Chapter 410 Dilemma

In any case, the management board's land buyout policy is hotly debated by all Nyasaland residents.

Not only are the residents who are eligible to buy land enthusiastically buying, those in power in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Salisbury, and Port Edward are also unwilling to let go of this opportunity, and the management committee has no choice but to let go limit, raising the one-hundred-acre limit to five hundred acres.

Wu Zhen signed up immediately, hoping to get a loan from the Rand Bank to buy a [-]-acre farm.

In order to help these farmers improve their farms, the management committee has tried everything possible. In addition to loans from the Rand Bank, the management committee will also give certain subsidies so that these farmers can build farms as quickly as possible, starting from plowing horses. From cows to seeds and fertilizers, farmers have everything they need.

Wu Zhen's farm is not far from Little Rock City. Wu Zhen and Wu Wei borrowed a total of 200 pounds from the Rand Bank for the [-]-acre farm and related production materials.

After buying the farm, Wu Zhen will resign from the aquatic product company, and the house he used to live in will be returned to the aquatic product company. A few old friends come to help Wu Zhen move, but Niu Tiansu keeps talking strangely.

"Look, we used to have to pay when we divided the house, but now we don't even have to pay the aquatic product company for free, and there is no moving fee. How much did you spend, Lao Wu—200 pounds, which is almost equivalent to 2000 oceans? In our hometown, Dayang 2000 has almost set up a village, and you have to work for the aquatic product company for at least six or seven years, is it worth it?" Niu Tiansu muttered, working hard with his hands, his strength was great, and the two A cabinet that can only be lifted by one person, Niu Tiansu can move it away by himself.

does it worth?

That's a great question.

Changing to Niu Tiansu is definitely not worth it, but for Wu Zhen, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. A 20-acre farm is equivalent to 20 mu of land. Although Wu Zhen can only buy the right to operate the farm for [-] years, the management committee promised , [-] years later, if there is no accident, the farm will still be Wu Zhen's farm, and the management committee will not take it back. Believe it or not is up to you.

There is nothing unbelievable. The Chinese in Nyasaland may not believe in the management committee, but they absolutely believe in Rock. Asalan bought a family business, and it is hard to say whether his wife and children will be separated now.

For a person like Niu Tianxiu, there is actually not much to say. This kind of person will not trust others easily. Even if he works under Roque, he will not be grateful to Roque. One of the most reasonable equivalent exchanges, and there is no gratitude.

"Brother, besides the farm, what else did you buy?" Wu Wei purposely brought up this topic. A hundred acres of farm only cost one hundred pounds, while Wu Zhen spent two hundred. There must be other things.

"Hey, I bought two plow horses, which are enough to plow the land. The farm is on the outskirts of Little Rock City, and they are all reclaimed. I plan to plant ten acres of potatoes first, and then sell them to the wine company, except for the plow horses. There are still four cows. Don’t you want to drink milk? Don’t buy it in the future. I’m enough here. Your sister-in-law has long wanted to feed some chickens, ducks and geese. , in the future our children can eat chicken, duck and goose eggs as they please, and they can pickle and sell them if they can’t finish them. I plan to plant fruit trees next to my house, so that there will be no shortage of fruits to eat all year round. In the future, we will drink more than we can eat! "Wu Zhen has a bright vision for the future. He is not afraid of hard work. The key is that hard work will pay off.

Nyasaland Agriculture Company implements the agro-ecological cycle in Nyasaland based on the experience of the Johannesburg farm.

This agro-ecological cycle is actually very simple. Fruit trees can be planted around the farmer’s home, chickens and pigs can be raised under the fruit trees, chicken manure and pig manure can be used to raise fish, and the pond mud can be cleaned to provide enough fertilizer for the fruit trees.

It looks a bit complicated, but it’s actually not troublesome. It all depends on whether the yield of potatoes is high enough, and the yield of potatoes——

Let's put it this way, even if Wu Zhen only grows one acre of potatoes, it is enough for the whole family and the family's livestock.

For at most two years, Wu Zhen's farm will be self-sufficient.

This "self-sufficiency" does not refer to simple food. To achieve self-sufficiency, poultry and egg products must be available. Milk and goat milk must also meet the nutritional supply. Chickens can be slaughtered during festivals, and pigs can be slaughtered at the end of the year. The higher the proportion of food, the less the need for staple food, which is a virtuous circle.

"Old Wu, you've fallen into a honey pot. The landlord Lao Cai in our hometown doesn't have a good life without you—" Qian Jiang is very envious. He has not yet obtained the qualifications and is scolded by his wife every day when he goes home. , I feel very aggrieved.

"Brother, the big brother and the second cousin sent me a telegram yesterday, saying that they also want to come to Nyasaland, but our county magistrate there won't let him go, and the big brother and the second cousin can't leave." Wu Wei looked worried, As long as you are not stupid, you know that Nyasaland's life will get better and better, and only a stubborn person like Niu Tianxiu will insist that the Qing Dynasty has a better future than Nyasaland.

In fact, even Niu Tiansu knew that Nyasaland had a better future than Qing.

But Niu Tiansu would not admit this, if he admitted this, it would prove that all of Niu Tiansu's previous decisions were wrong, which made Niu Tiansu unacceptable anyway.

As for Wuwei's second cousin, Wu Zhen sent a telegram to the Qing Dynasty before, hoping that they could immigrate to Nyasara with their families.

It's a pity that there are always many people in this world who are skeptical about everything. People like Niu Tianxiu have already enjoyed the dividends of Nyasaland's development, and they still don't trust Nyasaland's management. Not to mention other Chinese in Qing Dynasty.

There is a high probability that they will not cry when they see the coffin. Unless they are desperate, they will not want to immigrate to Nyasaland.

But this kind of thing is a slow step, just like Qian Jiang's family, who arrived in Nyasaland only three months later than Wu Zhen's family, the gap is irreparable now.

"Look, I told you not to be hasty, it's broken now, and you can't go home!" Niu Tiansu didn't know what he was regretting, Wu Zhen, Wu Wei, and Qian Jiang all looked at Niu Tiansu with the eyes of a fool. .

Niu Tiansu finally felt that something was wrong, but he didn't reflect on himself, and still blamed all the responsibilities on others: "The management committee is really harmful. If I go to the management committee now, I don't know if I can go back to my hometown—"

"No one is forcing you to stay in Nyasaland. If you want to go back, you can go back. Regardless of the fact that you can earn 360 yuan a year now, do you think you are worth 360 yuan? If you have the ability to leave Nyasaland and go back Try it in the Qing Dynasty, if you can earn 36 yuan a year, I will consider you a good boss!" Wu Zhen and Qian Jiang said embarrassedly, but Wu Wei had no scruples.

Regarding the matter of making money, someone said: Standing on the wind, pigs can fly.

This sentence is equally applicable to Nyasaland, although many Chinese in Nyasaland can earn 36 pounds a year, but that does not mean that their value is worth 36 pounds. If you go on, you will come to Nyasaland when you have nowhere to go. The reason why they can earn 36 pounds a year is not because they have any skills worth 36 pounds a year, but because all Chinese in Nyasaland, as long as they meet the conditions, can Earn £36 a year.

So if anyone thinks that he is worth so much money because of Nyasaland's high salary, then he is stupid. When he returns to the Qing Dynasty, let alone 36 pounds, he can earn 36 yuan a year, which is considered a face from God.

"What did you say, bastard?" Niu Tiansu also knew how much he was worth, but he still couldn't hold back his face when Wu Wei directly exposed his background.

"Oh, Boss Niu put out the fire, the young man is ignorant, don't be as knowledgeable as him." Wu Zhen jumped out to make peace with him.

"There is nothing good about going home. My brothers from my hometown also want to come to Nyasaland. In the past two years, there have been wars and locusts. There is no harvest in my hometown. What if I go back to my hometown and buy a few acres of land? If there is no harvest in the field, you will pay as much as you plant, but in Nyasaland, even if there is no harvest in the field, no one will starve to death. If you want to go home, Boss Niu, no one will stop you." Qian Jiang couldn't help but say To be fair, farming in the Qing Dynasty?

People starved to death before the crops grew.

This is not an exaggeration. In the year of the catastrophe, the tragedy is unimaginable. Not to mention the crops, the bark of the trees has been eaten up. In the whole village, there is not a single living thing left except for people. Cats, dogs and everything are eaten. Erjing, even big animals like cows and horses are not spared. The common people know that eating cows and horses will make farming more difficult in the future, but people have no choice when they are hungry. no more.

Even if they are not eaten by humans, the animals will starve to death.

Nyasaland has no such worries. Although Qianjiang doesn't know what Nyasaland was like before, judging from Nyasaland's current situation, it is likely that no one will starve to death.

At this time, I have to say that Africa is really a land of hopelessness. Not only are there wild animals and aquatic products, but I really don’t want to move. If I go to the forest to pick fruits, I will not starve to death. In this place, bread grows directly in the trees. Africans can't starve to death, but Chinese will starve to death?

That's not dying of starvation, but dying of laziness!

What Qian Jiang said was the truth, even Niu Tiansu was speechless. Niu Tiansu had just received a telegram two days ago, and his family urged Niu Tiansu to send money. Now a bucket of wheat has cost an ocean. No matter how much money Su made, he still couldn't make up for the big hole in the house.

After receiving the telegram, Niu Tiansu really wanted his family members to come to Nyasaland directly.

But in that case, all the hard-earned money Niu Tiansu had earned in the past two years was in vain. His family had just bought dozens of acres of land, and Niu Tiansu was really reluctant to part with it.

Niu Tiansu also thought about disposing of all the land he bought at a low price, but the current situation in the Qing Dynasty is very difficult, no one buys the land, and many landlords even abandon the land and leave their hometowns to escape. who?

(End of this chapter)

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