Chapter 414

Now in Umbrella Company, there are some mine security and vigilante employees. Their salaries are the highest in Umbrella Company. They can get seventy or eighty pounds a year, and they are well-established middle class in Johannesburg.

If the officers and men of the Rhodesian Northern Division and the new First Cavalry Division retire, they will definitely receive an annual salary of more than [-] pounds, which is enviable even in the UK.

"Brothers are very high spirited. Xia Jiu wanted to send a few people over for training some time ago, but he didn't mention it after watching our training subjects. He said that he was afraid that his people would be crippled in training, but he would send me back later. Less Havana cigars and French champagne, if someone from our side retires, let him know in advance." Suo Chao and Xia Jiu are also old friends, if Xia Jiu hadn't retired due to injury, his current status may not be super low.

Rock doesn't care about these things. The employees of the Umbrella Company don't need to be very strong. In fact, private detectives are more of an individual job. Even if the soldiers of the newly formed First Cavalry Division retire, they are only required for high-end security work.

But Xia Jiu had to wait. Now that the new First Cavalry Division has just been established, it will be at least three years before the first batch of soldiers retire.

"Our garrison will be completed in the next month. Let all the companies be notified to prepare for the move at the end of the month." Rock came back at the end of the month. Moving is a major event, and Rock, the person in charge, must be present.

"Okay, brothers have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Some time ago, during the rainy season, the brothers were tossed so hard that they could wring out water from the quilt at night. After washing the clothes and drying them overnight, they were still wet when they put them on the next morning. Yes." Suo Chao was very happy, the current dormitories are all wooden warehouses, and the terrain is a bit low-lying, and there is serious water accumulation during the rainy season.

The new camp has a higher terrain. Except for the training ground, everything in the camp has been hardened. All the buildings are either stone or reinforced concrete, which is much stronger than here.

While speaking, Geng Biao walked into the camp with a group of ashen-faced guys arrogantly.

Seeing Rock, Geng Biao trotted over to salute: "Master, Geng Biao, the commander of the reconnaissance company, reported to you that there are 65 people in the reconnaissance company. There should be 65 people, and there are 63 people in fact. Please give instructions."

The organization of the reconnaissance company is a bit special, and if it fails to meet the requirements, it is better to be short than excessive, so Geng Biao's men may never be able to fill it up.

There is no way around this. The new First Cavalry Division originally took the route of elite soldiers, and the reconnaissance company is the best of the best. Being able to join the reconnaissance company is the dream of all the soldiers in the new First Cavalry Division. The competition is fierce. Even if the shooting performance of the company is good, even if it meets the standard, the results of the reconnaissance company are all excellent, which means that everyone in the reconnaissance company is an accurate shooter.

To achieve this step, in addition to hard training, a certain amount of talent is also required, which is especially important, otherwise the detective company would not be all Chinese, not a single African.

This is not intentionally black Africans, although Africans are inherently black.

When Geng Biao used to lead H Company, in order to win in the competition, Geng Biao was once put into confinement because of the harsh training.

The soldiers of Company H have actually worked very hard, but there are some fundamental things that cannot be changed. For example, the newly formed First Cavalry Division requires careful maintenance of weapons after training. It can be done, but African soldiers cannot do it.

During several random inspections by the division headquarters, H Company's score was always the bottom one. Later, Geng Biao became ruthless and watched the officers and soldiers of H Company maintain their weapons, but some people still couldn't do it properly.

It's not impossible, it's not impossible, it's just carelessness, often forgetting the next step after doing the last step, the same gun has been disassembled and assembled hundreds of times, and some people have extra parts after assembling the whole gun, Geng Even if Biao hanged him up and beat him, it was useless. At that time, he was crying for his father and mother, but when he turned back, everything went on as usual.

So Geng Biao's subordinates are all Chinese, not a single African.

Of course, neither did the Boers. The fact that the Boers couldn't join the reconnaissance company was purely due to their lack of ability, not their attitude.

"Can the reconnaissance company march 14 kilometers in a hurry within 75 hours, and then go into battle immediately?" Rock has high requirements for the reconnaissance company, which is completely the standard of the 38th Army.

The 38th Army is the Long Live Army.

"My lord, I haven't tried it." Geng Biao didn't know why Rock suddenly raised this condition.

"Then go back and try. How was the training this time?" Rock was not in a hurry. The achievement of the 38th Army was only achieved under special conditions, and it cannot be replicated.

Rock also didn't require the reconnaissance company to reach the level of the 38th Army, which represented the limit of the human body. If Rock trained the troops according to this requirement, it is estimated that the casualty indicators during the training of the troops would have to be increased several times.

"My lord, this time we are performing field survival training. The brothers only carry daggers and pistols to the Bechuanaland protection area. They will stay in the Bechuanaland protection area for a full week. The pistols are in accordance with the training requirements, unless it is an extreme situation. It is allowed to use pistols, but the use of pistols means that the training failed. When we left the camp, each of us only carried a jug of water, and nothing else. Now all of our water jugs are still full.” Geng Biao I am very proud that this training is actually very cruel. There is no strictly no-man’s land in the suburbs of Johannesburg, so I have to go to the Bechuanaland Reserve for wild survival training.

The Bechuana Reserve is the future Botswana, where it is extremely backward compared with Johannesburg, and most people in the entire area are still living in a primitive state. Wild animals that have almost disappeared around Johannesburg are in the Bechuana Reserve. It's everywhere, it's better during the day, but the Bechuanaland Protected Area at night is full of dangers.

"How about the casualties?" Rock realized that this kind of training could not be without casualties.

"Six brothers withdrew halfway, one brother was confirmed dead, and one brother was missing—" Geng Biao's eye circles instantly turned red, and he became bewildered.

Roque walked into the division without saying a word. If Roque spoke at this moment, he might yell at him.

After a long time, Rock calmed down, called Suo Chao and Geng Biao into the office, and immediately stopped the field survival training.

This wilderness survival training was actually proposed by Rock, but Rock did not regard the wilderness survival training as a formal training subject, but reserved it as a reference subject for future use.

Rock also didn't expect that Suo Chao and Geng Biao would take the field survival training as a training subject.

If one were to be held accountable, Roque would be most responsible.

"I don't blame you for this matter. It's because I didn't think carefully. Field survival training is not necessary for the current situation of the troops. Even if the reconnaissance company performs reconnaissance missions in the future, it will be a small-scale force that will carry enough supplies. There will be logistical medical support, there will be support troops, and basically such extreme situations will not occur, so from now on, stop the field survival training, and as for the sacrificed and missing brothers, pay compensation according to the relevant regulations for death in battle." Rock said no Playing word games, disappearing on the African prairie is almost like death. In many cases, there are no bones left, which is really the most tragic way to die.

"My lord, field survival training is still necessary—" Suo Chao wanted to continue.

Suo Chao didn't expect Rock to stop directly. Although the field survival training seemed a bit miserable, in Suo Chao's view, field survival training was very necessary.

Rock made a stop gesture to prevent Suo Chao from continuing: "When we make a training plan, we must take the actual situation into consideration. The actual situation now is that in the next ten or ten years, Delan There may not be a large-scale war in Shiva, so the training intensity can be reduced appropriately. As for the field survival training, let alone whether this training is worthwhile, 65 people received the training, and nearly one tenth of them quit, close to [-]%. Three people were killed, this is no longer training, this is life, our soldiers are very valuable, and now we spend more than one hundred pounds on each soldier, these soldiers are our new number one No one has the right to waste the property of the cavalry division, including me, the division commander."

Rock was a little angry. If this kind of training continues, the reconnaissance company can be dismantled within a few times, so it's just a joke.

"Yes!" Suo Chao didn't have much resistance, and agreed honestly.

After leaving the new First Cavalry Division, Rock went directly to the Umbrella Company.

The Umbrella Company is quite large now, and there are guards with guns on duty at the entrance of the company's headquarters. The headquarters is now a three-story reinforced concrete building. Xia Jiu's own office is on the innermost floor of the first floor. When Rock arrived, Xia Jiu was talking to Several company executives had a meeting.

Knowing that Rock had arrived, Xia Jiu immediately suspended the meeting and went to receive Rock in person.

Rock didn't take Xia Jiu's place, and sat directly on the sofa in Xia Jiu's office.

"The Umbrella Company now has more than 1500 employees. All the mines around Johannesburg are Umbrella customers. The security work is all in the responsibility of the Umbrella Company. The security guards we send directly are only more than 600 people. The remaining employees are in three directions around Johannesburg. Stationed, if necessary, we can easily deploy people nearby. Last month, the turnover of Umbrella has exceeded 50 pounds. In addition to corporate security, we also accept private employment to provide private security work and investigation services , The remuneration in this regard is very generous, hiring a private security officer, the monthly salary is more than [-] pounds, the company and the individual are split [-]-[-], and the investigation work pays more. Some time ago, Mr. Owen hired an umbrella to investigate Henry Ayer Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Kevin Trivecon will each pay [-] pounds." Xia Jiu is also considered to be well-managed, and the operating condition of the umbrella company is good, exceeding Rock's expectations.

Although Owen is also the boss of the umbrella, Owen still has to pay for hiring an umbrella to serve him. There is no price to talk about in this regard, even Rock has to pay.

(End of this chapter)

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