Chapter 436

Rock was also stunned by anger. Kevin Mullen is now a judge in Nyasaland and also serves as the chairman of the Communist Party Committee. It is probably impossible to return to the umbrella company as the general manager.

After communicating with Owen, the general manager of the umbrella company was replaced by Sam, the former general manager of the Matilda Gold Mine. He still trusted Sam Rock very much. Sam himself was willing to leave the Matilda Gold Mine, so Rock He said hello to Henry and asked Sam to come over directly.

As for Gabby George, this guy didn't run very far. At noon that day, Gabby George's body was found on the railway tracks from Johannesburg to Pretoria.

The corpse was so horrible that it was directly crushed into two pieces by the train. After investigating the scene, the police station believed that Gabby George was trying to climb on the train from Johannesburg to Pretoria, but because his body had not fully recovered, an accident occurred. Get sucked into the bottom of the car.

Rock felt a little regretful, and didn't question the conclusion given by the police station. If you die, you'll die. It's just a bargaining chip in your hand, and it won't affect the balance of power between the Liberal Party and the Gael Party. Rock is more concerned about Bruce. Hughes.

It has to be said that the saying that the emperor loves the eldest son and the common people love the youngest son is also applicable to Philip. After Owen explained to Philip, Philip just called Arnold home and yelled at him, and then there was no more, Bruce Hugh Stan was still the Propaganda Minister of the Socialist Party, and nothing had changed.

Rock didn't let Bruce Hughes go, and arranged for Xia Jiu to be responsible for monitoring Bruce Hughes himself. This was a crime and meritorious deed. If Xia Jiu made another mistake this time, then Xia Jiu would just wait and see the warehouse.

While being dismissed, Xia Jiu also lost the chance to enter the parliament.

Regarding this point, Xia Jiu didn't have much regret. For others, a member of parliament seat might be a dream, but it really didn't matter to Xia Jiu. Xia Jiu still preferred the direct way of working.

In early September, the Johannesburg City Council was formally established, and the first decision was to implement the civil service system in Johannesburg.

"If I take the exam organized by the parliament, I don't know if I can be the secretary-general—" Stoudemire was about to move, mostly joking.

"You can try it, as long as you are not afraid of embarrassing Mr. Cecil Rhodes—" Rock was speechless. Stoudemire will compete for the prime minister of the Southern African Federation in the future. I'm sorry for this man.

"It's just talking." Stoudemire immediately persuaded him. He didn't even bother to take care of the South African company. It would be better to kill him if he was really asked to be the secretary general.

"Do you want to go back to Rhodesia to form a political party?" Rock also has plans in his heart. Although the Liberal Party can now serve as the mouthpiece of the Chinese, there is no certainty what will happen between the Chinese and whites in southern Africa in the future, so Rock also intends to Nyasaland formed a political party to prepare for future accession to the Union of South Africa.

"No, Rhodesia is the stronghold of the Progressive Party, and all Rhodesians are members of the Progressive Party." Stoudemire has never mentioned before that the advantages of South African companies in Rhodesia are like the Liberal Party in Johannesburg. shake.

"Is the Progressive Party in Rhodesia the same as the Progressive Party in Cape?" Rock was a little curious about the organizational structure of the Progressive Party.

"Of course it's not the same. The Cape's Progressive Party is rotten to the core. Dr. Starr Jameson won the election, but he's also in the hospital. The Prime Minister is replaced by a Deputy Prime Minister. Parliament is a mess every day. Until now I haven’t even settled on a specific spoils plan, and now I have a hunch that by the time the Union of South Africa is established, there may be no Progressive Party.” Stoudemire is very pessimistic, and the Progressive Party members in Cape are indeed disappointing .

In the original history, after the death of Cecil Rhodes, the Progressive Party did win the new general election.

Unfortunately, this was also the last time the Progressive Party won an election. After the Transvaal and Orange implemented a democratic representative system, the Union of South Africa was quickly established. The Cape Progressive Party lost all its seats and finally disappeared without a trace.

Stoudemire can now feel that the Progressive Party is at the end of its rope.

But what makes people sad is that Stoudemire did not have the ability to turn the tide. Cecil Rhodes passed away too early, and Stoudemire was not ready yet. Being able to hold Rhodesia was enough to comfort Cecil Rhodes. Des's spirit in heaven.

"You can reorganize the Progressive Party in the Transvaal and replace it with some other party, and draw a clear line with the Progressive Party in Cape." Rock gave Stoudemire an idea.

"It's not in a hurry now, because I don't know how to lead a party, what about you? Why do you ask me this?" Stoudemire's greatest advantage is that he never complacent, and he learns from Rock if he doesn't know how to do it. Nothing to be ashamed of.

"I also want to form a party, only in Nyasaland." Roque first stated, so as not to cause a rift in the relationship with Owen.

No matter what Rock's purpose is, Owen will definitely feel uncomfortable knowing about starting a new stove, so Rock wants to draw a circle in Nyasaland, so as not to conflict with the interests of Stoudemire and Owen.

"Tell me—" Stoudemire was very interested.

"There's nothing to say about it. If you really want to refer to it, look at the current Liberal Party." Roque was not telling the truth. Although the Liberal Party looks pretty good now, Roque really didn't like the Liberal Party.

A party must first have a party constitution, so that it can have clear political goals.

When it comes to the party constitution, the Liberal Party actually has one. It is the Liberal Party's constitution to strive for a wider range of free trade and better serve its members.

From Roque's point of view, this party constitution is indeed simple enough, but this era can't ask for too much. The Liberal Party still has a party constitution. Similar to Arnold's Socialist Party, it doesn't even have a party constitution. It is simply a grassroots team. Previously, the goal of the Socialist Party was to win more parliamentary seats. Now that the election has ended, this goal is outdated. Roque estimated that Arnold himself did not know how to design the party constitution.

For Rock, the party constitution is very simple. Of course, Nyasaland’s biggest goal is to safeguard the interests of Chinese Americans and improve the living standards of Chinese Americans as much as possible. They are pragmatists. It is useless to talk about ideals and lofty goals. Only real benefits can win the recognition of Chinese Americans.

"Ha, don't try to lie to me. Just look at your attitude towards the Liberal Party. The Liberal Party is not the most ideal form in your mind." Stoudemire still knows Rock well. There are also times when the eyes are like a torch.

Later, Roque sent a telegram to Buck, asking Buck to prepare for the establishment of a political party. This issue is more complicated, and we will wait for Rock to return to Nyasaland next time, so we can only let it go for now.

According to Rock's instructions, Duncan proposed in the parliament that Chinese should be made the official language of Johannesburg.

Although Rock was mentally prepared, Duncan's proposal still caused an uproar in the parliament.

The strongest opposition came from the Socialist Party MPs. In addition to Arnold and Bruce Hughes, Adam Stephen also joined the Socialist Party, became the vice-chairman of the Socialist Party in one step, and was able to enter Parliament.

Compared with the Liberal Party, the Socialist Party is indeed easy to stand out. If both Bruce Hughes and Adam Stephen remain in the Liberal Party, then they will not even have the qualifications to become core members, let alone enter the Parliament.

"The first round of voting will be held the day after tomorrow. If the vote fails, then one month later, I can propose the motion again. I have a total of three chances." Duncan introduced the parliamentary process to Rock.

"It doesn't matter, you have used up your three chances, and George can continue to mention it." Rock is not in a hurry. The process of the parliament is simply to open the back door for people like Rock. Voting these years is all a show of hands. When it comes time to vote, Rock will go to the parliament to listen in person, and it will be clear at a glance who raises his hand and who doesn't.

"No, no, that's not the case. There are only three chances for this issue. If the three votes fail, then this issue will not be discussed in the future." Duncan corrected Rock's mistake. There are so many members of parliament, if they take turns, they will be bored to death.

"It doesn't matter. In the past two days, you can contact other members of the council to find out what they say and see how many people are in favor. This time, we will vote first." Rock has a little regret, but it doesn't matter, the democratic representative system Now, there is too much room for Rock to operate.

If in the previous interim government period, Roque would not have dared to mention this kind of proposal. Compared with these congressmen in Johannesburg, Adelaide was much more difficult to deal with. Roque had been scolded in front of Adelaide before.

Under the democratic representative system, Adelaide’s words have become the current vote by show of hands. The Johannesburg Parliament stipulates that as long as more than two-thirds of the members vote by show of hands and more than half of the members agree with the proposal, the proposal can be passed.

So for the proposal, it doesn't matter whether Arnold and Adam Stephen agree or not. As long as most of the other members agree, Arnold is useless even if he shouts. This is not the one-vote veto system of the United Nations, where the minority obeys the majority. , In fact, it is the violence of the majority against the minority.

It's still one of the few who can't resist.

"Okay, we will separately contact familiar congressmen, but this may incur certain expenses." Duncan had to mention the issue of expenses. If it was just this time, it would be fine for Duncan to pay for it himself, but in the foreseeable future, There will definitely be more and more things like this, and Duncan doesn't have Rock's family background, so he can't afford it.

"It doesn't matter, how much money you spend will be reimbursed to Scarlett in the end, or you can withdraw it in advance, as long as it is within a reasonable range, you will be reimbursed." Rock is ready to throw money at others.

(End of this chapter)

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