater chance of winning.

On Christmas afternoon, the concert was held on time in Cecil Rhodes Square. The symphony orchestra from Italy played many world famous pieces and won warm applause from the audience.

Stoudemire was also one of the audience, sitting in the crowd with Rock and whispering.

"You can think of it in the open air, and you have to build a music hall or something—" Stoudemire was very dissatisfied with this environment, which is not conducive to enjoying the symphony, and it is difficult to hear it clearly at a distance.

"If this is really a music hall, are you still ashamed to talk?" Rock disdains Stoudemire's behavior, and it's good to hear some, Rock still knows to celebrate Christmas, Rhodesia doesn't even have a celebration, and Fortunately, Stoudemire still has the face to give Rock an opinion.

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Don't say that art is elegant. Elegant artists will also come to Africa to perform in order to get paid." Stoudemire is a standard layman, and he can give you any elegant topic Talk about vulgarity.

The artists from Italy asked for a lot of money, but Roque could still afford it, so the artists gave up Christmas to reunite with their families and traveled thousands of miles to Nyasaland.

In fact, Rock also thought about forming a symphony orchestra in Nyasala, but it seems a bit difficult at present, so this plan can only be postponed.

For the Chinese, symphony is not as attractive as drama. Not to mention that art knows no borders. There is a reason why opera is not popular in the East, but drama is popular in the East. No matter how beautiful symphony is, you must know how to appreciate it.

As for the theater, this is really not a problem, at least not the main problem. The main task of Nyasaland now is to develop the economy and build spiritual civilization. After the next generation of Chinese grow up, Nyasaland is not yet qualified to talk about spirituality. civilization.

Now, 90.00% of the Chinese in Nyasaland have not received any education. It is basically useless to build their spiritual civilization. It is difficult for adults to change their perception of the world. The cultural level of the Chinese is different from the fact that there were only a few hundred policemen in the police station. There are too many Chinese now. Even if Rock is rich, he cannot find enough teachers.

"I heard that the Belgians attacked the patrol of Rhodesia's northern division?" Stoudemire's news is still very well-informed, just as Rhodesia has no secrets for Rock, and Nyasaland has no secrets for Stoudemire. How many secrets.

"It seems to be a Belgian mercenary. I have asked Lala to find their specific location. As long as I find them, hehe——" Rock couldn't swallow this breath, and the blood debt must be paid with blood.

"I have a friend who wants to meet you, Lawrence Amelia from the Antwerp company, how about it, do you want to meet?" Stoudemire winked, and Rock's heart suddenly moved.

Lawrence Amelia is the new general manager of the Antwerp company. Before Lawrence Amelia stayed in Johannesburg for more than three months, Rock had been reluctant to see Lawrence Amelia, and then Rock went to Natal rebellion, and never heard from Lawrence Amelia again.

Now it seems that Lawrence Amelia has not given up, and still seizes the opportunity to show favor to Rock.

"Why is he here?" Of course Rock is interested, as long as Lawrence Amelia has what Rock wants.

"That mercenary, Lawrence Amelia knows where that mercenary is." Stoudemire's answer made Rock very satisfied.

"Where is he?" Rock agreed.

"It's in my car." Stoudemire was very proud. This guy has too much money to spend, and now he bought a new car.

Rock certainly wouldn't see Lawrence Amelia in the car, so he went back to Eagle Castle with Stoudemire.

"Those mercenaries came to Lubumbashi a month ago, and they should still be around Lubumbashi now." Lawrence Amelia is a standard Englishman, with a silk top hat, tuxedo, walking stick, and too much smear on his hair The pomade looks a bit greasy.

"How do you know?" Rock said slowly, cutting the cigar in his hand calmly.

Rock can be sure that Lawrence Amelia is also uneasy and kind.

The mercenaries had already arrived in Lubumbashi a month ago. If Lawrence Amelia wanted to tip off the news, he would not have waited until today.

I'm afraid Lawrence Amelia waited until after the attack to show his favor. If that's the case, Lawrence Amelia would really be damned.

"Their supplies are provided by our Antwerp company. I'm sorry, my lord. I didn't know that their purpose was for the patrol team of the Rhodesian Northern Division. They came to Lubumbashi under the banner of hunting, so There are many people every month, and before the attack, no one knows what their purpose is." Lawrence Amelia knew that he would be suspected, but he still couldn't let go of this opportunity to show his favor.

"Very good, now I want to annihilate them, do you have any good suggestions?" Rock temporarily accepted Lawrence Amelia's explanation, the truth of the matter is actually not important, Rock just wants the result.

"My lord, if you need, I can send them all to you and accept your punishment." Lawrence Amelia said it very simply. It is definitely risky to do so, but as long as it is done, it is not inferior So vote for a certificate.

"No, Rhodesia Northern Division has the ability to do it." Rock didn't want to lie to others, this revenge can only be avenged by the officers and soldiers of Rhodesia Northern Division.

Being able to become the general manager of the Antwerp company, Lawrence Amelia is not a good stubble. The status of the Antwerp company in the Belgian Congo is actually similar to that of the South African company in Rhodesia. The Antwerp company also has an army, and it has to deal with hundreds of people It is not difficult to find a mercenary, especially under the premise that the Antwerp company is responsible for providing supplies for the mercenary.

But Rock doesn't need Lawrence Amelia to do that. This is the Belgian government's offense to the Rhodesian Northern Division. The Rhodesian Northern Division must personally wash away the shame.

Although strictly speaking, this is not a shame.

In a war, there must be winners and losers, especially under the premise of a sneak attack by the opponent, it is normal to lose a game, just find the place next time.

"Well, my lord, no matter what you want to do, the Antwerp company will cooperate unconditionally." Lawrence Amelia sold the mercenary without hesitation. A little older, Lawrence Amelia is also acceptable.

"Very good!" Rock was basically satisfied with Lawrence Amelia's attitude, but a mere mercenary certainly couldn't satisfy Rock's appetite.

 Sleepy as a dog, and tired as a dog, don’t blame me if the update tomorrow morning is late——



(End of this chapter)

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