Chapter 43 Linear Tactics

In the Huayong Camp, the highest rank the Chinese could obtain was corporal, and above the rank of corporal, the Chinese had no chance, no matter how well the Chinese performed, the corporal was the glass ceiling for the Chinese.

In the Cape Town Police Station, Rock still doesn’t know what the glass ceiling is for the Chinese, but judging from the situation of the Indian police, the sheriff should be the glass ceiling of the Indian police, so by analogy, the sheriff is also of Chinese descent Police glass ceiling.

Rock's current position is the deputy captain of the commando, and he wears the rank of sheriff, which means that Rock has touched the glass ceiling. If there is no accident, Rock's life peak is like this, even if Rock's detection rate reaches One hundred percent, Roque has been a sheriff in his life.

This is definitely not what Rock wants.

Relatively speaking, there is no glass ceiling for Henry's promotion, so if the relationship between Henry and Rock is strong enough, then Rock can indeed use Henry to climb up.

In this case, Rock's plan will change. Originally, Rock wanted to capture those rebels with his own hands. Now it seems that this credit should be given to Henry, because Rock is very sure that if Henry captures those rebels himself Rebels, then what Henry got should be much more than what Roque could get.

Of course, before that, Rock had to establish a good relationship with Henry, so after returning to Cape Town, Rock invited Henry to the Table Mountain Bar for a drink at night.

"Really? So generous?" Henry couldn't believe it, and the Chinese policeman like an iron rooster would also take the initiative to treat guests.

Well, it may be okay to describe other Chinese policemen as iron cocks, but it is not appropriate to describe Roque. Roque is not stingy. Henry also knows that there are always cigars and champagne in the living room of Roque’s dormitory, although Henry has never been to Roque. G's dormitory.

"It's fine if you don't want to go." Rock wanted to catch him.

"Of course I want to go. I'm going to kill you hard. I know you've made a lot of money recently." Henry was immediately hooked, and anyone who could spend 500 pounds to buy Sharma would definitely kill him hard.

To be honest, although an Englishman should not admire a Chinese, Henry still admires Roque in terms of "righteousness". Luo Yi is Rock's subordinate, and he is also Henry's subordinate. Sharma, maybe Henry will say a few good words for Luo Yi, but Henry will never spend all his wealth to bribe Sharma.

Yes, as far as Henry knows, Rock's total net worth is only about 500 pounds.

This guess is correct. Although Henry does not know all of Rock's income, Rock's current net worth is only about 500 pounds. After all, Rock earns more and spends more. Of course, this calculation does not include what Rock bought. That haunted house, if the hidden attributes of the "haunted house" are not considered, the actual value of that haunted house has reached about 500 pounds.

As night fell, Rock and Henry walked shoulder to shoulder, like two pure Englishmen who usually go to bars to have fun, and walked into the gate of Table Mountain Bar.

Yes, the friendship between men is so amazing. When he left the Governor's Manor, Henry had already regarded Roque as a friend, the kind of friend who could talk about everything.

Table Mountain Bar is the most popular bar in Cape Town. Although the Cape Colony official does not limit the business hours of the bar, because Cape Town has now become a military city, there is a curfew in Cape Town after ten o'clock in the evening. , if the drinkers are not happy enough at ten o'clock in the evening, it doesn't matter, the hotel is above the Table Mountain Bar, and the drinkers can go to the hotel to open a room and continue the carnival.

As the most popular bar, the drinkers are of course of all kinds. Businessmen, local officials, and local residents of Cape Town with relatively well-off families are used to coming to the bar to have fun. Of course, most of them still wear uniforms. The lobster soldiers in Cape Town are now a city of soldiers, so don’t gather too many troops. Ordinary soldiers may not be eligible to go to the Table Mountain Bar for consumption. Those noble children who serve in the army don’t care, they are already rich.

Rock and Henry didn't wear police uniforms, and of course they didn't wear tuxedos. On summer nights, the gentle sea breeze mixed with the intoxicating aroma of wine made the air thicken. Henry was wearing a double-faced suit, but he saw After Rock's simple white shirt, Henry threw away the double-faced suit right away.

That's right, what kind of suit should I wear on a summer night? A simple white shirt is concise and capable, with the vigor of a young man, so relaxed.

"Handsome guy, give me two drinks of every kind of wine in your bar." Seeing his posture, Henry really wanted to kill Rock, and when he got to the bar, he startled Rock.

"He's just joking. Let's have two glasses of Madame Veuve." Rock will not go crazy with Henry. There are dozens of kinds of wine in the Table Mountain Bar. If you don't get drunk, you will die if you don't get drunk.

"How about two glasses, at least two bottles!" Henry slapped the bar counter and yelled, causing other guests to stare at him frequently. Rock was a little embarrassed. He didn't know why. Henry, who was normal on weekdays, looked different when he arrived at the bar .

In fact, it is quite normal. Britain is rich in gentlemen, but also rich in alcoholics. In the 21st century, British football hooligans and football have gone to the world together, and alcohol is indispensable.

"Okay, two bottles is two bottles." Rock paid, and dragged Henry to sit in a random corner, not wanting to cause trouble.

I can't afford to mess with them. There are too many soldiers in Cape Town recently, and [-]% of the guests in the bar are lobster soldiers. If there is a trouble, no matter how powerful Rock is, he will be hard to beat with two fists.

"Keep a low profile. Those people are in a bad mood recently. There's no need to make trouble." Rock comforted Henry. Because of the failure of the Lady Smith battle, the soldiers were not in a good mood. How can people bring such a big trouble to the thriving British Empire.

"A bunch of trash, even the Boers can't beat them. They should really be in a bad mood." Henry said harshly, but he still knew the seriousness, and his voice was not loud.

"Actually, we can't blame them all. Look at the military uniforms on them. Don't be too conspicuous in the forest or in the field. The most popular tactic in the army is the linear tactic. It's not surprising to fail." Rock said casually, since Leidi After the failure of Smith's battle, many people in Cape Town were discussing the war, and there were all kinds of arguments. No matter what Rock said, it was not surprising.

"Isn't the linear tactics right?" Henry scratched his neck and challenged Rock. Henry also had service experience in the colonial army, and he didn't think that the wrong tactics caused the British army to fail.

"In the era of flintlocks or muskets, linear tactics are indeed correct, but what about now? Tactics always change with technological progress. If you don't change, war will force you to change." Rock also subtly influenced Henry. , This is the real reason why Rock asked Henry to drink.

 Routine asking for tickets every morning—brothers, don’t be annoyed by Yutou, old brothers know that Yutou only asks for tickets during the new book period, and never asks for tickets after it is on the shelves. Isn’t such a loyal Yutou worthy of rewards!



(End of this chapter)

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