Reborn South Africa as a police officer

Chapter 421 Impulse is the devil

Chapter 421 Impulse is the devil

After Arnold returned to Johannesburg, he was not busy going to the National Party headquarters, but followed Owen to the Liberal Party headquarters to learn experience.

Neither Roque nor Owen can refuse such a request. Just learn. I am afraid that Arnold still doesn't understand. There are some things that cannot be learned by imitation. The National Party wants to achieve the level of the Liberal Party. , First of all, it must be backed by [-] ethnic Chinese who have the right to vote, so as to attract more neutral voters.

Otherwise, the National Party can only attract careerists who cannot make it to the Liberal Party.

"In the past week, more than 100 party members have quit to join the National Party. Arnold promised them that he can help them run for parliament. However, these people probably overlooked a problem. As far as the current situation of the National Party is concerned, the National Party can get The number of MPs should be very limited, so there is a high probability that Arnold's promise will not be fulfilled." Owen didn't say anything on the surface, but in fact he still complained.

"It doesn't matter. These people are political speculators. After the election, they will come back." Rock is not in a hurry. Now the way to join a party is very simple. Just fill out a form. There is no recommendation, no political review, and even basic There is no review, so it is normal to join the party and leave the party.

"Don't even think about it, even if they want to come back, the Liberal Party will not accept them again. What are we? A hotel!" Owen was still angry, and he didn't know whether it was aimed at Arnold or those party members who quit.

Rock just laughed his teeth out. Arnold thought he had a plan, and Rock was not stupid. Many of these party members who left the party were deliberately arranged by Xia Jiu. The National Party is hungry. Misfortune is unpredictable.

"However, this is also a good thing. The Liberal Party is developing too fast. Many people join the Liberal Party for more than pure reasons. Some people want to protect their own interests, while others simply want to get ahead. Now that these people have left the Liberal Party, I am grateful to Arnold. Help us purify the team, we should send a pennant to the National Party.” Rock is very relaxed, the Liberal Party now has nearly 90.00 members, and in Johannesburg, [-]% of the voters are Liberals. It would be nice to get a seat or two in the future parliament.

According to the regulations of the Election Commission, there will be one member for every thousand people who have the right to vote. In this way, the size of the Johannesburg Parliament is about 30 people.

If calculated according to the current situation, the Liberal Party will have 29 or all of the seats in the future parliament, and other political parties will have no chance at all. Therefore, those who feel that they cannot stand out in the Liberal Party and quit to join the National Party, most of them The probability is that the National Party will not be able to get ahead.

"Whatever they want, I will go to Pretoria in a few days." Owen is also a ruthless character. The National Party has always believed that Pretoria is the backyard of the National Party. Owen is now going to set the National Party's backyard on fire.

"You can't leave Johannesburg at this time, arrange other people to do it, and you, the chairman, don't have to do everything yourself." Rock refused to let Owen leave. Now that the election has entered a critical period, Owen's departure at this time will still have a big impact .

With only three months left before the general election, both the Liberal Party and the National Party have started to build momentum on the streets at the same time.

In fact, the Liberal Party also has an advantage in Pretoria. Before the National Party was established, the Liberal Party had already opened a branch in Pretoria. Pretoria also had more than 80.00 voters. % joined the Liberal Party. If you add the advantages of Johannesburg, even if it is enlarged to the entire Transvaal, the advantage of the Liberal Party is still unshakable, and the National Party is destined to accompany it.

"I'm beginning to understand why you don't like elections. Elections are really expensive. We have spent more than [-] pounds on publicity for more than a month. In the next few months, the expenses will continue What’s even more depressing is that such elections come every four years, and this thing is really a rich man’s toy.” Owen couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. In the past, Owen firmly believed that the democratic representative system is a good medicine for the world, but now This idea also began to waver.

"More than that, this is just the election in Johannesburg. The election in the Transvaal has not yet started. It is also once a year. If the Federation of South Africa is established in the future, the cost of the election will also be more." Rock's words made Owen feel ashamed. despair.

"Then we don't have to do anything throughout the year, and our daily work is elections, elections, elections!" Owen finally lost his composure, and it would be a disaster just like what Rock said.

Rock helplessly spread his hands. Although everyone knows the disadvantages of the democratic representative system, this is the reality.

As the date of the general election approaches, the streets of Johannesburg are getting more and more lively.

Elections are indeed a very magical thing. In the past in Johannesburg, the Liberal Party had almost no sense of existence. Most of the members of the Liberal Party did not even know where the headquarters of the Liberal Party was.

The National Party still attaches great importance to propaganda work. In order to increase its influence, the National Party pulls banners on the streets, sets up fixed promotional booths, and distributes promotional materials to citizens for free. If you are willing to join the National Party on the spot, there are even gifts. These actions are indeed It confuses many people who don't know the truth, and those who don't know the details think that the National Party is the largest party in the Johannesburg area.

The Liberal Party is forced to fight. Whether it is in terms of human resources or economic strength, the Liberal Party is far ahead of the National Party. Therefore, once the Liberal Party started to build momentum, the National Party could not hold on.

Now Rock's subordinates are also very mature. Many things don't need to be arranged by Rock, and those of Rock's subordinates will act spontaneously.

So every day, many people join the National Party for the small gifts given by the National Party.

In fact, they are not valuable things. Soap, canned food, eggs, apples, etc., even the most expensive cans are worth no more than five shillings.

But mosquito legs are also meat. Many people join the National Party every day with the mentality of being cheap and not making money as a bastard.

Then wait for the propagandists of the National Party to collect the stalls at night and make a statistics. Those who join the National Party every day are all these people.

It’s just strange that the procedures for joining the party are too simple these days. You can join the party by filling out a form, and you don’t even need any procedures to quit the party. The National Party doesn’t even have a computer. The way of giving small gifts was stopped after only a few days.

No way, with the financial resources of the National Party, it really can’t afford it. The Liberal Party has the backing of the Johannesburg Mining Union, and the funds are sufficient. The National Party has nothing, and the funds are all pulled out from between the teeth. , compare financial resources to the Liberal Party?

Crazy to do that!

Can't lure them with profit, and compete with conventional propaganda methods, the National Party is still beaten by the Liberal Party.

With such a small staff, the National Party can only promote in a few places in Johannesburg with relatively concentrated traffic.

After the Liberal Party began to make efforts, the propaganda work followed the National Party. The National Party set up a propaganda point at the train station, and the Liberal Party set up two at the train station, surrounding the National Party’s propaganda points. Very dissatisfied, so one day at the end of May, the National Party propagandists and the Liberal Party propagandists finally broke out in the square in front of the railway station.

The cause of the conflict is very simple. When a Liberal Party propagandist distributed promotional materials to a white girl, he praised the white girl a few words, and then he became a tour guide for the white girl, offering to take the white girl to Big Veda town.

This white girl is quite beautiful, but the National Party propagandist next to her probably didn't like it, so she said a few sour words.

The result is a conflict.

A dozen Liberal Party propagandists and seven or eight National Party propagandists mingled together.

Not all the propagandists of the Liberal Party participated in the battle, and some of them did not forget their work even during the fight and continued to distribute materials to the people around them.

When the police arrived, seven or eight National Party propagandists had already been beaten bruised and swollen. Fortunately, the staff of the Liberal Party did not use weapons, otherwise the staff of the National Party would have suffered even worse.

There are indeed weapons, probably the National Party propagandists do not know, the Liberal Party’s propaganda point has weapons, which are approved by the Johannesburg Police Department, and the Liberal Party is a cooperative organization of the Johannesburg Police Department.

"It was the people from the National Party who took the initiative. I just had a chat with this gentleman, and they said some ugly things. Then the colleague of this gentleman spoke up, and those people became angry. That's how it is." The girl didn't take advantage of it. Randomly left, willing to testify with a sense of justice.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. If possible, can you go to the police station to make an official statement? If you delay your trip, the police station will compensate you. Are you here for tourism? Police station I can send a car to take you to any place you want in the Johannesburg area." The offer made by the sheriff really made the girl unable to refuse.

"Of course, I'm happy!" The girl didn't know whether she really had a sense of justice, or she was attracted by the sheriff's uniform, and there were little stars in her eyes.

Just where the girl couldn't see, the staff member of the Liberal Party who wanted to be her tour guide just now looked resentful.

The sheriff didn't talk nonsense, and with a wave of his hand, he brought everyone back to the police station.

The girl was riding a three-wheeled motorcycle driven by the sheriff herself.

Back at the police station, the results came out quickly. All those involved in the brawl had to be punished. As the first to provoke, the National Party propagandists were each detained for a week and fined five pounds.

Liberal Party propagandists involved in the conflict were each detained for 12 hours and fined £[-].

(End of this chapter)

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